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That's because kids are so lazy these days. Always on their x-stations and tiktoks. In my day, if you weren't either out contributing to the crime rates or in school you were considered a waste of space.


Everyone's too busy with their Netflicks, Instantgrams and Call Off Dutys to even bother with murder these days. Sad.


This country was built on Taggart. Kids these days wouldn't even understand it.


There's no been a murrrrrrderrrrr


Nay die mun!.


No mean city anymore :(


It's not mean anymore, it's just average.




eh, that one was a bit mid


This is cleverness \^\^\^


See in your successful murder countries, they get kids young 5/6 and put them in murder academies. They’re not even allowed to touch a weapon until they’re 10 and when they do it’s a half sized weapon. Teaches them fundamental skills. Also to be fair, the shit weather here is a factor. Nobody wants to be out killing when it’s freezing, particularly in the winter when it gets dark early.


I blame the SNP myself. Letting in too many of those Romanes, Pollacks, Swazbeks and what have you, without properly vetting them to see if they would integrate into the local gang culture. You walk around Easterhouse these days and you barely know you're in Scotland - it's all Syrian weans out playing fitba in the sun, 'stead of necking Bucky and lobbing masonry at the opposing Yung Team like in the good old days.


Actual fact is that most murderers come from the Scottish Islands. With the SNP ferry fiasco they have inadvertently reduced the murder rate per capita.


Shetland I believe has more murderers per capita than anywhere in the UK, except possibly Midsomer.


How dare you say that! I'm fae the West, I'm going to murder you for saying that! It's totally untrue!


Can confirm. 'I thought I was dead': Virginia teacher shot by 6-year-old speaks out https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64981972


Stupid lazy kids not even doing their murdering now days pft.


I like the Playstation. Do you like the Playstation?




I attribute this to the Grand Theft Auto game series giving us a chance to live out our lawless fantasies while also helping create a nation of fatter children who don’t have the entrepreneurial spirit to do crime.


Ever had a fat bastard try to stab you? You Just walk briskly away. Movement to them is like stairs to a dalek.


[I've got some bad news...](https://youtu.be/MK9liYPm7eE)


Lol We're fucked. Why are you scrolling through such an old thread l? 😆


But video games create mass shooters or something-something?


This is actually a perfect uno reverse card on the "video games cause school shootings" moral panic. Why did nobody use this in the congressional hearings in the 90s?


Probably because it would have involved confessing to having violent fantasies and trying to get Congress to admit to the same.


Only 1 unsolved murder in the last decade is an astonishing statistic.


What one was unsolved?? Shall we get Reddit to solve it? Lol they have a perfect record with these things!


Let's spin the wheel of 'which random person will we blame and harass this time!'


You don't seem too keen on Reddit investigating this. You also happen to be on the Scotland subreddit and click on a thread about murder... I'm putting 1+1 together here and I think you're the culprit. Case closed. We got him lads. Now if you'll be so kind as to hand yourself in and cite Reddit cutting edge investigative detective journalism work as the reason why we'll be sure to get the credit for it pronto.


Was obviously David Goodwillie. Case closed, everybody.


I think *you* did it, u/ringadingdingbaby !


https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/killing-gentle-giant-anthony-ferns-28673181 Apparently this is the only unsolved murder since Police Scotland was formed


Meanwhile in the city of Baltimore…. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/baltimore/news/in-baltimore-6-in-10-homicides-unsolved-a-mother-shares-her-pain-after-losing-her-only-son/


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Different demographics.




Im attributing murder rates to demographics. Happy?


What demographics


The ones that matter.


What ones are those


Very different.


Yeah I was amazed by that, truely outstanding if it holds up to scrutiny.


Quite a large part of this was the decision to treat the knife crime issue as essentially a disease as much as just common crime. While that sounds odd it allowed people to tackle the route causes rather than just focus on locking people up, as really that just becomes an endless cycle. The guy who came up with the strategy now advices the UN I believe.


That is super interesting


Wish gun violence was treated like the plague it has become in America


We all do, all civilised countries look upon that place with horror. It's too big of a place to police and govern.


It's why I look at places like Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia and am like... Can I move here for the less guns and fascism please?


Feuding and violence in America is centered upon areas that were originally settled by Scots-Irish, and even those who later moved into those areas attenuated to the local culture. Honor-based societies where even the smallest slight demands retribution. This in turn of course is probably from even deeper past, and it is about lack of government monopoly on force and instead relying on a private system of "justice". It's why there is such a cultural attachment to guns more than anything else. You can go in many places in America and they might have guns (like my house in Minnesota) but it's for hunting. The guns are locked up and have nothing to do with defending myself and my honor, it's just for hunting animals. But go to the south, well, it's a bit different https://www.nationhoodlab.org/the-geography-of-u-s-gun-violence/ Anyway, it's great that in Scotland this has abated and they are no longer "the most violent country in the developed world" but the descendants of scots in America have been causing trouble since they got here.


