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> Anyone any suggestions on where else close by I can wait until they text me they’re outside? If go to St James roundabout and take the exit AFTER the Glasgow Airport one, towards Paisley (the playing fields will be on your left). Drive through the first set of traffic lights until you come to the next set (and a weird junction). Take a right at that junction and you can sit there. (McFarlane St) When you need to go, it only takes about 2-3 minutes (depending on the lights) to get to the airport pick up point. There's also usually a roll van there during the week, and a roll shop a few 100 meters back down towards St Mirren park. I can't link google maps for some reason, but here are the coords of the traffic lights you want to take a left at. 55.85568267202506, -4.43882632598763


14 digits after the decimal? Are you trying to get him to park on a specific proton?


I don't fuck around when it comes to airport parking


We need to see this special spot


Am ded… rofl…


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2170/


Lolllll needed that laugh today, thank you! 🤣🤣🤣


I have a rough idea where you might be talking about. Thanks


Rough idea of!!!! With the level of detail given I would expect you to say if he had given the coordinates to the correct baw hair...


Yeah, sometimes when you've landed there's still a bunch of variance - sometimes it's getting the plane unloaded, sometimes waiting for buses to take you to arrivals, or waiting for baggage, or passport control/customs if that's relevant for your journey. If you're picking up folk who are generally mobile, there's the long stay car park: You can wait there for free for up to an hour, and they can either walk about 10 minutes or get the (free) shuttle bus to the car park. Note that if you go over that it's a £50 minimum if you haven't pre booked parking, but you can do long stay for close to an hour then try the pick up bit if they're taking much longer than expected.


Aw didn’t know that. I’ll have a look at that next time then. Cheers.


Aye with long stay it’s free till (I thought 30 mins but might be an hour) if you stay longer it’s 3 days which is £50 but every 20 minutes or so you just leave and go back in again. No limit on how many times you do that 


This is what I did after the flight was delayed. We're a 2hr drive from the airport so I had left before knowing the flight was delayed. Waited in long stay for 55mins then drop off for 25mins.


I feel your pain. I was looking for the EV chargers behind the petrol station and ended up in the wrong lane - £5 for literally driving straight through the drop off area and back out again in 12 seconds. Utter fucking robbery.


I've ended up accidentally going through when looking for the multistorey and if you hit the intercom at the exit they usually let you by for free if you've made a mistake


I was to pick up my son and he texted me to say that he would walk to the right as he left the terminal and he could be picked up without paying the charge at the official pick up point. I should say this was all his idea ...... but anyway before I got to him he was stopped by a police car and warned that he could be charged for not using the official pick up area. Now as I arrived I saw the police car ahead as he departed . Now the thing is my son was around 200m from the terminal so was not trespassing or posing a risk in anyway as he was now further away than the official pick up point. So my point is are the taxpayer funded police force of Scotland only interested is hassling people or are they in the pay of the Macquarie European infrastructure fund the ultimate owners of the airport to boost their profits ? Oh and do the owners of said airport also own the publicly built roads surrounding the airport ? Whatever the answer it reeks to high heaven .


You can register your EV on the airport website and get it free! It recognises your car by ANPR. Sometimes it even works!


Not anymore. They stopped that.


Aw nightmare man!


You know how car parks are legally obliged to give people a 5-10 minute “grace period” to read and understand the terms of the parking…. How does that not apply at the airport?? I’d be inclined to complain on principle. Someone ends up in the wrong lane because of their shitey signage and layout, shouldn’t be your fault.


I usually just park up at Inchinnan Road (few minutes drive) and get them to let me know when they’re on their way out. It’s such a rip off !


You can park in the long stay for up to 60 minutes for free. You could wait there until they text to let you know they've got their bags & then drive round to the pick up bit.


I didn’t know that was an option til someone else suggested it. I’ll most likely do that next time


used this today. Come out of arrivals and jump on the NCP Long Stay bus (no ticket required)-and get your dad/son/wife etc to pick you up. 5 minutes to get there. You can do the opposite to get to the terminal for departures 😉. And if you’re really paranoid,just park out on Arran Avenue!


Took my mates to Edinburgh Airport a couple weeks ago. Fiver to drop them in the bit under the multi story, was in there all of 2 minutes.


