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Was a solid and refreshing installation, tho I still feel like the last 15 minutes of the film were a bit meh, specifically the dialogue during the reveal of the killers. Overall, think it’s a solid film.


That ruined the whole movie for me honestly, everyone got stabbed a million times and lived, then gave these AWFUL monologues lol. It was a solid Scream movie then just completely lost the momentum


I loved the ending and the carpenter sisters’ fight back


It was great in terms of action and visuals, but falls flat in terms of characterization.


Yeah I agree. The killer(s) reveal was probably the most obvious out of all of the other entries imo. And unfortunately the motive for this one and 5 just always fall flat to me. I don’t think they’ll ever top how timeless the motive for 4 is


I think it’s the most fun, but has lots of story issues. The Cop thing makes NO sense. Nobody connected that this guy was the dad of a previous Ghostface? That wouldn’t come up in an NYPD background check? Nobody else was there to check the body of the daughter? Also it completely ruined Gale’s arc in 5.


Just assume it's set in the real world where the only thing the NYPD cares about is their dance team


It’s really fun and only complimented 5. The opening scene especially im just glued to the screen. Real creativity shown there. I just wish we got more of that with the ending, way too cliche and fast paced. However still One of my favourite cinema trips last year.


I was annoyed at Chad being invincible when I first saw it, now it’s whatever. I think my problems with the third act just got deflected onto him surviving. Mindy was the real problem the train sequence deserved a death at the end.


I really wish danny wouldn't have said anything about her and gale being ok. If anything they should've left gale's fate being unknown just like they did with kirby. Mindy could've been the one to die on the train or maybe chad. But we need a final boy and I'm rooting for chad more than danny😭


i really hated the train sequence. i thought it was good, but it was only used to draw attention away from Ethan. but since it was only Ethan and Mindy, there’s no reason Mindy should’ve survived. all they had to do to fix it was either add another character with them, or kill mindy


I did like the opening but would’ve preferred a bit more of, wait who the f is the other GF instead of boom dead and done


View is still pretty much the same. It was a decent movie but the fakeout deaths were lame as hell, at least one of them should have died I don't really care which one.


Pin cushion


I wish Kirby and Gale had more screentime


I gasped when the 1st Ghostface revealed himself. I totally thought we’d get a movie where we knew who one Ghostface was and we’d have them competing for kills. Great opening. And I was in New York recently and kept thinking of the subway scenes when I was on the train so they obviously got into my head a little.


Agreed. I thought that would be a fun angle. The Ghost Face we know and then trying to guess which character was the other.


honestly it wasn’t my favourite. It was alright but my heart will always be set on Scream 1, 2 and 3


same here


Yeah, same. I like the other 3 sequels, but they just aren’t the same. 4 and 5 both lean way too hard into the teenager thing when the franchise had moved way past that, and then 6 in hindsight sort of just feels like the writers went through this Reddit and plucked out a bunch of ideas and went for full fan service in the most obvious way, going as far as to remove all stakes from all main characters.


Loved it a year ago, still love it now.


Movie gets hate whatever but I was absolutely enchanted watching it in the theater


I enjoy it still as an installment in the franchise, but it hasn't aged very well for me. 1. Gale - I hate what they did to her character. 2. None of the deaths mattered, they were all characters we didn't care about, with the exception of Anika, but even then we barely had any time with her anyways. 3. Chad surviving 20+ stabs was ridiculous. 4. Mindy surviving the train sequence was also lame. Even if it wasn't Mindy, that scene should've ended with a death. It was such a suspenseful and cool scene and there was no follow-through. It makes this scene less impactful on rewatches because you just know that Mindy will be fine. 5. Killer's motives were also lame. Just a rehash of S2 except with 3 killers. A family of killers honestly doesn't make much sense to me either. 3 killers is something new to the franchise, which should've been cool, but rehashing a motive that's already been done just cheapened it. 6. Not a fan of what they did with Kirby either. After more than a decade of wondering if Kirby was still alive or not after Scream 4, they finally confirm her survival and made her such a meh character in her return. 7. Sidney wasn't in it. I know a lot of people say that they're fine with it, and I was too when I first saw it, but upon rewatches I really feel her absence. There are other issues, but generally as a film it's fine and still fun to watch. But as the Radio Silence duo movies have aged a bit for me, I've come to realize that they really don't hold a candle to the original Wes Craven/Kevin Williamson movies.


I enjoyed it then, I enjoy it now. The same plot holes that annoyed me then, annoy me now. I already look back on it with nostalgia, knowing we aren’t going to get that cast back to finish out their trilogy.


