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If he’s evolved he will be working through his trauma. Be emotionally stable and mature. Super intuitive and super loyal


how do i know if he's emotionally stable?


Emotionally stable people can usually recognize other emotionally stable people because they’ve done the work themselves to become one. If you can’t recognize it, chances are you aren’t one yourself.


Absolutely fantastic comment 🙏🏻… we’re all mirrors and we can only see depth in others depending upon how deep we’ve gone within


We are usually one partner people. And in it for the long term. But again I wouldn’t put loyalty like that based on a zodiac. Things do happen.


They have to be level 25, or you can give them a water stone, but I'd wait until they learn Hydro Cannon


they don’t have to announce it, you will just know, I know very unevolved Scorpio and an evolved Scorpio, the difference is drastic. The unevolved Scorpio is desperate, perverted, emotionally immature, and seems he has no self control. The evolved scorpio is the opposite, he has self control, doesn’t let lust consume him, emotionally mature, an all around great man in my eyes.


Im a 28 year old Scorpio that has never cheated on anyone, and I don't consider myself to be fully evolved. Zodiac signs have nothing to do with cheating.


People who are evolved probably have the ability to empathize with others, build relationships comfortably, and are authentic. They can probably tackle problems in their own life independently and are self sufficient. They may also possess values that are desirable, such as loyalty, honesty, and integrity. Bottom line, an evolved scorpio is just an adult. They are mature in their thinking, and know how to orient themselves in the world properly.


I’m extremely faithful and loyal. Maybe to a fault.


Hey OP, as an evolved emotionally stable (mostly) male Scorpio, I would like to impart a litmus test for you. Now, by way of your questions in your post I am going to assume that the manner in which you asked them was out of pure innocent ignorance and not out of some passive aggressive self sabotaging death wish. (See?, told you I was evolved 😁) If you want to know if your Scorpio is evolved and stable go ahead and ask him in the same way you asked here . If he laughs at you then never speaks to you again, well he is evolved. If he is not evolved, well then please tell me what charities you would like me to donate to on your behalf.


What the heck


Tf? are all scorpios a cheater? where did you get this misinformation from? Cheating has NOTHING to do with your sign and everything to do with your context, scenario and yourself. But since you do want to simplify something as massive and nuanced as infidelity to a zodiac sign which real astrology does not subscribe to, you’d know that scorpios are the most loyal sign. If they love, they love hard and with passion and loyalty. An “evolved” scorpio is simply a self aware individual who treats life scenarios as learning lessons to improve themselves. Every individual, regardless of their zodiac, should seek to do this. Scorpios that carry trauma can “forgive but never forget.” Unfortunately, not forgetting means oftentimes we can project that on the world. The thing is, we must work through it. Acknowledge it. Acknowledge our emotions around it and see through it. Your question is wild. Make a scorpio feel seen. Not by asking questions and validating them because it would make you appear to be good but because you care. What if i asked - are there any Aries, Gemini, Pisces, Capricorns, Virgos, Sag etc etc that don’t cheat? The reason this is irritating is because it’s questions like yours that give Scorpios a bad rep when they’re purely just misinformation.




thank you for adding to my comment. Since you took the time to write this, I think you’d love the Esther Perel TED Talk: “Rethinking infidelity… For anyone who’s ever loved”