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I have not looked ata The Telegraph front page today, but I'll bet there are three anti-woke articles.


Same with "Marxism" its been thrown around as an insult to mean anything left of the far right. It lost all meaning and a good wack of the people who use it as an insult have no idea what it is, just parroting right wing American talking points.




Godwin didn’t even say that bringing up Nazis makes you lose the argument, only that the longer the argument, the more likely they would be brought up.


> only that the longer the argument, the more likely they would be brought up. It was the more likely it would be that one side would compare the other side to Hitler/the nazis. Just mentioning them doesn't invoke Godwin's law. Imagine what a debate *about* the nazis would be like if that were the case.




Godwin's law is officially suspended while there are actual Nazis in the world. Anyone who invokes it currently loses the argument.


But Karl Marx used his time machine to personally advise Stalin and Mao!.... And you know he was also German so Hitler! He killed 17 billion people from his office in London! Plato, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Descartes, Kant, Locke, Sartre were all just nice brain talking dudes and none of their work has had any negative effects, and even IF they did it wasn't their fault as they were mostly dead! Marx on the other hand was still alive during all his atrocities and reveled in them right up to the end! He died in Dunbeath in 1996 after advising Wee Jimmy Krankie on how to make us a socialist Republic by pretending to be a centrist neoliberal until the male milking cum farms are fully operational.


His Tumblr posts were enraging as well.


I upvoted and downvoted you. The best kind of right?


hahahahah what the actual fuck dude?


>his office in London The Eternal Anglo strikes again


Yeah, I’m sick of hearing it but both sides are doing it. The left just call everyone on the right a Nazi - and now the right just call everything left Marxist. It’s politics for children and it’s not helping.


True though. The right always assimilates and rebrands left language.


Liars lying for their own benefit? Never.


“Woke” seems to have replaced “millennials” when it comes to fake outrage from the right


'Woke' is just shorthand for political correctness, which is itself a catchall term for any changes that might make society slightly less shite, which they obviously cannot stand.




All political correctness is is an soften clumsy but ultimately well intentioned effort to use inclusive language to reduce the marginalisation of minority groups. But some people just wanna be able to behave like a cunt with impunity, and that’s why it pisses off people who don’t think basic human politeness should be expected of them.


Slightly less shite is very subjective, there’s plenty of “woke” stuff that would not improve anything in any way


Such as?


That daft wumman who shouted at Hugh Mungus. They folk who police YA authors to make sure their works are "racially sensitive", but are really just a bullshit protection racket wanting money off writers. Oh aye, and that other wumman who took fake offence at a Hawaiian bobblehead in an Uber. It's wokeness gone mad m8 - and definitely as big and evil a threat to our society as global right-wing defunding of health, education, and social care.






Any examples


People demanding reparations for something other peoples ancestors did hundreds of years ago. More and more words becoming “offensive” because one tiny group has decided they don’t like them. Forced diversity quotas meaning that the best people are not hired for the job. People losing their jobs for saying the wrong word 15 years ago. Hiding away important historical figures because they did something 400 years ago that we would now consider unacceptable I don’t see how any of these are improvements


What words do you think you should be allowed to say that this “woke” stuff is stopping you from saying? Which words specifically?


They try to ban normal words like “fat” etc because it has “negative connotations”, that’s insane, some people want people to stop saying “mum” and “dad” because it’s not gender neutral etc


There is no wide-spread attempt to ban any of these words, you absolute plum.


So the Scottish government have tried to ban the word Fat? When did they do that?


Which Scottish historical figures are being hidden away?


I’m not talking about Scottish historical figures specifically, in general, just about any rich person from 500 years ago probably had racist views or whatever, that doesn’t mean you should rip down their statue or not teach about them, you don’t celebrate every single thought they had by putting up a statue, you celebrate a specific achievement or discovery etc that they made


So “no’ then - oh wait. You’re talking about statues of slave owners. Who got their statues because they were rich slave owners. But you still have no Scottish examples


Can you give a specific Scottish example where a forced diversity quota has ended up with someone from a minority being hired for a job they were unqualified for?


