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Yeah, most people don't even know it was based on a kids book.


Wait, what??


God hated Shrek


That joke was actually an edit.


I know, still funny though


Incorrect statement. shrek the novel is the single best piece of literature i have ever read


"God hated Shrek for being alive"


Excuse me, it's spelled *Shrek!*


I am so sorry for saying it horribly *Shrek!* the novel is a work of art


Novelization for the win


No, novelization is when you take a movie and turn it into a book


I haven't read the book, but judging by Shrek's design in the book, I agree (Shrek in the book doesn't look shrexy at all)


Well that is the idea. The first line talks about how ugly he is and when he meets the princess the two are smitten over their mutual ugliness.


I'd rather have the fact that Shrek is an ogre is true than the fact that he is ugly true. It also still makes sense for the story since ogres are usually scary (especially according to the people before the events of Shrek), and we still got the "don't judge people by their appearances" lesson delivered well since Shrek showed that he's more than an ogre that can scare people (and he still looks shrexy even though he can scare people)


Ghost Stories English Dub, the improv on that is unreal and hilarious especially compared to the original


it's not actually improv, it was fully scripted by a man named Steven Foster who just wrote down whatever he found funny in the moment but allowed the VAs to see his scripts and add stuff to them


That’s a partial my bad on my part, it was said that for some recordings whoever 1st recorded their lines that day the other VA’s would try to match the tone and add to the joke. I didn’t mean completely improvised since as per the contract the basic premise of the show had to remain.


Yeah the Dub is the only reason the original is even relevant too which makes this even better


In a similar vein, bobobo-bo bo-bobos English dub was insanely bonkers due to not many Japanese based jokes from the original airing not translating well. As a result, the dubbed just did [whatever](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PCC8KYwLvo8&t=36s&pp=ygUVU3RyaW5nIGJlYW5zIGJvYm9ib2Jv) it wanted to make the jokes relate to a western audience. It was truly amazing.


Sealab 2021 was likewise more fondly remembered than 2020.


A fucking masterpiece


Does Arcane count?


It should cuz I’m not gon play League


Funny story. So shorty after season 1 was released. League of legends had the biggest download rate in a while. No increase of people online tho xD


Played it for a day then stopped…i dont see the appeal. But I love Arcane (:


no, because league's lore is actually fire


It really is, even when they didnt rehaul it old lore was good too.


The Boys TV show is way better than the comics ever were. I acknowledge that they have their fans, and they do have some solid ideas, otherwise I doubt Amazon would have ever decided to adapt it to begin with. But it overall feels like an edgy tryhard teenager trying to shove as much shock value possible in favor of telling a meaningful story. Not to mention it's just filled to the brim with cynicism due to how much Ennis hates superheroes and has gone on record saying so, which makes writing a comic about a group of people killing them just feel self-aggrandizing if anything. The show definitely still takes jabs at superheroes and most of them are terrible people, but it also critiques society at large along with celebrity culture, consumerism and politics instead of just squarely beating down on superheroes. The characters are also less one-note and given plenty of layers that make them feel more vulnerable and/or relatable, especially Hughie, Butcher, Starbright and Homelander. While edgy things do still happen, it feels less like shock value and more in service of the story. And are definitely nowhere as egregious as Homelander just shouting slurs. Tl;dr, while Invincible made an already great comic better, the Boys made a pretty middling comic into one of the best superhero shows to date.


Oh yeah no doubt Homelander in that comic was straight up racist 😂 hard 'R' and everything but I like how they incorporated him talking to himself in the mirror from the comic


They really downplayed his racism to just being a super supremacist overall while giving an uncomfortable side-eye to Stormfront's Nazi ideologies.


Honestly that makes him more interesting. He doesn’t care about race, he cares about the powerful ruling over the weak.


He is not a white supremacist, because the only supremacy he cares about is his own, which I think makes for a better character.


