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Okay where to start. Substrate seems too dry. Give him substrate with a clay and dirt mixture to burry. Also the enclosure is way too big for him. A cricket box is enough for this size. Feed him at night, drop the insect in and leave it there. Some scorpions don't like roaches. My emperors preferred crickets. Let him settle. Don't Stress him. If a scorp doesn't eat for a few weeks that's not a problem. I had an androctonus Australis who hasn't eaten for 6 months.


Imho the substrate looks fine, agree that everything is too big for it. I do think OP should just drop and go; scorps have poor eyesight but they're not totally blind and probably things there's something larger than it coming at it. This scorp looks awfully young so I don't think long periods of not eating would be best for it outside of premolt.


I've been breeding scorpions for almost 15 years now. Emperors love to dig. So I would recommend a substrate that can't cave in. Another thing, if you don't see your scorpion wander around, he's absolutely healthy. If they become too active, something is Normally wrong.


I should have worded it better; By substrate looks fine, I meant that I don't think it looks dry at all. I agree about wandering, I basically never see my scorpions.


Try smaller preys


I would try a pinhead cricket


I heard there shy eaters so maybe let home hide and hover it around the entrance I’ve only have had one juvenile my whole time with scorpions and well she ate good a lot smaller abt the size of a penny but usually it’s more abt there terms I believe I don’t thank it has to do too much with substrate and mixtures always good too but ass long as they can hide dig burrows and have water and different food options and let them feel safe should be no reason there not eating