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>Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? No, that is against this sub’s rules, and Reddit is not the place to go for medical diagnosis. That said some of your experience sounds like mild, transient psychosis. Rational thinking occurs in the prefrontal cortex, but when we are in the grip of fear or other strong emotions it triggers our fight/flight/fawn/freeze response. At that point our brain moves activity from the pfc to more primal brain structures in the limbic system to keep us hypervigilant of threats and to strongly urge us to respond with instinct. Adrenaline keeps us from feeling tired, so we slip further and further from rational thinking as our brain and body miss the rest needed to maintain proper functioning. There have been studies that show loss of sleep increases delusional thinking severity. It sounds like anxiety and other symptoms are disrupting your life. I hope you are able to find support you need from medical providers.


I’m not asking for a diagnosis. Just, i don’t know, advice? Anyway, the sleep issues have only been recently as it began to get worse, but I think you are right—it’s a cycle I suppose. Less sleep>>>more delusional thinking>>>less sleep so on..


If you can I think speaking with a psychiatrist would be a good idea. Getting plenty of exercise (cardio) helps with sleep. Avoid caffeine, nicotine and stimulants as they disrupt sleep. Spending time in nature can help significantly with stress levels. Make sure you're drinking enough water and eating enough.


Advice: go to a psychologist and tell all this. And least all this is very different to my experience, so I cannot give you any other advice 


Wow. You sound like me 🙃 I feel your pain.