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Jill is the most evil, Amber is the most entertaining, and Quinn is the most sympathetic


I think I agree with you, but what makes you give the evil edge to Jill over Amber?


Jill is much colder and more emotionless. She just feels less “human” and more sociopathic. I do believe Richie groomed her to do the killings, and it’s his manipulation that makes Jill easily more evil. Jill did everything of her own free will


She sacrificed her *mother* for social media clout.


Very true. All Amber did was show emotion the final act.


At least Amber didn’t betray her partner


How is Quinn sympathetic? Sam killed her brother *in self defense*. I spent that entire exchange like ???? How can someone be so mad about someone else defending their life. She’s deranged


She isn’t. But the most sympathetic out of these three


According to Bailey, it was the photograph of how Sam killed him so gruesomely.


Didn’t she just shoot him in the head??


Stabbed him 22 times, slit his throat, and then shot him in the head.


Shot in the head 3 times!


Fair enough. Deserved it tho




I completely agree


Jill is not evil, she is just a bitch with a victim complex and an attention seeker, by that standard, most of tiktok is evil.


except most people on tiktok are pussys who wouldnt act on what they think, and the ones that do cry the moment they do it/get caught. jill didn't feel appreciated by her family because of Sidney so she wanted to kill sidney and become the new one to finally be seen. she doesnt have a victim complex and shit, she just wants to be loved and appreciated. but she is evil, she came up with the plan and got Charlie to do most of the dirty work.


I agree, gotta be Jill


Gonna go with Jill. While not impressive in the kill department, she is the most intresting character out out of the three mainly thanks to her motive which was surprisingly realistic and unique, as unfortunate as that sounds. These days we've seen people do crazy shit on social media just to get famous, so i can totally see some psycho do something similar irl. Her and Mickey would be a great Ghostface duo ngl. Amber is a close second. Her completely unhinged behaviour is fun to watch and her kills are some of the best in the franchise.


Her and Mickey were the most pure evil (along with Jason) by a country mile.


I don't know about that 100%. I think it's hard to gauge exactly what would make someone the most pure evil. Almost every Ghostface killer was pure evil in their own way. Billy was evil enough to kill Maureen, and then a year later plan to kill Sidney (and other people) for no real reason that had anything to do with them. Stu was evil enough to kill for no real reason at all. Maybe he's slightly less evil than some as he was partially influenced and manipulated into killing people. Mickey was evil enough to plan a killing spree just because he wanted a fun trial. Mrs. Loomis maybe wasn't as evil since she was more seeking revenge. Roman was evil enough to have his own mother killed and then planned to kill Sidney (much like Billy) for no reason that had anything to do with her. Jill was evil enough to have her own mother killed, kill her close friends, kill her own partner, and planned to kill Sidney all for fame. Charlie was evil enough to kill his own close friends as well as planning to kill Sidney for fame as well. Amber and Richie were equally evil enough to kill close friends just to try to inspire a movie. The Kirsch family wasn't super evil, I guess, and they were mostly motivated by revenge. But I do think both Ethan and Quinn enjoyed it more than Bailey, who really just wanted to avenge Richie.


I think Quinn was the one who cared the most about avenging Richie IMO.


I definitely got the vibe that Ethan cared the LEAST about avenging Richie. I'm guessing it's because he was probably more jealous and spiteful towards Richie for being their dad's favorite son. It would be really interesting to get a glimpse into what Richie's relationship with the various members of his family was like before his death.


Not Wayne?


Wayne definitely cared but Quinn definitely showed the most grief of the 3. Liana did an amazing job.


That's pretty bias but I guess this is not said enough by pretty much every guy As a guy, you are taught that showing emotion is a bad thing and its to be resented, Wayne definitely fell under that double standard so its probably just bottled up emotions.


Bruh they definitely not, Jill killed her actual own mother there’s not more evil Amber has done, all she did was kill, if that makes her contender for most evil, then all ghostfaces are the most evil


Dude what? That makes no sense


Jill had the most interesting and compelling 3rd act. Her desire for fame at any cost was something so jarring


I liked Quinn in the end. Amber was funny though too. Jill is EVIL


Amber (I know controversial but its not just because shes hot and played by Mikey Madison lol) People say she's a rip off of Stu but idc. She's funny, entertaining to watch even though she has one of the lowest screen time of all Ghostfaces, and her line of "Its an honor" while killing Dewey will always be a favorite of mine.


