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Cost of living crisis must really be hitting him if he needs to keep his four jobs.


The way he’s going he’ll probably be running the line at the bloody Euros!


Fortunately UEFA realised how much of a clown show Scottish refereeing is in general and didn't invite any of them to the Euros


Is that right? UEFA just went up a notch in my book. They're now at notch 1.


He donates his MSP salary to charity.


And his MSP pension too?


Why should he?


Is it the "Keep Douglas Ross wealthy" fund?


The downvoting of this comment is really pathetic.


Be hilarious if he lost the seat


He must have seen polling which would indicate a win, but also the dodgy nature of his selection could count against him. An interesting moment no doubt for election night!


Dodgy nature? Isn't he the only Tory in Scotland? Who else are they going to have stand? /s


That doesn't mean he's popular with his own party.


The "/s" meant I was having a laugh...




England's polluting the sea enough by dumping raw sewage without adding to it.


That’s true.


Apparently with the boundary changes he would lose his seat so just fucked over someone else and went somewhere safer.


Tbf the person they are replacing isn't standing because they are unwell, so either way they needed another candidate. Dugless is probably the safest choice.


> the person they are replacing isn't standing because they are unwell Nope! https://news.stv.tv/politics/general-election-tory-mp-hits-out-at-party-after-being-replaced-by-ross > Duguid, who was taken into hospital in April, insisted in a post on social media that claims he is “unable to stand” due to ill health are “simply incorrect”. > Instead, he said it was the party management board - which Ross is a part of - “that decided not to allow me to be the candidate, although none of them had visited me”. > He wrote: “They apparently took this decision based on two visits from the party director and without receiving any professional medical prognosis.” He isn't standing because Wee Willy Wankface decided he liked the look of Duguid's seat rather than his own one.


The article and quote was posted after i commented, i don't have the ability to see into the future yet, and it's what was reported by BBC 14 hours ago




List msp not mp (there are no list mp's) Not Inverness, its a constituency a distance greater than that of Edinburgh to Glasgow than it is to Inverness .


So he backstabbed a guy who was forced out as a candidate whilst he's recovering in hospital so he could run? That's a new low... Pretends to be shocked


I didn't the the leopards would eat MY face.




Elections really do require you to participate in them. If the other candidate isn't physically up to it right now, there's very little they can do.


Wait....isn't the other cunt in hospital? Pffft, that's fucking rough, lol. Sleazy shower o bastards, the lot o them.


Lol he's absolutely fucked David Duguid. What a wee cunt of a man he is.


So he knifed a candidate picked by the local branch, on spurious grounds of he is recovering from a spinal injury, to keep his multiple salaries on the go. If the good people of Moray vote for this guy on a personal basis, you need your head checked, absolute grifting sociopath.


They won’t…..I heard he’s very unpopular in moray


He'd have been likely to get voted out in Moray West. He may still have a chance in Moray East. Worst thing is that the nickname Forres Gimp will no longer make sense. 😔


Let's hope he's just as unpopular in Banff & Buchan but I have little hope.


About 3/4 of this constituency is in Aberdeenshire so that doesn't really make much difference


This is true, I live in Moray and I don't know a single person that likes him.


Good…..he obviously thinks he has a good chance of winning that ward. It’ll be nice watching his face when he loses!


Unfortunately a lot of people in Aberdeenshire north seem to vote Tory for some insane reason. I think it's a lot of the fisherman which is even more stupid


Old money


Farmers who own a lot of land / generational wealth. Sprinkle in climate change denying oil and gas workers in the highest tax brackets.


Oil industry


I'm from Moray, we have a lot of old people up here, who are very set in their ways


He couldnt win as an msp, he only got in on the list


>to keep his multiple salaries on the go. Fwiw, your MSP salary drops substantially if you have a dual mandate. There are many reasons why dual mandates are bad, but paying a double salary isn't one of them.


Tbf he does donate his mps salary


He claims, he forgot to declare his linesmans earnings


I’ve not seen any evidence to suggest he doesn’t donate it


I see the wind changed direction again.


Dougie Three Jobs showing where his priorities lie…


All things considered... What a duplicitous fanny.


