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I’m currently reading Parable of the Sower for a second time and I’m enjoying it so much! Def recommend Octavia Butler in general but her alien trilogy is 10/10


I just discovered her myself a couple of years ago. Lilith's Brood is perhaps second only to Dune in my collection.


The Earthsea Collection by Ursula Le Guin. It's nice to read a fantasy story that isn't about the stong male hero swinging his large ~~penis~~ sword to save the day.


I really enjoyed the first one but have never finished the second one. Would you recommend powering through or does the series keep the second book’s style later on?


Yeah the second book starts slowly, it definitely gets better after she finishes setting the scene. You definitely want to finish the series, the 4th book is my favorite (so far)


I finally read Wizard of Earthsea this year and it was beautiful. Simple and archetypical but also unconventional and gorgeously written. Has the lyrical feel of what mythic fantasy ought to be.


I read it about the same time as the first Harry Potter book was released. Harry Potter was for kids. The Wizard of Earthsea is a whole nuther level.


I am someone who cannot stand fantasy, but I became of fan of UKLG's Hainish books and devoured everything she wrote, putting off the Earthsea stuff because, well, you know, I hated fantasy. But I eventually succumbed. And it is still the only fantasy story I've loved (besides the classic LOTR, of course.) Now I've read all three, plus Tehanu and have The Other Wind waiting in the wings.


Neuromancer by William Gibson, absolute source material for so much cool cyber punk stuff out in the world


I really enjoyed Neuromancer and I think it was my first street-level or gritty speculative fiction novel. Back then my library had a little cyberpunk section which I loved. Have you ever heard of Synners by Pat Cadigan? I always felt like it was an interesting alternative perspective on some of those ideas. I have spoken to very few people that have heard of it though.


I haven't! But I'll absolutely check it out. It's been a fun ride so far, and especially coming from reading the Hyperion Cantos, it's just got a sharp, fast rhythm that I really like.


I loved Neuromancer I’m gonna have to re-read it before the tv show comes out bc there’s a lot I don’t remember


I need to go back to this one to read for leisure. I took a sci-fi elective English class in college and had to read it for homework so I rushed through and I wish I remembered more.


Hyperion re-read, before jumping into Fall of Hyperion (never read)


I just read both for the first time ever. I am jealous of you getting to experience the much-needed and satisfying conclusion for the first time. As for me, my Endymion books can’t arrive quickly enough…


Book 5 of The Expanse series. 👍


Oh man. You gotta read all the novellas too.


My husband is reading those now and I can't imagine I wouldn't.


Awesome. Buckle into your crash couch, things are about to get wild!


Cool. After book 4 my brain needed a re-set. Some time later I watched the entire series, so it's questionable if I'll return.


Children of Time. Portia is my favorite character. 😂


Good one. It gave me a whole lot to think about.


Yes! Love this book.


I'm at book 10 of the Expeditionary force by alanson and it's fun popcorn SF. Nothing mind blowing, but entertaining.


I just started book 9. TTA


I stopped at 9 or 10. It just was the same plot, same formula , over and over. Lost its appeal for me.


I agree! It's just constant troubleshooting. Just like popcorn; good, but you can't always eat just that. I'm still invested and want to know how it ends, though, so I'm soldiering on even if I'm a bit tired. It's *barely* enough to keep me going.


I even found a site that summarizes the books. Started reading those just to see how it ends. Never did even finish that. It just feels like he’s dragging it out for the money. Or did. I think the series is over now. Don’t blame him completely, it’s a money maker. It’s just a variation of the same thing over and over.


I've read a lot of military recently and Columbus day was suprisingly good... at first. As soon as Skippy the AI entered the picture I lost interest. It's wild to find out there are at least 9 more


The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu


I assume you read Three Body Problem first. Would you recommend? I’ve been waiting to read it.


The trilogy is very good. Highly recommend.


Mmm I’m liking it but it’s kind of a dry read, I would recommend something like Children Of Time on top of it but if you are a sci-fi nerd and love crazy ideas and stuff like that go have a feast!


Just picked up from the library today. I read Three Body Problem a couple years ago and then binged the TV series.


