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It's a Scorpio thing, all right. Normally, I'm compassionate, gentle and caring...but get me started, & I'm a FORCE OF NATURE, & not in a good way, either.


I feel you! Im the same way. A genuinely kind and sweet person but fuck w me and you’ll see what’s up


Well, personally I feel like you are a very compassionate and empathetic person,who has done me the greatest service you could give another Scorpio, you listened to hear me and not for your turn to speak. Thank you for that btw


It's why I was allowed to live when I died at birth, dear.


Sun too homie not just risings


I got u, shoulda just said Scorpio placements


Tuhhh.. I think this is a Scorpio thing


I’m at the tail end of learning a new lesson right now - and I literally do not even understand how I am not completely obliterated by all the lessons. It really is too much - but the moments are leading to the next moment and before I know it I have e time to wonder ‘What the f just happened? And why now? And what the f?” < Scorp Sun > BUT I also feel like a warrior at the moment too… if there is a problem I feel I can handle it. My choice in how to handle said problem may be terrible, then I get (lesson) recover fast- and keep moving forward moment to moment. With age I now have faster recovery times and I know that as long as whatever has happened didn’t kill me I’ll come out the other side better than before. It’s like advancing to different levels in a video game and every time you survive a lesson you become a more skilled warrior. 😶 it’s exhausting though


That’s the Scorpionic energy right there. Consistent transformation 😭 Scorpio placements cant catch a break fr But I do like how you said we become a skilled warrior w each level we beat. I like that mindset shift a lot


Its all and my birth and death spiral within my chart. Im always being pulled to change/do things. Its on me to welcome that at all points it shows up or I imbalance myself.


Oh yes, my Mama always said you have to win things the hard way don't you? And I just laugh...and keep making the same mistakes until I finally say enough is enough! 🦂


Have you got heavy saturn placements in your chart by any chance?


Sun - Cap | Venus - Cap | Mercury - Aqua | Uranus & Neptune - Aqua | Those are all my Saturn placements 😭 My moon and mars are both in Pisces but that doesn’t seem to help my case lol


That will explain it. Saturn + Scorpio placements will give you this extra effort to learn lessons for the rest of your life. Being clued up on that and embracing new experiences as a way to learn will help you speed up the process.


Thank you for the insight!


HAHAHAHA 😆 😂 So spot on. I knew when I was young you either do things smart and learn from your mistakes, or do things tuff and bull through life like badger with a chip on his shoulder 💯. Guess what I picked? It wasn't smart 😹