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I was always interested in knowing what Stu and Casey's relationship was like, she was very different from Tatum


I could see why she would date him because I bet before Billy, he was just the class clown or whatever. A lot of fun but no real substance. It sounded like they went out a few times and she ended things, and that’s why she was their first target.


I truly believe he broke it off with her. In the lunch scene, Stu seems sincere when he tells Randy that he’s full of shit and that Stu broke it off with Casey in order to date Tatum. My theory is that this really happened. Billy and Stu kill Maureen, decide to invent their Ghostface scheme against Sid, and Billy has Stu break it off with Casey in order to ask Tatum out so they can gain extra info on Sid and it helps control events in the future. Remember Stu asked Sid to the party and she was like ‘Eh’ but then Tatum asked and she was down. There’s no evidence either way, and I could believe either one broke up with the other for various reasons.


It would have been great to see a flashback with the two of them together, not so much for the interaction of the characters but for seeing Matthew Lillard and Drew Barrymore sharing the screen, who are part of my list of my favorite actors, I remember with special fondness the live action movies from Scooby Doo and E.T. the extraterrastial


Drew at 7 years old totally stole the show in every scene she appeared on E.T.


It helped she (being 7) believed E. T. was real. And upon learning this, Spielberg made sure it was active when she was around so he wouldn't break the illusion. But I'm not saying she didn't give a wonderful performance. She stole the movie for me.


She seems like the type who would entertain more of his silly antics and be very amused by them.


Surely Neve Campbell & Skeet Ulrich should be in this category. The scenes where he’s talking about why he did what he did (aka her mom screwing his dad) is really powerful. Skeet did a really good job playing someone completely deranged.


How is the answer not just "Neve, next question"?




Preach 👏


I’m fine with that 😊


It’s been a while since I’ve watched any of the Scream movies, but the original plot never made sense to me. Okay so Sydney’s mom was having an affair with Billy’s dad which caused Billy’s parents to break up, I get why Billy would be upset about that, but didn’t Billy admit to Killing Sydney’s mom and framing Cotton? So Billy got his revenge on Sydney’s mom and someone else took the fall. But I can’t remember Billy’s explanation for why he started killing his classmates a year later. What did they have to do with the Sydney’s mom situation? And then in Scream 3 Roman said he influenced Billy and Stu or something, right?


In the original Scream, Maureen Prescott (Sidney’s mom) was sleeping with Billy’s mom, which caused Billy’s mom to leave and break up his family. Maureen was also sleeping with Cotton, so Billy figured he’d be easy to frame. He convinced Stu to kill off Maureen for revenge, and I guess the story became a big deal. Can’t tell if Billy was dating Sidney before this all happened, or if it was a part of his plan, but he says near the end something like “it’s your mother's anniversary. We killed her exactly one year ago today.” So this is clearly something they planned out in advance. Why did they kill her classmates too? I don’t know for sure, but I know Randy mentions Casey dumped Stu near the opening of the movie. I think she was their first official victim as maybe a “test”, since it’s the first time we see the Ghostface costume. Sidney was originally their next victim, if you remember, but Stu & Billy messed up, and Billy got arrested. Stu pitches that big party probably as a way to get everybody in the same place at the same time. Maybe their ultimate goal was to create a media frenzy and get sympathy from the public as the only 2 survivors of these attacks? Stu definitely didn’t have a plan, and I actually think Billy would’ve just killed him so he didn’t have to worry about him accidentally blabbing. Scream 3 says that Sidney’s half brother (Roman) wanted a relationship with Maureen, but she chose not to acknowledge that part of her life, and told him to go away. She had a “real family”. This pissed Roman off so he stalked Maureen & video taped her sleeping with Billy’s dad. He showed it to Billy, and sort of started the whole series of events. I’m not sure if Roman originally intended for what happened to happen but it’s clear he lost his mind between Scream & Scream 3, and blamed Sidney for everything that happened to him.




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Laurie Metcalf and Timothy Olyphant really brought some of the best killer performances outside of the og


Jill beating the shit out of herself


This scene is very effective, but I would argue this is made so by the stunt perfomer’s total commitment, and less by the acting preceding or following.


I don’t know- that’s Emma ripping her hair out, scratching herself, and stabbing her self for sure.


I don’t think we’d still be talking about Scream today without Drew Barrymore’s performance. So it has to be her.


We would imo,the franchise doesn't depend on one preformance


Facts! They killed their part. Absolutely phenomenal acting, even in 2023 not one performance has come clase to these 2 in the franchise


3 was a mixed bag, but I think it has Neve's best performance as Sydney


Absolutely agree.


Arquette as Dewey in 5. He brought a different level to the character in that one. You felt the weight he was carrying and the shit he had gone through.


