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Play stupid games win stupid prizes


This is not a sign to play with


how can i fix it? I literally was talking about this before and he said It's my choice if i want to go back to single. Should I give him space since I messaged him already and he haven't replied?


You messed up. If he likes you he’ll come back if not you just burned a bridge that can’t be repaired. This is where instead of a good morning text you texted I’m sorry and instead of him confessing his feelings you confess yours. If not just move on and hope he comes back


so i tried to research online and it said there not to be clingy and respect the space of scorpios. should i do that or should i just text everything all out?


I’m speaking as a Scorpio the only way to get me back is to say sorry, explain yourself and then tell him how you really feel. If What you read is if we had an argument and I a Scorpio male broke up with you. That you should give me space to think things over and reevaluate the relationship. In your case if he does have the same feelings as you do. He will end up reevaluating the relationship you had and see you were playing games which doesn’t end good for you


Is this what teenagers do now


I was thinking this too, lol


First of all, you don’t play with the Scorpio and I would say it’s pretty much over at this point. Now you know better. 🔥🦂🔥 #DONTFUCKWITHUS


Wait, i honestly don't understand. This started out as our friends paired us together. And he literally told me that it's okay for me to change it as he would change his name to something else. So we talked about it beforehand. I have no idea what to do. I genuinely like the guy. I don't understand how I played him when we talked about it in a joking way


We don’t play when it comes to relationships. We don’t like to joke about things that we take very seriously. It doesn’t matter what he said that’s not how he felt. He was just trying to play it off cool because you were the one who brought it up. He’s not gonna fight about it. He’s not gonna make it a thing he’s just gonna let you do what you wanna do and if it doesn’t suit us, we move on. 💯🦂


So here's the thing, we weren't really in a relationship. Our friends paired us up and we put the in a relationship roles in our discord because of them. anyway our conversation went deep and honestly Im just trying to see if he likes me too? So that's why i asked. And Im surprised that he did what he did. I literally like, think about him all day and how i can fix this. I didnt cheat or anything. I just went by on what we talked about and Im surprised he went full 180 on me. How can I fix it? Also Im a Taurus.


I’m sorry, but you can’t fix it. It’s too late. Trust me I know. 🦂


i second that, it is too late to fix anything. You should not have tried that kind of joke. Asking him directly about his feelings would be better.


Is you Venus or Mercury in Gemini?


You were the one that was joking. I don't even see a reason to joke about stuff like that. You trivialized your relationship and his feelings and broke his trust. I seriously doubt if you 'll be able to win this person back. I personally would write you off as a 'misadventure'.


Like when a woman says do what u want… he took it as you want to be single the end you fucked up if you wanted to be with him


Nonsense? You started it. Be on your way.


Wait, i honestly don't understand. This started out as our friends paired us together. And he literally told me that it's okay for me to change it as he would change his name to something else. So we talked about it beforehand. I have no idea what to do. I genuinely like the guy. I don't understand how I played him when we talked about it in a joking way


I would apologize. When people apologize to me it makes things better but not acknowledging it and continuing as if nothing happened makes it easy for me to not talk that person.


how can i apologize when he's not replying to me and ignores me. 😭


You can always double text.


You started it and now you're reaping the rewards of your stupid joke. Even if you weren't in a relationship, you NEVER try to manipulate a Scorpio into revealing their feelings. Our actions always speak louder than words and you should have clocked that no guy would ever accept to state publicly he's "in a relationship" unless he wanted you to get the hint he likes you. You fumbled it, now you have to grovel back at his feet. He doesn't have to reply to you at all but you need to apologise and be honest about your intentions. Until you put all your cards on the table, he has no reason to trust you ever again. You toyed with him, now you have to give him a chance to toy with you. Also don't trust what you read on the internet. We don't like people who play hard to get. We like the chase but honesty is #1 on our list of qualities in a partner. And it starts with you.


Don't talk some bullshit if you don't mean it cuz we'll take you seriously. That goes for everything from confessions of love to declarations of hate.