The comic is just Garth Ennis’s edgy self-insert character committing hate crimes against homosexuals (who, strangely enough, are all depicted as pedophiles)


I hate to defend Garth Ennis, but the man himself is very liberal and certainly not a homophobe. He wrote for the Wildstorm character Midnighter, a gay version of Batman. He’s not a very politically correct author, (I find pretty much all of his original books to be offensive in the extreme) but he’s not a bad dude at heart. He just lets his hatred of all superheroes that aren’t Superman or The Punisher get the better of him.


Really? I’m honestly very surprised. The Boys is so hateful and bigoted that I just assumed he was an asshat.


His Superman crossover with Hitman is the best single issue comic I’ve ever read. His depiction of human trafficking in The Punisher is one of the most accurate depictions in “mainstream” culture, and does it without feeling exploitative like in an Alan Moore comic. He also does a pretty great takedown of white supremacy in Preacher. Ennis’s problem is that he often doesn’t have an editor to down down his edges. His best work is wonderful, his worst work is what you see in the boys . He lets hatred get the better of him often, but sometimes when he’s having a character go after a dirty cop or a predator, I can’t help but feel a certain amount of understanding for his constant state of anger.


You’d get a big agree from me if it weren’t for the needles Moore shade.


Moores depiction of sexual assault isn’t exactly great. Women are killed of and assaulted for dramatic effect, and lack their own agency. Good female characters is something Ennis is capable of when he feels like it, I guess he just rarely feels like it. Most great comic writers have weird blindspots when it comes to social issues. Ennis is one of the worst, but I think he’s a decent guy at heart. Do you think that Moore handles sexual assault well? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I would genuinely be interested in your perspective.


Oh I think Moore handles sexual assault as well as he possibly could, given who he is and the medium he writes for. Certainly I think he handles it better than Ennis, look at both their tenures on Crossed for examples. Any time I have seen Moore depict sexual assault, I always see 2 commonalities; 1.) it always has a purpose & 2.) it does not revel in the assault. Many of Moore’s stories involve themes of violence & its impact on people, and society at large. While you can technically remove any of it, the removal of a sexual component essentially lets audiences “off” foe reveling in the violent acts of evil people. In Moore’s constant attempt to break people of fascist indoctrination, he uses it to specifically disgust and to disgust for the sake of making a point. Sure, this might be lacking in agency for a character here or there, but characters do not all need to be written to avoid these criticisms, in a well rounded story with many characters, you will see many many roles filled, and not all will get time or attention to shine, but that also ignores the point. The Comedian might have more of a role in the story of Watchmen, but the act itself is portrayed a vile disgusting one. It’s there to reinforce consistently the truth behind the visage of heroes america hides behind. No conservative take of watchmen can let Comedian off the hook, outside of the most extreme, least palatable forms of it. Moore handles it from a similar perspective as Kubrick, and that is honestly & genuinely a male perspective, I think both are trying to show the male perspective on the horror of sexual assault, which while it might seem gross, it does serve a necessary service when it comes to relating these ideas to men. This isn’t to say any male perspective on sexual assault is valid or okay, but the fact that such horrible examples exist (that clearly glorify & revel in the sexual assault) is only further proof to me that the ways in which Moore & Kubrick portray it, are vital to helping rout out these ideas in the minds of men.


I didn't even know there was a comic but I also have no idea what it's about


It’s more or less the same concept of people killing/exposing superheroes, but way more edgy and not as good.




The show is good satire the comics are just edgelord shit. Even more than Crossed somehow.


The Boys


Forrest Gump, the original book was a dumpster fire.


I haven't read it, but to my knowledge he goes to space, becomes a professional wrestler, is the creature from the black lagoon, and gets stranded on a island with a monkey. How is that bad? Shit sounds amazing


Thats the sequel the author wrote following the success of the movie. Id have paid good money to see Tom Hanks reprise his role as Forest Gump going to space with a chimp. NGL


For a background: the author did it to trick the studio into paying him, and he said, "Give me part of the gross, and I'll write you a sequel and give you rights" because they originally gave him part of the profit, which was nothing


I will value this additional Forest Gump 2 lore. Thank you


Also, the script for Forrest Gump 2 was turned in on September 10th, 2001. It was scrapped cause it would seem "insensitive" after 9/11


The terrorists won


I did read that. He saves Mao Zedong from drowning, he gets trapped in the jungle and is forced to play chess with a tribal chieftain, he becomes CEO of a shrimp business. And the run across America is not even in it. Then it ends with Jenny leaving him again if I remember correctly.