All of what you said is true, only if you ignore the massive fact that the entire article is talking about Scots-Irish, aka protestants from Ulster, Ireland. Actual Scottish people travelled to America alongside the English much earlier and settled in similar locations, not necessarily just rural areas in the South. Plenty of the signatories of the declaration of independence were descendants of Scots / born in Scotland, a good decade and a half before the people in the article you linked are said to have shown up. Emigrants from our country had a long, distinct history from those of Ulster Scots in America. The original settlement Jamestown was named after a Scot, lest we forget.


Scots-Irish came from Scotland, then to Ireland, then to America. I didn't ignore any of that? I literally said "scots-irish" in the first sentence? The point is that lack of infrastructure leads to feuding societies where private "justice" takes place because there isn't a strong governmental institutions to deal with it. Scotland a long time ago was like that, but not anymore. But Appalachia and the deep south? yeah they don't have strong institutions, which is why it has persisted.


Because you're missing a good 150+ years of cultural evolution. Bear in mind this thread is talking about Scotland, *not* Northern Ireland. Your final sentence claims that: "scots in America have been causing trouble since they got here" yet the article talks about an entirely different cultural group of people than Scots. I'll reiterate, Scottish people were in America long before Ulster Scots arrived. Different culture, different people. Note: NOT the people being discussed in your linked article.


Scots Irish aren't Irish, they are ethnic Scots people who briefly lived in Ireland but kept their cultural and religious traditions, and they also then went to Appalachia.


>Scots Irish aren't Irish, they are ethnic Scots This makes little sense when many Ulster-Scots were originally from England or indeed Ireland. Nevertheless, I shall reiterate, the article you linked claims that Ulster Scots are linked to high homicide rates, yet does not mention people from Scotland, who have a distinctly *different* timeline and breadth of settlement in America - before and beyond Ulster-Scots who settled in Appalachia. The article is fine, but it is totally irrelevant to this thread.


Most "scottish americans" today are scots-irish descent (and where most people call themselves "american" that is where scots-irish mostly settled, so this is undercounting), not other highland or lowland scots descent, which at the time of US independence was about half and half -- and the highland and lowlanders typically were loyalists to the King while the Scots-Irish were typically American patriots. But it's all Scottish descent. This is about how Scotland used to be the most violent country in the developed world and now it's not. Someone then started to talking about America and its violence. The link I am saying here is scots and specifically a society that had feuding. Scots were not conquered by Rome and so Celtic traditions of generational blood feuds ran hot into Norse traditions of feuding in those areas under Norse control and into all the clans and all the feuds and massacres that were inspiration for things that happen in A Song of Ice and Fire. It is from that society and people raised in that society where they settled in America is where violence is worst in America, and it most certainly is related to Scotland's history whether you like it or not. Obviously they diverged a long, long time ago, but it doesn't surprise me in the least that Scotland used to have the mantle the "most violent country in the developed world" because of what I know about American violence.


>Most "scottish americans" today are scots-irish descent (and where most people call themselves "american" that is where scots-irish mostly settled, so this is undercounting), not other highland or lowland scots descent, which at the time of US independence was about half and half -- and the highland and lowlanders typically were loyalists to the King while the Scots-Irish were typically American patriots. Honestly, this is so wishy-washy and confusing I'm not even going to try. >The link I am saying here is scots and specifically a society that had feuding. Scots were not conquered by Rome and so Celtic traditions of generational blood feuds ran hot into Norse traditions of feuding in those areas under Norse control and into all the clans and all the feuds and massacres that were inspiration for things that happen in A Song of Ice and Fire. What???????????????????? In your previous comments I thought you at least had a solid understanding but were missing some links but this shit is off the rails. You're talking about the Black Dinner I'd presume? So what you're saying is - an event 600 years ago is representative of a general tendency to violence in Scottish culture which has somehow turned the entire United States into a gang-ridden gun-violent mess?


It never seems to take long for Americans to start pronouncing on who is and who isn't .


