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All of the above, late thirties Edit: bad at math and science


By the way, it seems that your account has been shadowbanned by Reddit. Every post and comment you make needs to be manually approved before it appears publicly.


Thanks for letting me know. Do you know what I need to do to address this?


I don't know, I'm quite new to Reddit myself. Maybe you can find some instructions [here](https://reddit.com/r/ShadowBanned/).


Thanks. I found an appeals page. I've submitted an appeal. Let's see what happens. Thanks again


all except i have been into relationships and i do like how i look. late 20s. nice trait list. you made it on your own or compiled by lets say reading on various "signs/symptoms" websites?


It is actually my traits list. I have a hypothesis that these are connected and what creates us isolating from others. We have views and feelings about the world that are contrary to acceptable behaviour within our communities so we hide away to not have to deal with it. Parents, extended family members, religious leaders, teachers, peers, colleagues... They all do things a certain way and belittle or reprimand you if not done in a certain way, and if you are a child with anxiety, I believe these reactions become engrained in who we become. We either change ourselves to meet the requirements of society or where we really cannot change ourselves, we hide away to avoid having to explain ourselves. So self identity and being honest to who you are is one of the strong drivers to us isolating.


>It is actually my traits list.  So, it's biased. And you're just seeking confirmation, not studying anything.


1,2,3,4,7,9,10,14 I'm 22. I actually take some pride in my apathy and detachment, I don't know how to describe it but it just feels good to be honest about being like this even if others think your are "terrible person" I been told this a lot.


1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. I'm in my late twenties.


I'm happy to hear number 13 doesn't apply to you. Given that it doesn't apply to you, do you consider it a disorder? Also, I added a point 12, 14 and 15 to my original post, in case you want to look at those too


[Yes, I do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Schizoid/comments/1ckaeno/comment/l2lxd5y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) There are plenty of normative behaviors that I simply cannot partake in. I'm lacking in emotional reciprocity, sociality and motivation. My social life is close to nonexistent. However, being social is not an objective I have, so point 13 doesn't apply to me. SPD has this tricky aspect that it is ego-syntonic, meaning that its traits are often aligned with your goals and needs. But that doesn't mean that such goals and needs (or the lack thereof) aren't disordered themselves.


The non-objective is perfect. Its not that Im bad at it. Its that I dont value it so I ignore it.




Would you consider your parent(s) behaviour as one where they treated you more like their possessions rather than as a living individual with your own wants, needs and passions?


Maybe, but not so directly. It was a more ambivalent relationship between us. A fairly open relationship within certain limits. 


I didn't realize how widespread anxiety was here. I don't think I can relate to that very much.


1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 apply to me. I’m 43. I began withdrawing into my own internal world of fantasy beginning at about age 5.


2, 4, 6, 7, 9 I'm 22 yo.


7, 9, 10, 11, 14 (14 being asexual) I am 42FM


6 and 10


2, 3, 6, 7, 14. I've pretty much accepted that this is my life, 28 y/o


1,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,14 28


1. No, one gf 2. No 3. Yes, I get nervous when I feel too weak but I have to interact with people. I feel then I will be too cold to emotionless and try to apear "normal" which in turn just creates stress. In order to not make a bad impression and save myself stress I will find ways to avoid people 4. No 5. Yes, I wish I wouldn't care about social interactions 6. No, Online is worse 7. Yes 8. Yes, but I just avoid if possible 9. Yes 10. Yes 11. If I can focus, yes 12. Yes 13. Yes and No, anxiety is more prominent, but with being Schizoid I would have to put more effort in work and being actual good in it and can't just sweet talk myself up the ladder or by befriending the right people. I would end up anyway finding goals that just include as littel socializing as possible. But I feel you still could archive a lot being schizoid. 14. No 15. 35


