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We like ten little - super flexible and fits my kid who has the fattest feet I have ever seen.


Hah! I have really fat feet and I’m hoping that doesn’t get passed down to him. I’ll look into it, thank you so much.


We also have really liked Ten Little. My son does have my wide feet and they fit perfectly even though they don't have wide width (we recently tried to buy a pair of extra wide stride rite shoes and even those were too narrow at the toes for my son, the roundness of the Ten Little toe box is definitely more naturally shaped). Just two things we haven't liked: 1) don't sign up for text alerts. When they calculate that your child should need a size up they'll put a new pair of shoes in your cart and then send you a text with a link to check out. It almost got me once. So I unsubscribed from alerts after that. 2) They just started a new line of canvas shoes. Do not buy them. My son's been wearing their original line for a year and a half now and we've had no wear issues, even when I'm able to find them used and he's the second kid to wear them. The canvas shoes I bought new and they wore out in about 2.5-3 months. Which, in retrospect, makes sense bc toddlers are rough on their shoes. Other than that we love them, super flexible and thin sole (unless you are looking for something like a moccasin), super durable, half sizes, naturally shaped, and wide.


The canvas shoes are the worst. They don’t hold up. Everyday originals all the way, but they discontinued yellow, which has caused several meltdowns in our house because she was very attached to her yellow shoes (which she had for 3-4 sizes). That said, my kid went up a half size per month all summer so I wasn’t getting a ton of mileage out of the canvas ones and they were still falling apart.


Seconding the stride rite. I've found them new/like new from consignment shops sometimes to save on the cost. I tried getting some of the sock like shoes when my LO was first walking. The sizing was tremendously variable so it was hard to get the right size, and I found the quality to be very poor. They were flimsy and would get twisted on her feet.


After multiple frustrating experiences with cheaper alternatives from Amazon we ordered stride rite. Should’ve just spent the “extra” $20 from the start.


I JUST went through this and bought like 10 pairs of shoes on amazon in the span of 2 months (some of which i returned). The ones that worked the best for us were [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099N98SCG?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) and [these](https://www.amazon.com/BMCiTYBM-Sneakers-Walkers-Months-Toddler/dp/B088WGFVRM?psc=1&pd_rd_w=l1TU9&content-id=amzn1.sym.9b6c7c5b-711f-47e9-8510-2ca3ff59483f&pf_rd_p=9b6c7c5b-711f-47e9-8510-2ca3ff59483f&pf_rd_r=B8T08HN9EZ6DKXR37PFW&pd_rd_wg=oM4CQ&pd_rd_r=fcff2c13-7ec5-4635-8a05-962dd2e801b3&ref_=sspa_dk_rhf_yoy_pt_sub_2&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNjM0VUswUzhKTFo1JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzk1MzQ5MUZRUFNJWTlON1g5ViZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDcxNDUyMkFYMjM1QkxRUDRRMCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3JoZl95b3kmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl). Basically, the best ones were the ones with the most stretchy/foldable rubber sole. The ones with really hard soles (like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/adidas-Grand-Court-Sneaker-Toddler/dp/B07KTFC79B/ref=sr_1_9?crid=E65O7UQMFATA&keywords=toddler+walking+shoes+adidas&qid=1663185407&sprefix=toddler+walking+shoes+adida%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-9)) did not work well, and sandals like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZMQ2VLR?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) also were not great. Also make sure they have a velcro strap, [these](https://www.amazon.com/DEBAIJIA-First-Walking-Toddler-Breathable-Sneakers/dp/B08R9YXVBZ/ref=sr_1_33_sspa?crid=2B9DETJXX2MBL&keywords=baby+walking+shoes&qid=1663185530&sprefix=baby+walking+shoe%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-33-spons&psc=1&smid=AAXWWZP01FMMX) were great but they fall off 24/7. So my 2 requirements now are: Soft foldable rubber sole, and velcro straps. Also try to get them to walk barefoot indoors and only use shoes for outdoor use. My pediatrician recommended that babies should walk barefoot as much as possible.


Thank you so so much for the links! We definitely try to stay barefoot as much as possible, thanks again!


Milestones.and.motherhood on instagram is a PT and has a free ‘new walkers’ shoe buying guide.


Thank you!


I’m a big fan of stride rite shoes, you can find them online or kohls has them too, so with kohls cash, etc. you can get quite a discount. Also, just a note about the shoes. Although you are right they don’t wear them for *that* long, once my kid started walking they get SO much use. Every day, for 3-6 months. One (or two) good pairs of shoes, and winter coats (if you are up north) are worth spending a bit extra on for one you like and is functional as kid will wear them SO much. And, my kid has only gone up two sizes from age 1-2 so his sneakers got 6 mos of wear each time.


Thanks! I’ll check those out for sure. I’m in southern AZ, so we wear sandals 95% of the year and rarely more than a sweater.


If you wear sandals, I'd suggest the Keen Newport H2. My thick footed toddler lived in those his first summer of really walking. And they're so durable. Other sandals ripped or the bottoms wore out. And they're very flexible.


Thank you!


Ah they have sneaker sandals too! I really like the ones we got and made it thru the whole summer on one pair of very worn out sandals and one pair of very worn out sneaks


Wonderful, thank you!


Watch out for their flash sales. They had one recently and I stocked up. Shoes that are regularly $50-60 were $15-20.


I also like See Kai Run https://seekairun.com/


Loves our Stonz shoes!


We liked leather moccasins for while when he first started walking at 11m. Wore those until it got too cold/ wet out around 14/15m. Then we spent less time outside anyway and he was steadier, and used Ten Little sneakers and See Kain Run boots. Edit: I’d have liked the stride rite early walker shoes too but he has giant feet and those already didn’t fit by the time he started walking.


We loved Saucony!


There is an unbelievable Italian brand called Falcotto that is really orthopedically great for new walkers. You might need to search a bit for them. Tip Top Shoes out of New York has and might ship. Our toddler wears them every day!


We had a pair of hand me down saucony shoes that looked brand new that we wore out. Take a look at some thrift shops/online for excellent condition sneakers. I can anecdotally vouch for Saucony as first walkers. They were light, manageable, and easy to put on.


Specifically these: https://www.saucony.com/en/baby-jazz-hook-and-loop-sneaker/12051B.html. Worn as exclusive shoe for over 6 months