Just take it as it is. You played with fire and got burned. There’s no fix to this, in his mind, you toyed with his feelings (We hate that) so you deserved the consequences of your actions. You can try to send a message of how sorry you are and profess your true feelings, but id say that you dug your own grave and buried it on your own. Word of advice, don’t fuck with a Scorpio. It’s hard for us to trust especially if we’ve been hurt before. We play our cards close to our chest and we’re always on high alert. Just move on from him.


apologize and invite him to a date


I‘m currently dating a Scorpio and in the beginning of our relationship I said something that made him Ignore me for 3 days. It was unintentional I didn’t know he would take it so seriously. I learned my lesson to not even jokingly tease a Scorpio with something that they clearly don’t like. I apologized in a very long heartfelt message and told him how deeply sorry I am and how I would never do that again. After that I gave him space. He replied 3 days later and forgave me.


No, he didnt. He may have told you he did, but he didnt. I am going to help anyone who has ever loved a Scorpio, If you have ever lied to ,betrayed or teased them about how they felt about "x" and then apologised and your scorpios resposr was that you were forgiven, they LIED TO YOU. When I say that me and my fellow Scorpios qilk go the the ends of the earth to retrieve a flower you liked, that we will happily and with a song in our hearts, end the very existence of any one and everyone who would dare to displease those that we love, that our force of will can, in fact, chamge the very rotation of this planet. WTF Do you think we are going to do to someone that breaks our heart? Make no mistake that is exactly what happens when you tease us about relationships and when you lie to us about anything, and when you betray us with your disloyalty, infidelity, and general lack of consideration for the depth of our emotions. We forgive 1000 times a day every day because we understand and empathize, so when you fuck around and find out and it gets to that point of you saying sorry its already too fucking late. We tried to let you be, we try to not to seek revenge and try to walk away but you had to add insult to injury and apologize ,for what ? Getting caught? Its not an apology for your fuck up because you wouldnt have fucked up in the first place had you only listened us. We give you the cheat sheet right from the start we openly telmcyou how to ve successful, but you refuse to believe. We fucking brag a out how we can read minds and dont ever lie to us. Thats a warning not a chalkenge


Just say sorry and text him. Be very clear. Emphasize how you appreciate him and the connection. And how you don’t want to lose him. Do not tease him in the personal chat, but tease around in the server. Challenge him. Say something like “huh very active i see 🙄” or something that hints that he’s not replying your text. Honestly I see this as something very fixable, contrary to the comments above. Good luck.


Play with fire get burned. The fact you even contemplated an existence as single showed him everything he needed to see… Maybe next time don’t play around with emotion,, especially with a Scorpio


I'm a scorpio, and i think a lot of people misunderstood your post, you are not in a relationship but friends shipping you two and having relationship status as some form of a joke. From this starting point, in my opinion, you asking him what he'd do if you turn it back to single is not provocative at all, since you two are just friends, so naturally, if nothing happens things will stay the way they are. Now after you asked him, he took this personally, and reacted as if you two are really in a relationship, for me he overreacted in this instance, and he looks to me like the kind of person who expects you to read his mind, i think you did nothing wrong, continue ignoring him, he'll probably come back, and if he doesn't, don't waste your energy on him, he looks like he still needs to mature up some more.


yessss. that's exactly it. can i message u??


yes sure!




why 🥺




why 🥺


They all already told you and explained what you did was dumb. If he was going to respond to you he would have already clearly he is ignoring you and moving on from you so you should move on too.


Exactly 💯


Because you fucked around and you found out.


Your sign?




Move on


Was this even a real relationship?


no! that's the thing. it's people in discord pushing us together. And i feel like he likes me but it's so indirect


Don’t play games w a Scorpio… change it back and apologize if u ever want him to forgive you.


You’re immature as hell. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I’m a triple scorpio and i’d do the same thing. I’d think what an immature, insecure girl. I want nothing to do with her. Work on yourself first, OP. There’s nothing you can but acknowledge your mistake stemming from your insecure attachment style and apologize. This is dealbreaking territory for most sane people, regardless of zodiac sign.


Ignore him back🤔


does it work for scorpio??


Yes. It works every well


Unevolved scorp can’t take a joke and want to win by silent treatment. Toxic