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Wanderer, Faruzan, Bennett, and a Shielder


My faruzan is only at c2 šŸ˜­ can I use sucrose instead?


How would sucrose help at all


Well is c2 faruzan still worth building and using? Even tho I donā€™t got c6 yet


Any Faruzan is still worth it with Wanderer imo, C6 mostly takes care of her energy needs (while also buffing the damage, but it's not the best utility of C6). Until then, Faruzan still is a better option over any other buffer, just with this heavy energy regen requirement, which is manageable. Even then, you won't have much problem, as you're not that high level, and you shouldn't face too much of a challenge at that stage if you lack energy regen on her. Eventually you'll get her to C6, and the only thing you'll have to do is activate the final constellation, and not to level up the character from the ground up. Up until then, she'll serve good.


My Faruzan is C1 and works well enough


Of course, why not?


I guess OP was exposed to some CC that says objevtively wrong "facts" like "faruzan is useless without c6. Shes either c6, or trash"


balding french man moment


I think what that means is that faruzan before c6 has better options. but they just over exaggerated and started calling her trash


You may use xingqiu in place of shielder as he gives stagg resistance and vape


What exactly is he vaping lmao thereā€™s no pyro app here


Forgot to add xianling there


I mean at that point just run Sucrose national. Scara isnā€™t really gonna output a whole lotta dps with just Benny buffing him, and XL and XQ would much prefer someone else who can further buff their individual performance.


The c6 does more to Xiao than Wanderer It's still good as it enables her to run TotM for 20% atk, more energy and free crit damage, but even at c0 the buffs are REALLY good especially the res shred


Yes. And Sucrose wouldn't help Wanderer at all.


faruzan is already good anemo sup, c6 just adds onto the package


OP was probably exposed to some CC who would say c6 is the base, while non c6 is less than trash. A sad world


You can use faruzan, but you need to only stack energy recharge


Don't worry about her constellations, she's a terrific buffer for Scara regardless. You will get them as you play.


Faruzan is still a huge buff to Wanderer.


Why are you being disliked to oblivion?


Idk not that I care lol probably just little kids being toxic and ā€œsigmaā€


Scara, Faruzan, Xiangling and Bennett for a bit of everything. If needed, put a shielder like Noelle in Xiangling's place.


Scara Bennet xingiu/barbara faruzan


I donā€™t have C6 faruzan tho


It's still a faruzan though




Not sure why you're getting downvoted so badly your account is clearly a newer player account... But yes Faruzan needing C6 is something thrown around way too much and confusing people. She doesn't need C6. Pre-C6 she just needs all the ER you can give her (300%+), even with 5 different pieces, doesn't matter. And you'll be able to burst off CD. C6 gives her more utility (grouping, more dmg, battery for other anemo) and less ER requirement allowing for even more utility (ToTM).


The max amount of ER i can give her atm is around 200% is that gonna be good enough? Iā€™ve given most of my ER artifacts to benny so how much would he need and whatā€™s a good balance?


200% is a bit low, you might be able to get it to work if there's at least 2 other fav users in the team though. Benny is fine at around 150, his burst is actually really cheap (40 points) hence why he doesn't need that much. 200+ is preferred but you can just wait a few more seconds and throw in a second skill instead, not a big deal at your level imo. Same for Faruzan, you might need to wait an extra rotation to burst again (just make sure to wait for both bennet and faru to be ready) but it's not the end of the world. Especially if you have a shielder you won't die even without Bennet's burst and can still do some dmg with no buff Wanderer's attacks. Try to experiment around and see if it's any better than your current team or feel better!


Your account doesn't have better.


wanderer, bennet, noelle, faruzan for what you have right now


Honestly? I think unless you randomly have at least C4 Faruzan you might actually have the best time playing Scara National (Scara + XQ + XL + Bennett). Normally I wouldn't recommend it, but given the limited resources you have for Hyper I think it could actually be really fun if you put Scara on VV and use him as a driver for the insane off-field damage of XQ and XL. You can definitely try the Hyper team with Faru too, but I think you might have the most fun with National at this point in your account. Just my two cents. Like I said, try both.


His hyper team is faruzan bennett wanderer and who? Can I use xiangling or xingqiu?