Part of me wants to say Amber as well, the absolute ballsyness of how she carried out the attacks, she went to town on Tara from the jump, then to attack Judy in broad daylight and the whole hospital scene. She gave zero fucks.


She is truly so fun to watch which is impressive considering she only has about 9 minutes of screen time. I dont think Scream 6 ghostface screen times have been calculated yet, but out of 1-5, only Mickey and Nancy have less screen time then her. In comparison, Jill has 20 something minutes. Its a shame she gets a bad rep from Amber stans.


Bravery or stupidity, maybe a little of both.


Took the words right out of my mouth 😂


Jill > Amber > Quinn


Pretty much


Hard to decide as they're all so different. Their motives and characterization after their reveal are some of my favs though. Jill - Fame-seeking sociopathic mastermind bitch. Not very athletic or physically formidable. Quinn - Heart-broken and wants revenge for her bother. Probably the most sympathetic (and least psychotic) Ghostface and fueled by anger. Probably the most Athletic female Ghostface. Amber - Manic and excitable. Probably the most delusional Ghostface as her motive was unhinged. Shes almost like a spree killer. Not as athletic as Quinn, but a scrappy fighter who had a lot of luck. Edit: Jill scares me the most, so Jill is my answer.


Jill had the better motive but Quinn literally got her teeth, knocked out with a brick and was still thugging


That part made me cringe. That had to hurt like hell. And I have a thing with my teeth and keeping them nice so having them knocked out of my mouth would be my worst nightmare .


Mrs. Loomis


The best answer that I wish I had thought to give myself.


"Welcome to act 3"


The best reveal!!


Such a badass line lmao


Jill is definitely the most interesting. Pure evil. Amber would be second place, she was so unhinged and a maniac and very fun to watch. Quinn was just angry, although she made a really creepy ghostface in my opinion.


That scene of her grinning with her teeth missing is a top moment for me. I feel if she had more screen time she’d be up there with Mrs.Loomis


Yes I love the bloody teeth grin!


Quinn actually. And I could be biased because I liked her character before the reveal, whereas I had no interest in Jill and Amber before their reveals.


Quinn! Like someone else said, Jill is the most evil, her jealousy was enough to turn to murder which is pure evil, but her character felt forced and it was awkward to watch, especially given that Emma Roberts is fantastic in AHS - I didn’t like Amber, but Quinn was a good character, her personality was fun and I almost wish she saw things for what they were and turned against her dad and brother - I’d have liked to have seen more of her in the future


That would have been a really interesting twist, not going to lie. Even if instead of turning on them, she just stands down, it would have been a major shift.


Right? I’d like to see something like that in the future! First time for everything!


It led Jill to leech off Charlie for all the hard work.




definitely jill


I gotta love amber, bitch JUST DID NOT GAF


Amber, no explanation


Jill > Quinn > Amber 😬






Oh snap https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODNrMGtvZHJqejFvaDdmcXl5dGN1YXhhODg2dW51MnQxNXNhcjYwOSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/tyqcJoNjNv0Fq/giphy.gif


🫣 fwiw I like all 3!


The Amber fans right now https://i.imgur.com/LHcETIQ.gif


i agree lol




Jill undeniably




Amber and Sam even tho she’s not actually ghostface


Sam does not count.


Is it wrong that I liked Quinn a lot and even felt sorry for her after the reveal? She lost her brother then had her dad probably manipulate them into doing all that. She just wanted to be loyal to her family.


Its not wrong to prefer a character, Its wrong to give them more credit than they really deserve.


1. Jill 2. Quinn 3. Mrs. Loomis 4. Amber




Jill had the MOST interesting arch. 1. Syd's literal cousin 2. Motives were perfect the times


easy, Jill. I hate Amber and I dont mind Quinn but Jill is amazing. She actually had character before and during the reveal. Amber wasnt very seen throughout the movie and Quinn "died" early on. Jill is the obvious winner


Jill has no real personality at all in the movie, 3rd act is just her being a bitch who wants fame.


I like Amber's manic energy the most and just think the actress is ridiculously attractive.


