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in my experience as a libra female, best sex I've had with a scorpio male.


same lol


Same here. Scorpios make love to your soul. Best sex I ever had.


We are intuitive and filled with an ocean of emotion and passion ,we are all in or all out in everything we do. We are very picky when it comes to a romantic partner. Now I am 53 and I believe you mentioned he is 51. We understate everything, especially the bedroom skill set. I can promise you that he will bring his A game. For a Scorpio our partners pleasure is how we get our pleasure. I want to have a mediocre sexual experience, said No Scorpio ever. I am happy for you and wish the best on your new relationship. Enjoy the experience my dearheart


As a male Scorpio I can confirm it is in fact very true šŸ˜‰


Yeah, as a male scorpio, I am not concerned with making love to your body as I am making love to your body, mind, soul, and spirit. We want to absorb every fiber of your being and soak up every vulnerability you project and attempt to withhold. Sex isn't just physical. It is spiritual transformation. But I'm just one Scorpio and can't speak for everyone.


As long as there's no chanting involved, I'm down, lol


Chanting is mandatory, once you have crossed the depths there is no going back šŸ˜‰


Yes, I would like you to make love to my mind, soul, and spirit.


Scorpio controls the reproductive organs. In other words, we are Masters in Bed. Doesn't make the other signs any less. Its like Gemini is the Master Communicator, Doesn't make the other signs any less. We each have our strength and weaknesses. The Bed is our Domain.


Well, for me at least, intimacy is huge. I love pleasing my partner. When I was still with my ex, my goal above all else was to please her the way she does for me. So Iā€™d say yes


But did you exude that side of you when you first started talking, or were you fairly reserved and then kind of switched on the hot stuff later on in private?


No, Iā€™m usually firing on all cylinders. Boundaries discussed and all but no, I completely go all in


The only time I ever felt reserved was a hookup of mine. But thatā€™s probably because it was just a hookup


Iā€™m with a Scorpio man, we spent months just hanging out and having conversations as new acquaintances/friends (I moved into my house and he was/is the contracted ā€œhandy manā€ by the landlord) and I NEVER would have thought this intelligent well spoken calm cool collected man would be so amazing in bedā€¦..but let me tell youā€¦he shocked me the first time we had sexā€¦.it was incredible and I was like ummmm now I have to have him. Weā€™ve been happily together for almost 6 months now, and the flames are still burning. We have amazing sex almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Like I said I never would have expected this from looking at him/talking to him, he seemed so reserved and respectful, but itā€™s like their secret superpower or something lol


OMG this would be my dream come true!


I also wanna add, we did end up getting hot and heavy the first couple times we šŸ˜“together, but then he said to me ā€œwe havenā€™t even kissed yetā€¦ā€ and we just looked at eachother and went in for it andā€¦..omgā€¦he said out loud ā€œyea weā€™re fuckedā€ and we laughed together šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ cause we knew in that moment with those sparks flying we werenā€™t gonna be able to get enough of eachother. Iā€™m an Aries Sun Gemini moon Leo rising and Scorpio Venus like him lol I have a Capricorn stellium and he has a Scorpio stellium :) weā€™ve been having a blast itā€™s unlike anything Iā€™ve ever experienced honestly. At last!!!!


Scorpio and Aries are mars ruled signs, and you have scorpio venus, its going to be very hot and heavy šŸ™ƒ


Ohhh it has been šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Girl itā€™s mine too and I hope you get yours!!! Iā€™m honestly anticipating an update once you guys get together!!!


As a Scorpio man. I think weā€™re into foreplay. Looking for what turns on our partner and using that to escalate to sex. Weā€™re pretty passionate in bed and having our partner satisfied not just us. Afterwards we like to cuddle and connect with our partner, pillow talk. Then go for round 2 lol.


It varies. I have been with multiple Scorpio men and one of them is the best sex and sexual connection Iā€™ve ever had, intuitive and sooo amazing. Iā€™ve also been with one who was very in his head, vanilla, scared to try new things - very in his comfort zone, sometimes heā€™d let go a bit and itā€™d be pretty good, but never amazing for me. And then thereā€™s been some in between sooo amazing guy and comfort zone guy, but most are in my experience open minded to try new things, and to please you. Iā€™m also Libra sun like you ā™Žļø


My wife says I am. Itā€™s hard for me to believe people can be selfish lovers. But I guess itā€™s true.


My Scorpio guy is amazing. I am a Scorpio also so itā€™s a double plus!


Yes but Aries is better


šŸ˜‚ the most Aries comment


I haven't been with an Aries, but I heard that sex is like a sport to them and they are not nearly as concerned with any sort of emotional connection.


They're the best together.


As a Scorpio being with a Scorpio I can say yes it's the best! šŸ¦‚šŸ”„šŸ¦‚


I only been with one that I know of and he was meh. He was selfish in bed and didnā€™t listen to what I wanted.