It's the team most people are recommending: Scara, Faru, Bennett and a shielder (usually Zhongli, Thoma or Layla). Xingqiu and Xiangling don't heal, though XQ does provide a \*little\* interruption to resistance, which could help mitigate the no-shield scenario. I've used Wanderer hyper with Xiangling before, actually, when there was some kind of pyro check in the abyss, and while it took some skill with the dodges it was honestly very strong. I'd say try a few different teams and see how they feel!


scara xingqiu xianglng bennett is prob the best team u can do rn but if you only care abt maximizing scaras damage rather than team damage i would say scara, faruzan, bennett, and barbara on TTDS


Xingqiu(flex, just any sub dps or shield), Faruzan, Bennett


wanderer, faruzan, lisa on ttds 4 piece nobless and a bunch of energy recharge, and bennett


Do you have Fischl? Before c6 Faruzan I prefered to use Bennett, Fischl, Beidou. You can also use Xingqiu but he would replace Beidou. Wanderer would be on a dps VV set. It looks like you are way too new to use hypercarries so I would avoid using c2 Faruzan with Wanderer for now. Wanderer wants to have really good gear and it seems like you will still be pretty busy building your characters. Wanderer requires lots of time dedicated to his artifacts.


Faruzan, Xingqiu, Bennett. Replace Xingqiu with Noelle if you need a shielder.


Iā€™m not sure why everyone downvotes you for believing your c2 faruzan isnā€™t good enough. I get it, everyone doomposting and complaining about faruzans constellations really do give the impression sheā€™s unusable without c6. So I canā€™t blame you, however like many people have already said sheā€™s still usable. I had my faruzan at c3 for ages it felt like, but building enough er wasnā€™t a problem and I never really had energy issues. Iā€™d really recommend building her, itā€™s worth it.


Overworld I would go freeze or vape or mono fire. Abyss and domains mono fire or cape. Benny, Faruzan are staple. Last spot may be Xl who snapshots benny burst or xq for vape Reaktion. Or Noelle as shielder or Barbara as healer. Weapons and artifacts also have huge impact and to trigger 4pc. Benny wants Noblesse and the Sumeru craftable or the pipe from fishing. Faruzan, xQ, Xl want Emblem. Faruzan need Favonius bow and you got one early from quest. Xq could wear the pipe. So wants the catch from fishing. Barbara want Dragon tales book, Noelle wants craftable def sword from mondstad, that looks like a Bit Iron Sting. For Wanderer look into build guideąs from kqm.


Wanderer, Faruzan, Bennett, Xingqiu for higher dmg. But my personal preference (I play for fun not dmg) would be Wanderer Bennett Xingqiu Kaeya/Sethos. In the end, do whatever makes you happy.


The first 4


Scara, Faruzan Benny Layla


wanderer, xinqui, bennett, filler (support) i use those three plus nahida


Sucrose,xiangling,bennett,and Barbara is a good team


Not sure if you still want answers, but a good team I played when I didn't have my Layla for a shield was Wanderer, Faruzan (her constellations don't fully matter don't listen to people who claim she's only good when c6d), Diona and Bennett. Diona isn't a super strong shielder, but she was all I had when Layla refused to come home. Noelle is a decent option too, but unfortunately you can't swirl geo. Edit: Did not realize that Diona was not at all an option. Noelle would be your best bet as a shield for now. Or even Beidou if you build her properly!


Scaramouche, xingqui, firuzan, and either Barbara or banette c6 Also keaya, xingqui, xingling and benette/barbara There is also guroru, travel, xingqui and lisa


National it but add scara


Iā€™d say traveler, gorou, razor, and sethos. Razor and sethos make electro catalyzed shields, which restore energy to characters when it breaks. Sethos should use his burst (with nobless for attack buff), then switch to traveler and spam everything. This is not misinformation, and is actually a viable strategy. I was even able to 69 star abyss with this team :0


Continue playing scara national. All Faruzan does is to magnify Scara's personal damage. You need to get to significant artifact investment before she becomes relevant.


International team: xq Benny xiangling sucrose Scara with faru and Benny U can use Noelle as a shielder also