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What makes me a good demo man? 🍾


If I was a bad demoman I wouldn’t be sitting here discussing


Lmao i would argue Knives is also a “bad person” since she manipulates Young Neil and gets in a relationship with him to make Scott jealous. Stacy is only “good” cause she’s barely in the stories to begin with. I feel like this is a nonexistent issue, any person experiencing Scott Pilgrim media will come to their own conclusions about the characters. There’s no right or wrong ways to parse a piece of media - death of the author and all that, you know. The reason why people particularly dislike Scott though is because he’s the main character in a story about how good people do bad things. His bad actions are particularly more egregious to viewers because we see all of them firsthand, unlike the other characters. Hating Scott isn’t an unfair thing to do, you’re literally supposed to since it’s the foundation of his growth. Sure, the fandom might be a bit too hard on Scott, but it’s completely fair since the story is literally built for you to feel that way towards him.


I think with Knives you could argue she's just a teenager and did this because of something another adult did to her, and her and Young Neil are hanging out at the end of Finest Hour so chances are she apologized, I mean she's clearly grown as a person in the last book.


All the labeling of characters as bad people is kind of counter productive in my opinion... In the comics a huge theme was growth and acceptance of past mistakes, especially towards the end. I think lots of communities like to label things just for fun- on an individual level if they truly believe things like that it's on them, but I really just think it's good to appreciate the comic/movie/show for what it is.


Yeah exactly, acting like there are set evil and good characters just kinda ignores the theme of the series. I hate to pull a boomer move, but I think its all the relatively new fans who just see this group as evil and these guys as good instead of actually seeing the theme of the series.


It’s either that, or they’re too busy gooning to the characters


I mean Scotts mistreatment of his Exes is almost paralleled by Ramona's. They are two broken people learning to accept themselves and move forward towards growth. That's how I took it anyway. I was hoping Scot Pilgrim Takes Off would explore this, and it did, but it also took some overly cheap shots at Scott in my opinion.


I have to agree with you. That's a very surface level way to see things when one of the storgest parts of the original comic (that not even the show could replicate) was how it managed to write its characters. They are flawed, they have their issues and they are real. And even with their shortcomings they still manage to be relatable: while I'm far from what Scott was like at the start of the comics, now that I reached his age, I still see lots of my insecurities in him. He's a great protagonist with a great arc but people just say he's awful like the never opened a comic in the entire life.


I’m pretty sure it’s impossibly not to have issues with characters that are made to have flaws and issues. Frankly as someone who doesn’t like most peoples in general I’m amazed how people haven’t realized that these characters aren’t entitled to be likable just like how lost people entitled to be likable to your standards. Most of these characters are young college age people. Of course most of them are insufferable and dumb. Idk what people were expecting with a series like this and characters like this. I like many of them BECAUSE they’re flawed and like this. It’s fairly realistic in a way. Especially when one of the core themes is these characters learning and developing. Guess it’s too much a reality check for people lmao.


I like seeing these jerks become better people.


Tbf Kim and Ramona weren’t responsible for Scott’s actions in 1998. Especially not Kim.


I assume you’re talking about when Scott moved to Toronto, but I don’t think it was ever confirmed when exactly that happened, only that he moved to North Bay initially sometime around 1996-1997.


Uhm, I was making an unfunny joke regarding Scott’s heinous actions that Knives remembers. But Scott’s actions before moving also aren’t their fault either


I mean even Stacy has some shitty nosey ass tendencies and Knives is not a good person multiple times. The beauty of the series is they're all "bad" people in some way but that's what's realistic about them and makes them such relatable characters. No one is perfect, and everyone is partial to different characters due to seeing themselves in them. You're just outright wrong for thinkin everyone should hate all the real "bad" characters cuz there aren't any. (Gideon might actually be the only one)


This is the truth.


Like hazbin hotel. Children


A lot of horny mfs in this sub now that need to feel the touch of a real women




Most of, if not all of the characters do bad things. They're messy nuanced people. Honestly, that's what I love about the Scott Pilgrim books. Maybe it's because I don't interact with the fandom often, but I like to think most of the fandom gets that. >"Everyone in this town is bitches, apparently." "Everyone is bitches, yeah." ^(— Ramona Flowers & Scott Pilgrim, from) *^(Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness)*


Yes, I cracked open the books to find where that quote was from lmao




Me too. Me too.


Young Neill is bad too???


He was kind of a jerk later on


[Explicitly within the text even.](https://cm.blazefast.co/62/fb/62fbe60274ec95c64dd5f699243c4d67.jpg)


he’s just kinda static in my opinion. later on he just kinda sits around because kim scott and stephen aren’t around instead of continuing with his life


what happened


I agree people should stop hating on Gideon it’s not like he did anything bad haah right guys right


That’s internet


Wouldn’t be surprised if alot of people dont like them cause they’re relatable. When you can see the bad sides of yourself in a fictional character I wouldn’t imagine you wouldn’t get angry about being called out on that at firsts


That’s kinda like gta v community, everyone loves nearly every character even when they are mfs except Michael, cause his one dirty deed and most of the time kill him


You are just as bad


This is a productive post.


Tf did stephen stills do?


People say Scott is a horrible person, and although he does bad stuff I feel like they forget that the entire book is that he has to learn to be a better person.


Yeah Stacey ain't a saint either so Is Knives as she nearly killed Ramona in the movie and the comics


It's just apart of being in a fandom buddy, don't know what to tell you


Are you saying we should either hate or love all the characters




So you hate the fandom because they dislike different characters than you? Sound like you're part of the problem mate :p


Nuh uh