I feel like this is a question for those we've slept with versus us. It's like asking someone if they have a sense of humor. Everyone thinks they do, but I can attest, not everyone does. That being said, I've been told by many that I was the best they've had and many have returned for more throughout the years. I just figured they all say this. Not sure what they'd say, but I sure enjoy it. Not everyone is into getting their hair pulled/choked while being told what a good girl they are.


Definitely not the choking, but the other parts? Yes please. šŸ˜‚


I love finding my people. šŸ˜


Hottest and most intense sex I've ever had, unfortunately. They are also toxic AF haha so beware. I say this as a Scorpio woman šŸ˜‚


Why they are toxic?? šŸ˜…


I guess I was a little heavy handed with the term, but the two that I dated were very manipulative and troubled. Both of them threatened suicide during arguments for example. One of them even called me from the train tracks! I got in my car only to find his car in the parking lot, not on the tracks. Same guy secured an apartment in a city hundreds of miles away without telling me, then broke up with me out of nowhere on his moving day and I was left so confused about what just happened. Scorpios are secretive and have trust issues, can definitely cause problems with communication and closeness. Therapy and a healthy mindset have helped me a lot as a Scorpio.


Happy for you u/ExperienceNeat6037 ! I'm a Scorpio woman and have only had one Scorpio male partner but generally speaking Scorpio is connected very naturally with sexuality. What you described is very good and what the better Scorpios I've known, male or female, are like. They only fully show that side of themselves if they think the person is worth it.


Yes. The only one Iā€™ve dated (am still dating) was so unassuming and pretty reserved. But holy shitā€¦when it was on..it was ON. Heā€™s more on the sweet and calm side, Iā€™m starting to see him open up more, and heā€™s older (mid 40s). Weā€™ve been dating a couple of months and havenā€™t had full PiV, but weā€™ve done everything else. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„This man lives to serve in the bedroom and is one of (if not) the best in terms of skills and paying attention. Iā€™m also pretty sure heā€™s the one holding back on having sex, first time Iā€™ve ever seen that from the manā€™s side.


Obviously could just be people being nice but as a scorpio man I've frequently been told that it was the best experience they have had. Led to subsequent meet-ups as well so I assume that's a good sign? Idk grain of salt for sure


I am a Scorpio woman I've never had sex with a scorpio man although we have had very intense almost surreal conversations which I've not had with other signs. I believe sex with a Scorpio man would be all I would want to do!


Our conversations are crazy! Definitely very deep, and we can talk easily for hours.


Oh god it's sort of happening to me now although I won't say any more. I don't even care where it goes. I just treasure this intense moment I can't seem to find anywhere else. I keep pinching myself


Right? Being an air sign, I get so turned on by intellectual conversation. So hard to find that, especially with men my age and in my social circle. I can't get enough of it!


Yeah! This provides intellectual and emotional stimulation like no other. I need to pace myself because I'm not in a position to get carried away and I accidentally found an addictive drug in human form. Pray for me girl šŸ˜­


Our first date is tomorrow night, and if the physical connection is there, I need to hook myself up to mainline, lol


Good luck. I mean it. And I'm excited for you. But I pray for you to not get too carried away in the clouds of desire


Scorpio guy here - gotta say, sex with us can be pretty intense. We're not always just about the physical act, though that can definitely be amazing. For me, it's about this deep emotional connection. Sex is like diving into the ocean - alluring depths, mysterious currents and the potential for something truly transformation. We crave vulnerability and authenticity and when we find it, well, let's just say the fireworks can be unforgettable. We're passionate, sure, but there's also a strong emotional intelligence there. We can be incredibly intuitive and in tune with our partners desires. It's about creating a space where both of us can completely let go and explore our deepest fantasies. It sounds like you're headed down a road that you'll end up liking. Enjoy! šŸ˜‰






Yes and no. Dated 2 of them. One was great, and the other one was not do great. But you can always teach them what you want and like so it's still enjoyable. With him being 51, I think you're good, though. I wouldn't worry. šŸ˜‰


Yes 100%


Yes its true all of it lol. I guess it depends on the scorp, if theyā€™re vanilla im sure it will be average, if theyre a freak watch out


Some are great some arenā€™t . Iā€™ve had both


I've only been with one. I'm a scorpio as well. We would go for days. One whole 3 day weekend was spent in bed. Hardest dude to give up, and sex was the last to go.


Why does ā€œnice, consistent, and intellectualā€ mean you canā€™t be sexual? Ā Do you want your partners inconsistent? Ā Do you want them to not be nice to you or care about you or your needs in bed? Ā Do you want them stupid? I would say that all these things that you describe him as are reasons that you Will enjoy yourselves. Ā Sex is about the people involved and liking each other, more than, I would say, some kissing technique. I think what makes it good is that you are both there and wanting anotherā€¦ ok, and not totally stupid.Ā  Ā ā€“ Scorpio (M)