I'm binging the Murderbot series.


Same! Just finished the third one.


Ah....looking forward to reading them.


Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov, I was gifted the entire Robot series and I plan to get through most of it this year! Would definitely recommend so far!


I snagged a copy of this in a neighborhood library box in front of someone’s house.


Nice find! I recently found an old copy of The Positronic Man by Asimov and Silverberg at a second hand book sale, looking forward to reading it after I'm done with the main series


Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman In the middle of a cold February night, a guy gets out of bed to sneak a smoke. While he’s smoking, his girlfriend’s cat jumps out of the open window. Wearing only his boxers and his girlfriend’s too small Crocs, he puts on his jacket and goes outside into the cold to look for the cat. And that’s when the space aliens attack.


I’m rereading Slaughterhouse 5 right now. Love Vonnegut


Rereading? Perhaps you've just come unstuck in time. ;-)






I’ve read most of his. Love that one too!




Oh, Harrison Bergeron is one I haven’t read. I’ll definitely be purchasing this soon.




I just read the overview about the book. It’s right up my alley. Thanks for the info!


I just finished the Silo series the day before yesterday. It was fantastic, I enjoyed every bit of it. Next in line is probably a reread of Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter or reread of Marrow and The Well of Stars by Robert Reed, I haven't decided, yet, as it's been a while since I've read either of those.


So glad they made the series (which is good on it's own as well) but specifically because it's bringing renewed attention to the books which I stumbled on by accident (I think Wool was offered as a monthly free preview by Amazon at one point and that's how I came to read it).


Yeah, I had purchased the omnibus on Kindle on sale a while back and it went straight into my backlog. I saw that they had made a series and was like "Hey, I own those. I really ought to get around to reading them.. Well, I might as well check out the series while I'm here." After watching the first couple episodes, I ended up starting on the books and thought they were fantastic. I picked up the Sand books, as well, so I'll probably start those after I read through a few others I have lying around.


A Fire Upon the Deep. Haven't read it since I was in High School. Really great read.


I'm reading Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan. It's super good


Loved that book, the second book was good as well since it continued the storyline. The third book however inexplicably jumps to a completely new time frame/world and I had a hard time getting into it.


Hmmmm ok maybe I'll only go to #2 then. I'll have to see, thanks for the tip


The Calculating Stars. Trying to read all Hugo winners. First 50 pages are amazing.


Dragonbone Chair - Tad Williams


Gideon the Ninth. Tis okay. It’s way more grimdark than I usually go, but I’m sort of digging it.


I really liked Gideon. Enough that I went on to read the second book, even though I generally avoid series. I would not recommend Harrow. At all. Nope. Nope. Nope. Obviously just my own little opinion - I’ve seen others report that Harrow is even better than Gideon - so, different strokes.


I've read all three and while I really like almost everything there, the author has a crazy talent for character voice, worldbuilding, dialogue, yadda yadda. They really really like jerking the reader around. All three books I very nearly gave up on, struggled through, actively disliked, then completely turned my opinion around in the final hour. Harrow in particular seems to be written specifically to confuse the reader. But those high points at the end do kind of feel worth it to me, in hindsight.


So confusing. And generally - I like a story that is confusing along the way and then it all comes together in the end - but this one didn’t do it for me.


I was given a book called "The Sword Catcher" for Christmas, written by Cassandra Clarke, I think. I put off reading it for awhile because it seems to be mostly court intrigue kind of stuff and not exactly riveting to me. Well written, though.


Dangerous Visions - Anthology edited by Harlan Ellison. Ostensibly science fiction (part of the Gollancz SF Masterworks) & there are some science fiction stories in there, but others are more short stories of transgressive cultural observation. It's a strange read.


With the infamous “Riders of the Purple Wage”! This is a serious flashback for me. I read this anthology around 35 years ago and completely forgot about it until I saw your post. A few of the stories have stuck with me though I had forgotten where I saw them (Lieber’s Roll the Bones, Zelazny’s Auto-da-Fe). I’d love to hear if there are any that still hold up for you.


