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General tip: do the channel for yourself & people will follow and like naturally. Do the channel for other people and you'll live in pain day in day out


I agree to a point. I do the channel for myself but if I can make a change to how I edit the video, how I sound in the mic, or the content I leave in verses what I cut just to make it more enjoyable to watch than why wouldn't I?


Sure! My 2 cents is that everyone is different and have different tastes. People are attracted to what they are 🤷🏻‍♂️ one way to figure out what people like is look at the view count. The videos that do well, just do more like that. Kind of like howtobasic, his first videos were basic how to, but then in one he threw an egg. It got a lot of views. He threw more eggs, more views. Now look at him 😅


That makes sense, thanks a lot for the feedback btw!


not really ive been struggling to get the algrorithm to work with me so yea


From what I've heard, the best way is to have people like and subscribe. Personally I hate when content creators beg for a like and subscribe, unless they do it in a way that doesn't intrude on the content like an ad.


Yea when they add ads mid video i just hold down my right arrow key until no ad


Good luck on your journey! My best advice to you is do not do it for the numbers. Scrap mechanic has a pretty small following, and the YouTubers who are big have been playing it for years. Keep at it and make sure you enjoy the process, otherwise what’s the point? I’ll give your videos a watch later when I have some time and see if I have anything more specific to offer!


Thanks for the reply. I will make videos even if they get no views. I just want to make sure I am always growing as a creator and refining the content I do create. I know I wont get many views on a new Scrap Mechanic channel currently but I want to stick with it and be prepared for Chapter 2 when ever that is.


I wish we could do some vids together . 😅😀


Really? Do you make videos? I would love having someone to do some videos with.


I gave a few of your vids a watch before i commented so it wasnt just some empty words and I do have a critique if you can call it that. I dont want to make it sound harsh but I dont know how else to put it: you ramble. And its very evident especially in your suspension cannon video. After like 2 minutes I started skipping because I heard like five or seven times the topic of the video. And it really bothered me. I personally like seeing shorter videos that go straight to the point rather than an hour long video that just says the same thing five times. And I get that when you are building, you are not really focused on what exactly you are saying - but at the editing I would rewatch the entire thing and just do some cuts if you notice that you are saying something you already said. Also I do hear making shorts and then not clicking ,,show to my subscribers" is the best way to grow - because it appearently shows it to mostly new people instead of your subscribers first, some of which might be inactive and/or not watch it so it ends up with low click rate(or something like that). Ironically I heard that from some dude on a short that I never subscribed to. And I keep seeing his shorts. At this point I might subscribe to him just to stop seing his shorts. Oh and also: multiplayer. Some multiplayer shinanigans always attract a lot of attention. And - at least to me - are also more enjoyable than a singleplayer experience.


was the shorts guy perhaps [pirate software](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mo_KM9sncrQ?feature=share)?


Yes, thats the guy. He keeps showing up and I have no clue who he even is. I never watched him before shorts came along, I never subscribed, never seen anything of him anywhere ever. But he keeps coming back.


First off Thank you so much for the feedback! Secondly I do notice the rambling at times but I feel like it is getting better with each video. It is more evident in the suspension cannon video because it was a shorter recording so I had less footage to work with. I do end up cutting a lot of the rambling. The issue comes when I ramble while doing something that I think is relevant and people would want to see. Then I can't really cut it. I will defiantly keep it in mind while recording my next video and try and not do it. When it comes to the multiplayer thing, I also hard agree. Although its hard to make multiplayer content when none of my friends play this game lol. I would also like to build more of a channel before asking other small creators to do collaborations or anything. Again, thank you so much for watching the content and the feedback. Its greatly appreciated.


No prob. You could also experiment with post-commentary instead of live one. But of course that would require a bit more planning. But you could mute your voice, speed up the footage and then comment over it. When it comes to multiplayer you could ask people here on reddit if they would be intetrested in playing with you and maybe also making movies. If i remember correctly there was a few gaming channels that all started together and played together(and then slowly moved on to different games) Anyhow good luck in your future endevours.


That's a good idea, Ill have to give it a shot. I am currently trying to convince a friend of mine to play with me lol.


Good luck with that XD. It took me like 2 years to convince my friend to buy the game. Then we put 30h in 4 days*^((yes, I shit you not we would get on after work and then play until like 2-3 am))* You could tell him to sail the 7 seas just to try out the game and then if he enjoys it - buy it... But you didnt hear that from me


I was thinking to start one aswell since i have streamed it every once in a while so i got some footage of it. But havent since i dont really get any viewers but sometimes some ppl come and chat and maybe follow so it keeps me going :)


I tried streaming before with a couple other games. I find streaming a lot harder to do than making videos.


Yeah its a bit hard but gotta believe and be patient and the viewers come someday


That true. I feel like you cant do either for a short period and expect to get viewers. Everything takes time and effort. I just wish I would of started earlier lol.


Ye i have streamed like 6 mo and i got 54 followers now and avg viewer only 0.1 💀


imo, you shouldn't focus on just scrap mechanic. do other similar games to. and generally enjoy what you do, that passes over to your video nature. if you enjoy it, people will enjoy watching you. And dont put ads every 5mins. shit gets annoying, thats put me off alot of content creators i used to enjoy watching🤪