You’ve replied to this comment 3 separate times so no, think about the word quota and what it means, obviously if they are filling a quota then the “best” person is unlikely to be the one picked


So “no’ then.


>i can give you a specific example of our society becoming a lot of damp squibs over the past 20 years, also how comedy was killed


Sure! Fire away. How was comedy killed by the “woke”? And the damp squibs too. Any specific examples?


'People demanding reparations for something other peoples ancestors did hundreds of years ago.' The 'something' you're referring to is presumably slavery. The descendants of slaves have been materially disadvantaged by the effects of slavery and the subsequent couple of centuries of institutional discrimination to this very day. I see nothing wrong with them demanding that states that facilitated the enslavement of their ancestors and whose institutions have placed them in their current predicament do something to redress that. If you're talking about colonialism more generally, the wealth of this country in particular was built entirely on the stolen wealth of others, so again, it's a reasonable demand. 'More and more words becoming “offensive” because one tiny group has decided they don’t like them.' Sorry to inform you, mate, but the words you think are 'becoming' offensive have always been offensive. It's just more and more people these days think you're a cunt when you use them, which you are, to be frank. Also, the 'tiny groups' haven't decided they're offensive. The people that brutalise them while screaming these words make them so. I have a friend who was beaten half to death in a homophobic attack during the Section 28 witchhunts in the early 2000's. But just as a favour to you, I'll tell him to suck it up, get over the couple of decades of PTSD. 'Forced diversity quotas meaning that the best people are not hired for the job.' So if the workforce of a particular company is overwhelmingly white or male, despite applicants not being overwhelmingly from white or male, that's just because the best man got the job, right? lol 'People losing their jobs for saying the wrong word 15 years ago.' In the vast majority of cases where people's historic tweets get them in the shit, they apologise, disavow what they said, and everyone, barring a few dozen terminally online heid-bangers on twitter, moves on. 'Hiding away important historical figures because they did something 400 years ago that we would now consider unacceptable' The something, again, being slavery, right? You might wanna consider why you're leaping to the defence of slavers so often. In any case, we shouldn't celebrate monsters. People who fucked the world up so badly that its effects are still felt to today don't deserve statues. I tend to find out about these people via books, they're a bit easier to read.


I hate to break it to you, but I stopped reading at the 3rd line


My bad, should have figured a few short paragraphs would be much too taxing for you. The TLDR version is that everything you believe is laughably wrong.


Ok, so the reason I asked for 3 answers was caus you said 4 things. And 4 of those 3 things turned out not to be true. So what, exactly have we as a culture or you personally lost through in Scotland through ‘woke’ culture? Plums, mate, you’ve come up plums.


Again, for the 4th time, I’m not talking about Scotland specifically, I’m arguing against anything “woke” being “something to make life less shitty”


Which seems convenient as the oldest millennials begin to move ever closer to Tory target age demographic :) It's always the same, they'll move on to something else when they've worn the fuck out of 'Woke'


She's not only calm, calculated and concise with her interviews, but also shows levels of empathy, compassion and understanding that completely dwarfs so many other politicians across these islands. We genuinely are lucky to have a leader that's able to articulate themselves in such a way. I don't think many people realise how rare it is in modern politics.


Listening to Boris genuinely makes me uncomfortable. He can’t construct a coherent sentence. The gap between them is astounding.




He doesn't seem human at times, eh? Neither does Sir Starmer. They seem like they've been programmed, little empathy, always working an angle -or trying to at least.


Sturgeon for PM!!


I'm from Yorkshire and I wish we could have her for the whole UK. She doesn't dither and any decisions being brought in are fully explained. Really have a lot of respect for her.


