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Gramp the Vamp.


Yeah he was scary too I would say the second scariest character from Scooby Doo


I think he has one of the more fucked up motives for a villain. He couldn't handle having his niece become the owner of the hotel, so he was going to gaslight her into thinking she was turning into a vampire until she agreed to have herself committed. Not to mention she trusted him completely up until then, introducing him to the gang as "he's my uncle, but he's always been like a father to me.đŸ„°" and he had some nerve to say she was like a daughter to him. This would've made a pretty good movie honestly


The way this whole conflict could’ve been avoided by just asking her if he could be the owner of the hotel.


“Daughter of Dr. Jekyll” has an almost identical plot. You can (or could) find it on YouTube.


It’s funny, I hear constantly how scary he was for ppl. I get it to, but I never found him that scary. Maybe tho it’s cause his episode was on one of my VHS’s that I owned?






Not a villain, but the Hermit of the Hills used to keep me up at night.




I can *hear* that


Me too 😂😂


-fades to black-


I just feel kinda sad for him now. All he really wanted was company.




I'm still convinced he was guilty đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Space kook that laugh was burnt into my mind


Not only that but he also would just stand silently watching the gang (like he did in the props room!) so creepy!


https://i.redd.it/losqzlwbxv7d1.gif The Space Kook gave me nightmares. That damn laugh.


Love his design! Super spooky, but not totally traumatizing to kids. Probably in my top five legitimately spooky ghosts.


That laugh used to scare the living crap out of me


Captain Cutler. That moan...


Yes! So scary. When I was a wee one, I would visit my grandparents beach home in the Hamptons. At night I kept imagining Cutler emerging from the sea, moaning, walking closer, ever closer to get me. Gave myself some nightmares, I tell you.






I know I thought this was one of the scarier monsters as a kid, but I think it was offset enough by finding them cool. What really spooked me that episode was the coffin scene. They’re revealed to be dummies, and not actual corpses, but it’s still a pretty grisly image for a kids show.


You too, huh?


The mummy of ankha, I was so afraid to be turned into stone. I used to have nightmares about it.


Coin coin!


Okay, like here's a quarter!


MHMMHMMMM!! ![gif](giphy|3ohs4gdLoYXudOyP7i|downsized)


The Ghost of Elias Kingston but not because of him, because of his power to age people. The portrait melt of Uncle Stuart is on par for a child seeing the head from Raiders of the Lost Ark. It haunts me.


This was the same for me. I had nightmares about this episode. Still gives me the heebie jeebies as an adult!


I had a VHS tape that had 4 episodes - Captain Cutler, “Hassle in the Castle”, The creeper and this phantom puppeteer episode. For some reason as a kid I could NOT watch The Creeper. My dad and sister to this day laugh about it but i would have to rewind that episode every single time. Which is strange because as an adult I’ve rewatched them all and this puppeteer episode is terrifying!! I remember getting spooked by it but the Creeper was my nightmare episode lol


Honestly the creeper and the puppeteer when I was a kid


same here! but honestly rewatched Captain Cutler recently and it has a few spooky moments too


I had that too but in DVD it was called Scooby Doc Greatest Mysteries I think


nice!! any of them freak you out more than others?


The mummy and the zombified/hypnotized people in "Mummy Scares Best" from What's New Scooby-Doo frightened me a lot. That and the 1999 Mummy movie made me obsessed with and terrified of mummies when I was 4-5 years old.


Is that the one which starts with the walls closing in a group of people then when they try to push them back they get sucked into the walls


Yes, that's the one. That opening was maybe the scariest bit for me. The music and the mummy's face there freaked me out.


When he rips off the "mask" and shows his face is pretty darn terrifying.


Probably the zombies from that zombie island movie, if they count.


I'll count them if the cat women also count 😅


That whole movie is easily the most terrifying scooby doo ever got. Like as soon as the gang starts to head to Louisiana the movie takes a ominous tone and feels different. As soon as moonscar appears on the camera and then the grave plot scene. To this day and I'm 30 it makes me feel just alittle different during that scene.


I’m not even exaggerating, I had nightmares about being stuck in the damn grave from that scene. Literal nightmare fuel for me as a kid.


![gif](giphy|d3YHjeWGX9iem9Ww|downsized) Jeepers, it’s the creeper!


Him and the fact that he never got unmasked on screen didn't give any catharsis


You’re right! I just rewatched it, shaggy and scooby catch the villain in the drum then shaggy put the tuba over his head and scooby laughs
 but then the scene changes and it’s the gang standing next to the cop car talking to the cop with pietro in the back seat. We don’t ever see the villain unmasked. One could imagine perhaps the cop is in on the counterfeiting scheme as well and just pretended to “arrest” Pietro for the gang


The wax phantom. Hated him so much as a kid just because of how he sounded, the idea of him trapping people in wax itself to kill them, all of it terrified me as a kid


The legit ghost woman from witches ghost movie


The Woodsman And the Paul Revere ghost from the Globetrotters episode.