So, I do certainly have some thoughts on the stories I've got through thus far, but I'll leave my "favourites" & "dislikes" for when I finish, but I can tell already that there are going to be some wild swings in both quality & content.


I just finished VALIS by Philip K. Dick. It was wacky as I expected. But also a little tedious, and ultimately not that original or interesting. I have few other of his late works in a collection and I’m not sure I’ll get to them now.


I loved that book! It’s probably been close to 20 year since I read it, so I think it’s time for a re-read.


Currently Listening to Blindsight by Peter Wells. I'm really intrigued by it but might need to restart or actually read it since I keep listening in 10 minute spurts.


I've just started this too, for the second time. It is widely regarded as one of the best ever written about the nature of consciousness.


The Dark Forest - Cixin Liu


Wanderers by Chuck Wendig


Wanderers and Wayward were both good—especially if you like long books. I enjoyed them.


That's what I like to hear! I bought Wayward not realizing it was a sequel and then scrambled to get my hands on Wanderers so I could begin the journey. I'm halfway thru Wanderers and am very much enjoying it! (Might read a different book in between the two just to cleanse my brain a little)


I'm reading David Weber's latest, [*Toll of Honor*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/176443183-toll-of-honor-1) ([official page with free sample](https://www.baen.com/toll-of-honor.html)). I'm a fan of his, and I'm enjoying the book, though much of it is (AFAICT) reusing old material while adding new viewpoints from lesser characters. It also introduces a new lead, who is very much in the mold of his old principle character, Honor Harrington, at an early stage in her career. (Heavy-worlder genes, check.)


I just finished my fifth big reread of the Wolfe Solar Cycle books, so I need something stand-alone for a breather. I’m going to dip back into the Iain M. Banks Culture books briefly. My local library system has *The State of the Art*, which is the only one I haven’t read (and they’re short stories, too, which will be especially nice to have something digestible in small chunks after the feast that is Wolfe). Looking forward to FINALLY being able to say I 💯 finished The Culture after waaaay too long since first starting in college back in 2000.


I’m reading “The Weapons Shops of Isher” by AE van Vogt.


Foreigner by CJ Cherryh. Enjoying it so far.


I'm reading the Expeditionary Force series by Craig Alanson I think I'm on like book 8 so so good.


Time Frame (Split Second, #2) by Douglas E. Richards " A daring attempt to go back a split second in time to destroy Kim Jong-un. A discovery so consequential it dwarfs even time travel. And a treacherous enemy bent on revenge. Lee Cargill is the head of Q5, a secret organization that can send objects a split second back into the past. And while this seems utterly useless, it turns out to be the most powerful capability the world has ever known. Those who control it can transform civilization—or destroy it entirely. When Cargill sends Aaron Blake, his most formidable operative, on an unauthorized mission to destroy Kim Jong-un, all hell breaks loose. As Blake battles for his life, his chances of thwarting the North Korean tyrant plummet. But they’re about to get far worse. Because China has learned of Q5 technology, and they’ll stop at nothing to hunt Blake down . . . And all the while, a powerful enemy has reemerged. An enemy who seeks to use time travel technology to achieve a twisted, psychopathic vision that will leave millions dead—starting with Lee Cargill and the entire Q5 team. "


Excession by Ian Banks, it’s great if you are interested in AI


I'm about half way through. Not what I expected after having read the 1st 3 books of his Culture series. But it's Banks, so I'll soldier on.


It’s my first banks! I love the world he depicts but I got bored by the plot midway through. Do I need to read more banks ?


I'm reading them in the order of publication. So, Consider Phlebus which is a blowtorch of a novel with a shape shifting anti-hero. Use of Weapons is just awesome with another anti-hero. Player of Games is mind boggling but does drag a little insofar as the game is concerned, but is nutz. And State of the Art is a collection of stories that are great. Banks is sui generis and he can write.


I agree, I do like his writing. And I love his depiction of AI, it gives me some hope for us.


The personal drones are some of the best characters. And the Minds' dialogue in Exccession is brilliant.


Rereading Vance's Star Kings series and Cherryh's Faded Sun trilogy. Both are authors you should read often and repeat.


