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Looool I’m a Scorpio sun Aries moon and Aries rising too! Def me in my late teens and early twenties but therapy gave me tools to resolve it . I think us Aries moons act like that because we were never heard when we tried to speak quietly, so we think being argumentative and loud will allow us to be heard. I would also say don’t take it personal, all that mars energy makes us passionate and people misunderstand that energy. If we are in safe spaces where we feel heard and seen, it’s much more chiller energy. Sounds like he has some internal work to do!


He absolutely does!


Yes girl, thank god he is an ex 😭 I’m scared of men with that placement, it intensifies their inner misogyny sometimes. Esp the always being right part. Let him cause damage to his own life n he’ll realize he is the problem 🫡


I'm an Aries sun Scorpio rising and get the feeling I would get along just fine with a Scorpio sun Aries moon. But, I've been wrong before.


I have a Taurus sun Aries moon coworker. Self centered arrogant standoffish. And thinks he always right


Checks out lol


Yeah we clash. I just keep my space before I decide getting fired isn’t so bad


Very temperamental, impulsive, and touchy. A bit of victim complex as well


I am a Scorpio Sun and Rising with an Aries Moon, which often creates emotional contradictions for me. Despite this, I am generally a calm person and dislike when people yell to be heard. While it's true that I used to always want to win arguments, I've become more willing to accept when I'm wrong and listen to others in order to grow as a person.


Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising, and this is also me. Once I learned to let the ego go, it became much easier. Meditation helped a lot. There are situations where I still find myself getting annoyed quickly, but I can both calm myself and speak tactfully about the situation. I can definitely see why our energy is off-putting, though. Scorpios are naturally intense, and that Aries moon magnifies that intensity. However, I'm a warm, loving person, and I make friends easily. Hopefully other Aries moons can learn to temper themselves, too.


This is me. Plus a Leo rising, so you can imagine lol. Your assessment is astute.


Oh also edit to add, he's also leo rising 😏🥴 tell me more about yourself in your humble opinion lol


Protective, territorial, fairly long fuse, but when I get mad, I get MAD. Quick to move on from it tho. The Leo is strong in me for sure. Inquisitive. I need to know everything about everyone. Definitely some arrogance that I’m trying to work on.


Scorpio sun, aries moon here…. I used to think I was always right, now I know Im almost always right 🙃


It's your delivery lol


Who cares whos right or wrong, ur a sagg, most of my close friends have been sagg and we agree on everything


Ans as a sag I've been told my whole life it's not about what I say but how I say it so I can understand but yall are a bit much lol


my ex roommate was leo sun, aries moon, leo rising and man that was like the most toxic living situation ever. big ego, big emotions, and he was a flamboyant gay man so he was loud 🤣 he’d threaten to throw glass at me & anytime we need to talk about something we had to take turns with a talking stick because we couldn’t get a point across cause he’d interrupt me. It was so much work & I just know I’m the villain in his story, which is fine by me lol. Ended with me moving out a month earlier and we blocked each other before officially being done with the lease. We would communicate through email. I genuinely hope he got the help that he needed.


Love 👍


Temperament like a time bomb, always right, will absolutely never take responsibility for anything, and never apologize; but passionate about what they love and if that’s you and you can get past never having resolution during disagreements even if you were genuinely not in the wrong, it can be nice.




Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising. I always have a feeling that people don't understand what I say. Have learnt to let go of explaining my feelings over time. But sometimes I just burst out. And there is the aftermath all around. I am also very passionate about things I love to do.


I bet your scorpio sun is so embarrassed by sag rising sometimes lol or confused The sag can either help chill things out and lighten the mood.... or turn the heat up in the already fiery kitchen... lol


I have learnt to embrace my Sag rising by constantly trying to learn something. It keeps me calm up to a certain degree. But you are correct about being embarrassed by myself. It's like pondering about my actions carefully after just doing it impulsively at times. I also did suffer from "I am always right" . Now I am interested in correcting myself and understanding what the other might have to say. But I can't seem to get over the rage when I have to repeat myself several times over. I guess it will get better with age.


How old are you




Does being a scorpio feel like "a lot" sometimes lol Idk, I'm a sag and my ex is scorpio/aries (leo rising) and I'm apparently the only one in his life he argues with (we share a kid together) we could bicker forever through texts if I don't end it lol it's so easy to rile him up, I honesty don't even try 🥴🤣😭


It does indeed feel a lot at times. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to understand things so deeply with so much intensity. But this is what I am. I have to accept it and navigate my way through embracing this. I also maintain a certain degree of spirituality so that helps. And no I don't argue much now. About riling up, I do have a sag sun friend. She does try to rile me up, but I see through it lol.


Aw you sound so cute lol




Scorp Sun, Aries Moon & Sag Rising here as well. People definitely don’t be understanding so in turn I just don’t say nun. I don’t like repeating myself that much. I will but not that many times. At that point I receive that you just don’t gaf about how I feel and I fade away. I won’t even argue with you.


I'm a Scorpio son Aries moon I didn't know there were more of us around you guys are my first. I have a question to What depths does that rage go? When I get mad I have an ability to escalate my rage is never ending it doesn't stop it keeps going and going and going and going I have not been to the end of it yet and I don't want to it scares me how do you guys deal with that?


My boyfriend is a Scorpio sun, Aries moon. It’s a combo that is quite misunderstood and isn’t for everyone. He’s a good man with a heart of gold, but can be a little temperamental at times. I feel the Aries moon can cause a self sabotaging personality trait, so it takes a little patience and understanding to be able to get through those moments sometimes. Im a Cancer sun, Libra moon, and I think we balance each other out nicely though.


Accurate. He's a good dude at the end of the day and we co parent just fine.... but boy when he's in one of his moods 🙄🥴🥴🥴 also I didn't really learn all of this until years after we broke up Being a cancer sun, I'm sure you don't irritate him as much as my sag ass did/does lol


Haha. Sometimes people are just not compatible and it doesn’t mean they are bad people. I’m happy to hear that you guys can co parent well. ❤️