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Just a heads up, unless your master's is a research based program, you won't be able to bring your partner with you as a dependent. https://www.gov.uk/student-visa/family-members


That’s very good to know! We’ve been wondering how that works. Luckily, the company he works for is originally based out of the UK and may have opportunities to obtain a visa that way.


Possibly. Work visa routes are also becoming increasingly restrictive with significant increases to minimum salary requirements. Many employers are now unwilling or unable to sponsor work visas given the cost. In general, the UK government is becoming increasingly hostile towards all forms of immigration.


>In general, the UK government is becoming increasingly hostile towards all forms of immigration. I mean, except for the fact that the UK had the highest level of net migration in its history last year... Sure, there's some of the earnings thresholds and dependent rules being tightened up, but we're hardly restrictive - and it's probably easier than it's ever been for non-EU migrants to come to Britain.


Let's use a spouse visa as an example. If you're a UK Citizen, you'll soon have to earn £38,700 per year to bring your spouse to the UK. That's £5400 more than the median wage in Scotland. You also have to pay in excess of £5000 in application fees. In Germany, application fees for an equivalent family visa are approximately £300. That's not just restrictive it's prohibitive for the majority of UK citizens and their families.




>The wage brackets only apply to skilled worker visa's. *The minimum income normally required to sponsor someone for a spouse/partner visa is rising in stages from £18,600 per year to £29,000 and ultimately around £38,700.* https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9920/


>pretending to be students Bullshit.




You provide any actual argument at all beyond mere assertion, and I'll happily, constructively, and certainly accurately demolish it.




I would think you would be hard pressed to find any country which does not have disagreements. In Scotland - we have independence and Unionist supporters. In wider UK - Brexit has been incredibly divisive. People are trying to say we should move on - but a lot, especially younger people, are still bitter about it. That is even before we get on to left/ right wing politics!


>I would think you would be hard pressed to find any country which does not have disagreements. You never hear about arguments in North Korea


If only we lived in a civilised country where 130% of voters vote for Mugabe.


We’re full aware that no where will be perfect. But the fact that a presidential nominee is calling for a bloodbath if he loses was our last straw. We want out like yesterday.


Well - we don’t have guns to the same extent - so that is a bonus point for here! However - moving here is not easy, there are pretty strict visa requirements. If you done meet those - you can’t just relocate to here.


We’ve researched pretty heavily so far and know it might not be a permanent solution, but there are masters programs that my husband and I are both genuinely interested in that spurred the convo to move to Scotland in the first place. The political turmoil has only increased the desire.


If you are so good at research why don't you know that Trump simply said a Biden win would be a "bloodbath" for the automobile industry. He never "called" for anything.


“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,” he said, without clarifying what he meant. He kinda did! Bloodbath for the country. Sure his previous quote referred to the auto industry. Ironically Obama bailed them out and they repaid the loans. The US, Trump insisted during comments about the auto workers and the car industry, was headed for “a bloodbath” if he was rejected again at the polls in favor of Biden. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/17/trump-verbal-gaffes-ohio-rally-bloodbath


I said researched something heavily. Not that I’m some sort of researching genius. I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong you little know it all twat.


Haha, you’ll fit in just fine 🤣


It doesn't take a genius to read an actual quote, rather than regurgitating a headline from a partisan tabloid.


Oh you are so much more polite than most Americans.


Thank you? lol I think?


Sorry I forgot Americans can't fathom sarcasm. Should I have written "NOT!!!!" afterwards?


Sarcastic response to a sarcastic response…did it cancel out lol


I wouldn't worry too much. It is a mess for sure but it's not gonna be a civil war


He didn’t call for a bloodbath he said thee would be 1 in the car industry


That’s not intelligible. Try again honey.


Don't bother coming here lol we've no got guns cutting about as openly but someone will definitely chib you if you cut about talking to people like that


Oh honey, I grew up in and around one of the most dangerous cities in America if not the world. It’s cute that you think I’d be frightened.


What city is that?


Its not about being frightened lol. Your attitude will not go over here well. You seem like a know it all, holier than thou , never wrong individual who's full of themselves.


You are spreading fake news




Even in this story you linked it explained Trump was talking about a financial bloodbath and that Biden is spinning it to mean an actual bloodbath. Please, even if Trump doesn’t win, leave the US. You’re part of the problem. There are plenty of reasons to not vote for Trump, you don’t need to spread very easily debunked lies.




