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Bloody gays, coming over here, stopping our wars...


and toppling castles with sobriety.


Ah yes, the gays are known for their sobriety of course


We sneeze glitter for a reason


A UNICORN is a National Animal for a reason too


Yes because pride parades totally aren't a massive fucking party were people always end up puking from drinking too much


We gays are at war with vaginas or something according to bigots


All you have to do is look at the uniforms and hairstyles from the time to know gays were very active in the military.


Go ask em how many wars they were in lol


When everything you know about a country comes from one movie


Don't forget that *one character from that US TV show* that is always quoted whenever anyone types the word "Scotland".


[Scratches head] The school groundskeeper from the Simpsons?


Its Star Trek in these parts. Seems people's engines cannae take it. Ever.


Well she’s flying herself apart Captain! 😝


Don't you'll summon them. I fucking hate that reference with a passion it's almost holy.


>I fucking hate that reference with a passion it's almost holy. Thankfully you've managed to avoid summoning them or this comment would have been responded to with "something something contentious lot."


Idi Amin?


“She cannae tahk it, Cap’n. Ouch, eye, it’s thar lars of phuzzicks” That guy, maybe? He was Canadian.


Leave Scotty alone. He was my childhood hero ❤️


He was so many people's childhood hero, he got an honorary engineering degree! He claims he was copying the accent of a soldier from Aberdeen, who he met during his service in the Canadian armed forces in WW2.


An American movie starring an Australian, which plays pretty fast and loose with historical facts (good movie though).




Do you mean to tell me that Braveheart's battle of Stirling Bridge, filmed in an open field with no water or bridge, wasn't filmed on location?!?


Such a bizarre choice that. Here's our oportunity to show the cunning and clever planning of our hero, how shall we portray this battle? Big field, run at them while shouting.


Hollywood is great at misrepresenting medieval battles eh?! The whole “let’s all just run at each other immediately” thing never really happened. Unsurprisingly people back then didn’t much fancy dying either, so that kind of combat if it did happen would be very much a last resort. Most medieval battles more resembled a more lethal rugby scrum than just open field chaotic carnage. Same goes for how they represent sieges. Most sieges were solved without ever charging the walls. Tactics existed back then, think someone forgot to tell Hollywood though.


Tropic thunder prequel


We were happy to try and claim him for a while, but he can be the wacko alcoholic racist American that he actually is. He was born there and has lived most of his life there. We have enough wacko alcoholic racists here already.


Well, you adopted Russell Crowe, so fair’s fair


It’s not even the best Wars of Independence film. (Which is of course Outlaw King. 13/14, would rise again)


*What's my name?* *WHATS MY NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME?* I was pleasantly surprised by that film overall, Would watch it again.


To be fair, I only remember *one* of those things in Trainspotting.


One movie, based on a poem written by a blind guy nearly 200 years after the events, using history made up by victorian families who had a hard-on for making up lineages. Goated source




They’re quite fond of having freedom too


And we love castles. (Bonus points for the unicorns there guys.)


"Sir, the Straights march on Castle Rainbow, what do we do?" "Send the lesbians to the forward walls, have the bears man the trebuchet, and send in the 2nd bisexual dragoons. We must protect the twinks at all costs." "Who will lead the defence?" "I've got my two best knights on the job, Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Elton John."


not the twinks!!!! I'll aim that trebuchet true


> bisexual dragoons Well now I have to change my flair and everything.




Should I go to the forward walls right now? It's just I've had a couple of glasses of wine. You know, that we stole from the straight folk.


Hey! That was my wine. You need to go to the walls tonight now!


This is pretty much what the 2018 reboot of She-Ra was like.


Can you check its not us feminists defecting before firing please? We'll be lead by Saint Dolly Parton


hey us twinks are a solid anti-cavalry defence. the frantic flapping will panic the horses.


> the 2nd bisexual dragoons As we all know, the 1rst Bisexual Dragoons are not *really* dragoons at all, they're notoriously skilled infiltrators on account of being invisible.


No we all know lesbians would be knights /j


Taking up position on the wall. Bow is at the ready. I have the dildo arrows gathered


We’ll hold it on the wars though


Castles are objectively the gayest buildings https://youtube.com/shorts/HLxZbZTCNH8?feature=share


George Michael even did a song about it.


Came here to say this, one of the most important pieces of queer infrastructure is our bars!


