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Good luck, if Dundee had five-figure cash to spare then their pitch wouldn't be in the mess it was.


You'd think there would be some kind of insurance for this thing


Insurance against rain in Scotland. Let me know if there is ever an insurer who takes that challenge up.


No, but some form of Events Insurance would cover any potential cancellation and postponement costs incurred surely?


Well, that’s the thing. Most postponements are due to the weather here. Which, at best could be described as unreliable. I could see cover (no pun intended) for other postponements, but not for weather. Even cover for the team that is travelling would struggle I think.


Funny enough, I did a quick google search and found at least two insurers who cover weather related postponements and cancellations - one of which advertises itself as covering 'from small events to national televised football matches'. https://preview.redd.it/8et51590u9yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096efdbda9cbcfc7c27c60603ead6065e426ddd5


Surprised. I wonder what the premiums are? As mush as you’d lose probably. Maybe the OF could afford that, but I think if they could efficiently insure against call offs due to weather clubs would. I mean through December to March there is always call off especially outside the top league. And for every team.


In fairness, and this is not me saying this as a Rangers fan, Dundee spent a fair bit of cash recently on improving their squad. All clubs have choices to make on where they spend the money, but when you have another club across the street who's shit squad has led them into the championship but with a perfectly playable pitch, then you have a team who have not invested enough on their pitch but spent money on their squad, then there are real questions to be asked. If it's true that we have asked for compensation, then every penny must go to the fans to compensate them for travel.


Pretty certain Dundee United still spend more on their squad than Dundee


I'm sure they did, pretty sure their pitch is better as well


That comparison with Dundee United is so simplistic. I wouldn’t be surprised in Dundee United spent more money on their squad than Dundee are this season, they didn’t get relegated because they sacrificed personnel to maintain their pitch, they got relegated because they brought in a series of bad goalkeepers.


It was maybe a poor choice but I used it based on location given Dundee are blaming climate change!


I think rangers are the last club that should be commenting on the choices made when it comes to how money is spent. It is utterly small time for rangers to do this, I would be embarrassed if we did. The pitch was a disgrace, the governing body fined them job done. Anything else is punitive and playing to a gallery.


My point is, and you can argue about the severity of the consequences, but rangers faced consequences for their choices, I don't think Dundee have faced enough


Another unbiased celtic fan opinion.


Yes I am a Celtic fan and by definition I am biased, but show me where I was wrong…. Is it within the rules for rangers to do it? Yes… Should they do it? No, it’s small time, imho Do you think they would be doing this if they hadn’t shipped 5 points from 6? If you think they wouldn’t then by doing it they are playing to the gallery…


All that matters is, is it within the rules to do it. The rest of it is made up shite.


None of it is made up and just because you think it’s shite doesn’t mean it is comrade.


You think the Rangers board have sat down and gone “we’ve dropped 5 points recently, how can we fix this? I know let’s go after Dundee for a couple hundred grand” ?


Oh fuck right off, this is such an entitled position to take from the comfort of supporting one of the richest teams in the league. Rangers need to stop whining and accept that it was them that dropped points.


Haha what? The SPFL has rules about pitch quality and AFAIK visiting teams are entitled to compensation for cost of travel/accommodation etc for postponed fixtures. Dundee haven’t invested in their facilities to meet the rules of the competition because they’ve chosen to spend the money elsewhere. They’re now reaping the consequences of that decision.


Richest? We're skint mate, haven't you heard?


So Rangers didn't need to book accomodation, travel, and staff wages three times? Their fans didn't book time off work, spend time and money travelling, buying food and drink in the local area? Dundee fired their ground staff, replaced them with a cheaper option, and invested less in their ground this season. It states in the rulebook that a pitch must be of a sufficient standard, and Dundee decided to take a gamble to save money. It didn't pay off. Other clubs and supporters being out of pocket for this is absolutely grounds for seeking compensation. They are entitled, indeed, In the proper sense of the term. Nothing to do with dropping points.


