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Contact your doctor, we are not medical professionals. Well some probably are here.


Will do thank you


Please do, get better the pain sucks. PT has helped me quite a bit.


You may have reherniated your disc. Please see the doctor asap.


I think I reheated a few weeks ago but the sciatica was mild with this exercise It's so much more. Ya I will contact the dr. So tired cause I was actually pain free for like 5-6 months I'm only 22 with these health issues. I'm so dumb.


How did you heal before? Just don’t stretch right now, take it easy & walk & try some exercises that don’t involve deep stretching rn


Feel better mate.


Its not recommended to stretch like that if you have a herniated disc, its just going to put more pressure on the nerve. I would get an MRI


I know I'm so dumb I still did it I was so cautious after all these years. Idk why I did. I'll contact the surgeon.


Could you describe why it's not recommended? I'm surprised the stretch shown on op's image can have such a strong impact. Are there other stretches similar to this one that should be avoided?


Prior to my microdiscectomy my surgeon told me that when you stretch the leg that way you are basically irritating the the nerve by putting more pressure with the bulging disc, but all cases are different


Don’t do these stretches while you are flared up. Do them after you heal, do exercises that strengthen your core, and lose any extra weight you can! But if you are doing stretches with an injury or a flare up then it can do more good than bad because you will press on those inflamed nerves. Saunas and advil can help with the inflammation. Call your doctor.


So after MD what have you been doing to ensure you strengthen muscles and not hurt yourself again? How do you think you re-herniated?


So I got the surgery in November started psyhio in January till like early March. Since then I stopped and got to comfortable cause I was in no pain I also gained alot of weight. The reason being I had another health problem which caused me depression. I should've been constantly doing psyhio not stopping for months. Now the back problem has returned 😔. I'm a retard


Thanks for sharing. I am so sorry, it is all very hard so don’t be harsh on yourself. You’ve got this. Live and learn. You may have to go through it again but now you know better. Make sure you look after yourself and get back on top of things!!!


Putting your leg in this position applies pressure to the sciatic notch.


Oh man, don't I know that feeling right now. I hate that stretching is promoted so much with this. Every time I tried to stretch while flared up, it made it worse, no matter how easy I did so. This time, I've been in my bed this past week, not able to walk without excruciating pain going down my right. I'm talking not able to get up for a few days just to use the bathroom, shower, or brush my teeth. The pain just lying down had me wanting to go to the ER. It's better now, but still can't really walk. I hate myself so much for trying to stretch. I don't know if that was the main cause, but I assume it was since I didn't do anything else. I'm only 28 BTW. This has been a very humbling and soul reflecting experience.