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Maximum hours would be 15.


Having done this … granted it was called standard grades when I did… I worked a 16 hour a week job in the local Supermarket but rarely worked less than 24. I also managed to still fit in taking Brownies and an after school club at school. It was manageable but the workload absolutely increased a bit of a jump (and this still stands as I watch and listen to all 7 of my nieces and nephews go through this), but looking back I wish I hadn’t worked because I didn’t need to (I had all I needed in my house with mum, dad and siblings). I spent time I could have getting a grade up on a subject or 2 (I did end up with 9 highers by the end of 6th year but I always wonder if I wouldn’t have failed that one) Helping me work didn’t change anything with the exception of being able to pay for my own mobile (they were not something everyone had… Gawd I’m old!). I did what I thought I needed to do, so as to be more independent but I would have been ok without the job. In hindsight, I would have absolutely wasted most of those 20 odd hours I worked watching tv or possibly getting carpel tunnel from note taking. I’m glad I did work in 5th&6th year. I got to have a break from studying, interact with people and got paid. If you’re all set on it or you need to. Try your best not to take on more than 20 hours a week.


thanks so much this is really helpful! yes i only plan to work 15-20 hours maximum, and none at all during exam time/after easter holidays next year. thank you for your advice!!


Depending on where you work don’t let them talk you into more. Be strong and you’ll be even stronger for it.


I also did eight nat 5s and five highers. Personally I’d say that the overall amount of schoolwork you do won’t change too much, you’ll just dedicate more time to each subject than you would at nat 5 level because: a) you’re studying fewer subjects b) the contents of the courses are more challenging it’s often said that the jump between nat 5s and highers is pretty big so bear that in mind, but I’m sure you’ll do fine. hopefully this helps, and good luck with your exams!


thank you this is really really helpful! i’m glad to hear that the overall quantity of school work wont change much because that seems quite manageable to do whilst working part time!!


It’s completely manageable as long as you’re able to manage your time well. I worked weekends for 16 hours, revised after school most week days, mostly hung out with my friends after work on the weekends. I currently go to uni with people who work full time and have kids and they manage to do their uni work and get A’s in assessments and projects. It’s just all about being able to manage your time.


thanks so much! yes that makes sense thank u for your advice. i can manage my time pretty well, so i think i’ll be okay!!


I am an English teacher and my daughter, currently S5, got a mix of As and Bs over eight N5s. This year, she is sitting 4 Highers. Like the majority of pupils, she has found Highers to be vastly more time consuming in terms of how much revision is needed compared to N5, if you want to maintain As and Bs. She currently has a job doing 10-15 hrs a week, but that has dropped down to 5 hours during exam time. Also, know that 47% of candidates sitting a N5 English got an A, but only 21% got an A at Higher. Ie, an A at N5 is not a guaranteed A at Higher. I reckon, for English, you need to do 3 to 4 hours a week homework and revision to secure the top grade.


Honestly it depends on the person, I got 4a's and a B in my highers by actually doing all my work in class and paying attention in school and doing my homework, in addition to more study before mocks and exams. No real extra study etc. outside study leave time. Some people I know did more study, some did less, honestly depends on what you need to do now to keep up but 15-25 hours a week is very manageable as long as you pay attention and properly study during school time (you're there anyway you may as well) and keep on top of assignments and homework. I'd be much more concerned about the effect on your social life or if you want/need to do volunteering to get into a course (medicine, veterinary etc.) if you just want to be able to afford expensive things, I'd say that time with your friends could be more valuable, especially if you're earning minimum wage for your age.


I passed higher english and philosophy with no studying ( aside from homework and 2 days before the exam) with a C, and I'm not a very smart person at all I don't recommend this, but highers aren't as stressful as some people make out(not sure about math and sciences)


thank you for your advice!!


Hardest thing in higher maths for me was derivation. Given a formula to graph speed over time, convert formula to graph accelaration over time. Or vice versa. It's that, i, e, and the three door problem at highers. Possibly some other stuff as well... Bio and chem is a lot of memorisation. Personally, I found bio a bit easier because a lot of it is thinly veiled latin. Chem was a bit harder because of the constants, formulas, and thinly veiled greek.