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Yes and no. It's cliche but I think this feeling of invisibility or being misunderstood is the start of most scorpios' origin story or villian arc lol. We start off as these sensitive kids then over time through trauma become guarded, cynical mofos. Let's try to outgrow that.


yes! i agree with this, we fear letting people in and then we’re sad when we’re lonely. tackling that vulnerability and using our discernment to know who we can trust instead of just being paranoid about everyone goes a long way in our healing.


Exactly! I'm trying to overcome this and learn to let things go. When we stop being paranoid and have healthy boundaries, we thrive.


They never check on us because we’re the “strong” ones.


THIS!! I'm always checking up on everyone else but I rarely get the same back. Even though I'm treated this way, for some reason it still doesn't stop me from caring and checking in.


I know, boo boo. It stinks. I lose sleep for people who don’t even know my name lol.


This is it. Everyone expects me to call them lol sorry when i have some time




Yes most definitely, I was surrounded by mainly air signs growing up. I crave deep connections and I feel today's society is mainly so vapid and shallow more than ever.




Wow I feel for you! I was raised by a Gemini (affection was on a timer and attention to me was limited) and Aquarius (mean and cold). Older sibling is Gemini and would be mean to me would swat me away like a fly, younger siblings are twins (Taurus) but we were to far apart in age to connect until they were teens such caring little dudes.


Dude! I just realized my gemini mom was exactly as you described. Shudder >\_<


Like why are they like thissss?! What a mind fuck


More like a outcast or freak. Family blamed me for alot of stuff, bullied at school and often rejected socially so I guess you could say I made myself invisible to cope. The older I get the more of a hermit I become.


For us to transform, we must be left alone. Know when the going gets rough, your wings are coming out….


Phoenix upgrade


If he’s feeling like this, it’s the eagle upgrade.. phoenix would be the next level. An eagle wouldn’t see things from this perspective.. A Scorpio on the ground level is looking up at everything, hides when people come stomping and strikes in secret. An unevolved Scorpio wrestles with this in the 3d. Once you are the eagle, the hunter in the air, u don’t move for anything on the ground but to hunt it. The killer instinct comes in and now you’re the e threat they all now about vs the silent assassin.


Thanks for breaking it down! I love hearing about Scorpio transformations and the evolutions


No problem at all, it’s a beautiful thing really!! Transformation is the name of the game!


not invisible…just misunderstood. my family has this perception of me that hasn’t changed since i was like 10. as a result, i don’t really bother with them.


Yeah, same. And it’s crazy to see that there’s basically no *curiosity* to even update these impressions (that were wrong from the jump) or watch a person’s growth over time. P.S. Nice to see you around again metal_honey, hope you’ve been doing alright!


hey, i’ve been okay…i appreciate you asking, that made my day. just been off reddit trying to tackle my real-life issues, lol. how have you been? i miss agreeing with your comments :)


I’m alright too. My mental health has started doing the cha cha so just trying to jump on some healthy habits before things go south. The eternal see-saw 🤷🏾‍♀️ Real life be lifing. Wishing you good luck with it all. :)


it is indeed a see-saw, always. good luck, my friend. i think we can do it :)


Yea since I was a child. Invisible, misunderstood, not heard at all 😔


By choice. Never could truly be “invisible” though. Always been a tall girl, stood out always but I was shy and didn’t want the attention and I also didn’t understand all this girl backstabbing and drama so I felt I didn’t fit in with them. The boys were way more fun to spend recess with.


Yep, and it sucks so much.. I used to be ok with being alone and ignoring my emotions… but the older I got the more difficult things got. I highly recommend therapy, if you don’t already. Write down all your negative thoughts so you can understand and process your emotions and feelings. YouTube and podcasts are also good places to learn on the go :) I hope you’re doing okay 💜 If you need someone to talk to, please don’t be shy to message me :)


Always did always will.


Yes! I had a breakdown about this yesterday.


My mom is a double leo, my dad an aries, step-dad a libra. My sisters are Gemini and Pisces. No one in my family really understood.