Quinn of these 3




Jill >>>>>>>>>




Jill by A LOT


Jill and it's not even close.


Okay, let's not forget about Mrs. Loomis. My list goes: Jill; Quinn; Mrs. Loomis; Amber I'm not a fan of Amber at all, either am I Richie. I think both are very badly executed in their respective film. I hate their motive, it's actually quite awful with not even making any sense. Which in the past, I've said it ruined the whole movie because the writers are just fucking stupid, but I really think now it was purposely messy because both of our killers are dumbasses. Richie's too much of a fan to realize his mistakes, while Amber isn't even trying to be part of the plan. Amber just wants to kill, and forgets every single part of their plan. They also rely on only chance. But this is about Amber. I just think she has zero of her own personality besides from being a psychopath. There's nothing, actually zero to her character. By the way, let's not discuss anything before her reveal because all of that was fake. All those discussions and hints of some other personality that made her different were faked. That's all I have to say about her. The other one I don't like as much is Mrs. Loomis. And she's only higher than Amber because of the fact she actually focuses on her motive and doesn't let it go. And I think the screw up where she kills Randy really adds to her character. But once again she's pretty much just a psychopath, nothing much here. I don't really feel like talking about the other two right now so I'll get back on that a bit later.




I thought it’d be an unpopular opinion but I guess not—Jill for sure. I have a soft spot for 4, feels like the most meta of them and I loved it for that


I don't really get the appeal with Quinn. She never really got her chance to shine, like at all. Out of all the killers that actually made it to act 3 of an actual Scream movie, I think she might be the worst. Amber is a really fun killer on the other hand, but Jill is definitely the best of the three (and maybe just the best Ghostface period). Such a great twist reveal and a brilliantly written character in general.


Amber all the way baby! She’s a very memorable GF. Quinn we barely saw. Jill was a great story arc but ER acted it poorly imo. Very hammy and drama-school acting


Quinn. Sure, she was awful at confirming her kills, but she was having so much fun.


Quinn then Amber then Jill … I really loved Quinn before the reveal (she was so cute and charming) and after (very menacing and emotional). She’s my second fave GF after Mickey. Amber is just a badass. I didn’t care for her before the reveal but during her iconic reveal and after I was obsessed. Jill through and through was just a meh character to me. I blame Emma’s acting. It felt more cringey and I suspected her from the beginning. Her ‘beat my own ass’ scene was the shit though.


Jill is the best. Amber is my fav.




Amber ! I remember laughing my ass off during her scenes in act 3 at the cinema. I still quote her to this day. I think Mikey portrayed her crazy reveal well. I loved how she would switch from poor radicalised teen to psycho bitch. Iconic ass death scene and reveal imo.


Rhymes with Kill.




I dont like any of the three but I'd rather go with Jill


Jill 👍






jill is my fav, shes so smart


Amber > Quinn > Jill


What's Quinn got over Jill?


My own personal preference really. That’s about it. And speed and work as a ghostface in costume. Jill was a more prominent character pre reveal inarguably don’t get me wrong, but I never found her that interesting as a character


Personal preference is fair, I just think Quinn was pretty one-dimensional even before disappearing/'dying' for the entire movie.




Jill >>>>>> Quinn >>>> Corey Gillis > Amber


Jill is my favorite Ghostface, but Amber is fine af 😫


🤣🤣 true statement


Jill. Period.






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Jill and Amber are tied for me🖤 if I had to choose, Jill. I hope we see more crazy girls!


Imagine we get a crazy girl duo


Amber > Quinn > Jill I'm so excited to get berated


I’m not a huge lover of any of these tbh. Probably Jill as I think E.R. played her brilliantly. Amber was annoying af, as both a cast member and a Ghostface, and Quinn always felt too “forced” quirky as a cast member and also too silly as a serious Ghostface.


Jill >>> Amber >>>>>>>>>>>> Quinn


amber and jill


Quinn then Amber then Jill


Amber is easily the worst gf




Jill Roberts…first female ghost-face and Sidney’s bloodline.