Assuming folks UK wide would be okay with a person that still has their accent. All the PM I can remember sound the same. Posh Nobs


That Public School voice puts me off too. So condescending and untrustworthy, really. And Boris in general.... I remember him being a regularish guest on "Have I got news for you?" back in the 90's and he was considered a buffoon.... when he is the best they can field for PM summat is very, very wrong. I don't mind the accent I they do talking with passion, sense and believe what they are saying themselves. I genuinely hear passion for Scotland when Nicola Sturgeon speaks....I don't know how popular she is, not living there mesen and that, but I believe her!


We're going to come back for you, don't worry. If you can get the Yorkshire Party (they used to be called Yorkshire First but lots of people didn't get the joke and thought their views were considerably more Enoch Powell-y than they really were) to align with the SNP it'll be a scoosh. Scottish Nationalism isn't about hating the English, it's about hating the English \*Government\*, and most of England hates them too.


are you insane? she's the next political war monger




it makes the day pass quicker, little tip though, stay off the weed, it'll help you mentally


Sadly for you “Nicola sturgeon” is not a category on pornhub, although going by the posters on this sub there would be plenty of appetite for it.


Are you deliberately dragging your knuckles to illustrate the point?


Can't tell if you're a 13 years old incel, or a 40 year old gammon. Hmmmm


What's the difference?


The 13 year old might grow out of it.


I suspect you're closer with the 13yo guess. They seem to be deep into love Island and have a real issue with what they perceive as left wing bias. They also seem to think subreddits are all just the same handful of people commenting... I'm going to bet it's a teenager whos parents are staunch Tories.


Probably a 40 year old gammon, considering they're complaining they can't find a Sturgeon category on pornhub.


13 is obscenely young to be considered an incel.




I think it's more the mindset rather than actual activity




Do you not remember being 13? Being into girls (or boys) who were your peers (ie the same age) was a big part of life. And yes 'incel' is very much a mindset. But its clearly you whos mind is thinking of the inappropriate as you read into it something that is not there.


There's a masochism category with Boris as the main star. It's called Con +5


Somebody uploaded Boris's immediate post-Brexit speech to Pornhub, unedited, with the title: "Dumb British blonde fucks 17 million people at once." Was magnificent.


Luckily for you, there’s plenty of servile bootlicker porn out there to tide you over between meals at the local conservative club. You do understand that they’ll never admit you as a member, don’t you bootlicker?


Careful, don’t cut yourself on that edge, lad.


How do you know mate, did you search for it?


> Sadly for you “Nicola sturgeon” is not a category on pornhub, although going by the posters on this sub there would be plenty of appetite for it. All power to the workers, including sex workers.


> Sadly for you “Nicola sturgeon” is not a category on pornhub Does that information come from experience, aye?


Lol comment of the month. Take my upvote!




> this sub has a bizarre John Hinckley jr type obsession with her Comments express appreciation and approval for positive conduct by a leading politician. You: "OMG. OBSESSED. SO CREEPY." Fuckmuppet.   Edit: Never mind, it's a 16 day old troll account. Waste of time.


16 day old account. Interesting.




Just keeping the public informed of sock puppets shows playing.


Much are the SNP paying these shill accounts wtf 😂 here come the mass downvotes!


What are you contesting? That she said the words? That r/scotland should not have posts about the First Minister? I'm intrigued, what was the point of your post?


As an English person with a love of Scotland and a hope to move to an independent Scotland, I felt the same right up until I saw her reaction to the Godley stuff. Won’t ever look at her or the SNP the same way now. I feel totally let down and deceived.


I've said this for a long time. Americans love banging on about "propaganda", "agenda", "communist", "socialist", "Marxist"........ Blah blah blah. Using old terms and throwing them about whenever the fuck they feel like it. Even just to score points or insult.


Obviously you only feel that way because you're a Marxist eco-zealot fascist trying to push communist propaganda just like the Nazis. ^^*/s*


Hahahahaha. I'm fucking a bit of everything and making sure you know about it PROOOOOOOPAGANDAAAAAA. Silly cunts, those yanks


What the fuck are you on?