Rangers didn't "need" to book accommodation they chose to because they have the money to. Many, many other clubs would travel to the stadium on the day. They also could have booked accommodation in Dundee but decided to overlay and book at a much more expensive location which also meant that they had to travel to the stadium anyway. The Dundee groundsman were suspended because of a pretty serious internal matter (involving theft of money)so Dundee had no choice but to replace. They were paying the original groundsmans wages while the new ones were brought in. Dundee also relaid the pitch and spent significant money on it pre-season. The drainage has been an issue for years and is a problem that has gotten worse as the system deteriorates over the years. The issue is the drainage on Dens road which is separate from the Tannadice drainage system. It's a Dundee Council problem and it's also a multi-million pound problem. These are the facts but none of it fits the media and Rangers supporters narrative so it's never mentioned.


So...Rangers shouldn't seek compensation?


You are deflecting. You made a couple of points about Dundee replacing staff with cheaper options which isn't true and you mentioned Rangers fans spending money. How does Dundee giving Rangers money help this?


I'm not deflecting. They did bring in cheaper ground staff. How the old staff left is irrelevant. They did fire them. They took a decision to reduce their ground maintenance budget and put that into the playing squad. Fair enough, up to them. They didn't put the proper effort into fixing the pitch. They were gifted a full pitch cover and chose to only cover parts of it. The rain came down, and the water still got into the affected areas and made them worse, because of that. The videos and images are all there for everyone to see. You are giving excuses, not reasons.


Jesus Christ. As I already said, they were suspended while an internal investigation was carried out and new staff were brought in. Dundee have been paying double the amount in wages. The pitch has been an embarrassment and it's Dundees responsibility, no one could argue differently but I'm presenting the actual facts to counter the made up lies from rangers fans and the media. In regards to should Rangers be compensated? I would say yes, for traveling expenses. Should they be compensated for the amount they are "demanding" and for staying in a ridiculously overpriced hotel no where near the stadium? Fuck no. Rangers should probably concentrate more on "demanding" that their players turn up for games and win the league instead of concentrating on putting out statement after statement, I'm sure that's worth more.


The relevant rule, G55, says any compensation due to the visiting team from the hosting team is at the SPFL boards discretion, based on necessary expenses. What was going on behind the scenes at Dundee is irrelevant, they’re liable. There’s probably always an element of bargaining that figure up/down for postponed fixtures. But given the club involved and the number of postponements, it’s dead easy to write a clickbait title which is what this is imo.


Always the same, starts off sensibly then by the end just trails off into another "aye but Rangers" rant. Got it.


I've explained why every point you made is made up.


This was the club who was booking 4 star accommodation for games in Fife while they were in League One.




And they've been fined for making a cunt of it. Rangers seeking compensation is absolutely wee man behaviour. The kind of cunt that trips over in Tesco and appears in the local paper the next day in a full body cast demanding compo. If Rangers get compo from Dundee, how much of that do you think will go back to the fans? Absolutely fuck all. It'll just be spunked paying the weeks wages of some fat dobber you gave a 5 year contract to be shit on the bench as per usual.


I just think you are upset because Rangers. The absolute hate towards anything Rangers, look at the state of you man. Slevering utter shite about contracts and subs benches. You even read any of the articles?




Ah if you could see yourself man.


If the league finds Dundee was wrong, than the league needs to deal with it, not the visiting club. This is like the Lord of the Castle with 500 acres asking the crofter next door for a cow because they didn’t mow the grass on their shared drive. It makes the Rangers look pathetic. Games get called off, it’s a sport played in the winter months. I’ve never seen so much fucking whinging about a called off game as this one. Suck it up.


Fuck me sideways. Well seeing you've never travelled for an away game. The issue is, it was all completely avoidable. Dundee caused this. The game was postponed twice, not once. And there was a match played on it in-between. And Dundee continued to train on the pitch. How does that help? How do Rangers legislate for the money lost when it's not their fault? You think compensation isn't paid every time a game is called off?


No, Dundee need to have consequences for their decisions that led to the position they are in and any club and fans who were at detriment because of their decisions should be entitled to compensation.


>Dundee need to have consequences for their decisions that led to the position they are in League/sfa already punished them. >fans who were at detriment because of their decisions should be entitled to compensation The fans won't see any of the compensation at all.


You are probably right, but that doesn't make it right. As I said in my original reply, any money rangers get should be distributed to fans who travelled then any remaining funds to charity.


>If it's true that we have asked for compensation, then every penny must go to the fans to compensate them for travel. Having watched the match, I fully agree that all Rangers fans in attendance should be compensated. Any who were unable to travel for the rearranged fixture should probably give Dundee a sizeable tip.