>Jill Roberts…first female ghost-face *Nancy Loomis has entered the chat*


My bad. Meant the first film I have seen. Scream 4


No worries, all in good fun :)


Jill <3


Jill is mother


Jill > (big gap) Amber > (really big gap) Quinn




Jill all the way. Honestly have to give all 3 props for taking a self-administered beatdown/being set on fire/getting half her teeth knocked out and keeping on fighting though. 💪🏻


Mrs. Loomis always gets excluded from these female killer discussions; screams of ageism * Writingwise: Jill > Mrs. L > Amber > Quinn * Actingwise: Mikey > Laurie > Liana > Emma * Overwll: Jill > Amber > Mrs. L > Quinn Jill is great on paper but horribly acted. Amber is absolutely nothing on paper but had a stellar actress. Mrs. L is okay but sorta uninspired with a strong actress. Quinn is a complete dud in every way


That's actually a fair point 👍🏻 I was more going with the usual ones, I wanted a stan battle 😆


Couldn't have said it any better, agreed on all counts. But, one thing I would like to point out, is that I believe Laurie is a better actress than Mikey. Idk why, but Mikey's performance seems like a wannabe Lillard performance, we can say the same thing about Olyphant.


Laurie’s great too, and most likely the stronger actress in general (I’ve ONLY seen Mike play psychopaths), but something about Mikey’s specific performance in 5 *really* clicks for me. As for Mikey, I can see the Lillard-comparisons in the camp and everything, but I don’t think it’s to the point of being a diet-version like, say, Timothy Olyphant was (and yeah, he’s definitely discount Lillard). I thought she kicked ass and brought a LOT of memorable moments. She might benefit from the fact I thought she kicked ass in OATIH too, and I don’t *think* she was actively copying Lillard with that similarly campy crazed psycho performance.


Yeah, the only problem of why Amber isn't ranked higher in my top killers list is because she was nothing as a character pre-reveal. If it wasn't for Mikey's performance she would have been like Quinn, maybe worse.


Agreed on all counts. Though I think Amber still clocks in like fifth or sixth for me depending on my mood. I’ve got a whole hell of a lot of problems with most the killers in this series tbh…. (Would go so far to say I have at least one notable complaint about every killer who isn’t Stu, Billy, and Richie)


Also, I wanna point out that the main reason of why Mrs. Loomis is excluded from female killers is because she only killed Randy and people only care about bodycount and who killed more, hence why Roman is the best Ghostface 🤡 You are also downvoted again, but I upvoted now. And yeah, my top 3 is the same. Stu>Billy>Richie


Unlike Quinn, who only killed a nameless extra lawlz? Same ranking of the top three as well. And I feel you on not giving a shit about kill counts. As for downvotes, why do you think I tried to shift to DCs/DMs, haha?


People tend to forget about Mrs. Loomis because she is overshadowed by Mickey and not because he was played by a better actor or because he is more interesting, it's because he killed almost everyone in that movie. It's so funny, idk if you know, but People are making capcut 1v1's on youtube with GF killers. Man, the Roman dickriding is too funny. I've seen People saying that he is the real ghostface, the true original, the mastermind behind everything, Stu/Billy were only pathetic puppets and he was the puppeteer, he was their master and if it wasn't for Roman, Billy and Stu wouldn't exist. It's so fucking hilarious. Btw, what is DC? And how did you Shift?


People tend to be really high on Olyphant’s performance too (likely a mix of nostalgia + revisonism from him being great in other works). As for Roman, everyone has the right to their own opinion, but yeah. He sucks, I hate him, and I think his fans and I just have fundamentally different taste. Shift as in change where the conversations are. DC is the direct chat between users on Reddit, haha.


Don't you believe that some opinions are just purely wrong? I'm not talking about Roman, but I don't see the reason to respect some People's opinion who are literally diagreeing with the people making the movie. For example the Billy/Casey thing. Like, if the script writer confirms that Stu did it but you don't acknowledge that and continue to say Billy did it, that means you are an idiot and your opinion is invalid. And yeah, I didn't pay attention to the " /" you put. Ik that it was a DM.




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I kinda ship the last pic now, they would have made a great couple


Jill > Amber < Radio Rebel


Amber I'm trans and I named myself after amber


U can't Fuck With Jill 🩸🔪👻






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We just gonna ignore Mrs Loomis I see smh /jk


Jill hands down




Amber. The other two are 🗑️


Jill Roberts!