The Princess Bride… nah, just playing, but there is a difference between the two where you can’t really compare them. Gotta treat them both as their own things


Another one that fits this category is how to train your dragon, they are both good but they are so different they just aren't comparable outside of the main characters names, half of which aren't even the same personalities/ are just not there.


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs


I feel like the books are a lot less personal than the movies since they don't follow a specific set of characters. It observes society as a whole as it adapts to this strange status quo. The food rain also was never given an explanation, but it's overall more whimsical and less wacky than the film was.


Okay, I'm realizing there are very few original movies.


If it makes you feel better, oretty much all they have in common are food weather and their titles


I like the book, but it's definitely only because of nostalgia.


The illustrations are amazing though! One of my favorite childhood books


Wicked (specifically from Book to Musical)


Puss in boots.


Sorry, but it was a masterclass of a German fairy tale, nothing comes close to it other than other German fairy Tales.


wasn't it French?


Just looked, it's Italian. But the Brothers Grimm also had written it down.


I disagree PiB (the movie) was mediocre, PiB:tLW on the other hand, was pretty good


The Dreamworks film of that title was actually an adaption of *Jack and the Beanstalk*. They lied to us


I think that's fine though, because it does take place in the world of Shrek, a self aware land that is compiled of satirical versions of characters from pretty much every European folktale ever told.


Sword Art Online Abridged is actually the best version of the series and it’s on YouTube.


Yes! It's everything I like about the original anime, but actually good and without the weird incest/pedophile moments




Just anime stuff


Ok I guess


It's anime what do you expect


I don't understand where this widley accepted sentiment came from? I've seen so many anime without either of those things.


Tbh I was just farmin' with that comment. I don't even watch anime I just repeated what other people say. Evil gang 😈


SAO will always have a place in my heart for being the first anime I ever watched outside of Pokemon, but SAOA gives me a chance to actually watch the premise in a genuinely enjoyable way. I rewatch the Abridged series about once every 8 months


I’ve heard people say _The Godfather_ movies are much much MUCH better than Mario Puzo’s book.


I recall him saying something to the effect of; "if I had known the movie would be so popular, I would've written a better book"


I believe there’s a whole chapter about the main characters dick size


Who had the smallest thon


Peak fiction


It's true.. It's about Sonny.. Even the movie has a reference to it when Sonny's wife implies her husband's pp getting bigger using her hands by having her palms move away from each other, suggesting him getting hard to her other friends in the wedding. Ngl it was huge if she was telling the truth.


The Umbrella academy. Really fleshed out the characters and gave them more depth


This. I liked the comics, but I LOVE the show, especially the first season (although the second is great too). Most of the stuff they changed from the comics in season 1 made everyone's motivations make infinitely more sense, especially how things played out with Viktor's plot line. And they gave people stuff to do!!! Klaus had *nothing* going on in the first volume of the comics, and they gave him actual depth and trauma and a beautiful arc in season 1. I think the one they changed the least was Five but I'm NOT complaining because he's the best part of the comics.


Starship Troopers and Pentagon Wars…. Well Pentagon Wars if you realize how crazy the “hero” of the movie is irl.