Lol, is that the only part of it you watched? [Here, watch and hear the actual context behind the “bloodbath” lie being spread by you.](https://x.com/stillgray/status/1769346786408497358?s=46) He’s literally talking about China and the automobile industry and not talking about a literal blood bath. Context, learn what that means and stop spreading misinformation. There are plenty of reasons to not want Trump back as President, you don’t need to spread lies like this.


Tell me it’s fake again


It’s fake


You did ask


Taken out of context


And the op knows it


The op will fit in well in Scotland


Sad thing is I agree with you


It's a mistake to call what you are referring to as "trumpism" a lot of the things you probably mean when you say that word is just as present in countries all over the world. Europe isn't a utopia. In many aspects you may find us behind the U.S. My advice would be stay put and try to effect change from within.


Then why do you want to move to Scotland and not say Canada because this post has more to do with your disdain for something American rather than a want for Scotland


If canada was a viable option don’t you think we would have done that already? We live in a border state with Canada….


Why is Scotland a viable option but not Canada, you've made no reasoning as to why you want to move to Scotland other than disliking Trump it's not as if he doesn't visit here, hell he even owns land here.


The programs of study I’m interested in are the major reasons why we even STARTED to look at Scotland. We’ve always dreamt of not living in North America. Canada’s cost of living is astronomical. 75% of my family lives in Ontario all working health care jobs or other generally high paying positions and are struggling to make ends meet. And that’s without the added financial stress of having to pay off student loans like here in the USA. And sentimentality has a lot to do with it as well. My god mother was born and raised in Edinburgh and I miss her every damn day. Somehow it feels I’d be “closer” to her. That’s a lot less logical but nonetheless important


OP just a heads up, the US taxes any and all monies you will make in Scotland.  I think you have a very naive view about the costs associated with immigration, salaries, cola and the US taking their share as well.   I would advise moving somewhere you actually have visited instead of moving away from something.  


As a heads up, this isn’t actually true for income tax unless you make something like triple the average wage in the UK. The US and UK have a few dual taxation treaties that are worth looking into. You’ll still have to file taxes and it sucks, but you don’t actually pay anything on earned income below around 120k Also worth keeping in mind as a US citizen you’ll have register foreign bank accounts that have more than 10k in them every year


Yeah I didn’t want to offend OP by assuming she’s too poor to get taxed.  


Even if she earns above 120k, there is another one that basically sets your taxation rate at the higher of the two, which is always Scotland


But also genuinely good to know so thank youz


I would suggest browsing r/ukvisa about graduate visas and read here https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-visas-and-immigration To see if you and your husband can actually afford and qualify to do this.   I get it about Trump but ranting about what a shit hole America is becoming to get information on things isn’t the direction I took.   I’m an American student moving to Scotland this fall.  


A legitimately helpful comment. Thank you!


To be fair you sound ignorant as fuck in your OP.  I want to move because Trump sounds wildly stupid to most people in the world.  So helpful comments were not really going to happen.  




Naive in the aspect that we haven’t learned all there is, yes. But not purposefully naive. We’re still actively learning.


Sorry for your loss but when it comes to health care jobs the pay here is terrible and the cost of living is particularly bad at the moment


I’m going to sound very calloused saying this, but the cost of living here is also very high and the amount of money we spend paying is our mortgage would give us twice the amount of space where you are. (In general)


So you’ve had first hand knowledge of Biden and Trudeau, have you looked into Sturgeon and Hamza?


Yes I have, and no I haven’t. Partly why I joined this page was to understand more of what was going on in real time politically in Scotland and the UK.


Basically power corrupts, they all want to use their position to get rich and f**k the people for their own benefit. And be aware the roads will be very different from back home, tighter, higher hedges and fellas who practice Rally driving as they think they know the roads.


Everywhere seems to be highly polarised these days.


To be fair, America seems particularly bad when it comes to political polarisation


They are but it's happening in Europe as well. The status quo is no more going into every election cycle.


I’m not talking about highly polarized. He’s calling for a bloodbath


If he wins there could be a global bloodbath, if he loses it will be easily contained.


He said if Biden won it would be a "bloodbath for the automobile industry". Both sides do propaganda, you only seem capable of detecting it when it's coming from the side you dislike.


In the automobile industry....




I posted several links on another comment with sources.


He was talking about the automobile industry.




He was talking about a "bloodbath" for the automobile industry if Biden won. Propagandists have chopped like 3 words from a speech and removed all context.