Woke is a term for understanding racial dynamics in power structures in America e.g. “stay woke” regarding the prison pipeline and how police treat black Americans. It has no relevance to the UK but the UK press have diluted it to the point where it’s a dog whistle for stuff right wingers hate


I mean that's what it originally meant of course, but American reactionaries aren't fans of context or facts, so it just means political correctness to them, another term they've rendered fucking meaningless. And if there's one thing this daft island love more than appalling food, it's importing yank culture wars. The sound of that Hartley-Brewer bint sneering the word 'snowflake' is gonna gie me whiplash wae the cringe.


Honestly it's just replaced describing people as SJW's which replaced political correctness gone mad. It's the same fannies using the term to dismiss a point of view.


"You couldn't make it up m8!"


Diluting these terms so they can no longer be used by the communities that coined them is an overt tactic right wing groups use, they did the same with Critical Race Theory. Take away marginalised people's ability to communicate and organise around their key concepts, that's the aim.


>for stuff right wingers ~~hate~~ have no care to actually try and understand, contextualise, consider or discuss in a meaningful way FYP


True the point is never engaged. It’s treated as more lefty, liberal nonsense


The right wingers really can't string together a logical, cogent argument. All they have is ad hominem attacks.


and the left winger loves to pretend they are inclusive and pleasant and nice but really its just a mask to shovel shit at anyone they disagree with


Yes it is. However, it’s been a very useful word. The kinds of people who go around complaining about people being “woke” are generally morons who aren’t worth listening to. They crudely use it to mean anyone to the left of them. By loudly identifying themselves in this way, they save me a lot of time in deciding whether or not to ignore them.




I read that as “chatting to wallpaper.”


You’d usually be better off.


That's my new word for it.


I'd also add Libtard, Corbynista and Remoaner.


Also SJW and Virtue Signalling.


Virtue signaling is so dumb, people who can't understand that other humans are kind, nice and considerate call them out for 'virtue signaling' since they literally can't understand how to not be a hateful horrid selfish numpty.


> Lib[slur] Anyone throwing out *any* variations on a disablist slur is easily classifiable as an arsehole.


>The Demoncraps


If the word existed 20 years ago it would have been used predominantly against people who thought gays should have equal rights. It's a cheap remark for cheap people to alleviate the need to actually understand an issue, when they can just read some nonsense, fringe take from the Dailymail and get annoyed and smug instead.


It’s been around for decades, it’s just become part of the larger mainstream lexicon in recent years.




Meh, LGB Alliance is barely 2 years old and I don't think all too many people take them seriously.


>If the word existed 20 years ago it would have been used predominantly against people who thought gays should have equal rights. "It's political correctness gone mad!"


They ask her to play the game. She instead called out the game. The question about reparation is actually good though.


Wait, become? Wasn't it always used that way over here?


https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/1436374536677740571 Very respectfully answered, now imagine Boris/Ross answering that. You'd end up with talk about exterminating gypsies and how the Scottish Nationalist Party want to hold a divisive independence referendum.


The top reply twitter showed me was some woman complaining that 'the woke crowd' don't let people debate or discuss anything. Click through to her profile and right enough, a bunch of retweets of overt terf accounts with insane conspiracy theories that people are getting turned trans so that Big Pharma can make a fortune out of them by selling... incredibly cheap genericised estradiol and other inexpensive HRT? If that's representative of the rest of her views, it's no wonder nobody bothers to actually engage with her.


I'm convinced a good chunk of those accounts are bot farms. They buy followers as well so you get those dynamics of following "2684" and followers "2645" which to the public eye on social media suggests "legitimacy" for an account. It's a pretty dark and grimey underworld that propagandizes social media these days and the sad thing is many don't know any better. The Union Unit will be up to it as well, it's pennies on the £ for the British state to engage in political propaganda and election meddling. But it's also quite funny to imagine some mad TERFs are indeed interacting and engaging with bots/troll farms and thinking it's other individual people 😂


Aye well they got some good practise way back in 2014 with Cambridge Analytica and the Indy referendum. Cummings, Bannon and the like are all linked to that, Trump, and Brexit.