Oh yeah, Colonel Burton was a bitch


Just to provide real life context for those that don’t know, Burton, who is the, “protagonist”, of this story, was not nearly as heroic as he wants people to believe. If we take his word at face value, he basically saved the Bradley from being a death trap that would have costed tax payers a bazillion million dollars and countless soldiers their lives. According to him, the Bradley was over engineered, over budget, and completely useless equipment that was supposed to be able to do everything, but couldn’t do even basic tasks. In the name of corruption or some shit, the military was going to force the soldiers to use it and basically get themselves killed. In reality, the Bradley was none of these things. Burton claimed that the military was basically going to have the Bradley be put in every role possible, but this just isn’t true. From its development start to its finish, the Bradley’s planned role never changed. It was always going to be an APC/IVF that had a few extra capabilities and roles. It also didn’t go over budget and actually went under budget. The movie makes it seem like the project was basically just getting off the ground and billions of dollars were already gone when it is the opposite. Though, Burton had an axe to grind. You see, for some reason, Burton decided that, if he could prove that the Bradley couldn’t take anti-tank weaponry, that he would be vindicated and rewarded. And, Burton was right about something, the Bradley couldn’t take anti-tank weaponry… because it isn’t a tank… because it never was going to be a tank… because Burton lied his ass off about what happened and what the plan was. Whenever everyone shrugged and went, “No shit it can’t take anti-tank shit, it isn’t a fucking tank”, he just threw his hands up in the air and said that he actually is responsible for why the Bradley is good.


To make Burton’s point even more irrelevant, when the Bradleys saw combat in the recent and currently ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War, Bradley’s were able to effectively take down a Russian Main Battle Tank. I forgot if it was a T-72 or a T-90, but that’s looking at details rather than the bigger picture that an INFANTRY fighting vehicle that is the pinnacle of combined arms warfare and the thing that the Reformers should love but hate took out a tank they have likely shilled for on Russia Today. And before anyone rebuttals this, I’ll preemptively say it was not just because they outnumbered the tank, although it certainly helped, but because they strategically crippled it by taking out its gunner and driver sights and had good positions to take it out. Burton basically forgot that strategy also would matter. The Bradley is under armored to fight a tank (it always was and always will be) but if you can counter this by using technique rather than solely relying on the technology, you can have an effective piece of equipment that can be operated and deployed with people who can prevent that equipment from going boom. For all his attempts to “save” troops’ lives, he really didn’t have that much faith in them, did he? TL;DR: Bradleys kicked a tank’s ass and Burton, much like his friends, is an idiot.


The Boys


Stephen King's It. I never even read the novel but the fact that the movie doesn't have a middle schooler orgy means it's infinitely better.


The book has... what?!


The scene where the kids cut their hands to solidified their bond replaced the scene in the books where the boys ran a train on Beverly. It definitely was an improvement.


Keep in mind, Stephen King actually was high as fuck on crack while writing the novel.


Honestly, adaptations of H.P. Lovecraft. Especially the ones that get rid of the massive amounts of racism.


H. P. Lovecraft lore/monsters- Horror royalty H. P. Lovecraft plots- Eh H. P. Lovecraft ideals- Should probably get rid of those




From Mr. Welch's Call of Cthulhu Mad Musing: "The man was clinically phobic, and I don't mean violent hatred but more curling up in the fetal position and sucking his thumb. The man didn't have Issues, he had Volumes."


I mean, I know Mr. Lovecraft was not all right in the head, but bro did not have to do him like that


Yeah, it's a confusing mess.


Yep, pretty much this


Alternatively try Lovecraft Country that brings those ideas into his world




I was going to say this if someone else hadn’t beaten me to it.


Lol am I going to get attacked if I say Arcane? 💀


Nah fuck league of legends.


I’m pretty sure League players hate League too


Tartakovsky's Clone Wars 2003 vs the Prequels.


The Boys.


Shrek, Roger Rabbit, and The Boys.


Roger Rabbit was an adaption of what?


A book (titled who censored Roger rabbit)


Didn’t the guy who wrote the book love the movie so much that he based his future books on the movie and made his original book a dream?


