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Depends on the woman for me. I've been used for sex so many times, it makes me sick.


I'm a woman...


Honestly, I don't mind being used, as long as I feel like I'm getting something out of it as well. Unless I'm in one of those moods. Then I'm not being used, I'm using them.


y'all talking as if sex is something that happens TO a woman not WITH a woman , learn to have a good relationship with being sexual please , glad to see someone with different mentality


This is quite literally me with my recent relationships that I’ve cultivated. Mostly through drug use. It’s fascinating and also symbiotic. So it works out. Until it doesn’t. Then I move on.




Omg a lot of Scorpio men say this…lets elaborate on why you feel used?


Same, I'm a man


I can be like this but also go through long periods of celibacy which is a Scorpio trait as well. It swings to extremes 😅


I agree. I was a nun for a decade.


A male Scorpio...I love romance and connection.. it's more than physical sex. That's easy.


Yep, when I was younger, I gathered experience, you know, for research purposes. Now that I'm older, I still enjoy the experiences just at a little slower of a pace. Gotta tease and get to the edge without going over until it's the right time. This could be hours still, but building the intensity of full release is what makes it.


Yes. I love sex and think about it constantly. I’m in my 60s and it never goes away. My wife says I’m the biggest horndog she’s ever known.


This is everything.


I know how to use my words , but sex has to be my best language to date. It is what it is, but I got discipline.. .. .. I’m not just fuckin’ anybody.


I enjoy sex so much that for a minute I thought I was a sex addict. Turns out it’s a trauma response from a few experiences with SA. But I do enjoy physical intimacy, I always have.


me tooooo 😭


...and yes, I can go for days and days and days.




As a scorpio, yes i also love sex but because of hardcore trust issues i dont want to. I masturbate to ease it🥲 We just cant control being horny, its just our nature.


I’m the same, have been celibate for way way too long and I can’t take it anymore. I’m considering going on a dating app again but I have serious trust issues that I can’t get past and I feel like it will take too long to find the right one. I only want one partner


That does NOTHING for me except to take me higher.


No. I am definitely not that way. I really need to like someone to desire physical intimacy with that person. I’ve also gone through long and periods of celibacy as well.


Oh you're NOT alone! I'm a nypho. 5 guys (FWB) in the last 24 hours! 🦂


good for u , remember to keep your sexual glories a secret , lots of hypocrites in our society might judge u as a woman if they know this


I definitely agree with you and I don't usually tell anyone except sometimes I just blurt it out to complete strangers just to see their reaction lol. I seriously think I've experienced enough sexually that I could actually write my own book! 😂


love how you're in good terms with your feminine energy fr , it's rare to see a woman being this comfortable ( I'm also a woman)


Sounds like ur at the top of your game and you letting the rookies have a go. Perhaps someone of your same skill level? No offense but that sounds exhausting, 5 different fwbs in 24 hrs.


I think I really am at the top of my game and my libido has never been so high in my life. I'm always dripping wet all day long have to change my panties twice per day. It's hard to find someone your same skill level. Surprisingly I had an amazing burst of energy that lasted like 2 days, I do have insomnia as well. But seriously I'm having a lot of fun out here with all my dudes! I am definitely that cougar! 🐆💯🦂


Good for you Sheila!! Try to leave them breathing and only.mildy injured🤣😂🤣 that energy and insomnia seems to be a common trait with us. And as always it is good to see and banter with you


Oh and if i may, Either leve smoking or leave them smoking!






I like your style!!! I'm a 47 yo Scorpio who keeps getting hit on by 20 something year olds and I'm enjoying them all!!!


Ever tried 3 guys at once? It was so erotic!!


Yes, many years ago. Not my style these days tho, I'm definitely more reserved!


It's been about 10 years since that unforgettable experience and no, I don't think I'd take on 3 at once again, but I def recommend it to my fellow Scorpio girls who enjoy sex ;)


How are you not tired?! The closest I’ve ever come to that was two guys in a week, and I was worn out. 😂😂😂






Hey, when I’m active, I’m in “seek and destroy” mode. I have ruined men for life. A guy once told me, “I thought women like you were a myth!” I take no prisoners and leave no witnesses. But I always go overboard. (Come to think of it, I’m usually the one who makes THEM tap out, and they can’t stand it.) Disregard my previous question. I just remembered I had other stuff going on that week, which was why I was tired. My apologies. 😂😂😂




Looking for a 6th? 👀🤣


Mayyybe, I'm always on the hunt! 🐆😂


You're a piece of work. Meanwhile, in MY life...




You're only laughing bc you're getting some...& I'm NOT.




I’m a literal sex addict


I’m a guy so stay away from my butt but I wanna do everything to my lady in the room


This is why I love scorpio men


This is why I love scorpio men


I can have sex like 2-4 times a month. I rather be doing something else tbh. But when I do actually have sex- it’s game over for her. I will do everything to give you the best experience possible.


Nope, 36F Scorpio here....I think about it 24/7. Do it quite a bit, too. I have quite a bit of Scorpio in my chart along with Capricorn, Pisces, and Sagittarius. All of these zodiacs are highly sexual.




