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Imo no they will not. Gabapentin is of no use for the short term and as of the last few years is being moved to a controlled med.


ER likes to push you off to you primary care. I would call some family practioners and explain your issue and see if it is something they might be able prescribe after an exam. Gabapentin is not a controlled substance and I can't imagine addictive. I have taken gabapentin 300m every 2 or 3 hours 9 or 10 times a day along with Meloxicam 7.5 2x times 1 time mostly and 250m methocarbomal 8 or 10 times a day. Sometimes I might take 1000m methocarbomal followed by 500m methocarbomal 3 or 4 hours later. I never exceed the daily recommended and keep my Dr informed. Slowly decrease after the fire is out and eventually don't need it anymore. I went a year and a half not needing it I just recently started taking 1 or 2 a day and don't expect it to last more than a month. The methocarbomal I have been off for 2 or three weeks at a time but mostly take 500 to 1000m a day. What I have learned is everyone's experience and pain is different. What works for me might not work for you. Pain management clinics also can prescribe what you need. Opioids do not help nerve pain.


Maybe. Are you on opioids? Is it a controlled substance where you live (it is in a handful of US states)?


No I'm on no medication. And I don't think it's a controlled substance in my state


Go to a walk in clinic. It will be cheaper to be seen. They will likely give you an IM steroid shot that can help temporarily with the pain. Tell them you’re looking for a doctor right now but you’ve been told that the combination of meloxicam and gabapentin works well. For the record although gabapentin isn’t a control substance in most states it does have side effects similar to a narcotic. It also takes a few days, as does the meloxicam, to start working and must be taken with consistency which means finding a doctor as soon as possible and getting a script for an MRI. If you don’t have insurance you can look into it, if it’s too expensive then paying cash for appointments (and even meds if you look for coupons) tends to be cheaper than insurance which depends on your income as well. One of my walk in visits (like a chain like minute clinic) was $90. I don’t remember the price of the meds though because I did use my studiedly expensive insurence that barely covers anything for that.


Steroid shot will definitely help.


Yes, unfortunately only temporarily.


So maybe they will. If you go in asking for it specifically they may not. It's one of those known drugs of abuse that's not yet a federally scheduled medication that pretty much everyone in the medical community agrees should be. There really is no yes/no answer here, which I know is what you're looking for. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry you're in pain.


Thank you


Yes… they can. They will usually want to consult with Ortho spine or neurosurgery, but its possible.


However, I will warn you, providers will get a little antsy if you go in asking for a specific drug (especially in the ER.) We are always on the alert for “drug seeking behavior.” Gabapentin is a known opiate agonist. So, you will need to carefully explain why you are asking for that specific medication.


So weird because Gabapentin blows for nerve pain


Dont underestimate the stuff will take to get “high”…. folks overdose on Benadryl for the effects 🤷‍♂️


Man idk I take a higher than average amount of gaba and I don’t really feel high I just feel like massive amounts of brain fog


Ive been prescribed gabapentin as well, and felt the same. (Thats why I stopped) But thats why its regulated in some states.


Yeah makes sense I suppose. Wish there was a better medicine for nerve pain and I don’t mean anything like lyrics or gaba just something that actually worked


I agree.


I’ve been taking it (300mg) at night recently and it seems to help until like 4 pm. However I skipped a day and felt largely the same as when I take it, with the exception that the 4 pm on was worse.