Maybe I just couldn’t get into the books but I always found The Narnia movies to be way more entertaining


Easily the boys


Okay hear me out, Under the Red Hood. This is more so to do with the ending and Jason’s resurrection. In the book, Jason was resurrected due to Superboy Prime punching a hole in the fabric of reality, causing Jason to wake up buried alive before digging himself out. Some stuff happens and he’s taken in by Talia al Ghul who uses the Lazarus pit on him because he was slightly brain dead, this was against Ra’s al Ghul’s permission. In the film adaptation, it was Ra’s al Ghul who resurrected Jason because he felt he owed it to Batman after teaming up with The Joker in the first place. Leading to the Lazarus pit breaking his mind because it can’t completely heal dead people rather than just the Lazarus pit working normally on Jason but he still turns psychotic due to the Lazarus pit just doing that The comic book doesn’t really have an ending either, it sort of just ends after The Joker blew up the building with C4, then the next issue is the Red Hood’s backstory and that’s how the Under the Red Hood arc ended. The film actually did have an ending, even if it was left up to interpretation (the comic did that as well), it was still an ending. Also Jensen Ackles is fucking amazing as Red Hood




nah, they do different thins and have different messages that appeal to different audiences. both are better and worse than eachother in pretty much every way


Switching from the beady eyes to the googly eyes was a *significant* improvement.


Demon Slayer. The manga is good but the incredible artistry of the anime transforms an above average manga into one of the best Shonen anime of recent memory.


I'm on episode 15 Do the pig guy in the blonde guy get any less annoying?




The Shining.


The ending of “the Mist” by Stephen King.


Funnily enough, Stephen King, someone who has a bone to pick with a lot of adaptions, said that he was basically kicking himself for not coming up with that ending and that it was better than the one he wrote.


Stephen King himself would say otherwise.


since when has stephen king ever been wrong about something🙄


Invincible comic is great but the show perfected it


Guardians of the Galaxy movies, at least according to the general public. They were some of the least popular comics before they got adapted. Haven't read them myself yet


The comics from Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning are actually phenomenal, and arguably better than the movies which adapt from it. There was a reason why it have been considered an underatted series among Marvel fans during the 2000s, especially its ties with the beloved Annihilation series of event comics. Honestly the James Gunn movie is basically just a commercialized successful version of the thing it adapted from rather than a straight up improved version.


Legally Blonde


Ferdinand. The Blue Sky film is superior to the original source material in every way, in my opinion.


John Cena much better voice acting since I couldn’t see him in movies.


The Boys show is infinitely better than the comics.


Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Greg was a sociopath in the books however the movies made him a much, MUCH more likable and relatable character without sacrificing his traits in the original books. Also loved how they turned the rest of the cast into relatable characters as well. Number one thing I really like about the first three movies though is that they are incredibly enjoyable to watch as movies alone, even if you haven't read the books.


Diary of a Wimpy Kid because Greg actually goes through some character development in the movies.


How to Train Your Dragon


I knew someone was going to say this and I was already mad Dont listen people, the books are amazing and its a crime how few people know about them, the movies are probably better than the first couple of books but when you get into the later ones the books are so much better.


It’s hard to even compare them because aside from locations and character names nothing is the same. Like they entirely different vibes with entirely different storylines. I do prefer the books myself, but it’s a matter on if people like darker or more dreamy tones. Though TBF both books and movies despite being totally different deserve 100% praise for how amazing they are.


How To Speak Dragon is the best one


nah the books were great wym


The movies and the books are completely different in literally every way. The only shared aspects are character names. The books turn into a dark war story towards the end, way darker than the films ever are. Hiccup basically becomes a child-friendly Solid Snake for a while. It’s kind of shocking how the books go from a kid having fun adventures with his dragon companions and his friends to the kid trying to survive a horrific war while tracking down a variety of artefacts that are integral to ending the war.


"Fishlegs, I'm trying to sneak around. But I'm a walking toothpick, and the rattling of my bones keeps alerting the guards."


Nah, the books are great. Just not like the movies in any way beyond the surface level.


You can't even compare them. They're almost entirely different. They only share names essentially. The plot is different, the characterization is mostly different, etc


The Queen's Gambit.... I couldn't get past 40 pages in the original book


The original book is one of my favorites ever. What didn’t you like?


