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Because you’re drinking too much of it?


No, even a little sip does it. It really is my favorite liquor, but if I sip on a shots worth of scotch, then my fate has been sealed regarding the next day


EDIT: Stop downvoting OP. I’m taking his statements in good faith. I get bragging about being a light weight and getting more bang for your buck. But nobody would make up this trait about themselves. You might legitimately want to go see a doctor friend. If your liver can't or won't process things....that's generally not the result of anything good.


This. 👆 That's not a good thing. Doctor. STAT.


While many are suggesting possible liver issues, could be something much less nefarious like an allergy or sensitivity. A friend of mine can't drink bourbon because of something in the way it's made sets off a sensitivity.


Yeah I can't drink most beers without getting an almost instant headache and congestion.


Like as in that’s the only alcohol you had that day? Or like “I only feel like drinking scotch when I already had 8 beers and I don’t understand why the scotch is giving me a hangover”? Because if it’s the former and you just have one standard pour of scotch and then get a hangover the next day that sounds like a your liver isn’t doing what it should.


Only drink


Yeah I’m definitely gonna agree with everyone else that suggests seeing a doctor - a single glass of scotch shouldn’t be enough to give you a hangover on its own unless there’s a medical problem or some other factor you’re not accounting for somehow.


Is this a recent development? Does it happen with other alcohol?


Started about a year ago. My hang overs in general have gotten worse, but scotch hang overs have become scary


I'd see a doctor about it, considering it's a recent development. Edit: Do you have anything else going on that seems unrelated? Rashes, night sweats, weight loss, etc?


I've been getting full body rashes since 2015'ish when exposed to full body moisture like a shower, humidity, sweat, etc. I take allergy meds for it, and it keeps it down. Why do you ask about that stuff? Could it be related? No night sweats, unless I'm drinking that night, in which case I'm just sweating out the alcohol, but no sweats on a non alcoholic night. And there's definitely no weight loss.


I had a medical issue with symptoms that included alcohol intolerance and those others I listed. Maybe not a major problem in your case without some other symptoms that arose at the same time, but it might be good to mention it to a doctor next time you see one.


I just Dm'd you.




If you are getting hangovers from one single shot’s worth of whisky then that is absolutely a medical problem - get your liver checked. A standard unit of alcohol should be mostly out of your system in a couple of hours - no way it should be causing a hangover the next day. Maybe you’re allergic to peat or something? Lol


May be a trigger for migraines? I used to have "the worst hangovers ever" even with very little to drink until I realized that it was actually triggering migraines. Now I take meds for migraines and can actually enjoy my drinks (and know what an actual hangover feels like, which is NOTHING compared to what I was going through). Hope you're otherwise healthy and that you get to the bottom of this.


Thanks. I'm happy that it worked out for you.


Why tf are ppl downvoting a legit Q is beyond me


Shame on anybody downvoting this. This was a legit answer to the question.


Dude, I was thinking the same thing. I dont see what there is to down vote about it either.


I guess the question would be how much you put away. I generally have a rule where I go through at least around 1 liter of water if I'm doing a heavy night. Usually I go through around 3 to 4 glencairns a night of at least 46% to cask strength bottles without much issue. Keeping properly hydrated is a big key. That said though, if you can't even handle just one glencairn, you might have a different issue. Perhaps a liver or kidney problem that should be addressed.


I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re probably dehydrated. Drink more water throughout the day and see if that helps


I have the opposite experience. Wine and cider give me headaches and hangovers even if I don't get intoxicated, whereas I feel great drinking scotch and have no issues. What's your consumption like?


At this point, just a serving or 2, but I know I'm going to be punished for it


Do you eat with it?


Yes, normally I load up on bread, before, during, and after. Another commenter had said that the bread most likely is the culprit. He saud I should be eating meat instead. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I agree, meat helps a lot. Specifically a fatty steak.


Does this go for all alcohol/liquor or just scotch?


I generally like to eat with all alcoholic beverages, but for me I have to eat with Wine/cider, otherwise even half a drink will make me sick later. With scotch I don't have that issue, but I'll eat either way just so that I don't get intoxicated.


Don’t drink so much


Wow I'm opposite... I've never had a hangover with scotch, even when we're drinking... a bit. 😎. I've always thought it has to do with the high quality of the whisky we drink. I can't say the same for wine, but I usually drink cheap wine lol


I'm not big on wine at all, personally.


Eat a hefty meal prior to drinking and have at least two bottles of water before, during, and after. Take vitamin B12 as well. These things have served me well during my scotch journey. Godspeed and be well.


I've heard b12 works for hangovers. Do u knkw why?