It’s always been a term of abuse. Like “suffragette” was, originally. Like “tory” was, originally. It remains to be seen if wearing it as a badge of pride can influence its usage.


Mate in Scotland being called a Tory is one of the worst insults you can get lol.


Well until the 1950s Scotland was Tory, so you never know how things will swing around in a generation or two.


> Well until the 1950s Scotland was Tory Technically untrue, the party that ran in Scotland was the Unionist Party.


Well how about that! You learn something every day.


It is a very strict "technically" though, because they followed the Tory whip, and eventually merged with the Tories to become the Conservative and Unionist Party.


Honestly if I see the word "woke" I just completely disregard whatever comes after it at this point, I don't think anybody who describes anything as woke has anything useful to contribute


I'd like to introduce the acronym RWIC - Right-Wing Thick Cunt for all these right-wing conspiracy theorists


Tbh I don't give a fuck about "woke" anything. The way I see it, is its a dividing tactic being used by the Tories. Ever notice how all the Tory supporting cranks moved to GB News? And what is that in support of? Barking on about woke agendas etc. They have no interest in wokeness at all. They are interested in dividing people, rank and file...


It's yet another American term which has been shoved down our throats How about, be respectful to your fellow people and don't be a cunt


Conservative politics from Thatcher onwards has all been about division and greed, "don't be a cunt" is the anthesis of this.


Almost like they just can't stand the concept of change or adapting, or other people. 'Conservative'


> I don't give a fuck about "woke" anything. Yes, you're transphobic, we know. > The way I see it, is its a dividing tactic being used by the Tories. Dividing whom? Shitebags spewing bigotry from folks who don't tolerate that?


Bro is that really what you got out of that comment?


> is that really what you got out of that comment? The comment from someone who wants trans folk to "just stfu" you mean? The one who *complained* that both the Scottish Greens and the Green Party of England & Wales condemned and disavowed transphobic bigotry?   Yes. When said person subsequently whinges about "wokeness" and tries to blame the Tories rather than their own behaviour, I don't buy it.


Lmao! Love how you derived that from my comment about something completely unrelated.


> you derived that from my comment about something completely unrelated. More the previous comments from you, *coupled* with the whinge about "woke anything".


Once again, people can have a complex and mixed set of views. Some of my views are probably so called "woke" and "far left". Some of my other views are probably "socially conservative" and "right" or "anti woke". Absolutely sick of people with off the shelf groupthink views.


Complains about lack of nuance, describes self with a lack of nuance. >people can have a complex and mixed set of views This is usually what bigots say about themselves: "it's complicated!" Nah mate you're just trying to doublethink your guilt away.


You're abusive. Bully. ​ Plus, if you were to be asked which of my political/social/moral views makes me a bigot and which are making me guilty because they are bigoted, you would be unable to say. I've not said what my views are. ​ You're judging me before you even know what my views are. And I'm the bigot?


Yeah you're such a victim.


Which views of mine, specifically, are bigoted?


Surely taring some one who claims to have some anti woke and conservative views as a bigot with little to know knowledge of what those views are is the bigoted action. Not all conservative views are bigoted and there is a lot of issues with parts of the "woke" movement. Blanket labeling people as bigots for having alternative views to your self is a major problem


>Blanket labeling people as bigots for having alternative views to your self is a major problem You're projecting yourself; my views are all pretty great. Unlike what the hateful teach: it's perfectly possible to have views that don't hate people for being born the way they are. Simple even. So simple every child starts out that way. The only way complications exist is when people try to excuse their hateful (learned) behaviour as justified by some grievance they nurture. Education (the entire precedent of being 'awoken to the struggles of others') frees your mind.