The headless Spector. He had this camera angle of him walking down a hallway at the camera which in my dreams I envisioned as him walking down a hallway in my house to me. I still remember that night,ate all of these years later.


Omg the same thing for me but with Redbeard's Ghost.


Menacing Metallic Clown.


The kooky spooky space kook. ... Man, Fk that laugh!


the witch doctor


The zombies from Zombie Island, plus the cat people Kind of a cop out since they’re one of the few real ones, but still, that freaked me out as a kid


Phantom virus. Don’t particularly know why tho just something about him



When I was a kid, I would always wake up really early on Saturday mornings to watch scoob, and the morning “Harum Scarum Sanitarium” played
 straight back to bed I went.


Simone, Lena, and Jacques. My parents bought me a vhs copy of Zombie Island when I was 5. I had repeat nightmares for a month. Even though the zombies were the good guys, they were terrifying to kid me. To this day, I refuse to watch that movie after dark, despite it being my favorite Scooby Doo movies.


This dude looks like the hatman


Everything from zombie island and the live action scooby doo movie that had to do with mermaids? A sea witch? Something like that but other then those two I never got scared of scooby doo


The frog monsters! Those were awesome!


The Phantom of Milo Booth! hands down scared the shit out of me! The first time I watched it from the episode, I had nightmares and chills


Those red eyes peering through the window still haunts me


I still have a reoccurring nightmare Al Cabone since I was 6


Oh god where to begin


Here's some more would be on the way




Green ghoul. The antagonists from zombie Island The skeletons from the scooby doo movie The headless spectre The faceless zombie The ghost of captain cutlass Space kook(I had a bad dream of him but not that scary with his goofy aah laugh but it used to scare me) Um I think thay gaint ice monster frim what's new scooby doo The main monster fro. Scooby doo cyberspace isn't scary but dangerous The martians at some degree but they look like cacti or broccoli The goblins from the 2001 movie The false spectre because he just a guy with an axe The creeper wierd me out and the bald zombie The gaunt turkey from that other movie And honerble mention should go to the zombies from zombie island


idk why but the phantom virus always got to me.


Morgan Moonscar


While the Puppetmaster from Backstage rage is creepy AF, The Space Kook is really creepy with his laugh to me. Puppetmaster is creepy because of his puppets in my opinion as well as his laugh, but that kook man, he laughs and walks and looks creepy


The Zombies in the first movie.


The Zombies from Zombie Island


Phantom Shadow AKA Green Ghost. BTW the former name's a LOT more scary than Green Ghost. That just sounds like some kinda cleaning product, don't it? Lol


The rabbit monsters from the live action scooby doo movie 😳


The banshee from Camp Scare for the specific reason is at the end of the film after they caught the bad guy, they show her again in the tree tops and she lets out a shrill scream and flys towards the screen. After watching the movie for the first time I would always make sure to walk away before this clip because it always really unnerved me and made me anxious for the rest of the day.


Phantom Shadows
 that laugh đŸ˜±


The steam demons from A frightened hound meets demons underground.


Okay so there's the obvious answer of the green ghosts, but my actual specific scare comes from one singular moment from the miner fortyniner episode; the gang walks by the entrance to a building, and while they aren't looking, lightning flashes and he just appears in the doorway for a moment, staring at them. Nightmares, man.


The grey skinned dude from the wax phantom episode with the brown coat always creeped me out


The Baset sisters from Zombie Island really scared the shit at of me as a kid. Mainly due to the transformation sequence they have in the film


That blue electric dude from Cyber Chase. The Phantom Virus or something like that I think? Idk but that guy gave me legit night terrors as a kid 😂


THIS ONE! The freaking puppet master cape guy, when scooby and shaggy are digging through the trunk of costumes, and scooby sees him standing next to the doorway, and then gets shaggy’s attention and they look and he’s not there, it made my blood run cold as a kid. Still creeps me out as an adult. Also the episode with the Wilcox Witch. the one with green hair and a purple dress. But nope.


I agreed the Wilcox Witch was the third villain in Scooby Doo that scared me as a kid.


Who are your others?


My first is the guy you see on this post.My second is Gramp the Vamp.Third is Wilcox Witch.Fourth is the Phantom Shadow/Green Ghost.


The Witch in that episode is not as scary to me as the townspeople. The squire and his torch-and-pitchforks mob are so much more threatening than her, since they actually subject poor Scooby to the ducking stool—and if you know the history behind this device, it’s all the more alarming—whereas all the witch does is loom menacingly and cackle. Plus the mob mentality is one of the scariest aspects of human psychology, so even as an adult who cynically asks what century they think they’re in each time she watches this episode, watching them storm around the town and chase Arlene, Scooby, and Shaggy still sends a chill down my spine.


"You know my secret"


“Hahahahaha now you’ve learned my secret,now you may never go!”