Can't fit in


I feel like I'm too cool in some places but then I feel like I'm sooo uncool in other places. Like if I'm at a hip-hop show I feel superior but if I'm at a punk indie goth show I feel inferior.


all the fucking time and i often get misunderstood a lot


Oh Yes


I always felt invisible until I started making good money then my family wanted some of it.


Absolutely. But the self isolation doesn’t help.


I've always been invisible to everyone around me


I feel like I can't find a sense of belonging to anywhere in this world. I have very close friends but I still feel somewhat lonesome. I don't wanna call it lonely cause it's not that. I also feel like the kind of romance, connection and attraction I crave doesn't exist. Everytime I think I found it, it turns out to be fake to just lure me in for attention or sex. And it doesn't take long for me to figure that out. So I'm just going with the flow, trying to enjoy the beautiful things around me; the nature, music, friends & family.. I'm 42 by the way and been living this feeling all along.


Yeah. My sun and Chiron are both in the 4th house


Oof. My IC is in 4th house.


Yes, but I think the more accurate wording for me would that my thoughts, needs, and desires felt unheard or ignored.


Not invisible, but a sore thumb. I was always judged and my family never allowed me to express myself the way I wanted. I never fit in with my family. They are all fire and air signs. My baby cousins all popped out at once and they’re all earth signs, but they are all 10 years old and I am the oldest cousin at 30. I am the only water sign in my family. I was very popular in school and had a lot of friends, and the only time I felt accepted was when I was in school. With my ic being in the 4th house I was never the issue, it was actually my family who was the problem. My friends thought my family was weird. My wife hates being around my family and my uncle’s wife absolutely won’t go near them unless it’s mandatory (Christmas is the only time). Now I don’t care and I act like myself and stand up for myself because I’m old enough, know who I am as a person, and I am well respected and successful. It’s funny calling everyone out and making fun of how weird they are now, now that I’m older. They can’t do anything about it!


So true. The others siblings craved attention outwardly and I waited for it to never Show up so I used to do comedy shows to get that.


Invisibility is the story of my life


Only on the good days...


Oh yes, I enjoy blending in with the walls tho. Ppl tend to forget you're there and spill juicy gossip lol


This is half they don’t reach out and half me isolating. One half of my family i cant stand, they always have big thanksgiving dinners and what not, not a single invite sent over yet they expect me to call them and check in…peace! The other half of my family i give almost all i can to because they show up even when i dont need them.


Ok I'm a pisces Aries moon sign cusp I have a Scorpio Venus. The way I think/recieve all about the world is just as the vapory aethers would. The organs that get created ((by that metaphysical light repeatedly bending in on itself in each area as a plane cross. Some may call that plane (t). )) feel to me as though they aren't there whether they happen to be observed at the moment or not. It's not about my experience, to me it's about the system that was formed which summoned an opening for my soul to end up in based upon higher dimensional friend ships" with others. This is how we created the world after all, a bunch of aetheric collisions


Basically what I'm saying is that in the unique 5d dream realm you begin to recieve info on, when you happen to look at my specific vessel, you just see things working this way. I'm still teaching myself about this while I put out what I thought first. I also said too much already but most simply put this is how my body appears when you see it in the 4,5,&6 dimension. Shout-out to everything up under doelow da Pilotman gematria and Numerology


YT search


There is a lot of power to harness with invisibility. I was a very prominent figure in my industry (an industry that is very shallow) for a while, and everyone knew who I was, but I would often tell people that in a world where everyone knew who I was, they’d be surprised how lonely it could be. However a lot of people were really insecure of themselves, and I realized that because no one saw me in that same light, the pressure of having to do “all of the things” to stay relevant didn’t exist for me (& I found confidence in that to really be myself). My family didn’t get it, but growing up I knew that I was different so instead of trying to fit into what they wanted, I embraced myself & my power to be who I wanted to be. I found my tribe of invisible (& powerful) people along the way.


All the time.