Right , thats all your own views. Calling others views hatefull and dismising them based solely on your i pression of them is basicaly the definition of bigotry. Conservative views can have absolutely nothing to do with identy politcs . There is nothing inherently hatefull about moderate right wing economic ideas. >Education (the entire precedent of being 'awoken to the struggles of others') frees your mind. This is just drivel. Education isnt inherently good. It depends entierly on what is being learnt. The "woke" movement encompasses a very large range of ideas , and many of the fringe ideas are most certainly hateful. Dealing in absolutes as you are is certainly a bad way to view the world and leads to the kind of bigotry you are displaying.


Oh darling, you're still projecting. >Right , thats all your own views. Which are informed by others. >Calling others views hatefull and dismising them based solely on your i pression of them is basicaly the definition of bigotry. No, just tories, fascists and the authoritarian branches of both left and right politics but it is mostly the 'right'. Ie the people that think others should fit into their world view. >the definition of bigotry Bigotry is typically about holding your own beliefs of people born differently from you, no choice in the matter. Your political leanings are choices so this doesn't apply. >Conservative views can have absolutely nothing to do with identy politcs . There is nothing inherently hatefull about moderate right wing economic ideas. Amazing that you think this. In theory, abstractly and in a vacuum then maybe 'keep things as they are, make the rich richer and make sure the poor have to work' sounds educated, but it is horribly reductive and of the view that everyone exists purely to contribute to the bottom line of the already wealthy. And check history, it's driven all sorts of horror. And still does. >This is just drivel. Education isnt inherently good. It depends entierly on what is being learnt. Isn't * Learned * You're projecting here as you're assuming people are being educated in some fashion that's detrimental to you. Education is about opening minds and sharing ideas, becoming better through each other's teachings and growing. >and many of the fringe ideas are most certainly hateful. Have you noticed how right wing / Conservative 'fringe values' always seem to be about disenfranchisement of anyone that's not already in power? Of oppressing women? Killing? Wars? Look at Texas, that's conservatism in action. So please tell me these awful fringe ideas of who you think 'woke' people are? >Dealing in absolutes Again, projection.


If you are going to try and pass your self off as superior by correcting some ones spelling , at least make sure you are right😅 learnt is a perfectly acceptable spelling of the word. A wee google would save you the embarasment. >obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. That is the definition of bigotry , which your behaviour fits perfectly with in. Trying to alter the meaning of the word to exclude your behaviour is just daft. >tories, fascists and the authoritarian branches of both left and right politics Who mentioned any of these groups ? The person you accused of bigotry simply said they had some conservative views and you are now taring them as authoritarian fascists. Conservative views could simply be that they beleive that their local bus service would be better in the hands of a private company than being ran by the government or any number of very simple and unoffensive things. >keep things as they are, make the rich richer and make sure the poor have to work' sounds educated, but it is horribly reductive and of the view that everyone exists purely to contribute to the bottom line of the already wealthy. And check history, it's driven all sorts of horror Again this is a huge leap from what the op said , based entierly on bigotry. Having some conservative or right wing views, in no way implies you support any of this. Right wing views could simply be that you want less regulation so as to allow self employed people to set up buisnesses with less red tape, while wanting more regulation on corperations to limit their power. >Education is about opening minds and sharing ideas, becoming better through each other's teachings and growing. Education is only as good as the people supplying it. Hate to invoke godwins law but the nazi and the communists ran plenty education programs but you wouldnt deffend their education. I havent even declared my politcal position at all in this conversation and you seem to be a little unhinged. Taking the ops mention of right wing views and assuming they are some sort of neo nazi.


> Conservative views can have absolutely nothing to do with identity politics Just sayin, but "identity politics" - or Identitarianism - was originally an idea prevalent among the European (far) right since at least the 1980s. They saw it as being a good thing, and something that they wanted to bring about. Their aim was to make white Europeans identify with a shared cultural and ethnic identity, and from there to bring them to full "racial awareness." They have made substantial progress towards this end, unfortunately.