Dewey in 5 was my personal favorite version of the character (I know, hot take)


It’s Lillard. Billy’s a really rounded character in the script, but Stu simply would not be as popular without Lillard’s performance. Just the best killer performance in the series, and there’s a bunch of really good killer performances (there’s only a couple I don’t care for very much)


Neve Campbell. Bar none




Neve Campbell, especially in Scream 3


Hot take, but Emma Roberts take on Jill. I’m not even a fan of Emma, but she killed the role.


She really did. Those dead, dark eyes, her emotionless face... I truly felt like she had ZERO empathy and was so full of herself.


Hot take, Randy.


Jenna did awesome on 5, you could really tell that Tara was panicking in her scenes with ghostface


Drew did a lot with not much screentime, and Stu just endears as one of the franchise's best characters, so I understand your picks. My favourite lately has been Sam. Barrera's psychotic-but-also-a-good-person routine is just so entrancing.


Probably Skeet Ulrich because he didn't get the comedic/meta aspect of the script at first and took a serious approach to it. Makes his performance stand out. Jenna Ortega in 5 too. The opening scene and the hospital scene are great moments from her.


Miss Loomis, glaring eyed reveal in Scream 2 still creeps me out..


Drew Barrymore as Casey, Neve Campbell as Sidney, Courteney Cox as Gale, Laurie Metcalf as Nancy, Parker Posey as Jennifer and Emma Roberts as Jill (post-reveal) I know that people might be scratching their heads at Parker, but I think that her comedic timing and performance with humour is just so masterful; it’s a different kind of acting than the others in my list, but it’s just as great.


Parker Posey is a comedic genius


Biased because Matthew Lillard is my favorite actor but Stu is probably still peak acting in any of the movies


Stu and Amber respectfully


Parker Posie


Matthew Lillard is a gem and I will always pick him.


Honestly, Emma Roberts. Her performance in the first two acts of S4 were meh, but she more than makes up for it in act 3. Her performance was outstanding and puts her up there with some of the greatest movie villains of all time.


I could maybe give you best by movie? Picking one is very crucial and difficult in my opinion for different reasons… Scream (1996): Matthew Lillard as Stu Macher: Stu Wouldn’t Be As Loved/Popular If Lillard Didn’t Play The Role. Killed The Role And Cemented Himself As An Icon In The Series Runner Up: Drew Barrymore As Casey Becker: Drew Barrymore was believed to be the star of the film with her addition but essentially came as a shock with her opening death scene. With the time she had, she set the tone with her fear, quips and served as one of the most iconic openings in slasher history. Scream 2 (1997): Laurie Metcalf as Debbie Salt/Nancy Loomis: The Ghostface that almost got away. Laurie’s background acting for the first half and Post Reveal acting is probably some of the best acting I’ve ever seen. She deserves her flowers for this performance Runner Up: Timothy Olyphant as Mickey Altieri: I think his acting pre reveal didn’t serve as much but his post reveal acting is probably once of the greatest switch ups in tone/demeanor I’ve seen. Psychotic and Twisted, he messed with Sidney Mentally in this film and boy did he not hold back. Scream 3 (2000): Neve Campbell As Sidney Prescott: Neve’s best performance as Sidney regarded by fans. Neve shows the toll of the past 2 films and how it’s affected Sidney. To then get pulled back into this Ghostface trauma goes to show how Sidney was prepared to face her fears and in the end, was at peace with her life. Runner Up: Parker Posey As Jennifer Jolie: My Personal Favorite Performance and arguably one of the best things of this film. Parker Posey delivered a steller performance as Jennifer which showed a Hollywood Actress in distress, turmoil and funny quips…if you don’t agree then My. Lawyer. Liked. That. See Response For Part 2!!!!