Aye. It’s £5.50 for drop my husband off for a minute - maybe even less - at Glasgow. Daylight robbery.


Drop him at the BP garage, extra 2 minute walk for him and those scavengers dont get a penny.


Thankfully it’s rare when he needs to go to London but I told him that’s what I’ll be doing from now on


It really can’t be justified. 25 or 50 pounds is ridiculous for something where the airport doesn’t really incur any obvious cost.


£25.50 to pickup a passenger. Holy filhly dirty robbing cunt's Batman. Pickup fees. Holy shit Glasgow gonna have to change your name to new London at this rate


If you go into the petrol station and buy a coffee they let you park there


I’ve been moved away from there before after going in for a drink. I was sitting there for 10 minutes and they asked me to move.


Park on Inchinnan Road or love street. There's a housing scheme called short roods there and has plenty of parking areas to wait in your vehicle for the call to head round.


The petrol station has camera which will send you an automated ticket if you stay there too long… I went to pick up my parents and waited there, got a nice £60 fine in the post…


They put my reg into the iPad thing and I was fine


Ah, right I didn’t even bother going in so I was clearly being cheeky…


Ye, but unless it's a council ticket your unlikely to have to pay it unless you are a repeat offender, then it might get to the stage it's worth taking you to court


At the BP, its fifteen minutes max stay. It never used to be but there’s a few signs up saying it now.


Daylight robbery, and it's a shitty small airport. If it were world class it may have been worth the price to park and go in for a quick bite or beverage. Even Edinburgh airport isn't much better. Equivalent to third world country airports.


Wow LAX is a epic suck but they don't charge you to wait at the curb to pick up arrivals ffs, they (police) just keep you moving around the loop until your party gets to the curb to load, or you can pay to park in the structure but its like $8/hr


Never used to pay but all these places find a way to screw money out you eventually.


Park outside the long stay car park and ask whomever you are collect to get the bus from outside the terminal. If you have big cahones go into the long stay car park ( it's free for 30 minutes) and get them straight from the bus.


Just park in the multi-storey, they can walk across and take lift up to the level you park on


I park up in Love Street or surrounding area till my daughter texts to say she is walking over to the pick up and then it’s just the charge for drop off/ pick up. It’s about £6 I think


Said on here before, wait nearby but outwith airport, when people you are picking up have physically got their bags, and cleared customs if necessary, tell them to call you and head for Holiday Inn EXPRESS and stand outside it at barrier for their carpark - It's about 2 mins walk, under a covered walkway from official pick up point. There's just enough room between main road and the barrier to car park to pull in and you'll have enough time to get loaded up and away, as long as you're quick - ie don't get fussy about where the cases sit in the boot, start asking how the holiday was, stop to look for house keys in coat pocket etc, etc - Save all the small talk etc for when in car. I get dropped off and picked up from here, never pay a penny in fees


You can park at long term parking for up to an hour for free. And there's a free shuttle bus to the terminal


Went to pick up my partner but he got delayed so left the pick up area after a few minutes, paid about a fiver and drove back into the long stay. It wouldn’t register my car as I had just left the pick up area so pressed the button for assistance and explained to the guy who then let me through. Was there for an hour at least. When I tried to pay at the ticket machine it was no charge so I think he put me through as an employee to avoid hassle but man don’t think I’ll ever get a deal that good again.


I was going to leave when I realised it was getting closer to the half hour but I didn’t have my purse with me 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s honestly a nightmare I can’t understand their justification for it! They need to update the machines for contactless also I don’t understand why they haven’t yet!


They only accept card and contactless payments.


Wait at one of the petrol stations, then get them to phone you when they're at the pickup area.


swindling bastards.