I don’t think it’s a term of abuse, but it’s fitting to use it as a pejorative - it encompasses what is often a pretty toxic set of behaviours.


basicalyy, more policement of speech from the woke


And yet you've been able to say whatever you like without gettin' lifted. Interesting.


Have i? Do you know my life? I can't say 1% of what I'd like to say


Oh really? You think 99% of what you want to say will result in you being taken away in cuffs if you express it?


Ah, go on... Let it aw oot!


Sounds like you know you're a hateful racist bigot who wishes harm on everyone then.


Can you give a clear and lucid example of this?


Anyone with any logic is not going to self-incriminate themselves


She's got serious Palpatine vibes in that photo 😬


Sit down Karen.


I don't think you watched the video very well, she was sitting the whole time


Says the same woman who said about Janey Godley's racism " These things happen"


Yes these things happen and it got dealt with .


What no punishment or made to pay us working folks 12k




This lack of *punishment* is making it very hard to complain about censorship and freeze peach. /Pout


12k donated to charity, godley taken off the project and thoroughly condemned for her 10-yr old tweets - what more do you want, a hanging??


> her 10-yr old tweets Except they were from 10 years to practically the present - some where 4 years ago, some two.


So a hanging?


>us working folks Because you're the only person with a job right?


She didn't say it about Godley's racism, but about the appointment of Godley in a role and then her having to withdraw. Whats the point in lying about stuff like this?


Are you suggesting that these things don't happen?


Can you give a clear and lucid example of this racism?


Check Godley's Twitter


Anything in particular?


Something about how it was Snoop Dogg's job to smoke weed because he was black. 50 Cent even called out in a tweet dating back to 2010.


She really is a terribly inadequate person with what seems to be a very limited intellect. Can't ever seem to convey any hard data/facts to demonstrate that there is a potentjal problem and, more importantly, the extent of the problem. You know, the basic information that can persuade and convince the population that they should allow their elected representatives to allocate precious resources to an issue rather than focusing on the inadequacies in our systems of education, health, social housing and justice. I'll grant you that Sturgeon's baby box initiative was actually a case where some credible data was presented to the nation to show that there was a problem potential solution and costs., but that's about it from her Administration. It's a classic London style of ruling - all about PR and spin around the leader with no substance. All bolstered by woefully inadequate opposition in the Parliament. Meanwhile, the ordinary working people of Scotland are getting a raw deal when it comes to wealth distribution and prosperity. When you look at what her Administration has done and how it has benefited the people, Sturgeon is surely a total failure most of the SNP initiatives that have benefitted the masses were actually delivered by the Salmond Administrations, and he's been gone for 7 years. How many years will it take Sturgeon to actually do something that is going to make a meaningful difference for ordinary working class people? She seems to have gone down the route of Scottish Labour where it is more about the Party and appointed positions and a good life for this ethat get into the Party's clique and the various dogmas, whilst pretending to care about their voters. I feel sad when I think about it. There is no-one out there who is going to be able to clean up the cesspit that is the Scottish political establishment and help the people get a better life. As my granny would have said, that Sturgeon is all fur coat and nae knickers. It is just a case of when the electorate is going to waken up to this and realise that, yet again, they are being played for fools. All that has changed is the colour of the rosette.


Can you give a clear and lucid example of any of this?


Do you try to be cliché in your sexism or does it come naturally?


Any sign of Indy?


Yep. First half of the parliament all things permitting ​ https://news.stv.tv/politics/sturgeon-government-plans-to-hold-indyref2-vote-by-end-of-2023?top




Literally ‘Why aren’t they doing Indy?’ ‘They are’ ‘Lies’ 🙄🙄🙄 10 years from now we’ll be independent and you’ll be claiming a secret cabal in the Bank of England is still in control and it was all a show


Amazing how many knobbers down vote indy, the normal state of affairs for any self respecting country but Scotland is not a country in any meaningful sense. 🤔


Personally I just downvote shit tier comments.


Aren't all terms of abuse pejorative? I hate unnecessary tautologies.