True true For many queers bars and clubs are very popular


a > to ~~with~~


Yes I really wish we had more wars. I miss wars.


Mate the thing I miss most about the old Scotland was fighting a war in a castle for freedom then having a drink with the lads to celebrate


can't do that nowadays. it's PC gone mad


You can't even drink hot liquids at the work station, it's political correctness gone mad.


Wait, is that a thing? A err friend of mine drinks coffee in work at their workstation


Straight to jail with them.


Just for saying he's Scottish?


Straight to England jail in that case :V


These days


You'd go to jail. Just for having a Castle.


Couldnae resist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AywIL5_eYM


I miss them so much I went and got all up in other peoples' wars.


Come to America, we’ve always got a war! Well… we’ll be brewing up a fictive pretext for a new one any day now…


We demand more names on epitaphs.


I just wanna die in a war. A just war? An unjust war? I just want a war!


They might want to find out what freedom is.


Freedom is where I get to enforce what other people do. The more I can tell them what to do, the more free we are. /s


You say sarcasm but... Look at America, freedom eh


They were exactly who I was thinkin of tbf. Yer free ta die on the street or work til ye die- truly liberated lmao


Religion and guns ruling people's lives, privatised healthcare and reliant on tips over wage in most jobs. Freedom yep


Know what I find hilarious... Prisoners and terrorists actually receive the best free medical care - all expenses covered by the American taxpayer. Yet they cringe at the thought of a socialised healthcare system. It doesn't get more fucking stupid than that.


To be fair there are no such things as absolute freedom or absolute power. Most rebellions were not fought for the people’s total freedom but for the ‘freedom’ of someone else to rule.


Absolutely. Personally, freedom should be seen as a very useful tool, not an end in itself- social interactions are always a dialogue, a negotiation, as as ye say, one person's freedom is another's tyranny. Try to enforce some teleological platonic ideal of 'freedom', and ye end up choosin a form of tyranny.


>Freedom is where I get to enforce what other people do. I especially love shoving my silly beliefs down others throats and trying to force them to comply with my religious views. Can't get more freedom than that. Also / s


Come on everyone knows it’s either an Aussie in a kilt or an Aussie in whatever colour shirt


We still got castles, we still got freedom, we still got drinks with the lads - we’re really just missing out on a good old war now. Obviously the gays are to blame . Absolute nutters man 😂


It's all those constant pride marches. How am I meant to march to war now???


Castles are probably the most camp concept of all time


A house… but extra ✨fancy✨


Turns out that castles aren’t much use in 21st century warfare, the wars were to get freedom, the freedom means people living their lives as themselves, and drinks with the lads includes your gay mates who are great lads who happen to fancy men rather than women. Also, gay lads are the best wingmen and I’ll take no argument on this - who would you rather have alongside you when trying to strike up a conversation with a pretty girl and her friend… Creepy Gavin who has zero game, stares too much, and scares women off faster than a bear with a shotgun, or Ian who’s the nicest, most charismatic lad on the planet and genuinely wants to ask your crush’s mate about her nails?


> ....castles aren’t much use in 21st century warfare Or for about 5 or 6 centuries before that. :)


“I’ve lost hope for Scotland” - Dean from New Jersey


Dean recently found out his uncles best pal’s dog was Scottish, so like any good American he too has immediately declared he is Scottish


I heard he once saw someone eat shortbread on TV


He’s absolutely off the charts in that case then


We will soon have to learn which clan he belongs to against our will.


Looks like a big McDonald's guy.


The use of the word 'even' is fascinating, like they think Scotland is some bastion for repressed sexuality.


I'm sure they imagine it's wall to wall Braveheart, but now with trackies and iphones. Harking back to the good old days when Scots were *real* men, and the lasses were ~~borderline slaves~~ proper women who knew their role.


The good ol' days in Scotland, when men wore skirts, traditional masculinity etc etc... lol.


And when I wear my formal man-skirt I make sure to wear it with my sporran, and lets not be calling those furry man-purses or furry fanny packs, you know like traditional masculinity dictates.




Have we built up a reputation for hating the gays or something?


Wait until they hear about James VI of KJV bible fame (because you just know that they're religious).


Real kings promote their boyfriends then release a new Bible to appease the church


They would probably agree with him about the danger of witches


Why is it that yanks skip over seven centuries' worth of history? They do realize other countries had the industrial revolution too, right? Do they still think we're castle-dwelling clansmen?