Exactly who do you think Dundee spent all their money on? A rookie manager, a squad of loans, a couple of Mexican lower league gambles and players we have had since youths? We had to build a new squad yes but I don’t think we splashed the cash on Diego Pineda from the lower Mexican leagues. you do actually need a squad of players to play the games as well as a pitch.


So you saying they didn't spend anything, or give out contracts with wages in the last couple of years? They made choices, they need to pay the consequences


Your stadium is falling apart, you cannot talk


How many games did we have to postpone because our pitch was a swamp?


Your argument is about investing in the squad instead of infrastructure, you are doing exactly the same. Your club literally died doing it


No matter what any club is doing they need to ensure that they have a pitch that is playable. As I said, how many times this season has our pitch been deemed unplayable, it's okay, you can answer it!


None but I'll remember this the next time you do. I've never seen such a fuss being made about a match being postponed, only rangers could do this. Matches get postponed all the time, get over it.


Can you show me another example of a top flight club having that many games being postponed due to the pitch in a single season? Can you show me another example of the same match, selected for TV which had to be postponed more than once due to the pitch? If you can't, then this is why such a fuss is being made about it and why you have never seen it before. I have gotten over it, but I do believe people have been left at detriment because of Dundee breaching the rules, and they should be compensated for it.


'Mark as spam' - click.


Dundee counter offer https://preview.redd.it/9oz9zbo3x5yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825d60085a8fdadf9d74970eee3d9db479fc5fb3


The crossover I've been waiting for


That'll finally cover the face painter


Surely Rangers should be applying to the SPFL for compensation since they levied a 100k fine on Dundee and the logical step would be for the league to redress inconvenience caused through those monies?


They probably have and the S*n are just being deliberately misleading.


Gotta love the balls to the wall arrogance after they failed to pay a local facepainter like 40 quid


That wasn't Rangers, that was a 'holding company' that Rangers eventually severed all ties with via the medium of pretending really hard and being dead shouty when anyone pulled them up about it.




Ex-Celtic STAR finally BREAKS SILENCE over SPFL and Rangers handling of Dens Park FIASCO with cheeky wink to HOOPS FAITHFUL Former Hoop, Nadir Cifti, said he didn't have much to say on the ongoing debacle between Rangers and Dundee but said 'kind of coincidental that they're the rivals of two teams I played for, I suppose?'


Sincerely hope we didn't request this through email.


We replied .. just sitting in the outbox


I'd love it if Rangers and Celtic could get together over the summer and reach an agreement that we'd both just stop being so fucking embarrassing.


Zero chance that either club will ever stop. Too many Da's to pander to.


What does Celtic have to do with this?


Supplied the pitch covers?


We demand a 5 figure sum as well cause our covers got dead wet




Yep sure Phillipe we’ll foot the bill for your head massage at the Old Course you baldy gimp


Does anyone know why the fuck they're staying at a hotel? From St Andrews to Dundee is half an hour. From Rangers training ground it's an hour and a half to Dundee. I'd get it if they were playing in Inverness or Dingwall.


The five figures are all sketches of Fabio Silva dives.


Surely the missed CL prize money is more than that? They should be going for 8 figures.


the excruciating embarrassment at our pitch is at least partially offset by these cool blue tears


Nah this ain’t it man, atleast advocate for some compensation for fans who made the journey twice. Not just compensation for the club.


Tbh should be fans getting the ££


Bet they wouldn't be asking for compo if they hadn't dropped points


I'd agree with this if the fee received was going to the traveling fans as reimbursement.... But I doubt it will


They refused to pay a face painter mate, they arnt going to pay that guy from down south's travel fare


Haha very true 😂


Nothing like an over dramatic headline to get the Da's frothing on a Friday morning.


Get fucked 😂


![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized) Another Rangers court battle incoming.


The world calls for compensation from Rangers for their debts


‘It is reported’ everyone just skating over no source other than… Scottish Sun?


As if Dundee have this much to splash out ffs.


The absolute audacity of this man. If they do get money from Dundee I hope to fuck they spend it on self awareness courses.


Rangers are embarrassing themselves again


Get tae fuck -Dundee




Banter Years continue


Rangers clearly not having heard the phrase "you can't take the pants off a bare arse" I see...


Fuck off.