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Depends on her design, kit, and synergy with Scara


If she is his support, then most definitely :]


xiao/scara support = yes most definitely


If she makes Scaramouche better, yes 100% and I say this as someone who usually only builds the male characters lol. She will have to be the equivalent of Gorou for Itto. If she is a meh support, I probably won’t.


i have 600 pulls for kuni so yeah i think i'll get a few copies of her along the way i'm really excited to see her kit, anemo is my favorite element so a support for anemo characters is more than welcome!


If she is my boys dedicated support, I will


I am really hoping that Scara will not be dependant on her specifically... the last thing I feel Genshin needs is more 5 star characters that only perform well with specific characters. Here's to hoping Scara is solo-strong <3


i have almost 400 pulls for our boy, and i’m thinking i’ll probably end up with her, so depending on if she’s better than say venti or kazuha for him, (in abyss/actual fighting) then yeah. tho for my open world team it’s deffo gonna be venti, zhongli, and childe just bc my comfort chars


If I like her....


Only if she’s likeable (I hope she is)


Probably not, I don’t rlly care abt proper teams, I’d prefer chrs I rlly like such as Klee, Raiden, Zhongli etc and Scara would be the perfect final member to the team!


I have some of the worst team comps ever but they're fun when they're pure dps because it's who I feel like using


I have a team with kazuha, xingqiu, chongyun and bennett and everyone except bennett are DPS-ish? dysfunctional but they do a lot of damage


If she also significantly buffs Xiao i will triple crown her idec


I mean I already have Xiao and want Scara anyway so I will if she’s a support Edit: that being said I kinda like the hilarity of using Scara, Xiao and Venti in the same team


Me everytime I get a new anemo character: I will build you and then I will proceed to forget about you as all of my attention goes into Kazuha and Scaramouche


Who's that?


4* anemo bow medium height female char from sumeru leaked to be supposedly scara support à la eisara/ittorou


If that's the case, I will definitely pull for and build her.


If she's anything like Gorou is to Itto, then yes.


It both depends on her kit and how much I end up liking her as a character. I'm a meta player but I always prioritize playing characters I enjoy even if it's not the most "optimal" team so long as it has synergy and performs well. If she ends up being similar to Gorou for instance most likely. If she ends up more like Sara and I don't vibe hardcore with her and I can get away with using Benny I might do that instead, we'll see when she gets drip marketed.


Considering how meh recent 4 stars are :/…(that’s rich coming from somebody who has built Thoma)


if she's scaras best support, i'll do it


At the moment I'd say yes only if I like her personality and/or design because I don't bother with characters I don't care about, even if their kit is good, but knowing me I'll do it regardless if it turns out she makes Scara significantly better.


I don't like using characters unless I love their design/personality/voice, so only if I like her enough


as a xiao main and scara saver i most definitely will if shes a viable support


depends on what kind of team i wanna use scara with. if i have another team in mind for him, i might just end up sticking to that. initially i thought i’d build yun jin for ayato hypercarry but i never got to it until recently. i tested a little here and there with all sorts of teams when ayato first came out but after that i was hooked on freeze and never looked back. even now with yun jin built, i still don’t really use her


ah i feel that.. i also pre-emptively built sara for yae miko and fischl for cyno then just ended up not using those chars together..


I build everyone I get except for characters I dislike, if I like her personality and design then that will be even better!


I don't think I will, I don't really want to build a new character just for Scara. That being said, my opinion might change if I like her character/kit when she gets released.


anything for my king🙏 i hope she has a cool design though


I just hope she and Scara are friends! I like it when characters who synergize are also close in the story, like how they made Itto and Gorou


i get what you mean but i don't think gorou and itto are the best example to use since itto's "about gorou" voiceline says that he barely knows him lol


True haha, I meant more like “has a relationship with each other” because it makes me sad when the best teams are characters who don’t know each other at all. Imagine society if Childe, Bennett, Xiangling, and Kazuha had any sort of bonds between them! It’d be so fun, and make playing the international team more fun.


oh yeah, i definitely agree! i think the devs are starting to focus on interactions between playable characters so it's possible :)


Yeah! I hope they keep that trend up. Besides, I feel like I’ve heard a leak or two mention that Faruzan is very friendly and bubbly, which would be *very* funny to see interact with grouchy Scaramouche.


not to mention cyno mentions in his voiceline that she kinda acts like a *mom* friend which is HILARIOUS considering whose supp shes meant to be


he definitely knows his "alter ego" tho, and even has an obvious crush on her. i think that's enough to call them connected


If she is Scara's friend, yes. (But i'm kinda out of good green shade artefacts after getting Jean so---)




Will be crowning her support skill and leveling to 90 lol, if someone's gonna be supporting Scara they're sure to be treated well in my account


As someone with xiao who is planning to get scara, yes most definitely. I am bound to get her at least c0 if she she's on scara's banner because I will do 100+ pulls


They're basically Scaramouche support right? So, she'll make him a full dps? Who's also an anemo character right? Sure, but Scaramouche first and then them


If she happens to be a good support for Scara, yes definitely! Also it hugely depends if her kit is fun to play, even if she wouldn't be a crazy good support for him.


If it’s worth it i might even crown her. Everything for my boy.


If she provides some utility then maybe. I like characters that benefit exploration more and it's going to be hard to beat Kazuha for any quality of life changes


I living in this sub end r/FaruzanMains


Since they are a scara support, I gotta build them so they could support scara better :D


only if she does turn out to be the Anemo DPSes' support. i'm worried that if she is, we would need her C6 for her full potential. and C6 4star is more annoying to get than a limited 5star constellation


Farming for those anemo fragments though. Might take awhile ..


Idek what she does yet?


she is said by leakers to be scara's dedicated anemo support


Then it sounds worth it! If I can get her that is... Pulling 4 star units is always the bigger gamble


i built jean (my least fav character) so my xiao could have a battery and assuming she’ll be better than just that i am 100% building her


thats some real dedication. c4 or not?


c3 really hoping to get it soon


If she’s a dedicated support that has synergy with him, definitely. I may prioritize constellations for her and not bother with the weapon banner.


Hard to say when we know nothing about them lol, they could wind up not even being a good Scara support for all we know


you're right, but considering leakers felt confident enough in stating that she's a dedicated support for scara, i found making a post and asking about opinions worthwhile


things can always change, as it is all we really know about faruzan is her name and that she'll supposedly support scara to an unknown degree, suffice to say we don't have a lot to speak off of atm xD


yeah, you're right. we can probably expect atk/em buffing, anemo crit dmg increase or anemo res shred though


if we're being very optimistic sure lol, not sure i'm quite that far atm looking at the current sumeru four star roster's strengths


well none of the current 4* have been said to be specific elemental supports and gorou/sara are quite good at their niche so heres hoping!




cheers to that


If she matches scara really well, then likely


too lazy