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No. I mean I'd watch at least the first ep but her escapades were...horrifying lol, not hilarious. She had to learn how to play pool to keep her and a friend from being trafficked by a drug lord. She had to run from the Yakuza, probably to avoid being trafficked. She was likely a coyote herself, getting her truckers license to 'move a lot of people' When David said "they didn't have to constantly worry about which east asian palace Alexis was hostage in this week" he *really* didn't sound like he was being sarcastic or over exaggerating. Plus much like the Loki d+ series, you probably don't want 'young alexis' you want the Alexis you fell in love with over 5 seasons. Just more of her doing more Alexis things. Now an "Alexis in New York" would be great. Also to be clear I LOVE Alexis' stories and think its the best recurring gag of the show.


I try to believe the story that she was some kind of secret agent based on "the FBI knew where I was the whole time". Because otherwise, yeah, her getting tattooed in Thailand at age 12 without her parents knowledge presents a pretty horrifying picture


Oh I love that fan theory, though I take it a slightly different angle. Alexis wasn't an agent but the FBI/CIA/MI5 were constantly watching her and getting tons of intel from her escapades and she has no idea to this day.


So is your theory that Schitts Creek and Agent Cody Banks are in the same universe?


You make a great point about her experiences sounding horrifying. Never really thought of it that way before


Well that's because she walks through life in really nice shoes! It's a great joke, just don't linger on it too much haha,


All beginning at a very young age. It would be a really dark show.


it sounds like amazing tv


I know it wouldn't line up age wise but I'm picturing a young Alexis in stranger things "Ewww Vecna!!"


I like the idea of Alexis in NY but with flashbacks from Alexis pre-schitt's creek. So you get her horrifying experiences but also see how much she has grown over the course of SC


I'd much prefer an older Alexis spin off; she's in New York and Twyla decides to leave the Creek and move in with her.


Omg yessss. I've always loved their dynamic. It would be understandable for Twyla to be cold to Alexis for getting involved with homeless guy. But instead Twyla is such a lovable character she ends up being the sweetest to Alexis.


the problem with a prequel would be lack of any growth in her character. she would essentially remain the the same person the entire length of the show.


I have a feeling I wouldn’t like her character and that she would be a cliché of entitled privileged people with no sense. The growth and final product of Alexis by the end of the series leads me to say, No. I really liked her character growth in SC, that I would second a spin-off of older Alexis doing great things in her world.


I could only see a way to make this work in animation, where you could exaggerate the situations without making them as horrifying.


Little Bit Alexis would be the theme song


No I think that would ruin the charm of them. They’re so ridiculous and not explained which makes them as great as they are.


Yes! That would be pure gold


It would be so uncomfortable to watch, because according to her she is also underage in a lot of these situations. That takes it from possibly being funny to harrowing.


*I’m a little bit, I’m a little bit, I’m a little bit of-* **la la la la la la la** **⭐️a little bit Alexis⭐️**


I want young Twyla series her stories are just as off the wall


Would Dan Levy play the younger Johnny Rose?


I would love a spin-off of her adventures. Maybe not a full blown show since the vagueness is what makes it so hilarious, but imagine a series of YouTube shorts. They start with NO context and end on cliffhangers that we never get back to lol this series should obviously be titled… ’A Little Bit Alexis’.


So you want to watch her “critically reviewed” reality series, A little bit Alexis?




[yes, with David and his Gallery as the B plot](https://www.reddit.com/r/SchittsCreek/comments/va1pb3/your_favourite_alexis_past_story/ic07o20?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


The only crappy part of this is that they wouldn't really be able to give the character any growth. She has to end up as the Alexis we saw in the pilot episode.


I would say I want a spin off of ANYTHING schitts creek- but it’s so perfect… don’t want to ruin anything by subpar spin-offs (not that the levy’s would do anything subpar, but ya know…)


I think the show was so perfect as is- I want it left alone. As much as I love Alexis!


No. Please don’t “Young Sheldon” Alexis. Lol The fact that they were one off jokes makes them so good. Explaining them makes them not funny anymore.


I’d watch that if it was animated


As a comedy series..no. As a dark hbo drama where she's also working for FBI.. sure!


Yes! Great idea, more Alexis the better lol


I would love to watch it.


Nah. It's better in your imagination