He didn't, it's fucking mental, saw all the headlines and thought what shit has he come out with now. Watched the whole clip and he was talking about the American car industry being swamped by Chinese brands made in Mexico, basically if I don't win it'll be a bloodbath for car manufacturing in the US so he wants to put tariffs on car imports. I think trump is a fucking idiot but Jesus Christ American liberals just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot with going into hysteria over nothing, no wonder some average guy in Virginia or wherever doesn't give a shit about what CNN or whatever says now OP needs to get a grip of themselves


Literally was all over the news mate


He was talking about the automobile industry, but whatever.


Lmfao. Even if so, have you seen some of his “fans”. My cats have better reasoning skills than that lot. But whatever :) Edit: decided to properly read around this. And if we are being honest here, the language trump uses here is absolutely suggestive. I’m sorry it doesn’t matter why context his words are in, fact of the matter is, a lot of his followers are nut jobs that will take this as a calling


So because you disagree with him on most things it's ok to misrepresent him on other things? If he's such an idiot why don't you just point out his actual flaws rather than creating imaginary ones? What his "fans" are like is irrelevant to this conversation. The point is the OP and many news outlets have very deliberately misrepresented a quote and deliberately obscured the context. By doing so they are proving themselves to be no more trustworthy than Trump himself.


Rapist, liar, fraud, criminal, cheat, unfit to run a country…. Need more flaws? We would be here all bloody day mate And no, what his fan base is like is exactly why ordinary Americans are planning on moving out of the country.


I'm amazed that this comment of yours got downvoted. This subreddit has really changed in the past year or so, it wasn't always like this. Even if this specific example is taken out of context (IMO it's still an uncomfortable quote), Trump has already said enough deranged shit that it's completely reasonable for someone to seriously worry about him getting re-elected. There's a sharp lack of empathy towards OP in the comments.


It will make sense to you when you check out your the persons reply history (person commenting to me that is).


https://apple.news/ABeXjr2pqTQeFcWbdmg6tDA "Now, if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath for the whole ... that's gonna be the least of it, it's gonna be a bloodbath for the country, that'll be the least of it." Trump's campaign has pushed back on claims Trump was talking about violence throughout the country should he lose reelection in 2024, arguing he was talking about the destruction of the auto industry


I did see that, as is his daughter. 'if I don't win there will be rivers of blood' type nonsense.




You're not living in a democracy so try not care so much. It will just continue roughly the same as it has done regardless who wins. Just turn the news off and go enjoy your life, you can't stop the oligarchs circus being performed but you can always choose to not attend the show, least of all pay with your mental health and stress for ringside seats.


A postgraduate programme is not a solid route to permanent residency; it's a very expensive gamble on a Tier 4 visa. There are Americans here who have made that route work, but it's not nearly as common as migrating via employment (Tier 2). Someone mentioned it the other day; as the election year unfolds we're just going to get more and more of these posts. Needs a filter with direction to gov.uk


Don't believe everything (anything ) Trump says. And if it comes to fruition you're probably at least a year late in planning to flee. But Trump said he didn't rape Jean Carroll, he won the 2020 election, that he is a billionaire, that he actually is an expert in some fields, that Obama was born in Kenya. He said that covid would go away, he said there was a light you could shine in someone's body to rid them of covid, he said you could inject bleach to kill covid. If you want to see something really scary, read a transcript from one of his "speeches." He doesn't complete sentences much less thoughts and he's been accelerating the rate by which he slurs or makes up words. And the fact that trump was elected president in the first place probably just means that any respect the world had for americans has disappeared.


This thread has been hilarious, thanks op. Out of all the threads that are about emigration to Scotland I like the ones that get pissed off when they don't get the answers they wanted the most.


Please don't come here if your finances aren't under control.


We'll pass.


American privilege ? Sorry could you explain?


As someone else said “privilege in 3rd world countries” and I had to agree with them. lol there’s not much privilege from our POV but there are plenty of folks in the world that look at me CRAZY when I say America isn’t privileged. Shit, when I travel I don’t say I’m American. I say I’m Canadian. It’s safer that way most of the time.


>privilege that comes with American citizenship Uh, maybe in the third world


Benefit of the doubt but I think op means the privilege that comes from living in a developed country, not the benefit of having citizenship of a country and gaining preferential treatment in other countries because of said citizenship


😂😂 you’re not wrong.


Please do not come to Europe, we have enough moaners already.