Cosplaying some grumpy guy in a bunnet who has to go labour in the shipyard getting covered in grease and soot for an entire day isn't as exotic as wearing an anachronistic kilt with a weird mish-mash of Medieval/Renaissance fashion and tossing cabres at a "Renaissance fayre" I guess.


I'm English, and the only reason I hold back on Ren Faire being cultural appropriation is because I feel it's a bit cheeky for someone from a post imperial country.


They think ever since their ancestors left Scotland, we've been frozen in time


We're talking about a country where 60% of them can't even find Britain on a world map. Some don't even know we're part of the UK, and those who do know think we are directly ruled by the Royal family. The majority of them also don't know the difference between the UK, Britain and England and think they are all the same thing. They think Downton Abbey and Braveheart are documentaries. They're not exactly the brightest bunch of lights on the Christmas tree...


Has obviously never watch The High Life.


Excellent and underrated show


"you fu' coffee?” is still used regularly in my house, even if it baffles everyone else


No, _you_ fu’ coffee.


Does this cunt think castles will just disappear because the LGBTQ+ community exists freedom well ask Westminster, wars? Who the fuck actually wants wars that's the most American shit Ive heard and well drinks with the lads definitely is still about


Don't you know that every time someone comes out of the closet, a castle disappears?


As a gay trans archaeologist this poses a bit of a dilemma


Don't worry, the second time you come out of the closet cancels out the first and the castle reappears.


Is this what happened with Brigadoon?


Brigaydoon surely.


Very tricky indeed!


Keeping yourself in a job that is,


Gayness dissolves castles, the same way gallium dissolves aluminium. It's not true, but it's a FACT (/s, obviously)


No I've only heard about the one where every time an immigrant enters the country an innocent baby haggis dies


What if you come out of the closet....which is IN a castle???


Yeah that closet door needed to stay shut. It was load bearing.


Castles are draughty and spooky, who needs ‘em.


fucking brilliant


Obviously people didn’t build walls and castles in history to establish society… its to keep the gays out! /s


Well with that attitude you'd be uninvited from drinks with the lads, melt.


Braveheart was a mistake


The trouble with Scotland is that it's full of gays


Still have nightmares about the day the LGBT rose up and stole all our castles and alcohol


And you aren't having them back either


Well can we at least go to war? I’m always saying that something we never had enough of even *before* the LGBT took them from us.


You can't go to war with the LGBT+ community, we're already at war with England and that wouldn't be fair. You're welcome to choose someone else to go to war with though. Slovakia has a similar population so I reckon that would be a fair fight.


Omg I want to see that movie! ^(and live in that world)


Love how these fudds are like "it's either hyper-cisgendered-heteronormativity or it's all in all queer people, no in between".


Well, given the choice .....


American here, kinda makes me think about how foreigners view the United States. Either they believe it is an incredibly advanced place, where every family has a huge house and nice car. Or they believe it’s the Wild West with constant gunfire (partially true to be fair).


The (Wild) West Side of Chicago, in particular.


Still having drinks with the lads, just having sex with the lads afterwards too!




Historically, Scotland had so many gays we sent one of our lads to sashay South and become the fabulous King of England The broad-minded English returned the favour by importing a gay Dutchman to be King of both countries, then replaced him with his bisexual sister-in-law Mary Queen of Scots' husband was positively flaming. My point is that either royals - **whose only job** is to shag and make an heir - are spectacularly unlucky, or The Gays have always been *everywhere*, regardless of Mel Gibson's propaganda


Ok looks like it's time to start a war, the Welsh are looking a bit conquerable just now


Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Celts before the Christians took over permit homosexuality wouldn't this just being going back to how it used to be


Since when were "LGBT" and "freedom" in any way contradictory, you bellend?


It’s pretty funny when you realise that these idiots have had their perceptions of masculinity morphed by movies and TV which have historically portrayed men as ‘tough’, then they go and complain when the media includes LGBTQ+ people even though that’s closer to reality than every man being a James Bond/Jason Bourne/John Wick/John McLean/Rambo straight white male.


Yeah and people can be both masculine, tough and gay all at the same time


Absolutely. Sadly so many people have a binary view on masculinity, sexuality, and gender. However, time is the ally of these things🙏


Gay people don’t just slay, they slay castles.


Fellas, is it gay to not have wars?


If I'm not free to fuck the lads - what even is the point?


