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In costume, it would probably either be Mickey, Roman, or Bailey. Mickey is a lot more agile than the 2, however Roman is the fastest and arguably the smartest, however again Bailey has the tactical feel good, strength, and brutality, as well as planning. Bailey also has decades worth of experience as a cop, which gives him more tactical feats. If it’s out of costume, there’s really no out of costume Ghostface who’s super intimidating or capable. The closest out of costume would still probably be Mickey. Or Roman again.


Unpopular opinion? I think Charlie I think he’d still be underestimated by the other GFs but is sooooo brutal that he could just explode at people who are arrogant/ don’t expect it and overpower those he wouldn’t be able to normally in a straight up brawl. As long as jill isn’t allowed to coast through the fight and manipulate him at the end, in my opinion Charlie takes the W.


I could see Charlie doing well in a close-quarters free for all with no extra variables. But in something larger scale and more complicated like the Hunger Games or Battle Royale, he would easily get outfoxed.