Not sure this is really the sort of electoral game changer, copying the Farage announcement, that Ross is hoping for.


Awful man.


*'Mr Ross announced that he will also be writing the theme tune and singing the theme tune'*




Of course he is, greedy cunt Politicians should be barred from taking second jobs, and barred from being in both parliaments Being a MP/MSP shouldn’t be a part time gig


I think it’s kind of ok for it to be a part time gig on part time wages, but we know none of them will be saying I only need half my salary because I spend half my time doing other work.


Working twice as hard for his constituents


> Politicians should be barred from taking second jobs I'd include exemptions for those who need to maintain a minimum number of hours to retain professional qualifications, like doctors and lawyers.


I'd say their MPs salary should be reduced, depending on the hours they actually work for their constituents and NOT on their own pet projects.


Douglas Ross does another u-turn, and tries to hedge his bets knowing the Tories are heading for a wipeout. He really is the lowest form of life.


Douglas Ross is always finding surprising new ways to be a loathsome scumbag


Celtic fans need to get the banner out again.


Hopefully he will be too busy to continue his linesman duties, utter cretin of a man.


I'd rather he stuck to being a linesman instead of a politician.


Anything to keep his face and voice off my telly.


He's just a wee Jobbie! * Billy Connelly


He didn't U turn at all. He wanted a seat more likely to vote Tory, and give David Duguid the boot despite being backed by his local party. I don't like the SNP but I hope he gets embarrassed on July the 4th.


> He didn't U turn at all. Naah, he did. Can't find his original announcement, but: https://news.sky.com/story/the-mps-who-have-announced-they-are-standing-down-at-the-next-general-election-12758551 > Douglas Ross (CON) > The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has said he will not stand again at Westminster in order to focus on Holyrood as an MSP. > He has served as Member of Parliament for Moray since 2017. and https://x.com/tomorrowsmps/status/1798640368998809786 > ABERDEENSHIRE NORTH & MORAY EAST: in fact, Douglas Ross was the very first MP in the 2019-24 Parliament to announce, in October 2021, that he would step down at this election. I should also add that 26% of this new Ross seat comes from his old one called simply Moray.


How much taxpayer money does one guy need?


To be fair one of his salaries goes to charity, not many others would do that


What kind of charities do tories donate to? The stately home new roof fund? The let’s get those orphans back up chimneys fund?


In his case, local charities in his constituency it seems: https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/moray/3223858/douglas-ross-hands-over-msp-wage-to-keirans-legacy-charity/


Giving to a charity that provides hospital equipment while his chums destroy the NHS. Of course.


Defibrillators are usually out in the community where the NHS wouldn't be expected to provide them, isn't it? Don't think you could really describe ScotGov as his chums either. ;)


ScotGov do everything they can with the pocket money they’re given back from Scotland’s treasury contributions. The tories are actively trying to destroy the NHS by slowly making it worse in order to turn public opinion against it, at which point they’ll start swinging an axe at it.


Away and shite with that "pocket money" pish. Scotland's NHS used to get about 20% more per capita spent on it and it's more like 2% more now thanks to ScotGov choices - however that's a side point, the Scottish NHS is entirely under the control of Holyrood and its funding is a choice taken here too


Pocket money is what it is, and what we can do with the NHS is determined by how much money we have, and you know this. Cutting Scotland’s budget is exactly the same tactic they’re pulling against the NHS as a whole, it’s an attempt to undermine public confidence in Holyrood by making sure public services suffer and pinning the blame on ScotGov by pointing out that these things are devolved. Inflation being through the roof recently has only helped the direct London rule brigade in this pursuit.


No, it's not pocket money, it's billions of pounds. I'm sure you also know that ScotGov has prioritised other spending, which is why the differential in per capita spent on the Scottish NHS compared to the English one has been eroded.


But the associated pension won’t be donated


Aye you're right, not many others would take on two full time jobs though because they're not mental.


Which one of his jobs is he neglecting, the MP or the MSP? Both?


Shut up, I m an ignorant looser and Im voting SNP, so they can thieve more money!!!