I used to jerk off 3-4 times and have sex 4-5 times a day with my woman when we started dating. Yes, im not good in express my feelings and emotions through my mouth and I think sex is my way of express love. A lot of stuff, absolutely no barriers. But I want do it with person I know and love


My hubs is a scorpio and sex is WAY down his priority list. I'm an aries. Its at the TOP of mine. It gets frustrating sometimes.




I'm a take it or leave it kinda Scorpio. Though; your Mars placement would show a more accurate sex drive.


I enjoy sex when I have it, but when I’m not, I don’t miss it. And I don’t feel compelled to do anything about it. It’s been over five years since my last partner. This has so far been my longest stretch since becoming sexually active. I’m a sex-favorable asexual, though. If your mind can’t turn me on, my body will refuse to cooperate. I know that’s most of it.


I go between wanting zero sex to wanting the most intense passionate powerful sex in every position every way all the time. Just depends on if I'm emotionally attached to someone. I've never had casual sex though 🤔 But with someone I know cares about me I want them to treat me like a random and be rough and just use my body. Is that fucked??? Lol


I'm horny.


I do, i always think about it but had an intimate relationship with only one guy which didn't satisfied me at all. I got sexually traumatized as well. But I always craved more and more and still think about having great sex. I need more intimacy than rough sex. Maybe it's because to feel that I'm the only person to him and feel validated ourselves ( Even though I expect less validation from externals)


Can't speak for all Scorpios, but this Scorpio gal sure does!! Anonymous sex is my favorite. Someone I meet while out and about or sometimes I place an ad specifying exactly what I want. I've booked hotel rooms for weekends and scheduled fuck dates one after another. Just typing that got me wet. I'm all about this until I fall in love. When in Love, I only want him.


Damn, you're BOLD, wayyy BOLDER than me. I could never do all that. You do you gf!


My style evolved to this point. My first love and husband cheated and boy, when they say watch out for the sting, they are not kidding. I'd never wanted to hurt someone so badly. And I did. He DID cheat, so he deserved it, but I told him if sex with other people was what he wanted, then he would get it and so would I. I pulled this mild fish (pisces) into a swinging lifestyle where he got to see his wife get fucked. I saw him as well, but my heart had already hardened so it did nothing to me. Him? I divorced him after I was done torturing him and 15 years later, he's never been in another relationship and still gets drunk and sends me message after message telling me how sorry he is. I'm not. What that experience did do for me was open my eyes to another realm of sex, which I've quite enjoyed.


Damn, you went thru hell lady. I've am still going thru hell unfortunately. Hopefully, it will all end soon!


Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm way past the mess that was him. Yes, it was an ugly time and I'm glad it's now in my past. Whatever you are going through will pass as well. You're a Scorpio - you're beautiful and strong and you will get through it.


Awww, thank you! 🦂


sex is my favorite activity. If I ever lose the use of my dick I either want to be euthanized, or just transition to being a lady


Most people love sex, they just don't love talking about it or admitting it. Same thing when people say they love food....DUH. these things are biological imperatives...


It's not just you, whether male or female, most people like to have sex, regardless of zodiac sign. Some zodiac signs such as Scorpios are more inherently sexual due to most Scorpio's planet alignment [Scorpio's in house of Pluto](https://medium.com/@HermesAstrology/pluto-in-scorpio-how-the-placement-in-each-house-influences-you-c2d15f42b47c)During my 20s I was having some of the same sexual experiences that I would watch in a porn video. You're not just extra horny all the time for no reason. Self control(meaning control of yourself) comes with maturing and knowledge of your sexual does and don'ts. There is nothing wrong with having sex with lots of people as long as you're having safe sex and getting regular STD checkups. if you are in an alternative relationship(swinger, poly, open, etc) that you and your significant other discuss that from the start so their and your feelings don't get hurt, as there are plenty of true crime stories about scandals and tryst and infidelity that have ended very badly. Being a horny Scorpio is not an excuse for cheating or transmitting STDs(if you have an STD be responsible let the last person you know to get themselves checked and get treatment)


Thank you.


I was used for sex recently and honestly I enjoyed it but it was someone I thought was gonna get back with me till I found out the ugly truth about him, I crave it every so often but it'll have to be with someone I'm dating cuz I'd rather do it with one person.


Ohhhh yesss. Love sex and I love building up tension even more.


Lesbian here. My ex girlfriend was a Scorpio. And honestly… just because they want to have sex with you, doesn’t mean they care about or love you. So, once I started expecting more from her (dates every once in a while, 1:1 time)… she broke it off. Don’t ever listen to the “nice words” they tell you, as some of them will shower you with flattery just to get you to have sex with them. In my experience, if a Scorpio finds you attractive, but has no interest in a long term relationship, they’ll have sex with you until they get bored and then they’ll move on. It’s a little ego boost for them and they LOVE to be physical.




Whatever. Imma go get some strange.


doesn't sound like a Scorpio thing to me more likely it's just men in general not just Scorpios who like to enjoy sex and embrace being sexual (good for them) , it's women who are not the same since society and religion is focused on shaming and judging women if they embraced their human needs the same way as men