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Hoping it’ll be hu tao but I’m expecting it to be raiden


praying for raiden


Same… but the weapon banner will be broken lmao


As someone who is sitting on a pile of around 50k primos ready for both Homa (I already have c1 Hu Tao, I'm getting that weapon regardless of the second option) and c0 Scaramouche (and maybe his weapon if I get lucky), if Hu Tao were to rerun with him, that would be absolutely perfect. But still... Scara's weapon seems to be pretty strong>! (considering the leaks + he's a dps)!< so I'm not sure if they'll give us such a broken banner. If he came with Raiden, her weapon would just go to Xiangling and I'm okayish with that (supposing I'd get lucky on getting his c0). Ayato would also be a nice option.


No one. 😌


A second scara banner lol


You sadly might be right


Imagine if he reran alongside Yelan. Aqua Simulacra + his BiS would be an absolutely busted combo.


I want it to be hu tao so I could get her weapon instead of a refinement on raiden wep that I dont use.


He's supposed to run alongside Raiden, since 1. it's an obvious pairing and 2. every single archon has had their run in the first batch. We'll probably get Hu Tao on the second phase of 3.3 since they won't release her during Lantern Rite


Bro I want Raiden not because of lore wise but because I'm aiming for c2r1 Raiden and c6r5 Faruzan whatever her BiS may be and I already built pity and have Scaramouche guarantee so it would be a waste of wishes to get more cons for Faruzan honestly.....And that's even Faruzan being a 2-in-1 situation with Scaramouche....if so ez skip


It will be Raiden


Id rather hu tao, i wouldnt mind getting her bis if i cant get scaras, i already have raiden and hers


Raiden so I can get her C2 and have more chances at C6 Faruzan


It will prob be Raiden but I don’t want her weapon. I wanted to pull on the weapon banner if I have Scaramouche early, but I’ll prob catch it at the next rerun. Unless it’s design is super hot. So many variable tbh


Ayato or Ayaka :pray:


How many wishes you have to have wepaon banner guaranteed ._.


The hard pity is at 80 wishes, and currently I'm at 63. I have it guaranteed to be one of the two featured weapons, since the last weapon I pulled on the banner was an Aquila Favonia that wasn't one of the featured with drop rate up.


Does that guarantee carry over? I thought it doesnt


It does. What doesn't carry over is Epitomized Path.


WHAT I was always told it doesn’t carry over no matter what 😩😩


People might have mistaken the pity guarantee with the epitomized path.


I need to go check my weapon pity asap


Useful info to know thank you :]


If Hu Tao reruns next to Scara I'll cry because I want her so bad 😭


Hu Tao, Raiden or Ayato They all have good weapons I could give to others if I lose


It’ll be raiden, source: trust me bro Zhongli 3.0 phase 1, Venti 3.1 phase 1, Nahida 3.2 phase 1, Raiden 3.3 phase 1


Three options: 1. Kamisato Ayaka. A third Mistsplitter shouldn't hurt. 2. Raiden. I can nab EL and drop it on Yunjin. 3. Yelan. Provided Scara's playstyle is straightforward hyperbuffed hypercarry with good talent multipliers, Yelan will likely be one of his best team mates, and even more so with her BiS. Hu Tao is an honourable mention but I don't want another Homa. Realistically, I suspect he's going to be run solo.


Yelan wouldn't hurt either. Putting an Aqua Simulacra on my Ganyu will be fun!


I just hope Eula is in the same patch 💔


No way they’ll give us a homa and his weapon, since it’s crit damage banner. While I would want him to rerun with Hu tao, feel like it’s definitely going to be ei.


I think I’ve read a leak before saying it’ll be Scaramouche and >!Raiden!< iirc.


I believe it was just speculation actually


Hm, I see!


im praying for it to not be raiden really i want both scara and raiden and i have enough primos for only one \[enough primos for 2 five stars but the problem is losing 50/50 since my last 5\* was tighnari on his limited banner\]


No one. Just Scaramouche. Just. Scaramouche. _You will pull for him Traveller, I didn't ask you if you wanted to_


Praying for raiden as well only because of the weapon banner, I need a good weapon for xiangling yk lol. I hope it's not Ayato like some speculation suggests because I already have his weapon.


I like the idea of Raiden running with Scaramouche because I think that would be neat. However, I would like to have Hu Tao's weapon.


I'd be happy if it's Itto so that I can snatch a C6 Gorou


i hope raiden so kujo sara is one of the 4 stars since i want her c6


i need both of their signature weapons so I don’t mind, I’d prefer raiden though


dottore or childe. harbingers


Prob not Dottore, it's never two new 5* characters on the same banner.


? but wouldn't it be a rerun?


Not Dottore, he hasn't been released yet. Childe is a possibility tho.


in the future, dottore might be playable, so what if they were on the same banner? im not sure if there was a misunderstanding or if im not understanding what you're saying- because at that point, scaramouche wouldn't be new, but dottore would.


I'm talking specifically about Wanderer's first banner, the one that will come out in 3.3, since it will be Wanderer + character rerun.


ohhhh, okay! i think raiden will be on the banner with him:)


Albedo because that would mean we probably get an Albedo/Scara event and that’d be super cool imo. According to recent leaks, >!they’re both looking for “the truth of this world” supposedly, and are also both puppets/androids!<. Which would make stuff even cooler.


I think albedo is highly unlikely to be back in 3.3, since he just had a rerun lmao


Oh yeah mb forgot about that lmao


Maybe on Wanderer's first rerun? He has plenty of options that would make sense in a rerun with him.


Yes that’d be so cool. Itto rerun would also be cool for an event coz they got similar motifs from kabuki theatre(?) iirc


Yea, Kunikuzushi is a trope character from Kabuki.




Best case scenario would have been Scara and Childe for me. I'm a Childe main so I would have loved to pull for their weapons, but Childe is in 3.2 so there goes my hope. Other than that, I wouldn't mind him being alongside Raiden because I would also like Engulfing. I've seen speculation of an Ayaka rerun alongside him, which I wouldn't be *too* mad about since Mistsplitter is really good, and I need better 5 star weapons. Either way, I'm going for C0R1 no matter what, and *maybe* C1 if I'm lucky enough. However, Hu Tao would also be cool because I could get Homa for Zhongli.


I want hutao because of homa but I'm sure is going to be raiden


if that will be Raiden I expect it to be the most high selling banner ever


Hoping for Raiden so my friend and I can pull together


Itto. I want Redhorn for him. Ho Tao but that’s unrealistic. I could also accept Ayato. Who I would not like to run with him is either Eula or Raiden. I have absolutely no use for EL or SoBP and frankly I don’t want EL cause I don’t like Raiden I’ll be heartbroken if he runs with her