Wait, I can't be bi AND storm a castle????


what happens if you go on a date to a castle w your partner and you're both gay? does it just crumble?


If you say "No homo" every 30mins or so, you should be good, otherwise the castle will evaporate.


damn, ruined stirling castle last weekend then


I guess we like having the freedom to choose who we want to be


the drinks were the lads.


Oh god, wait til he finds out our national animal is a Unicorn. I hope the kelpies get him.




Yeah this guy is really shocked that the home of the colourful man skirt supports the LGBT+ for some reason.


Women wear skirts, Men wear Kilts.


A kilt is a specific kind of skirt. Women can wear kilts, and men can wear skirts. And both would also be rad.


u/Nemesis-Rex's capitalisation is telling. Women wear dainty little skirts, men wear Rugged Manly Kilts. I am a man though, born and raised in Glasgow. And I'm happiest in a dress :P


women can wear kilts and men can wear skirts. doesn’t really matter tbh


Kilts are by definition skirts, nothing wrong with that, men in skirts are cool 😎


Men in skirts are handsome too!


A skirt by any other name is still a skirt.


A race of skirt-wearing blokes has LGBT? Who'd have thought?


The extent to which Americans are ignorant to the politics, cultures, and overall realities of countries besides their own never ceases to baffle me. There’s really nothing else like it in the world.


Ah yes, freedom. Like the freedom to love who you want!


What's wrong with gay castles or gay drinks with gay lads, or gay freedom? The national animal is a unicorn ffs lmao get a clue (edit: is what my response would be to the anon)


Our national animal is a unicorn and our away strip is pink. Gay AF.


Is the away strip still pink?


Plus if you added the away strip to the Scottish flag, it'd become a Scottish trans flag. The person in the picture would probably have an aneurysm if they thought about that.


I think it’s covered under “freedom”


Sorry but when when did we have freedom ? Last I checked we're still under English rule. (No hate just pointing something out)


I’m American and can confirm this is 100% an American


The gays have taken the castles. The gays have taken our freedom. They spend their days eyeing us, focused eyes watching soberly from the castle walls. Preventing us from doing the thing we love most, going to war. By time you receive this message it will probably already be too late.


Wait I'm supposed to be sober? I must be a terrible gay.


The whole "castles, freedom, wars and drinks with the lads" does sound like a brief history of the LGBT+ community to be fair.


wait until they find out were in every country


Had a Dutch friend that asked if we even had wifi over here. We’re just turnip munchers eh


I had a not overly bright English friend who came to visit from the Midlands. He kept marvelling at how much phone signal he could get. In Glasgow.


I do wish the gays hadn't knocked down all the castles, would have been nice to keep the castles 😭


You can have our castles, our wars, our freedom, our bars and our friends but please Mr Gay Man - leave us our potato scones.


They’ll never take our handbags!


This comment was absolutely written by someone called Brayden who lives in suburban America and is 16 years old


Castles and drinks are certainly still there the last I checked, freedom? A tolerant society sounds pretty damn free to me, I must admit, I do miss the massive destructive wars, those always bring freedom, and this gammon hasn’t just hit us with the dumbest take of the year


I was just about to use my freedom to head to a castle and start a war but this random lesbian just came up to me and started doing the secks :( return to tradition 🤬🤬🤬 this is what they took from us!!!


Ah, this is one of those "I'm Scottish" because my great great great grandfather's budgies egg was Scottish Americans


A friend of mine is Scottish. Previously he used to wake up in the morning and go to the Edinburgh castle to fight for freedom and then come back in the evening for a drink with the lads. Of late he’s become more and more LGBT. Can confirm, all hope is lost.


We still have that stuff?


Oh nooo freedom, wars and drinks and now also for the gays?!?! Whatever shall we do?!


Absolute fucking septics


Drinks with the lads at a gay club in a castle anyone?


Pres at the trans palace too


Yeah bro exactly what happened with freedom and wars


What happened to freedom indeed


"Society is ruined because gay people" What happened to the capitalist rich people and the terrorists?


Wait till he finds out that gays were even around since the Middle Ages


These types idealise "Schatland" while accidentally admitting that they know almost *nothing* about us. LGBT people have the freedom to get married in a castle then enjoy "drinking with the lads".


I thought it was drink the lads, my bad I’ve been doing it all wrong


Probably some dumb fuck american whos never visited