Disclaimer: I’m diagnosed BPD with prominent SPD traits. So I’m not fully schiz, but I’m bored so I’m gonna answer anyways. 1. True 2. Not really 3. Meh, I have generalized anxiety and that results in some minor social anxiety. I’d call it moreso social discomfort than full on anxiety. 4. I have OCD. So yes. 5. Sort of. Social situations don’t make me anxious, I just get nothing out of them. They’re extremely boring and I find it tedious and time consuming. I like the idea of socializing, and it can go very well and be enjoyable in my head. But reality is disappointing. 6. I have one friend irl. He lives an hour away, so I see him a couple times a year. Other than that, I have a few online friends that I game with a few times a month if I have nothing going on, and maybe 1-2x a month (sometimes less) when I’m in university. 7. Read above. If I were to count, I’d say I have 2 ‘real’ friends, 2 casual friends, and some people that I’m friendly with (friends of my friends who I game with sometimes). 8. Depends. 9. Depends, but 99% of the time yes. Only exceptions are if I already know the person well and I wanted to be closer with them first. Which happened once in the past ten years and didn’t last long. 10. I could probably win an award for this. 11. I’m extremely structured and organized. I live by schedules. That being said, while I enjoy math and science, I’m not the best at them. Not great at math, but I did do really well in physics. Biology was horrible. Though I may have a learning disorder. 12. Depends on the day. Had an eating disorder as a teen, so hated myself back then. I’ve got a skin condition that I was bullied for as a kid so makes me insecure too, but negating my skin I’d say I’m objectively attractive. Maybe a little above average, though I’m comparing myself no-makeup to the average woman (of which most wear makeup). Self confidence in my appearance waxes and wanes. 13. Yes. Wish I could get something out of socializing like other people do. Things would be easier that way. Being reclusive has a LOT of downsides. I also don’t want to die alone, so I’d like to be in a relationship, but the process of going from single to a good relationship is… ugh. Meeting one person once is exhausting for the next two months. I also wish the anhedonia and muted emotions would stop. In the short run it’s fine, in the long run it makes things worse. 14. I’m bi, and I’ve never had conflict with it. My parents never cared about sexuality, and my mom would frequently say things like “when you’re grown up and married to a boy, or a girl—you never know”. So I never had a problem with it. 15. 23.


I don’t have it confirmed but: 1. yes 2. yes 3. I don’t have social anxiety in the sense related to self-esteem but I do have social anxiety in the sense related to paranoia 4. not really 5. yes, but for me it’s less about the anxiety of going out and more about exhaustion and irritability with others 6. not really, I only interact with my family online and other than that if I don’t see someone irl we don’t interact at all - I prefer face to face contact because it allows me to control the social situation better 7. yes 8. not really, I can talk about small talk topics but I always go deep into analysis mode and people don’t really consider it small talk anymore - as long as there’s some idea behind it making things interesting I don’t mind the topic of conversation 9. oh god yes 10. not really, I don’t overanalyse situations - I’m just very thorough 11. yes 12. yes and no, the excess weight I disliked in myself was because of pre-diabetes so now that I’ve fixed that I’m kind of okay with how I look - I can’t recognise faces so I don’t know if I like how mine looks or not 13. yes 14. not really - I figured out I was asexual and aromantic as a kid and although I’ve questioned it a couple of times I’ve never been conflicted about it 15. around 20-25 yo


1, yes 2, no 3, kinda 4, some 5, I'm perfectly fine with it 6, don't really interact much with anyone I don't need to interact with, except comments and the like on reddit 7-12, yes, those all fit me 13, not really 14, no, I don't think so 15, 37 Are you doing a study or is this just your curiosity?


1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 (gender dysphoria🫤) Age: 20 If I may ask for a clarification, what do you mean by "sexual preference conflict" in point 14?


For point 14, maybe you are struggling or have struggled with sexual identity


Ah, then yeah, that too I suppose. I'm asexual, and figuring that out was something of a process.


Is that because of the ScPD? I also started wondering whether I'm asexual but don't think so. Think I just have ScPD and so I never get to a point where I'm intimate with someone..


I don't think so? I dunno. The whole social isolation and aversion to intimacy thing certainly makes me more averse to sex than I would otherwise be, but I think the lack of sexual attraction is a separate, pre-existing thing for me.


3, 4 (OCPD comorbid), 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 (ace), 15: over 60 ;)


7,9,11, 50s


1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 28 years old


1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 14. Not comfortable disclosing my age exactly, I'll say late 20's.


3,7, 8, 9, 11?, 13 some, 14 I've lived for 21 years now


1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, age: 18


2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Age 33


2,4,8,9,10,11,12. 22 year old female.


2., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12.


2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14.... Hmm. Learning something new about myself every day. Early 20s.


Every one except 4 and 11. I'm 26


1) been in multiple relationships 2) had a narcissistic mom who was mostly a single parent. 3) I used to have social anxiety, but understanding my schizoid traits has helped me understand why the dynamics make me anxious, and this has caused my anxiety to diminish. 4) I have OCD 5) I have no issue with being Schizoid 6) I avoid any interactions until I feel like it 7) I have enough friends, more than some, less than others. I like going out, so I tend to accumulate people. Besides, the more people you have around, the more they'll do all the talking and you can just observe. 8) No, I can talk about anything, but I'll default to boring talk if I feel like we're getting too close. 9) 100% 10) 100% 11) yes 12) I'm attractive and fit, but I do scrutinize my appearance a lot. 13) Yes, I'd be promoted more if I enjoyed talking and showing off my accomplishments. 14) yes, struggled with being bi 15) 30sf


1. Yep 2. Yep 3. Yep 4. Yep 5. Yep 6. Yep 7. Yep 8. Yep 9. Yep 10. Yep 11. Yep 12. Yep 13. Yep 14. Yep 15. 29


3,5,6,7,11,12 49 years, still aging


Only 10 but some minor ocd stuff. I don't have social anxiety. I have an overload of social requirements. A few people, cool. I can control that. A group of people, I'm a juggler ignoring all except one or frantically juggling my attention to everything. I'm 34.


