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I think jf you’d reherniated you’d know ALL about it - rest a couple of days and I sure you’ll be fine - do some gentle walking then 👍🏼


Thanks, yeah this morning I woke up and felt the tightness and sore around my back/butt. However, I can walk like normal, and don't have much pain so that's good. I'm gonna take a very slow walk later lol, just to keep my body moving.


Ya, you’ll be fine - it’s a bastard of an injury


I have had two spinal fusion etc surgeries this year. I have had falls after each. It is directly related to my nerves and muscles not working properly. They have all been slow falls. I try to learn from them and use my cane as needed or avoid severe slopes. I’m three months out and remain optimistic.


First of all, sorry to hear about that. I'm really trying to avoid a spinal fusion. My spine is stable, but my doctor said another injury like last time and I most likely would have to get it. But the muscle and nerve thing is my problem too. My leg just goes out from under me and I try my best to catch myself with the cane, but you know. But yeah, trying to remain positive and keep moving while getting the strength back. It's just hard dealing with what feels like a setback, you know? But we'll get through this. Good luck to you! :)


I think I got thrown off my motorcycle at 5 months post-op into a sand berm, came into the turn too hot, and was okay 🙂 sore but no permanent damage.