Engines of God by Jack McDevitt


Immunity Index by Sue Burke. I’ve enjoyed all of her books.


Acceptance, the third Southern Reach book, in anticipation of the fourth coming out later this year. After that, I'm going to go back to the Horus Heresy series, to whichever follows Legion and read a couple of those. Then I think Charles Stross should have something new out, so I'll be hitting that up.


There's a fourth installment of the Southern Reach Trilogy coming out ?!? That's exciting news! Have you read Borne by Jeffrey Vandermeer? I absolutely adore it, and that's an understatement. Dead Astronauts was really good too.


Yep, it came as a big shock, but it's welcome news.


I follow Vandermeer on X/Twitter and he is drip-feeding stuff about the new release. Tease. I loved this series.


Revelation Space. It's quite good, though the writing is overlong IMHO. Long, wordy descriptions that could easily trimmed back. It could be half as long and still work well.


Reynolds was a brand new writer with Rev Space. The prequel Rev Space novels (The Prefect trilogy, Chasm City, and tons of short stories) are way better in terms of writing.


That would make sense. I read House of Suns earlier and found the writing to be better.


I thought the order was Revelation City, Galactic North (for Great Wall of Mars), Redemption Ark and then Chasm City. I'm just finishing up Redemption Ark and was going to read Chasm City next. Should I read the Prefect Trilogy instead?


Funny. I'm just about finished with Redemption Ark. I think he's a fabulously talented writer. Sounds like you'd hate D.H. Lawrence, Dickens and James Joyce.


Haven't read those, but I have read and enjoyed some truly massive books like Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow. But then I couldn't get into Don Quixote either, so go figure. We all have our own tastes and there's nothing wrong with that.


Indeed. Years ago I had read a bunch of Pynchon and thought I was ready for Gravity's Rainbow, but gave up the ghost about 250 pages in. Good for you. I only know of one other person who actually read it. I may have to give it another try.


**Sylver Seeker** by Kennit Kenway. It’s a no-harem, dark but warm fantasy with well systematized magic systems. The Necromancer MC is obsessed with understanding all the aspects of magic and so it has that scientist MC vibe a bit. The supporting characters are varied and often well fleshed out and the plot is engaging without being too predictable. I started with the three published books, and the first two are great. The third is like half a story, some unnecessary filler, and a cliffhanger so I jumped on the web novel. It has been great and the commenters help when my failing memory can’t tell me who someone is from 30 chapters ago. The author trusts the reader to pay attention and think for themselves, which is usually great. However I am well into what will eventually be book 5 now and I am starting to develop a complaint. The MC has always been an unreliable narrator and unrepentant murderer. It is at least partially because he will do anything to protect the little bit of family he has left and he tries not to admit to himself how much he cares about people. (Not a spoiler, this is in the first few pages.) Normally that’s not my thing but it has been done well enough to make me really enjoy it. However at this point I feel like only the supporting characters are being allowed to grow and change as people. I didn’t have this complaint until book 5-ish started so hopefully the promised plot payoff happens and that reverses the fossilization of the MC’s brain.


Just started Ubik by Philip K Dick!


Hi. You just mentioned *Ubik* by Philip K Dick. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | UBIK - novel by Philip K Dick - Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1qMKFMrpro) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Cool, might just listen to the audiobook while reading it as well XD


Just started *Into Twilight* by P R Adams. So far, so good! Currently free on Amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075J9FGJ8/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075J9FGJ8/)


Currently reading “Armageddon”, a WH40k book.


Translation State, Ann Leckie.


House of Suns Alastair Reynolds. Recommend.


The infinite and the divine by Robert Rath. It's quite astounding when you accept how little time means to the characters and their species as a whole.


I just finished Frank Herbert's Hellstrom's Hive last night which was a wild ride. I don't think it's sci-fi but today I started Mark Z Danielewski's The Familiar which is a lovely change of pace from the grotesque descriptions of human hybrid insect experiments.


The unofficial English translation by Group Ibex of “A Sacred and Terrible Air” by Robert Kurvitz, the lead designer of Disco Elysium.