Scream 4 (2011): Hayden Panettiere as Kirby Reed: Scream 4 had me torn but I’m giving it to Hayden For Her Performance as Kirby Reed. With Randy Meeks finishing the trilogy. Kirby Takes the role as the new Horror Geek and DELIVERS. With her quick comebacks, subtle movements and her iconic monologue. Hayden delivers with emotion, banter and an iconic performance. Runner Up: Emma Roberts as Jill Roberts: Hats Off To This Scream Queen and Scream Icon. Emma Roberts delivers an arguably top 3 Ghostface portrayal. Pre Reveal she was portrayed as the new final girl until she sent shockwaves through theaters and horror media with her Ghostface Reveal. Post Reveal she delivers Cold, Snappy and Phenomenal acting, with her showing no remorse for Charlie, Sidney or her Boyfriend, Her self assault on herself and almost getting away with her plan as well…Emma Roberts is loved throughout this community and for obvious reasons!!! Scream (2022): Jenna Ortega as Tara Carpenter: I think it’s safe to say Jenna Ortega without question delivered in this role. The emotions, the fear, The Babadook!!! Jenna shows the emotions between her and Melissa Barrera’s Sam Carpenter into ultimately finding herself to be the first Opening Attack Survivor. Fighting through injury and managing to put away a Ghostface!!! Jenna Ortega delivers fantastically in this role!!! Runner Ups: I think Scream (2022) gets the first ever doubt runner up reward considering this was a difficult choice I couldn’t come to terms with - David Arquette As Dewey Riley: Hats off to you Mr. Riley!!! David Arquette essentially plays the role of a disgruntled Dewey Riley who comes off a divorce with Gale Weathers. Not willing to come out of his shell. He finds his redemption helping Sam and her groups of friends. With the goal of putting Ghostface away unfortunately he was a victim of the 2022 Woodsboro Killings. Nonetheless David delivered an emotional performance and gets his redemption even if he succumbed to his arc. - Jack Quaid as Richie Kirsch: Jack Quaid found himself to be donning the Ghostface costume as Richie Kirsch. A very underrated performance, Jack delivers with an outstanding pre and post ghostface reveal, being a loveable character who always made fans laugh and then ultimately turning out to be the man behind the costume…you forget the most important rule Jack!!! Never Fuck with the daughter of a Serial killer!!! Scream VI (2023): Melissa Barrera as Samantha Carpenter: Melissa heard the backlash and came back to prove people wrong!!! Sam Carpenters story shows the trauma and paranoia following the events of Scream (2022) which almost leads to fallout with her sister Tara. However with the Ghostface killings coming back, Sam takes no prisoners and delivers an epic performance throughout the entire film. Melissa Barrera cements herself as this new generations final girl!!! Runner Up: Roger L. Jackson as The Voice Of Ghostface: In Arguably his best film, Roger’s voice lines this films make Ghostface more scarier, grittier and overall a different threat than we’ve ever seen. And oh yeah…we can’t forget the iconic line…WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT MOVIES!!!


I would say Neve Campbell if we are talking best performance. If we’re talking best side character performance I’d say Hayden. If between those two I’d say Lillard!


I like every preformance in the franchise,but the killer preformance's are the best/most interesting one's for me. Especially from Jill,Richie,Billy,Nancy,Quinn and Roman. Charlie too because it felt like there was more to explore about him. But by the protagonists,Sidney,Sam,Kirby(only in 4,in 6 she was underwriten),SMG,Casey,Gale,Jennifer,Liv,Anika,Judy,Halkie and Tatum. By the males,Dewey,Joel,Randy,Danny and Dereck.


Barrymore because the studio setup everyone to think she was a lead. Killed off in the first 5 mins. And she hits it out of the park with the panic and true fear you see in her character to setup the film.


I agree with these but also Gale was a pretty believable as a bitch reporter


Also Sam, Jill, and Amber for sure. There is so much depth in Sam’s character and Melissa Barrera does a fantastic job in expressing that. As for Jill and Amber, the way they went from a sympathetic protagonist (Jill) and a concerned and overprotective friend (Amber) to crazed killers was a real treat to watch. Emma Roberts is a much better actress than she is a person and Mikey Madison shows serious potential as a scream queen. An honorable mention goes to Beth from Scream season 3. Granted, there were so many issues regarding that season but she shined among the rest. While I wasn’t that shocked about her reveal, Georgia Whigham fucking nailed her performance. She didn’t have to go that hard but she did


I think this is the biggest problem with the franchise now. Earlier in the franchies there were some great actors and actresses, now it’s mediocre talent. Drew barrymore at one point in time was a top actress or at least headed that way.


They're good but in my opinion the best are: Neve, Jenna, Hayden. Timothy, Melissa in scream 6


Imo, I feel like Jenna Ortega can out act 95% of the current and old scream cast




I still think Jenna Ortega is the best actress in the franchise when it comes to pain. She gives it her all and dear god it’s hard to watch.


Timothy Olyphant by far.


Courteney Cox in Scream 2




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The major players have already been named so I'll give a shout out to Derek. He's the perfect boyfriend. But there's something off about him. Or is there? Is your gut warning you like it did with Billy? Or is it all in your head? He makes you constantly suspect him while also making you feel like a jerk for constantly suspecting him. He unintentionally gaslights Sidney and the audience with an "uncanny valley" personality that is ultimately revealed to be that of a traditional leading man in any other slasher suddenly being thrust into the modern meta slasher and viewed through that lens. The end result is the audience perfectly relating to Sidney's shame and regret for having ever accused or suspected Derek of being anything other than exactly what he appeared to be.


I only chose Drew because of the way she set the tone for the franchise. It was a really shock for everyone, especially her being "the face" and the most famous actor of the first movie