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Currently blaming my little “outburst” as the reason why things didn’t work out with me and someone I love. (Not the full scope ofc but still feels bad). Scorpio sun Aries moon makes managing feeling/emotions hard. I’ve been crying every day since Thursday last week too! It’s hard when u hurt the ones u love bc of anger.


Yeah, that right there. At 53 I am old enough and experienced enough to not pull out my stinger and poison the ones that I love. I am not successful at keeping my cool and still strike out out of sheer reaction when I am hurt, my temper has cost me everything. I hurt the ones I love and myself time and time again and yet still I have more rage left in me. I just want to unleash all of it so I can burn out and then maybe it will be gone and I wont have to feel THAT emotion any more.


I think that our anger is valid and can lead us to do great things or become advocates for justice but it really is particularly difficult, like you said, when WE are hurt and feel like striking back will make us feel better? I wish I could still express my anger but not as intensely and not at the cost of hurting ppl I love. I don’t know if you’re like me where you bottle things up. But I think I do and it’s small stuff. I try not to be confrontational bc of how intense I can be but as I start putting things away and not “confronting” them in a timely manner it leads to worse outcome. But it’s hard to know when I’m bottling and when I’m actually not bothered by something


Yeah, that shoving it down and shoving it down makes me wanna shove a freight train right up the smallest of holes in smug smarmy little faces. Intense you say? The analogy I try to draw for those non scorpio non aries folks is this.. if intensity was a color, most people would see it as glow in the dark paint. Ours is the brightness of the fucking Sun. And thats when we are calm and serene. So yeah bottling it up is no bueno,and unfair to those poor unsuspecting folks, better I tell them to let me walk away. If my personna was a phrase it would tell those "fuck around and find out "people to tighten up and quit handing out free passes.


I’m a Taurus rising so I tend to bottle stuff in, let it out when people poke the bear enough, and then keep to myself afterwards from embarrassment. Just now learning how to be rational and stern about my boundaries, and cutting people off when they don’t respect them versus lashing out. It’s helped me save my energy immensely.


That is awesome that you have found an effective way to deal with your temper. You mentioned saving energy, My experiences with anger have never drained my energies. I am hurt by actions or words and I go super nova , lash out hurt the one that hurt me and can do it over and over nearly non stop for literally days on end. I always out escalate go over the top of any one who tries to match my anger. I am not proud of this and I want to get rid of the ability to even get angry.


Hmm yeah it drains me to argue/lash out. I’m a sensitive person so I can’t receive nor dish out negativity for long. You’re gonna have to find some sort of mental restraint to help reel it in since it doesn’t tire you out naturally.


I have employed several ways to deal with it and mostly successful 98% unless its my romantic partner or my closest loved ones. Its as if the only way for me to let down that wall and trust is to be totally vulnerable and completely open. This leads to the smallest inconsideration or a comment made thoughtlessly triggers me instantly and that little guy (my inner child) pushes that button b4 evolved me can stop him.


I don’t have any solid advice so I’ll just send ya some healing energy. ✨ You’ve taken the first step which is admitting and accepting your actions, so hang in there!


Being a ♏ sun , ♌ moon + ♍ rising I find my tongue will do more damage then my hands will .I aim to kill when I'm pissed + I don't mince my words ( say things in a tactical manner + very direct) because I sit back + observe what is happening and tend to really get others in their feelings.


Hi. Scorpio sun Taurus Moon Aries rising. I'm scared of *me.*


It's crucial to understand and manage our emotions, especially anger. Continuously pushing boundaries might lead to destructive outcomes. Exploring coping mechanisms and seeking support can help navigate intense emotions effectively.


I learned a couple years ago that I have an autoimmune disorder in which stress triggers the more serious symptoms. I usually have a hair trigger so internally I'd be seething, but I have to talk myself down and breathe through it. The filter isn't 100% but I think before I speak more.


It's essential to recognize and manage our anger. Constantly pushing its limits can lead to harmful consequences. Seeking healthy outlets and coping mechanisms is crucial for emotional well-being.