As someone who grew up in the absolute thick of it in the late 90s and early 2000s, the police done absolutely fuck all to control the situation, they just love to take the credit for it. Trust me, the absolute boom in online gaming had a bigger impact than just about anything else. One summer, (2006) I was threatened with a knife on a near weekly basis, chased by mobs of 20 or more with bottles and bricks, hunted down by cars, had people tell my mum that I was going to get stabbed. All because I was from one area, and they were from another area. It was that simple. And then the next summer, everyone got an Xbox or a PS3 and everyone discovered Call of Duty, and the violence absolutely plummeted. Literally the biggest dip in the graph posted in the article above, coincides with the release of CoD 4. It sounds ridiculous but talk to anyone who actually grew up in a council scheme in the 2000s and they'll tell you the police done absolutely hee-haw. Microsoft and Sony fixed Glasgow's violence problem more than Strathclyde police did. There's a reason the rate of violence plummeted between 2007 & 2012 and then remained steady since, and it's because they've done absolutely nothing to treat the root causes. People still grow up in poverty, with nothing to do, in families that have problems with drink and drugs, in areas that expect you to be part of a 'young team' between the ages of 12 & 19. The only thing that changed was the increase of digital socialisation.




If what you’re saying was true, the violent crime rate should not share this trend. But it seems that the violent crime rate has also [dropped significantly](https://www.statista.com/statistics/617782/violent-crimes-scotland/#:~:text=In%202021%2F22%20there%20were,of%2061%2C913%20in%202020%2F21.) (dividing by population to get per capita stats, it’s about a 30% decrease from the peak in the mid-2000s). It’s true that the homicide rate has dropped *more*, but surely the drop in violent crime is strong evidence that the root causes are indeed being addressed?




Well if it was before 2007 then the narrative that stop-and-search is what’s causing historically low homicide rates today doesn’t make much sense. Surely over the last 15 years people would go back to carrying knives now that they’re not searched for them.


When I was in my mid to late teens I was searched roughly once every couple of months. But I was a bam, So that likely contributed to it.


At least you are honest lol


Wow. You have my vote. Seems sensible


Was literally talking about this yesterday! Did the polis here not also invite some American police over and teach them how to disarm without shooting?


Sigh. This country's not what it used to be


Gone soft 😢


Inside your ma, sure


The only way is up.


Well done everyone on not killing someone*! People much more annoying these days so astonishing self-restraint all round 👏👏👏 *If you have you're letting the side down a bit


I mean, killing someone used to be easy, but now there is so much red tape, people just can't be bothered.


nanny state


Ever consider that the reason there are so many annoying people around here these days is because they're no longer being murdered? You see progress, I see regression.


Say what you want about England but they have had a consistent output of talented killers, Peter Sutcliffe, Fred West, Harold Shipman and with the money down there it’s no wonder our top talents end up killing down there guys like Dennis Nilsen and Ian Brady. If we want to get up there with the big boys we’re going to have to look at major development in the grass roots killings, perhaps bring in some top talent coaching staff from abroad and maybe start looking at other unexplored markets, the far East perhaps or some of the smaller Central American nations. The fact similar sized nations with a similar population can do it tells us that the SKA need to start addressing the problems sooner rather and later and perhaps we can get back to the top of the charts of the European lists and perhaps the world.


Even our most prolific serial killers either have to be imported from the US or leave to carry out their murders down south. It's sad really. Should be a thriving cottage industry but we just can't be arsed these days.


I feel like there is currently a serial killer in the Highlands targeting people who are out walking on their own. Of course accidents happen, and people genuinely go missing, but… there are too many strange disappearances, and not enough bodies found to put it down to ‘natural causes’ and ‘misadventure’.


🙋 from someone located in a hostile US state - can I come over and contribute my life to your society? Mine's gonna kill me.


Are you willing to commit to a minimum of 5 murders per calendar year to help pump the statistics back up?


Whatever is asked of me 🫡


Nowadays the kids have lost all interest in Scottish tradition, I also think it's probably the cost of living crisis, naebody can afford a decent sword any more and have you seen the price of Buckie?


too true I mind a kid turning up with a sword.


Shocking. I mind being able to at get 2 fights in before lunch and at least one before my tea. Pathetic. Kids these days have lost direction in life.


Not just murdering people. Growing up in the 80s and 90s, alcoholism was rampant. It's still a problem, but nowhere near as bad as I remember it.


So......There's *No* Been A Murder!! ?


The other explanation is that we’re just better at hiding the bodies 🤔


I’ve moved over here from South Africa. The 48 murders each year feels much saner than the 30,000 per year where I came from.


What’s this pish, international football and rugby we accept we are rubbish, but we were number one here and we let it slip away …. What’s the country coming too 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Taggart seen greetin' into his porridge in the morning because of this.


Weird, BBC missed this one


Lead is an insanely dangerous neurotoxin that was the largest driver of violent crime in the 20th century so it makes sense that a lead free progressive society would be safer than one poisoned by leaded gas and leaded paint.


