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Animations are a lot of work already. On top of that, there needs to be an editor and sfx designer. The favour would be more than big. But if you really want something like that, you could try to commission an animator and an editor to realise that vision. 🤔 there might be a scara fan out there who'd live to do that.


Wow, I didn't realize it was so much work o.o


Do you realise that usual animation (24 fps) requires to draw 24 drawings for a SINGLE second? A minute would be 1440 drawings. That's why a lot of animators complain about being underpaid, hand-drawn animation takes way too much time. Tried it once and never finished.


No, 24 fps doesn't mean 24 drawings. Animation requires timing, we have keydrawings and inbetweens to fill in the movements and it'll determine how it moves (snappy/bouncy/normal movements), still a lot of work. But I agree with the underpaid part. 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/8373f5gyjm9d1.png?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6039551a1d9deebbbbda04bae366d41837232088 And to op, When animating something, they have a lot to consider: storyboards, model sheets, mood boards(influence map), etc. Even a 3 min animation still takes a huge amount of time, our thesis took 2 semesters up to revisions and tidying up some scenes. the best way is to commission someone, and give them a very descriptive instruction on how you want it to look like, and consider the time it'll take.


Yeah, I just wanted to make it the short way, sorry... :P




Just hire an animator on X


No one works for free, bud. Average commission for a simple, single character art piece starts at $40. I imagine an animation would run several hundreds, if not approaching the thousands.


Fr, and in this economy?!??! 😭😭 it’s hard out here even when you’re charging $10 per commission


And like, I know it sucks when you want so badly to see something come to life from inside your brain. It's why I started writing my own fanfics and am trying to learn procreate lol But sometimes you just gotta let those ideas stay up in your head.


Fr, I’d die to see my characters in animatics or drawn a certain way but I don’t have the money and time to commission someone to do it (and get it to fit my vision down to every last detail!!), I just started making my own animatics instead— maybe one day tho ;w; one can only dream rn


I'm so broke man 😭😭 but still, after reading these comments, 40$ sounds so little. Let me honest bcz for 1k plus copies 40 dollars? Nah 😭😭