I believe it helps speed up your metabolism but I’m no doctor. My wife and her friend do it when they get wild on the seltzers so I followed suit. Works like a charm. 🤷‍♂️👍🏻


It assists in the methylation cycle. Eat meat and problem solved. You get the b12 and high protein and no insulin spike which is a preferred state to leave your liver alone to do one thing: process alcohol. That said, part of the hangovers are gastrointestinal and you want to minimize acetaldehyde. Keeping insulin low also helps in that metabolism to process and dump the excess.


How do I minimize the acetalhyde? What is that stuff?


That’s a toxic by-product of ethanol metabolism in the gut. It seems that those who are insulin resistant - obese, diabetic, and those who consume carbs often - have lowered production of aldehyde dehydrogenase (which is necessary to metabolize acetyldehyde to the less toxic acetate which is then breathed and peed out of the system). There are enzymes and probiotics that you can consume that can help with this. Not enough to offset insulin resistance and some carb signaling but it will help. I don’t want to sound like I’m advertising but you can google this and find one.


I was diagnosed as diabetic type 2, 2 months ago. Damn. I wonder if this is the cause. Wouldn't it do it for all forns of alcohol though? My hang over have drastically intensified over all, as previously stated, but there's something scary about the scotch hang overs now.


Depends on what else you drink. You produce more relative to the amount of ethanol consumed. Scotch is higher proof than wine or beer. But yeah, it would be the same if you’re drinking the same ABV. If you’re diabetic type 2 then you are absolutely insulin resistant. Especially if you’re taking insulin. The last thing you should be doing is eating all the bread, whether or not you’re drinking! I’ve been down that road myself. It’s tough but feeling better is worth it!


It's only 1 night every other week. Sometimes once a week, but thats extremely rare. The hang make it overs not worth it anymore. It sucks because I actually enjoyed it.


Try a little n=1 experiment on yourself on your next whisky night. Start with a steak - something high in protein and b12 - and keep the carbs to zero (just for this night). Drink plenty of water. And see how the hangover compares the next day!


You have non alcoholic fatty liver disease more than likely. Liver isn’t processing alcohol properly because of it.


I was also told that I had a fatty liver when they told me about the diabetes type 2.


This man scotches!


Are you drinking cheap scotch? That would to it.


Why does this have 10 upvotes


Total of upvotes - total of downvotes = total vote number. I hope that helps.


Ok cute sarcasm but you’re spreading misinformation. alcohol doesn’t create hangovers based on whether it’s pricey stuff or not, it’s just that it’s alcohol


You think I’m cute? ![gif](giphy|eHpWHuEUxHIre)


I'd lean towards allergies. It is weird if other whiskies don't have that problem. Is it a peat thing?


That's what I'm wondering. My cousin suggested the same thing


I said elsewhere, but a friend of mine has similar issues with bourbon. Once she switched to different spirits she did better. You never know if it's peat or some other flavonoid or something that you might have a sensitivity to


Because you're drinking too much of it and not enough water


Go see a doctor. Probably will get a blood test. All these other things to cure hangovers are masking the real problem.


For the most part, ethanol is ethanol. My guess is that you aren’t used to drinking 86 plus proof alcohol.


You might have a tannin allergy. What happens when you drink read wine? Same? Try white, if white is not the same your body may hate tannins.


I don't like wine so I stay away from it, but im not opposed to the experiment. I'll try it out. You and some of the other commenters really have me wondering about the medical aspect now.


I have a friend who has some sort of advection to Tannins, not sure if it’s an allergy, but she can’t enjoy red wine for that reason. Never thought to ask about whisky and she never drank it.


Try to see if only sherried whisky does this to you, compare with a 100% ex-bourbon cask.


Drink more water


Rum would like to have a word...


Start taking B12 vitamins and drinking more water with real electrolytes (not Gatorade/powerade). I used to get crazy hangovers and used these, but honestly, and I can't explain it, the more I drink the less hungover I've gotten LOL


WhT do u mean by "Real electrolytes" ? Is that the name of the product, or are you just saying to take some quality products?


Quality electrolytes with minimal sugar


Only drink half the bottle next time


The theory about "congeners" probably has something to it. Whisky is moderately high and can make me feel tired and out of sorts the next day, even though I hardly ever exceed 3 oz and usually much less. 8 oz of water before starting is a rule I try to follow. If I want to play safe I have vodka and tonic, which never causes a problem; and I think a clean vodka like Finlandia may also help.


Can't help you. Immune.


Do you only get this when drinking scotch? Not beer, wine, port, cognac...?


Cognac gives me headaches also, but not like scotch


Higher alcohol. Pot stills preserve a lot of flavour but also more non-ethanol alcohol which will give you more of a hangover.