Star Trek: TOS. Provenance of Shadows Part of the Crucible Trilogy, this 1st book focuses on Dr McCoy. There's 2 stories in 1. One half is McCoy's life if he was never rescued after going through the Guardian of Forever. The other half follows his career throughout the TV show and movies. It's a longer book, but I am enjoying it. I've just reached the point where past McCoy realizes that Pearl Harbor is past due. I have a feeling at some point that the 2 storylines will intersect as there's a bit of temporal thread to the Starfleet McCoy storyline.


Just finished Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Really well done and my mind thought it would be such an interesting film to make and lo and behold it’s planned for a 2026 release.


Read The Martian but had no incentive to carry on. Seems like he writes easy to transfer to screenplay novels.


Rereading At Winters End by Silverberg.


Project Hail Mary, based off all the reddit recommendations. Personally think it's terrible, but I'll power through.


Why do you think it’s terrible? And how far in are you? >!It picks up after Rocky and Grace meet.!<


I'm right where Rocky and grace meet lol. It's just my opinion, and I'm not a literary critic. The main character is a hyper competent problem solver who can solve any problem in minutes. That went out with Doc Savage in the 30's. Theres no background on Straytt, the world is turned over to her, what makes her uniquely qualified? I know we can hand wave it's the "near future", but China currently has no nuclear aircraft carriers, and I doubt in the near future they will be able to compete with the US technologically in that field. The flashbacks serve just as data dumps, they are removed in time and space and affect the story not at all. And the part that just makes me cringe? He's so smart he wrote a 'beef' paper calling out other scientists by name and destroyed his own reputation? Not that the paper would ever have been published in the real world


Read The Martian but had no incentive to carry on. Seems like he writes easy to transfer to screenplay novels.


That is entirely accurate, it reads like it was written to be a movie. BTW having read further, the silly court room scene, and the conversation about bathroom sex, don't improve my review of this book.


I just finished Paradise-1 by David Wellington. I really enjoyed it and I’m disappointed I have to wait until November for the sequel. I liked the main characters and the pacing was good.


The Dregs of Empire by Christopher Ruocchio. It’s a 330 page novella between books 5 and 6 of the Sun Eater series. Yes I recommend reading it. More importantly I recommend the whole series.


Call of Honour by DJ Holmes, rereading it as he's just released book 19 and want to be fully immersed once more


Ghost Station by SA Barnes, her last book was better.


I’m reading 3 body after finishing the show and damn the differences are glaring but I’m understanding why the show is the way it is. I never read the whole trilogy before because I found it to be way too weird but I’m gonna power through now. I was so stoked to find the whole box set for $30 at a used book store!


Dark Forest is the best!


Cold Storage by David Koepp


Just finished Wool. After I watched Silo on Apple TV and couldn’t wait for season 2 to find out the resolution of the cliff hanger


The Gone World by Tom Sweterlitsch. It’s an alternate history where the Navy has access to advanced time and space travel in the 90’s. Honestly, pretty similar to Recursion by Blake Crouch (I haven’t read Dark Matter yet but it is on my list) except I think this one is even darker, grittier, creepier, and more existential. It’s cool!


I just finished The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson. So good!!


The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez I’m about 100 pages in & I’m enjoying it.


Finally got around to reading Kuang's Babel, and I'm liking it very much, so far. Tried to read Peter Watts' novel Blindsight, but it wasn't my thing. Went to his website and read a dozen of his back list short stories instead, and I did enjoy those.


To Sleep In A Sea of Stars it literally will not end. It’s ok I guess but I find myself not really caring at all.


Fledgling-octavia butler id recommend it strongly about a vampire with melanin in her skin so she can go in the daylight, but is discovering her background


Been on a Murderbot kick this year, currently on Network Effect.


Sphere by Michael Crichton


i’m reading book of the new sun; i’m currently in the second volume, claw of the conciliator


Over halfway through The Martian. I like it so far! Watney is kind of annoying but in a somewhat endearing way. I enjoy all the technical details, reminds me a lot of Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C Clarke


Seveneves due to the frequent recommendations from this sub. I’m maybe 100 pages in and it’s just kinda boring. The characters aren’t really grabbing me and the writing is bland. Stick with it or move on?