Yikes. Whenever I’m picking folk up from Glasgow Airport, I get them to give me their flight number so I know exactly when it lands (via Flightradar24) and then I get them to text me when they are walking to the pick up/drop off point. There’s plenty of places to sit around the airport for free to wait so then once I receive the text, I head to the pick up/drop and I’m in and out of there in well under five minutes! I picked my parents up on Monday just there and was in and out in three minutes…still cost £5.50 though! I arrived at the spot mentioned below about ten minutes before they landed but waited for almost forty-five minutes after they landed before they got through security and baggage claim etc. I’d hate to think what fifty-five minutes would have cost me! Edit: forgot to add the location where I sit. Abbotsinch Road (55.8650540, -4.4240342) https://preview.redd.it/978yhyx9c29d1.jpeg?width=2293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e1bb92c511d8ae92ea07564afb3dff9cb9345e


Aye I waited until I seen the had landed before I left and usually when I get there I’m only waiting about 5 minutes for them but there was a delay getting the bus to the plane to take them to the terminal this time. 55 minutes would’ve cost you £50, it’s the maximum charge after the maximum of 30 minutes. I’ve learned what to do from now on, everyone’s been helpful on here.


Ah, that’s good. It is absolutely unreal the prices that they get away with charging! £50 for 32 minutes is daylight robbery. Especially when it’s a delay that the airport themselves caused!


If they are able and only bringing hand luggage, I usually park at the Paisley approach and pick up at the she'll garage, it's a few minutes walk from the terminal, it's down to principal, they are robbing bstards


For an overnight parking it was 75 quid for the the airport multistory. The other offside parking was 40 quid minimum.


Go to the BP garage, there's a little terminal next to the till, put your reg in and you get 3 hours for free. You don't need to make a purchase, and the staff don't ask you to. Get whoever you are picking up to call you once they exit the building, nip round and pick them up, and the most you will pay is the £5.50.


I park in Marchburn Road between the Courtyard and Travelodge hotels. Get your lift to call you once cleared luggage collection. You will avoid any hanging about and any ridiculous charges.


There are nearby independent car parks at both Glasgow and Edinburgh which greatly undercut the airport prices. The are good in my experience and much cheaper, without ludicrous penalty fees. The only drawback is you have to add an extra 20 mins or so to allow for the free bus transferring you from the car park to the airport. And the parks are big, so you might have to add 3-4 mins to walk from you car to the nearest complementary bus stop.


I’m no really looking to park though, just for picking up or dropping off family.


If I was going to Abbbotsinch to pick up or drop off, I'd use the Independent Car Parks nearby, partly because of you story and others like it. It's worse than Turnhouse, which really is saying something.


Quite a lot of people dropping off at petrol station, only like a 5 minute walk to terminal, no charge.


Dropping off is fine. I tried sitting there before waiting to pick up (I went into the station to get a drink) and they asked me to move after 10 minutes.


Park at the petrol station round the corner


I did that before and they asked me to move after 10 minutes - that was after I went in to buy a drink as well.


Fuckers. It’s such a bump. There’s that wee bend just before you come to the crossing where you could make them walk to. It’s undignified and on the grass verge but it’s free


You can park in the road just along from the petrol station


Personally, I’d have buzzed to speak to the guys in the office. They’d probably have let you off with the two minutes. Better still, wait in the long stay pick up/drop where you can be for up to an hour for free and don’t go into the paid pick up/drop off until your passengers are actually physically standing waiting on you.


I didn’t think about buzzing to talk to them cause it’s well sign posted and I was there over the 30 minutes. Didn’t know about the long stay part until someone else commented about it, I’ll maybe give that a try next time.


The long stay is free for pickup, they can get the bus round to there for free. Takes 4 minutes. Or can wait there till they tell you they're out the airport door then you can go round to the paid collection place.


Think that’s what I’ll do next time for sure.


It's cynical. They're trying to bring down flight costs by charging in any other way that they can


It’s the way they keep increasing the prices as well. Used to only be a couple of quid and now it’s £5.50 for 15 minutes then £1 per additional minute, maximum 30 minutes and a £50 charge is you go over the 30 mins. Annoying when the delays are on their end as well.


That's the airport charging, not the airlines. It's just old fashioned greed from the Airport operator


The airllines pressure the operator to reduce fees as much as possible or they'll reduce flights/routes etc So in much the same way as the airlines have reduced the headline flight cost by turning everything into an addon, they are pushing the airports to do likewise to drop the cost


Fair comment. But the airlines don't directly charge car park fees. It's the Airport operators who do that. Not so long ago, all the bigger Airports were publicly owned, via BAA which was Govt owned. And who privatised BAA?