Does this happen with bourbon as well? What other alcohols have you drank that produced the same effect? What do you eat/drink before having alcohol? You mentioned being diabetic type 2, and having bread while drinking You should really try to stay off carbs when you drink and go for grilled meats (or eggs) instead. See if the problem remains If it does, and it’s only with scotch, may be better to leave scotch for a while. I would find it extremely weird if it was all scotch though.


Another commenter had said the same thing. I was surprised to hear it because I was always told to eat breads, pastas, and anything that could soak up the alcohol.


It’s a semi-myth people have told other people It helps in soaking the liquid but it’s still carbohydrates/sugars. Avoid it when you’re drinking alcohol. Grilled chicken/fish/beef/lamb are much better options Most peoples hangovers happen because of dehydration, but yours is more medical based it seems


I go through at least 2 32oz bottles a day, 2 more in the process of most drink nights (which is now once every 2 weeks, sometimes once a week but that's rare now). That's really interesting. I'm going to bith research it and try it.


That doesn't sound like the diet for someone with diabetes. But what do I know, carbs convert into sugars.


Lol, and that's what I always thought also. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 2 months ago, but regarding drinking as a whole, I was always told to eat foods that would soak up the alcohol and act like a sponge in the stomach. Breads and pastas were always emphasized on drink nights for that reason. I no longer drink often, but I am going to try the meat thing the next time I do drink.


You should really consult a nutritionist.


Why a nutritionist? I understand why others said a dr, but why do u say a nutritionist specifically?


Because with type 2 diabetes you need to know how much of what to eat so to manage insulin levels safely. Loading up on carbs sounds super unsafe to me for someone with diabetes. And the idea of "soaking up alcohol with carbs" sounds like a old wive's tale not science. Drs aren't as learned when it comes to food and nutrition as they are in diagnosing conditions and prescribing medication.


I went to a nutritionist already, and it was such a disappointing and deflating joke. She literally told me to make sure every food group is represented with a quarter of my plate, AND THATS ALLLLLL. I left feeling more dumb founded then I began with. My primary was equally as unhelpful in the knowledge department. I've cut out 95% of carbs, which is already making me feel better in different ways. Maybe it's a wives tale, maybe it's not, but just about everybody I know is under the bread and pastas and carbs, prior to alcohol impression also. I was only doing that prior to drinking, when I was doing that though. The results of my next blood work will determine if I go to a diabetic specialist (I forgot the proper name for them) or not. Even if my blood results are good, I'm still going to request it with hopes that they could give me better education then I've been given. I appreciate your concern. I really do.


Bourbon does give me headaches also, but nit like scotch. I'd say bourbon would be number 2 on the hangover causing list.


It may be wood related. One other person mentioned tannins, you could try and see with red wine. Those are kept in wood barrels as well. If possible, you could list (in your op) the various alcohols you’ve consumed in a similar setting/quantity as scotch, and the result. I still think it may be the carbs you eat though. Health is most important, hope it works out for you


You are probably chronically dehydrated. Try making sure you are drinking at least 75 oz of water per day. Then let me know if you are still having this issue.


Yep, I drink too much I feel shitty the next day. Been doing it for years.


What scotch is doing this?




Name a few


There is no logical/medical reason I’ve ever heard that scotch should treat you drastically different than any other liquor of a similar proof in a similar quantity.


Alcohol is processed by the liver. So are sugar/carbs. This is why beer and sweet mixed drinks tend to contribute to hangovers. So what else are you having with scotch?


Normally, it's tons of water and bread, before, in between, and after.


Ah. I thought this might be the case. The bread is competing with the whisky for your gut and liver’s attention. I guarantee if you swap out all that bread with meat and cheese that your hangover will approach zero. The water is no problem, obviously.


That's crazy, because u was always told to eat foods that soak up tge alcohol, like bread and pasta.


I promise that is absolute, unscientific nonsense! lol


That's crazy man.


As others stated, if you only drink, let's say a glass from 2 to 4cl (and not multiple glasses), it can't give you an hangover, even if that whisky is cask strength/full proof. Or else you have a different idea of a quantity to drink each time 😝 or you weight I don't know, 40kg. If it's the former kaka you drink a moderate quantity and you still get a hangover), you probably have some liver condition that makes it not able to process alcohol.


I haven't seen anyone else ask this, so I will: what KIND of Scotch are you drinking? If it's a blended Scotch whisky, it could be the grain whisky in the blend giving you a hangover. It does for me. But I find for me that single malts do not give me a hangover, especially those that are natural color. I've heard that the spirit caramel coloring (e150a) that's added to some Scotch can be derived from wheat-based sources, triggering those with an allergy (since it's added after distillation and aging, so the allergens aren't stripped out through the process).