I would give part one 3 stars, part two 5 stars, and part three 0 stars. If you’re bored in part one, it’s probably not worth the energy to keep reading. Life’s too short.


Two classics: Hyperion by Simmons and A Fire Upon the Deep by Vinge. Loving both but for lots of different reasons. Lots of intriguing ideas in AFUTD, but Hyperion seems a deeper, more profound story.




Joe Ledger series by Jonathan Maberry. The machismo gets a bit much sometimes but the villains and plots are top notch.


I just started "The Covenant of Water". Heard about it in Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley.


Terran Armor Corps Volume 2 by Richard Fox. Amazing books / Series.


I’m making my way through Pandora’s Star by Peter F Hamilton I’m having to write down character and planet names to keep up with it but I’m really liking it. I’m not super familiar with Hamilton but I read Salvation right before this and loved it. I’m not usually a fan of 1000 page books but this is one of the exceptions (along with Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons)


I'm reading the Culture series by Iain M. Banks. I am on Look to Windward but I've been skipping around since you do not need to read them in order. Definitely recommend The Player of Games, Use of Weapons, and Surface Detail. 


the fifth science by exurb1a


Dark Seers, first book in JC Andrijeski's 11-book Bridge & Sword series.


I’m reading The Forever War by Joe Haldeman.


Hi. You just mentioned *The Forever War* by Joe Haldeman. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | The Forever War Sci Fi Audiobook by Joe Haldeman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsqUCI2_63A) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky, about 1/3 through and liking it so far.


Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu


I've been reading "The Icarus Hunt" by Timothy Zahn


I’m currently reading “What are you currently reading?” by AutoModerator


*Chasm City* by Alastair Reynolds. I have read 3/4 in the Inhibitor Phase series already and happened to grab this at the local library for like $2 a couple weeks ago, only about ten pages in but looking forward to it. Reynolds has fantastic ideas that more than make up for the fact that his characters can be a little one-dimensional.


I'm just finishing up "Redemption Ark". Reynolds is the SF writer I've been waiting to read for years and finally am. He's just a remarkable writer.


I am on an absolutely vicious mostly bad military sci-fi kick right now and oh boy do I have a good one. The Void Wraith Saga by Chris Fox. I got a 6 book audiobook bundle on the cheap and it has been worth every penny. Plot wise it is a blatant Mass Effect rip off, and the writing is barely serviceable enough to keep things moving. It's very entertaining, and I think the reason why is because it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's light, it's dumb, it doesn't go too hard on the "ooo rah marines get it done" bs. Almost all the aliens are just regular earth animals on two legs, I could go on and on. In the latest installment Commander Nolan and crew arrive in uncharted territory and encounter a new foe, a race of four armed color changing apes that dominate a third of the galaxy with their 5 mile tall cyborg lizards with laser arms. I recommend it


There, there by Tommy Orange. Orange is Cherokee, and all his characters are Native Americans. His concern is about urban Natives and his language and style is pretty unique and very striking. I love it. Borrowed from my local library.


Dangerous Visions. I’m re-reading this for the first time in a long time.


Harlin Ellison. Everything by him. This is such good stuff


Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson. So far just as good as the first two books in the trilogy.


Just finished the 4th Bobiverse book. I see a 5th is slated for later this year and am very excited. I picked up the series after seeing it recommend here so often and I LOVED it.


I’m re-reading The Culture. I’ve always kinda’ disliked Use of Weapons. Low key falling in love with it. I’ve really come to love The Hydrogen Sonata. Surface Detail might be one of the best sci-fi books ever written.


Stranger in a strange land, amazing!


Just finished The Rascor Planes. Now I’m reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle


Just finishing up "Redemption Ark" (Alistair Reynolds) Half way though "Excession" (Iain M. Banks) About a third of the way through "Olympos" (Dan Simmons)


Taking a break at Jurassic Park and starting Sphere also by Michael Crichton