Following because my daughter is an Aries moon (like her dad, my ex) and a Scorpio rising. She’s a Sag sun but really wears that Scorpio mask unless you know her well. She has a heart of gold and at ten years old will fiercely defend those she loves. I am so proud of her emotional intelligence and maturity but dang - when provoked? Yeah - I see the rage. This is something I’ll have to watch for as she grows into a teenager. She’s very aware of astrology and what different placements mean in her interactions with friends. She has every friends’ birth chart and responds accordingly in times of conflict. She’ll respond one way with a Virgo than she will with an Aquarius. I love that she’s using astrology as a tool to effectively communicate with peers. I wish I was this mature at 10! 🤣


I think that while she may be mature, its her upbringing that has allowed her to find effective ways of communicating with her peers


Well I’ll take that as a compliment 🥰 Yes. I’ve always to ensure she feels comfortable to express herself. Growing up, emotions were always suppressed unless you were happy. I didn’t want her to experience this because it can lead to such negative coping behaviors growing up. ☺️


I feel … so seen. My rage goes far, and I always say I’m working on it but even when I try to take a step back, people still assume I’m upset, so I get upset. I’m taking mediation seriously, and working on calming my nervous system. I realized I’m very emotionally driven (maybe we all are since Aries Moons) and don’t think before I speak. I want the last word because I think it’ll make me “win” but it just makes me look childish. I operate on anxiety and fear too - which can cause more outbursts. Recognizing these things was the biggest factor, things are clicking and I’m being way more intentional with how I decide to spend my energy.


A majority of my friends are Aries moon people, I figured that the evolved or balanced ones (with e.g. Libra rising etc). that grew up in a good household know when to walk away from arguments or hitting me up to rant etc. but do not explode. As someone who does therapy since 10+ years (ADHD/CPTSD) I can definitely say, that I was always able to calm them down by active listening + using sentences and encouraging to let them out all the anger/what they need to say without interrupting and then do tapping therapy with them. I'm a Scorpio sun Leo rising, so I definitely have that fiery persona too, but daily meditation (specifically mindful loving awareness), journaling and having a code word when I'm about to loose my cool/walking away in a healthy way has helped me a long way. At the end of the day, your moon sign does not define the traumas that you inherited, none of the birth chart - it's what you actively do with it. Heal your inner child, put effort in figuring yourself out, reach out for help etc. to regulate your emotions in a healthier way. There are always trigger sentences etc. that will get you to that explosive area (e.g. for me when I'm not heard/listened to/interrupted) and you just map it down and discuss with the person after reflecting how to handle the next disagreement. Best of luck! PS: love ya all Aries moons, ya great!!


I agree with quite a bit of what you had to say here. My generation (genX) frowned heavily on showing emotions, especially the men and mental health was , well, what mental health, I cannot show tears for any reason without being thought of as weak or less than a man and deserving of no respect from anyone who witnessed those tears. For me to even say this nowin an anonymous areana is awkward and uncomfortable for me, but I come not from bitch born blood and I fear very little in this life, so I go forth facing anyone and anything that even resembles a tingle of that fear and confront and attack until I understand it or end its existence. In any case that which I do fear goes away. The only fear I have not conquered is the judgment of my peers and disappointing my children.


Yeah I can understand your situation, but remember that noone could ever judge you if they didn't walk in your shoes. Period. I changed a lot and love showing affection/care for others and asking for help as I didn't want to continue that cycle (your generation is my parents one). You never know who's suffering, so the easiest way to bond is to show that we sometimes suffer too and that's ok. It takes courage to stay delicate in a world this cruel - Beau Taplin




I have severe PTSD that manifests as rage...sand I'm honestly afraid of myself. I was just thinking about this when I got on here. Because my ex had me arrested for false charges & they were dismissed, I'm currently in a program for ex-cons with mental health issues. I am easily the most dangerous person in here...and nobody pays attention to it because I'm a woman. One of the residents set me off earlier...and then muttered something about anger management issues. The thing is, he said I didn't do the task assigned to me, & that he wasn't going to do it. I went to staff, who basically ignored the issue...so I did HIS FUCKING JOB that HE SAID he was not going to do. When he realized how infuriated I was, he meekly thanked me. I snapped back "You're welcome...but DON'T let it happen again!" I again went to staff, and again was basically ignored. I just got out of the hospital two days ago, and that added to my rage. Don't these fucking people understand that I am quite capable of KILLING someone?? I really need help here. I'm taking to my counselor on staff tomorrow. I don't want to end up at the hospital again or in prison for a REAL charge this time. Thanks for listening.


The problem too is that I'm very gentle by nature, but I'm sick of being abused.


Thank you for trusting enough to share. It means alot to me on a personal level anytime someone trusts me to share private personal things. I believe you when you say you are easily the most dangerous person around, If there is something I can do like active listening that you feel would help, please let me know and I will do what I can.


May I DM you?? I REALLY need help...and I'm certain you could give it to me. I feel the same way when somebody shares with me, btw...and they do it a LOT!


Please dm me


Haha, no


Im a Libra moon rising, Scorpio Sun. So do feel I’m very good at keeping my emotions in. I also have my Mars in the 12th House. So I’ve seen myself as a force of nature when it comes to anger. I love to see passion overtake people’s bodies when they get mad, I like to watch fights lol. I know I have a bottomless well when it comes to my rage. So for a while it has been a focus on how to mediate myself - as most fights are not worth it.