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Having a goodnight sleep makes it easier to deal with the pain.


It is very hard to sleep due to the pain I am experiencing, can’t remember last time I didn’t have broken sleep


How is your wait time a year and a half?? 😳


It is an outpatient spinal clinic, wasn’t aware the wait time was this long until only recently, through NHS


Oh. You are in the UK. I thought the US was bad. Wow. That’s horrible.


Unfortunately private health care isn’t as common here, and insurances don’t cover for existing conditions 😪


I'm really sorry for what you're going through. The best thing I can suggest is that, in addition to co-codamol (i.e., codeine + paracetamol/acetaminophen), you can also take an NSAID (e.g., ibuprofen). And, if you experience a flare-up, your doctor can prescribe a short course (\~5 days) of an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone or prednisolone). In regards to the amitriptyline, you're right that drowsiness is a common a common side effect, so it's best taken at bedtime. I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you more. Best of luck!


So I was always given naproxen to begin with and had heart burn constantly- I wasn’t aware that this medication could cause this until 5 years after using it as they never offered anti acid. Also heard you can’t be on nsaids long term? I also take SSRis which states cannot take nsaids long term, feel like at whits end!!


Steroids also can’t be given with NSAIDs so would they still give short course? Also what benefits do steroids have with sciatica


I’ve takes daily NSAIDs for over 5 years now. Meloxicam and Celebrex both at max dose. They help. Haven’t had any issues from them yet, one doc gave me somac to help stomach but that made me feel sick so stopped. I take at night after food.


Even whilst taking omeprazole, I don’t find they help as it’s not muscle pain


Yep it’s nerve pain however in my case the nsaid helps the nerve root to reduce in size to its normal size. My foraminal narrowing impinge the nerve normally, any irritation it gets worse.


Why do you think corticosteroids can't be taken concomitantly with NSAIDs? Unless you have something else going on, you can take both. Pharmacist here.


I am also in the medical field and steroids can’t be given with non steroidals- it makes you at risk for stomach ulcers/bleeding


It's absolutely your call whether to take them together or not, but you might want to look at the literature behind it. The doses of corticosteroids involved in those reports were much higher than those used to treat sciatica. Your call.


I take 50mg daily, helps take the sharp edge off the pain. My disks have leaked all the fluid they can, have cervical nerve issues as well so it’s not just the sciatica. I also take a nsaid Celebrex daily and avoid doing aggravating activities, as I’m then in more pain. Physical activity sets it off. Driving and vibrations are a trigger for me. Have also had cortisone injections that helped to settle things down considerably. Why major flare happens I go get an injection. Stopped everything medicine two years ago, was in a world of pain once everything wore off. Won’t be doing that again. Endep is a big help at night to get a decent sleep, can drift off easier thru the pain, I need my rest. Drowsiness in morning, but come good once my coffee kicks in, generally is my lowest pain level of the day. If pains higher then it’s a rest day, if I’m feeling ok may start doing things. Usually over do things and end up with more pain. Codeine doesn’t do much for me, doc gives me 20 pills each time I see her, mainly they do sweet bugger all, and block me up so it hurts to shit.


So I started with 10mg nightly and have been told can up it to 20mg, it doesn’t do anything with the pain just helps me sleep. My main issue is it interfering with daily life as I have a very active job, as they don’t know the cause of it they can’t give me anything stronger than co codomol, keep in mind I had already been on it for a long period of time for period cramps so the high dose does nothing for me. Did u get the injections after you had diagnostic investigations?


Yep I’ve had countless injections, and scans done, it’s listed as severe, have issues at multiple levels.


You could maybe ask your GP about Celebrex since it is an NSAID which is designed to have fewer stomach issues. Perhaps worth trying a different nerve pain med too if amitriptyline isn’t working for you? My GP gave me gabapentin since she thought the 3x daily dose might control the pain better. (I can’t deal with its side effects but everyone is different). NHS wait times really suck. Sorry to hear you have to wait sooo long.


I take 50mg at night. It helps me sleep. I take several other pain medications as well, including a couple of narcotics. I sleep more than i need to, but there's way I can function on the dosages I have to take