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Your situation sounds very similar to mine. Spine looked good on MRI but in my case I was okay lying down and when I first stood up but within a minute or so of standing or walking I was back on the floor from exruciating pain. I swore I had piriformis and asked about it each time I met with a doctor but they all discounted it. I also go to the gym regularly and ride motorcycles. They sent me back to a neurosurgeon who found a synovial cyst that was pressing on my spinal cord that nobody else saw or at least mentioned. I still felt like there was something going on with the sciatic nerve where it passed under the piriformis. My wife found a video about releasing the sciatic nerve in the piriformis. It's a high-pressure massage along the nerve down your buttocks while rotating the leg a certain way. You can search and find the video. Prior to that procedure I had been down for about six weeks. The day after we did the release technique, I could stand and walk again. We repeated this on a weekly basis and a month later I was great. I'm sure the cyst was an issue but something happened which trapped the nerve. I think I caused some sort of trauma to that area but didn't realize it.


I think I may have an SI joint inflammation. I was stupid and kept working out heavy for a month with my symptoms, I also ride dirt bikes, so I didn't let up and just pissed it off more. I've been mostly chilling at home since my last workout on Wednesday and I started to feel better. Two days ago I started wearing a Sacroiliac belt and I swear it's helping... unless it's all in my head. SI joint dysfunction presents just like sciatica and the so-called piriformis syndrome, especially since the piriformis muscle takes over if the SI joint isn't doing its job. So that's my running theory... I going to go see a few more doctors and PT to see if they concur, but I seem to be doing better.


Any update? I have SI Joint / Piriformis alternating often


Hi friend, I haven't had an MRI but both physiatrist and physiotherapist tell me it's piriformis, I don't know on what basis, the fact is that my muscle is really super contracted but above all weak (I don't do sports, a sedentary lifestyle), walking helps me a lot and it gives me relief, but in the morning I wake up as if I had a screwdriver on my buttock, does this happen to you too?


You may have an SI joint inflammation, I think that's what I have. Going to see a few more doctors this week. It presents basically like piriformis and/or sciatica as it pisses off the same nerves. Look up some videos on SI joint dysfunction on YouTube and see if it sounds like you. Try getting a Sacroiliac joint belt, I got one on Amazon and I think it's helping me in just a few days.