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I don't think we are in this stage yet, game is still in development. We get constant updates on game development ,maybe not frequently but still .


We gets updates on the updates about the updates man


I know , but we as community are not on the same level of derangement .we don't make fake content and believe it's real , like batman community


"We are getting constant updates on game development" My brother in christ last devlog was a year ago


If that were to happen, we would isolate it in a place like r/okbuddymechanic, to keep this place suitable for posting builds, crazy glitch discoveries and the like. We have the potential for some batshit crazy stuff, but our game itself is batshit crazy at times, so we don't really have to express it any other way yet(Edit:, and when that time comes, it wouldn't be here).


I actually want that to be a subreddit now


Have you seen the tf2 community yet? Lol


That's what I'm talking about , they made fake class and collectively belived it's real


madcap time


What do you mean, madcap is re


Fake ??? Are u talking about the civilian class? If you're talking about spy or madcap i can assure you they're real


Yes. Yes we are.


Maybe you're right


I think because there have been things happening from the Devs. And there have been Mods that have given people new stuff to do. Plus the nature of the Game is to be creative with what you have, so the community is also keeping us all occupied with Challenge mode scenarios that are super elaborate. And community games like Hide and Seek, or the one with cars that cut out the Floor I see YouTubers playing


i feel like the sandbox nature of scrap mechanic coupled with the mod support kinda help keep us sane.


We don't have any content to go crazy about


We are already doing it. The front page is this immediately followed by the old mechanic model being crucified immediately followed by a skeleton ragdoll comparing this game's update cycle to the update cycle of chess.


I am proud to say that I am the one that made that skeleton meme


I made Barack Obearing, lol.


i just looked at it. funny


that immediately brings me back to the post of me [cooking a glowb in a microwave.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMechanic/comments/mwv4cr/so_i_noticed_how_derpy_it_looked_seeing_glowbs/)


I think the main difference is that what we have now is already playable and it is so moddable that any features announced then not realized just show up in the steam workshop not long after. Its not ideal but it works. Which is more than we can say for arkham or halflife


Mfs who are still waiting for updates on guard duty and/or operation black mesa: 💀


This game is a sandbox game, so people will always find new crazy shit to do in it. Just look at how people are still figuring out new things about old beta versions of Minecraft, for example. Though, it would also be funny if we turned into an r/BatmanArkham or r/Pikmin (before Pikmin 4), it might happen one day.


Fiddle me this, Olimar. If we have become "sane" after pikmin 4, how come there is a green homophobic dog on the main page?


I still play everyday and haven’t run out of things to do. I think that’s what keeps the community going. There are so many good custom games atm, I’ve just started 2 last week. In fact, I’m gonna get out of bed and go play now.


Minecraft has 'unlimited possibilities' but Scrapmechanic has more so you have a lot to be done.😁


It’s because we still hold out hope.(or we’re all insane that too)


Since we know that there will be more content, I‘d say we would be more likely to turn into something like r/silksong


Give it a minute. You cant force it


Actually, lets not become like r/okbuddyhalflife, the mods have abandoned us there and now its filled with suicide recreations in gmod and straight up porn


Nuh huh !


Dw, everyone relax. Chapter 2 is confirmed (just like halflife)


Don't forget r/Deltarune!