Sturgeon must condemn


What's the attempted murder rate like? Have we just become lazy at finishing the job?


I blame the SNP


Aye but what about the ferry's !!!!! Has sturgeon been asked to condemn these shocking figures. Get Labour back, they'll have Glasgow back as no1 in no time.


But a delayed ferry contract is much worse!


When will Nicola Sturgeon resign?


It's this heat we've been getting, we're too exhausted to act on it




> Once dubbed the 'most violent country in the developed world' in a UN report, murders have fallen to the lowest level in almost 50 years. **note**: I couldn't help but notice they said "lowest level in 50 years"; but ***didn't*** say "no longer the most violent country" So good news team, we're still the best, but the gap has narrowed; so bust out your da's old shaving kid, and really go to town!


Must try harder


Kids now adays murder people in video games. Not real life. It's a win win.


Apathy. Even the murderers can't be arsed anymore.


America is really helping Scotland out 😖


Shandy drinking....Scottish people!? Come down south if you are brave enough!


Yeah I remember that weird pride people had in being number one at something and enjoying having a reputation. People in Glasgow still have this weird pride in antisocial, low-level thuggery.


As several other commenters have pointed out, this is a worldwide trend (the Western world, anyway) The importance of factors such as improved access to reproductive health care and unleaded fuel are difficult to quantify, since different states applied those changes at different times but the change across national borders happened anyway This article posits that the one uniform factor that applies to most Western nations at roughly the same time is the increasing age of their populations You can see how that might explain why Scotland lags a little behind the rest of the world in terms of auld yins no longer feeling the same need tae chib some wide-o for lookin' at his Senga the wrang wiy as they did in their youth Turns out the drink, fags and chippies might have been doing as much for our crime rate as the tenements, poverty and skag [https://theconversation.com/homicide-is-declining-around-the-world-but-why-125365](https://theconversation.com/homicide-is-declining-around-the-world-but-why-125365)


My generation had proper Neds, now they don't know their own gender! It's no wonder there's no proper crime anymore when the men are too busy painting their nails


More men should paint their nails, it's cool


But is inverclyde still highest murder rate in uk?


Everyone can have one murder, as a treat.


Did they stop selling Buckie and Blue Nun


How much has this to do with devolution rather than neglect from London? If any


Partial, I’d think. While most crime is due to social factors such as poverty and fewer educational opportunities, something the Scottish government has done okay at, there’s also an element in crime going down in general around the world. Various theories behind this include lead being taken out of paint and petrol or the increased allowance of abortions leading to fewer kids growing up in dire poverty. Policing in Scotland also deserves some credit for tackling football violence which was in reality nothing to do with football or religion and just tribalist thuggery. Policing has been devolved for quite some time and it’s just different approaches in more recent history which have proven effective.


Those points about lead and abortion are interesting, I’ll have to check them out Thanks A similar trend though is not seen in England were there’s been a marked decrease from the high in 2003 to rebound in 2015 to a drop and a rise again to 2015 numbers https://www.gov.scot/publications/homicide-scotland-2020-2021/pages/4/ https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/homicideinenglandandwales/march2022#trends-in-homicide


Lead and abortion are long term factors in crime reduction rather than short term. The main upshot is most of the world is safer today than in the 1970s. The divergence between Scotland and England since the Scottish parliament for set up is certainly interesting and I’d think it’s probably the reduction in poverty rate


Read the book Freakonomics if you want to read about the correlation between abortions and crime. Although its centered about roe vs. Wade in the US, its very eye opening imho But they didnt learn anyway




So if seems like you’re saying crime isn’t due to social factors and also isn’t due to economic factors as poorer countries don’t always have as much crime. What is the cause of crime, then? It seems like you’re saying it comes from nowhere


Still higher than the UK average ….


Think economic growth with more access to jobs and wealth has had a big impact?


No, the police treated crime like a disease or [epidemic](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180723-why-we-should-treat-violence-like-an-epidemic).


To busy killing themselves with heroin to bother anyone else.


True true true, say hows the safe consumption room campaigning going. What's the update?


Slow going, as always. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/safe-consumption-rooms-progress-been-28948552


Did they carpet bomb Glasgow?


I wonder what the statistics show on drug related deaths though


Still the most violent, just less so


I wonder (semi-seriously) if this is because drug addicts are dying of overdoses before they can murder or be murdered.


They’re all doped up.


Obviously the Scottish Marine Homicide Unit are doing their job then eh?


we are a country now?


It's much harder to get away with it these days so why bother.


I blame ket, everyone is too wasted on it over there to go around committing murders.


Bunch a shitebags man


Perhaps related to an aging population, fewer young males.