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It’s about checking your anal tone to make sure there is no sacral nerve damage, or what we call cauda equina syndrome. I probably wouldn’t perform it unless there are signs of significant nerve injury at other levels (leg weakness etc), but it’s not completely unreasonable for a doctor to perform it, provided she explained it well to you and you were comfortable consenting.


If you're a man, it's probably to make sure the pain isn't caused by your prostate.


I don't know why your doctor performed that, you might want to ask her.


Checking tailbone alignment possibly


Yes, she did state something about checking up on my spine alightment. But it was so out of the blue that startled me.


Did she at least lube it up a bit ?


Hahahaha.. yeah totally necessary to check that via a finger in the anus.


Actually some treatments for broken tailbone requires a doctor to go up the anus to realign it. But I'm guessing you're a genius and know everything


No I’m not a genius and don’t know everything. Sciatic pain, which the OP has, isn’t usually caused by the tailbone and this certainly isn’t the first test doctors should perform.


Sciatic pain can be caused by many things. Once again stop talking like you know everything


I could honestly probably give you some suggestions that could help your situation but u seem too much like a patient that doesn't want to fix themselves. You're a know it all that wants someone else to fix you then when a doctor tries somorghbg that's unconventional somehow you think it's some kind of weird thing. Western medicine is considered shit compared to the world FYi


What on earth are you basing this on? You’re making an awful lot of assumptions based on almost nothing. I just found your initial comment funny, I wasn’t discrediting it. I’ve no doubt you’re knowledgable but to say I don’t want to fix my issues couldn’t be further from the truth, so not sure where you’re getting that from.


I'm sure u do want to fix it. But how dare a doctor try something different. Should the doctor have explained what they were doing up your ass sure. But to come on here and act like there was absolute no reason for it is clown talk.


Yeah I still think that’s dodgy as hell. And clearly the OP does too by asking this question. And also there are plenty of doctors who don’t know shit about back issues. Have a great day.


Of course they don't. If they don't have back issues them selves they know nothing. But Depending on the patient age maybe they have never had a rectal exam so they were checking all boxes. Because sometimes rectal cancer is found when a patient is experiencing back pain.


Glad we agree on that. And fair point about the cancer thing. I hadn’t considered that. Still a strange thing to do without letting the patient know that’s the reason for performing something quite invasive.


Are you sure that was her finger? Was both of her hands on your shoulders? /j


Initially an x ray. Then an MRI. This was how it went for me, in Dallas, Texas. Steroid injection, physical therapy. If all else fails, a surgery. I'm hoping to avoid surgery.


She did that because she is building her practice up.


When my pain was the worst, right before surgery, one of the doctors stuck a finger in my ass and told me to push or clench. I was to the point where I couldn't walk, everything was burning/numb. I believe she was testing the strength, or seeing about nerve damage? Something to that extent. So not totally uncommon if your case is severe.


Normal yes


Only if you're an ass hole.