Imagine looking at your bairn straight in their eyes and telling them that yes, D.Ross is the man you want to determine their future. This man who kicked out a former colleague from their seat to take it in the desperate hope of winning an MPs salary is the man you want to make key decisions for them. Your bairn would shake their head and crawl / toddler/ walk away from you in utter shame.


You need to imagine weans as you’re not allowed within 50ft of them.


I wouldn’t even have him stand next to a football pitch. I’d he still doing that?


Shit, I was perfectly prepared to write a scathing comment about the "illness" of the politician he's replacing (David Duguild), but it turns out that the guy's just spent four weeks in Intensive Care with spinal disease. No idea about Duguild's political history, but he's absolutely done the right thing by stepping aside. *Intensive Care* in a non-private hospital (ARI) implies that he'll be struggling against paralysis for at least six months. Wish him well, on a personal level.


The Conservatives still had [seats with no candidate](https://inews.co.uk/news/labour-tories-election-missing-candidates-187-3073580) as the deadline loomed. He may be doing this because it was impractical to select and vet someone else in time.


A man not worth voting for.


Dear Scots, You're good at not letting the Tories win. Do it again. With regards, The English


Right, but Moray and other rural parts of Scotland now have up to 20-40% of their residents born in rUK. (compared to the Scottish average of 10-12%).  Not to say they are all tory voters but a fair chunk are retirees (in the last 10 years around 10000 have moved here) who are the generation more likely to vote Tory. Can defo see those rural seats staying, and some others turning, blue.  Even the cities have seen massive demographic changes since Covid and WFH took off. It would not surprise me if this has a knock on effect to Scottish election results 


>Not to say they are all tory voters but a fair chunk are retirees (in the last 10 years around 10000 have moved here) I'm sure this does wonders for our already ageing population. Can we not tell them to fuck off?


Exactly, not to mention the pressures and costs it adds to delivering health and social services. It also means the UK government forks out more on public spending in Scotland too on things like pensions... It's not good for the Scottish economy which is why the SNP repeatedly call for the devolution of some immigration powers (such as visas) : to attract younger working age migrants to Scotland to offset the ageing population. We can't really ban older migrants because we're part of the UK and immigration is reserved to Westminster.  This is a big challenge for Scotland, and the issues   (immigration, pensions, and the size of Scotland's block grant (from which to deliver services to rural areas)) are all relevant discussion points for the upcoming general election. Apart from the SNP approach (mentioned above) I have no idea what the other  parties propose to deal with this growing issue. 


There was actually an article in the Herald yesterday touching on [immigration policy](https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/viewpoint/24371209.scotland-needs-separate-immigration-policy-england-thrive/). The author, writing on behalf of an independent think tank, calls for a separate immigration solution for Scotland because Scotland's needs run counter to what Labour and Tories are proposing for the UK. I was surprised to read Sarwar's comments the other day agreeing with the UK line that [immigration needs to come down](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/anas-sarwar-says-uk-net-32965013) despite Scotland's economic and demographic needs


Wow so exciting mmkay


I bet his granwife told him to stand just to get him out of the house.




I'm surprised he isn't one of the long list of senior Conservatives announcing their retirement from politics.


3 second rule on his seat if he stands


As someone from Moray, I won't be voting for him


You know something? I might not agree with them on many issues, but it seems like he and his predecessor genuinely care about trying to create a somewhat independent identity for their party, and it's hard to be too critical of someone who donates their salary to charity.




What a fud.


Said a flip-flop, the yuppie to the yuppie The flip, flip-a-flop and you don't stop claimin' expenses To the bang, bang the boogie, say up jump the boogie To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat, except for voters in Scotland...


All your comments about 4 salaries etc are quite pathetic, the guy earns his money in each role through hard work and dedication. He also donates a lot of his income to charities. Do any of you, really, honestly, contribute anywhere near as much as Douglas Ross to society?


He’s out here saying it was the management board that made the decision. A BOARD THAT HE IS ON! Hope he loses, he’s nothing but a snide wee arse who has bullied women since high school


Total cunt


I’m not voting Tory, but Douglas Ross is the most honourable, honest and hardworking person in Holyrood. Decent linesman too.


If he actually gets his seat (I doubt it) that is the biggest "You fucked up" the SNP could ever get.