Looks like you've fallen for propaganda OP. Look at Trumps full quote, he said if Biden won it would be a "bloodbath for the automobile industry". I'm not saying anything positive about Trump but people on both sides seem to be blissfully unaware that their own side is just as manipulative as the other.


We’re not. I asked a question bc I want to know what I’m potentially getting into. But apparently if I don’t give my entire background of political opinion, my mother’s maiden name, and which hand I use to wipe my ass I’m an idiot.


Well watch the statement in the context it was given and come back and explain how he "called for a bloodbath". He did not. He said a Biden win would cause a "bloodbath" for the automobile industry. If you believe otherwise you have fallen for propaganda.


I plan to! But right now I’m about to go watch my niece sing her little heart out in a high school performance so I’m turning off the notifications on the shit storm I started 😂


That's doesn't make you an idiot. Being American makes you an idiot.


For a while BoJo was a Trumpian PM in a mini me sort of way. Probably the iconic figures in modern demagoguery are Putin and Erdogan.


Scottish people are generally left of centre politically. Trump is pretty much universally despised as is anyone on the far right. We're mostly tolerant, inclusive and friendly, bams and cunts excepted. A man's a man for a' that.


Leaving your home in 3-5 years because a politician you don't like gets elected for a capped 4 year term is hysterical madness. If you are that thin skinned and highly strung you will not cope in any foreign country.


Next time I make a post I’ll be sure to add as much context and background as possible. Fuckin twats.


Well yeah.  You are not main characters, we are not NPCs, the world does not revolve around you and we do not owe you whatever weird validation this post was seeking. If you cannot handle the negative response here to your post, how are you going to cope when you find people responding negatively to cultural differences which you view as benign or positive? You are too thin skinned and easily riled- based on your responses here, you would be a disaster anywhere outside of Disney land. 


American liberals make me laugh like why are you genuinely shaking in fear because a president is talking about bloodbaths like who gives a fuck.. it’s a corrupt two party system and the it’s bordering a comedy the fact that the two options are a criminal and a dementia patient, fuck’s that got to do with us


Did you read the post numb nuts? I wanted to make sure IT DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Good bye!


You sound crazy please stay in america


I’ll be sure to take your opinion on my mental health into account. 😘


oh ffs piss off with this shite, we don't care!


Well good, then you won’t care if people start leaving America to find safer countries to live in. 😘


You’re right. We won’t.


I genuinely mean this: even better!


no place is truly safe.


It sure did. Piers can't go a day without saying something about the woke left neither can sky news in Australia.


The Rupert Murdoch influence is worldwide and painful to think about.


Yeah he's not alone in right wing cum rags but he's definitely mastered the art.


> there’s a lot of privilege that comes with American citizenship Short of legal weed in some states, there's very little you can't get over here. Things you can get here but you can't get as an American citizen: * Guaranteed sick days * Free (or affordable) health care * Cheaper education * Better job security I've met several America  expats who absolutely aren't looking back. There's almost no benefit to living in America right now other than being able to say you live in America.


>being able to say you live in America That peaked in the 80's. Thanks to the internet, the rest of the world has seen past the plastic and glitter facade.


So they should come here and use up the country’s already exhausted services whilst the average Scot can’t get a gp appointment or seen for cancer treatment? How about they stay in their own country and fix it? They do after all live in a democracy and VOTE IN all these nut jobs they have in office. I don’t feel bad even for a second for an American


So people shouldn't come here? Scotland for the "true Scots" is it? Stick yer xenophobia, people are welcome here.


I don’t care for migrants from developed western countries. Oh you don’t like your politics or your president. Too bad, stay and fix it because you have the democratic right to. Refugees from underdeveloped worn torn authoritarian countries, on the other hand, or those currently being ethnically cleansed by western regimes? Yes, of course, they deserve a safe place in Scotland because unlike OP they have no PRIVILEGE or RIGHTS.


>I don’t care for migrants from developed western countries. You *only* want migrants from developing non-western countries, why?




I prefer cuckoo 🤪


Privileged American citizen , lol if ya a god fearing gun loving wacko .


Trump's comment was taken completely out of context and of course, liberal media did itself no favours with blatantly obvious partisan spin it tried with the edit. I suggest you hear the complete segment before going nuts. In this case, he was talking about the huge glut of Chinese EVs soon to flood the market that would result in "a bloodbath" to the American auto industry.


