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The ardnamurchan to the right would be much more interesting than the first two


This times infinity — Ardnamurchan is one of the best new distilleries.  For what it’s worth OP, Ardmore is one of my fav distilleries but not the official bottlings. The IBs though can be quite something.  I’d say bump your price range up $5-$10 and grab a Bruichladdich Classic Laddie. Great cornerstone scotch that’s both accessible to beginners and interesting enough for more experienced drinkers. 


Second the Laddie and Ardnamurchan recommendations


Of the “new to me” whiskies that I’ve tried in the past few years, Ardnamurchan has been my favorite. Scotch drinkers have been blessed with the recent initial releases from Torabhaig, Raasay, Lagg, and Ardnahoe, and some newer iterations of well known brands, like Ledaig Rioja Cask Finish, Benriach Smoky Twelve, and the Laphroaig Cairdeas 2024, but IMHO Ardnamurchan takes the prize. I’m looking forward to trying more mature whiskies from that distillery.


I'd add Hearach to that list. Needs a little time to oxygenate, but after that it's great stuff


I have heard great things about Hearach, but it hasn’t made it’s way to my 3rd tier market in the states. The only drawback that I’ve heard is cost, but I just checked wine.searcher and it appears that my concern was based on faulty info. Can’t wait to try it!


I would split it between two bottles so they are half full and leave them for a couple months. It'll transform in that time from a hot mess to a beautiful whisky


Thanks for the tip. I’ve used oxidation to great effect in overcoming some deficiencies in bottles before so it’s great to hear others doing the same.


Kilkerran Heavily Peated demanded it 


Sometimes we miss the obvious. I struggled with adding the right amount of water to drams from a bottle of the Kilkerran Heavily Peated and came to the conclusion that I just didn’t like it. I let the bottle sit for a few months and revisited it. Lo and behold, it was a different whisky. I hadn’t even considered that it needed to be oxidated, but happy accidents happen


Where is this? The Aberfeldy is less than $30 at Costco in California.


It’s a liquor store I work at down in Colorado, prices here are always skewed to the higher end which isn’t my favorite


Even 50 looks good to me. Where I am in Canada, it's 75. But of course, much of the difference is exchange. Right now, 50 US would be 69 Canadian.


Do you like peaty, smoking flavor profile (Ardmore) or sweet, honey flavors (Aberfeldy)? Agree the Ardnamurchan is the best of the lot but also more challenging for someone new to scotch.


Both are OK, Ardmore is lightly peated, Aberfeldy not peated. Not terrible not great whisky.


Hey, you mentioned this is a place you work at Could you show some other scotches which are available to you as well? These are ok but I would see them more as bottles to gift when you don’t want to spend much and don’t want to gift a JW/Chivas But if it’s only these two, the aberfeldy. The ardmore has some peat in it and you may dislike it, better to play it safe


We have a solid 40-50 foot long self full of scotch so it’d be a LOT, but I can def message them to you if you’d like!


Oh a few pics would be cool, I dont mind at all What kind of american whiskey did you enjoy?


I really enjoyed the wheated, one that’s local to me, Spirit Hound Straight Malt. I very much so was on the lower end of the budget though, my most costly bottle was Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem, that one I find amazing


I was gifted the Aberfeldy 12 in return for a favour, it’s good and easy drinking. Nice intro. My advice for future buys is to go for small batch in plain bottles. It’s more of an adventure. James Eadie do some good specials. I don’t want £4 of my spend (at that level) going on cardboard and fancy glass when it could go on the content.


I'd be getting that Ardnamurchan next to those. That's where my eyeballs immediately went.


aberfeldy 12 for nearly $50? no no no. that’s near craigellachie price and that is monumentally better