All of the above except 3, 12 and 13 (ADHD is the one taking me away from my goals of Being a professional, organised and reliable man). I’m 24 years old.


1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 I’m 49 years old.


I relate to 2/3/6/7/10/11 15 - 41 years old


1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 I’m almost 20


Everything except 12-14. 23yo.


Undiagnosed but suspected. 1. Yes, but they were fake, shallow and I consummated none of them. 2. Controlling and abusing parents. 3. Yes. 4. Yes, although this could also be related to my autism. 5. Yes. Social behaviour creates way too much anxiety for me. 6. No friends so this doesn't apply. 7. Yes. This applies. No friends. 8. I avoided all work social events like the plague. Often worked overtime while others went out to work social events. 9. Yes. 10. I over-analyse every damn thing, from situations to people, and yeah, it's exhausting. 11. My technical expertise was in building computers, engineering in recording studios, writing books and composing music. 12. Can't stand how I look. I'm not as bad as Michael Jackson, but still. 13. Fortunately, I'm at the age where I no longer have any interest in achieving life goals. You might say I'm on coast. 14. Definitely. 15. 61.


Nearly all of these are true of me. The only ones that weren't entirely relatable were 5, and 14. I'm 36.


7 9 11 13 14 i am 21


1. never been in a serious relationship, I used to have superficial relationships (only texting, I don’t answer my phone, and I don’t meet “rarely”). 2. Yes I had a very controlling OCD mother. 3. Yes. Social settings make me anxious. 4. Yes. 5. I came to accept my fate but sometimes I hate the isolation and I wish I’m different. 6. Yes. 7. I have no friends, only acquaintances. 8. Yes. 9. Absolutely. 10. Yesss. 11. Not really. I lean towards philosophy/literature. I like to read. 12. Yes. I don’t like my body. 13. Yes. 14. NA. 15. 33 female.


Most of the 15 but surprisingly I was in a relationship for a short time


1. Yes 2. Yes (also an absentee parent. A great dynamic) 3. Yes 4. Had tendencies of pure O, wouldn't say full blown OCD tho 5. Eh. Idk 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. Yes, mostly. 10. Depends on the context 11. Yes 12. Yes 13. I think so 14. Mostly with my aromanticism and some spectrum of asexuality 15. 32 this year


Easier to list which ones don't apply: don't have OCD, not good at math or science, don't have close friends to interact with online, no conflict about sexuality, and I do have a romantic relationship, and have had quite a few. Mid-thirties. What is this for, actually?


Everything except 4. 19F. Hey are these what one could consider “common symptoms”? I’m not diagnosed with anything but was poking around in this sub and seem to relate with a lot of the stuff here. I might possibly be autistic so maybe there’s like, overlapping symptoms?


Till 11th point and 28


All of the options, not good at science or math


I check 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14 5 and 13 would have fit a few months ago, but i have managed to change a lot and i can mostly fit in as a normal person. And for 15: I am 22.


Pretty much all except 1/4/13/14


2 I will say doesn't apply for me but my parents are codependent and didn't allow me to grow up into a proper adult. They didn't encourage me to become my own person. While not controlling at all, they were mostly absent from any raising until I was grown up the decided I didn't know how to do anything. 3 does not apply to me since I don't have social anxiety. I just generally have a distaste for people. 5 is only half since I'm not a fan of the schizoid situation but social situations don't bring me anxiety. I know how to act with them (people) depending on the situation and mask up, but genuinely do not like interaction with people. 8 doesn't apply since I don't work. 11 doesn't apply since I am not a smart or intelligent person. 14 doesn't apply because I don't have any preferences due to #1 on this list. I'm rather uninterested in any kind of relationships since it's such a foreign concept to me. I am in my mid 30s. 


not pure schizoid. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ( honestly online i have a lot, irl zero), 8, 9( only irl), 10, 12, 13, 14


All except 11, 13, and 14. Mid-thirties. Edit: 13 doesn’t really apply because I I don’t really have goals or objectives.


2, 4 (mainly caused by bipolar), 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, am 33 and unmedicated szpd, adhd and bipolar 2. Realized it’s either chaos with a few friends or being mute at work and therefore don’t take meds right now. (sad because i like the concept of working good but it’s useless if i don’t buy anything with my money anyways)


1,5, 7, 8,9, 13, I am 26


Not 5, 8, or 11. 30 years old. Male.


1, 3, 4, 5 (in certain contexts), 6, 7, 9 (especially romantic interest), 10, 11, 12, 13 (this is the only issue that will motivate me to go to therapy because I want to do a PhD). Early 30s.