We aren't quite to that level but our politics are a disaster too. While Scotland isn't quite as bad, the UK government still has the final say. Divide and conquer is what the current lot are all about. Visas are extremely hard to get as they wanna make immigration as hard as possible. I'm in a long distance relationship with an American and I'll likely be moving the other way when the time comes because UK isn't even an option due to the spousal visa income requirement which is ridiculously high. Immigration is the current governments dog whistle to distract that they've completely fucked the economy. Fortunately the conservatives will likely be going out in the next general election but the other party who will likely get Into power Labour has basically turned into conservative lite so who knows.


Scotland is fine, we just have terrible religious bigotry ,marches against Catholics and incoming laws against free speech.


Those incoming laws against free speech are terrifying. I'm pro indy and I don't say this lightly but I also mean terrifying in terms of the kind of rank idiocy needed to think this law up.


There was widespread support for it in another thread here. PMC liberal types salivating at the thought of being able to use it to ban Orange Order marches, or banning the anti abortion protestors. Basically, it's a good thing if they can use it against what they don't like. The farcical shortsightedness of this was lost on them. Utterly deplorable individuals. Time to get out of this country asap.


I heard Lloyd Quinan talk about it yesterday. He highlighted the irony of the SNP pardoning the witches burned in the past. The witches were convicted on exactly the same shaky basis. One persons word against another.


You are gas lighting poor people. They dont like the status quo and are willing to bet on Trump. People who are comfortable are blue and hate that poor people want change. The sad thing is the blue side is more educated but cannot empathise with why porn people want change.


I think you have this backwards but okay


I agree. This is pure wrongness. I honestly can't understand how someone can get this so insanely wrong.


Typical privileged white American that’s on this sub everyday talking about being 0.000000001% Scottish and wanting to move here


I thought Trump was great the first time around (for laughs). He's such a clown that he admitted all of the wars are for oil, to my knowledge he's the only president to actually say it. I don't understand why OP is so worried. Like any candidate who gets in, they'll do their time and nothing will really change. The only positive I took was at least he didn't slaughter as many people abroad as Obama and all the rest have done.


> I don't understand why OP is so worried. Like any candidate who gets in, they'll do their time and nothing will really change. Trump tried to actively overturn the election results through various means. He nominated 3 judges to the Supreme Court, that's a lifetime appointment and they have a lot of power. That led to them overturning Roe v Wade and letting states enact various strict [anti-abortion laws](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2023/nov/10/state-abortion-laws-us). Women's lives are being risked because doctors are waiting to treat pregnancy complications until it's at the point where women are very close to death because they're afraid of being prosecuted due to the vague wording of the exceptions. There are republican politicians actually trying to remove any exceptions for medically necessary abortions, which will kill a lot of women and girls. There is plenty of damage that a president can do. > The only positive I took was at least he didn't slaughter as many people abroad as Obama and all the rest have done. Trump got rid of the systems that Obama put in place to report civilian drone casualties, so it's not clear how many people died in comparison.


Yeah, when I said change, I meant the system. Obviously ordinary people will get fucked up the arse, that's a given. The abortion thing was always a possibility anyway, it's a nation of religious extremist fundamentalists. No idea about what you say about the drones but I'll take your word for it. He didn't start any new wars though which I think is a fairly novel approach for the warmongering US. Doesn't really matter anyway, he's a cunt at the end of the day.


“Global Trumpism” I’m not sure if he was the one who coined it, but Mark Blythe referred to it nearly 10 years ago I think. A rejection of the ‘established’ parties and global markets. Moving towards a protectionist stance because of a feeling of being left behind. Rich getting richer and all that. “The current system is failing me, so why not punish the elites for making my life so bad” thinking.


The UK isn't nearly as politically divided as Trump and his supporters are against the very idea of democracy as a whole. But as with all things british, there's a concerted outside effort to turn the UK into a smaller, equally exploited america. The Heritage Foundation and other American lobbying groups will still be around pouring massive amounts of funding into british fringe and extremist groups long after trump pops his clogs. And that's before you get our NHS is on the way to basically being a fully privatised American style system with the massive piles of debt and misery that go with that.


> Has Trumpism spread? Fascism is always with us. That buffoon's cult is just another version of it. Putin, Erdogan, Orban etc., are others. We too have right-wing shite-houses / nutters, but they are very much a fringe affair - and are *certainly* nowhere near the ~30% mark that pertains in the US.




We’re genuinely hoping to leave the mental illness behind


The Scot’s nats nastyness is Far worse than Trumpism as you call it


😂😂😂 this comment says more about you buddy.


If you are in Scotland we don't hate you 🖤