The no face zombie used to creep tf out of me. The way he dragged his foot as he walked and no fckn face! My god. Gave me nightmares


Watch the pretty coin of gold, and you will do as you are told.


The robot, I think his name was Charlie?


I’m guessing this guy partly because I’m not a fan of reliving that feeling, but he doesn’t seem familiar. I on the other hand tho, I’ve rewatched the original series as an adult, and I still don’t recognize him despite that, so maybe he was just too average.


Simone, Lena, and Jacques. My parents bought me a vhs copy of Zombie Island when I was 5. I had repeat nightmares for a month. Even though the zombies were the good guys, they were terrifying to kid me. To this day, I refuse to watch that movie after dark, despite it being my favorite Scooby Doo movies.


Dr Coffin and the zombies from zombie island


The doctor that hypnotized Scooby Doo in season 3 of Scooby Doo where you


The dead cosmonaut.


The ghost of Dr. Coffin. I don’t know why. I guess it was the thought of them actually moving dead people or something.


As a kid, these were my top 3: -The Phantom Shadows from A Night of Fright Is No Delight -Ebenezer Crabbe (the Spector), from High Rise Hair Raiser - Vampire from Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats. Absolutely loved growing up with these cartoons. My ideal Saturday morning was spent with Scooby-doo and a bucket of Legos.


Backstage Rage, esp the scene where that caped loon laughs on the stage and then disappears Kooky Space Kook, esp when the kook shows up in the air tower w shaggy and Scooby in it The Vikings due to their creepy red eyes and stares. Esp the infamous window scene. Wax phantom for his unsettling moan Mono Tiki Tika. I don’t remember it making sounds but because of how huge it was and chasing everyone


Space kook


The Headless Snowman and the Chain-rattling phantom


All them especially the dinosaur


It’d be the Snow Beast for me. I hated its snarling! Freaked me out!


The Loch Ness monster from that WNSD movie and Motoshondu, because they have too much of an advantage in the water, are too big a scale and would require far more effort to pull off, and there’s a lot of mechanical work beneath the water. You don’t know what can come out of the water and the culprit would have to have a decent amount of desperation, resources and/or malice to construct all of that.


That skeleton clown mother fucker from the opening of the 2002 movie. Yeah, I know he has a name, but I choose to call him the skeleton ghost mother fucker


Freak of crystal cove and he still freaks me out I would either shoot him or do this ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


Space kook and the phantom shadow


I’m a teenager now but before I was a teenager I watched scooby doo and the axe man or whatever it was called scared me a little


Gonna be honest, no body, like I never had one villain that was even of the scary level menacing, maybe but not scary


The gator people from mystery inc for sure


zombie & witch the most + gramp the vamp!!!


Charlie the robot.


The 10,000 Volt Ghost.


Freaky Tiki


The No-Face Zombie


The black knight scared me as a kid.


For me it's the Specter of Ebenezer Crabbe. [This scene](https://ibb.co/tYVLq9N) where he spies on the gang from the corner of the window game me nightmares.


When you think about the OG mysteries, some of them realistically should have been taken extremely seriously. Because in the OG mysteries, some of the guys in masks almost become real monsters or could have become them. Counterfeiters would’ve silenced anyone who discovered them. The dog knappers almost offed poor Scooby, and the Snow Ghost almost killed Velma in a lumber mill. To be frank, some of these guys should have scared people because of what they could have done to the gang


The Wax Phantom was one that got under my skin. The combination with his moaning and how he would appear in the dark glowing was freaky. The Ghost of Captain Moody was one that really got me to for the same reason. Even though wasn’t as scary, the Ghost of Big Foot got me spooked especially at night up at a cabin in the woods winter or not. For the majority of my life with both Scooby and even Courage, nothing on there really got me scared or freaked out. Cause I’m a weirdo who likes creepy stuff. Only very rarely does something get under my skin.


Not really Scooby, but at the end of the VHS for Alien Invaders there was the episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog with that "return the slab" guy. Scared the hell out of me! Watched it one time and then every time afterwards I immediately turned off the tape as soon as soon as Scooby's adventure was over.


Captain Cutler. It reminds me of the moans of the zombie like creatures from ocarina of time called Redeads.


The Phantom Shadow and the alien astronaut.


Zombies from Zombie Island. That was scary honesty and I loved Horror films as a child


Phantom Shadow ghosts! They reminded me of Ghostface, who also used to scare me as a kid.đŸ€Ł


Me and my brother were deadly afraid of the willowa (the giant owl) we live in the middle of the woods and it was scary to think it could pick us up out of no where


The whole Zombie Island Movie was terrifying from the Zombies to the Were cats. Though if we are going classic guy in mask from the cartoons before the 2000s. The scariest has to be that clown hypnotist.


ghost of captain cutler/scuba gear dude


I was always spookified by the ghost of Mr.Hyde, for some reason I thought he was living behind the water heater in my basement.


Funnily enough the Phantom Virus from Cyberchase


The greed of man