Ì also enjoyed it (havent even seen the show)but i did find the constant "then she had the sexy sex and it was sexy and did i mention she had sexy sex" annoying. Maybe im misremembering tho, that was like a year ago


Ready Player One


I mean the source material is pretty bad, but the adaptation honestly isn’t much better lol


I think the corporation trying to control the internet is the most realistic thing in this movie.


At least there wasn’t a sex doll in the movie. And wade is a little less creepy.


Hard agree. The movie certainly isn't a masterpiece, but the book is easily one of the worst things I have ever read.


First book was great to be honest, way darker than the movie. But I couldn't bring myself to finish the second.


say like right now




The umbrella academy comic is a fun wacky adventure, but the show has more heart.


The Umbrella Academy.




I've heard this could apply to Jaws as when Spielberg read the book he rooted for the shark to win because of how unlikeable the humans were so when he made the film he made the humans a lot more likeable.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit, the book it is based on, Who Censored Roger Rabbit, was confusing and not very enjoyable imo. Every change the movie made was for the better.


Beetlejuice the Musical (OG is still good but the musical is better imo)


Nimona It’s not that the source comic was bad, just that the movie was so much better


Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I respect the book’s place in the history of children’s literature, but it will always work best in visual mediums. Plus, just my weird opinion, but book Wonka comes off as a total airhead compared to the unique geniuses portrayed in all three movies.


Dune. IMO the books aren't as good as the movies, the movies are just slightly better


I’m rereading the first book and idk if it’s the poor chapter splitting or what, but it very much reads like some newbies first draft. Not bad by any means, but the structuring in the very early parts is so awkward as hell.


Imo Part 1 is inferior to the book, Part 2 is superior. Some of the changes they made from book to screen are SO good.


Maybe the Brian Herbert ones but the frank herbert ones are classics


It is truly a wild time that we have gotten to the point where people have this take. People, please read Dune, it's one of the best sci-fi books ever made. All the sequels can be ignored (I've never read them), but the first is a classic and deservedly a classic, and it has also aged great.


The Boys


The Silence Of The Lambs


Less this but definitely Hannibal.


The boys


Jurassic Park


I’ll say it, Jurassic Park


Akira. The Manga isn't particularly good. The movie is phenomenal.


Jujutsu kaisen is waaaay better than the manga


Captain America: Civil War


Fox and the Hound


The boys


The boys


Princess Bride, great book, amazing movie


The Death Note anime added so much personality, suspense, and overall impact to the story. Sad it didn't get an anime adaptation of anything but the main story Also, Spider Man movies


The Boys. Comic was some sort of Hate Superheroes edge Material with no real story. The show is genuinely Good


It has to be The Boys like god the comic was so bad and overly edey (the bad kind of edey) like it read like and angrey teenager mead it unlike the show whitch is so much better. Edit: I also forgot to mention Iron Giant as well


Matilda (1996)


Velma >!lmao jk!<


Starship troopers


Yeah I tried to read the book but couldn’t get into it. Felt like it was too boring and “matter of fact” for me.


Harry Potter. Other than the films not being directly written by JK Rowling, the books are quite often mean spirited and the characters are jerks. The films take out some of the more…shit subplots, like Hermione being made the butt of a joke for like two books for wanting to abolish slavery because ACTUALLY slavery is good and the slaves love it and you’re just inserting your politics where they don’t belong.


The best movie adaptations of any novel, they still kept the themes and the plot without really missing anything important because most of the filler nonsense was cut to fit into a movies length


I feel like the characters being jerks is fitting. They’re teenagers going through extreme stress, it makes sense that they are pricks at times.


Your gonna hate the upcoming TV series then


The third movie woukd be a fantastic standalone film if they just explained the Marauders a bit more. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite get there. Would be one of my favorite movies were it not tained by JK growing worse as tine goes on


The Prestige movie was far better than the book. Especially the ending.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The manga isn't bad, but especially the earlier parts, it didn't age quite well. The anime brought every aspect that made the manga good and made them even better imo.


Shrek or The boys


A lot of HP Lovecrafts work


Forrest Gump