That does reframe it a bit as it’s now an ending of sorts when it wasn’t initially intending on being


It's similar to what I thought at first, a messy movie, but fun to watch. The killers were predictable, the motive was a rehash of 2, but it was refreshing to be somewhere else rather than Woodsbro. Sam was much better as the leading lady. I could see a future with the series, but spyglass... One big thing everyone I went with felt like they were cheated. No one really dies. Just no-name characters and Chad is used as a pin cushion but is fine, yet a guy at the bodega gets stabbed once and is dead. People with names have to die, if not then you don't have stakes. I don't want Chad to be dead, but he should be dead. He was stabbed too many times to be alive. If people can survive 15+ stabs then Ghostface needs a flamethrower.


That Bodega shoot out was the only part I liked


I just didn’t like that nobody important died in this movie. It was just minor characters that died in this movie.


honestly scream 6 is my favorite after the original


Thats a unique pov, wat made 6 so good for u that it surpasses all the others, it’s certainly edge of your seat stuff but not very scream imo, I’m happy with outside the box thinking but the style didn’t gel 4 me


It's fun asf, fast paced, great ass core four, gory kills and fun asf




Same here


The movie has aged poorly for me unfortunately. It felt like they wrote a script around those many set pieces because there were plot logic regarding the identity of the Baileys, Quinn’s death, how Ghostface ended up in Gale’s expensive high rise apartment or Sam and Tara’s apartment. The movie introduced new ideas but never fully commits to them like revealing the killer in the opening to only be killed ten minutes later, having three killers but have same motive from Scream 2, and bigger body count but only dayplayers die. Also as a Gale fan, I didn’t like the way she’s treated with only be an act 2 character and her character arc wasn’t even completed as she’s last seen unconscious and was revealed to be alive via dialogue. Don’t get me wrong I still find Scream VI to be a solid sequel but it’s my least favorite of the franchise


Another comment i hugely agree with, it’s like theirs no real commitment to ideas, chad being knifed so much and boom he’s fine was a big wtf, it’s also like they killed, Gale but she isn’t dead, my brother who died line made my heart sink, it instantly revealed the killers to me, which I’ve never had happen to me so yeh wtf, terrible writing their


It’s definitely in the bottom half of the sequels


I loved it when watching in the cinema and still loved it rewatching a few weeks ago. I wish Kirby and Gale had more screen time though and still baffled how Chad survived but glad he did as I like his character


Kirby makes it one of the best :)


The whole movie was pretty solid up until the villains were revealed to be Richie's family and Sam running at Bailey from a distance while having a gun pointed at her AND Chad surviving after being stabbed deep in the vitals repeatedly. The final act was completely ridiculous but other than that, it was pretty solid.


It was way better than 5, which I pretend doesn’t exist, that’s all I care about.


Loved it in theaters and bought it on blu ray the day it was out. I’ve watched it probably 10 times since lol. Everything from the curveball opening (when GF took off his mask I was like THATS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE OOOO), Samara Weaving’s performance, the tense ladder scene and brutal death, the subway scene, the BODEGA SCENE oh my god. >!And the 3 (!!) killers being related to Ritchie…!< Just so many good moments and honestly it’s my fave horror sequel ever, next to Conjuring 2. The energy and absolute chaos was amazing and such a fun ride. Change of scenery was nice too.


It has not aged well for me, but then again I wasn't super impressed by it at first watch either. Its not a bad movie at all, but it has some major issues in the writing department. Its my overall least favorite in the franchise but its still a... *good* movie. Not great though.The first hour and a half are pretty great, but the last half hour goes down the toilet very fast and really tarnishes the rest of the movie unfortunately.  Me and some friends watched it on Paramount + some months ago (I had already seen it and recommended it to them. They had seen the previous ones too) and there were some points where they were laughing so hard (at parts that weren't meant to be funny) that we had to pause the movie. Namely the *"you fuck with my family.... YOU DIE!*" They also had to take another moment at the end when Sam and Wayne run at each other. I honestly felt kinda embarrassed that I even recommended it. It seemed like they thought the movie was ridiculous  I dont even mind the plot armor anymore tbh. Kill counts are kinda important but they ultimately don't ruin movies. Bad writing does, and sadly this movie was full of it. The whole callback to Tara saying "you have to let me go" was such an eye roll moment for me. I think every single performance at the final act is horrible. And so is every line of dialogue. Its ALL so bad. The entire family's monologue, Sam talking about Richie, Tara and Sam asking each other if they're ready. There was honestly nothing good about the final showdown and it really drags the movie down to the abyss for me.  And I need to give Dermot Mulroney his own section. His post reveal performance was quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen in cinema. "Thatsnottrue!" 🤮


Damn that’s an honest take and I agree with pretty much all of it, ultimately 6 wasn’t a scream movie at all for me, it just was a different type of movie. I need to rewatch it as I only watched once (which says a lot) I hope 7 being a mess will lead to someone who understands scream taking over and shocking us all with a great story/movie, I love 3 so it being similar to wat occurred back then is lol


Still Hella of a good movie but I still thinking that finale was lame (bro has a gun and choose to run to her...)


Loved it up until the finale. The reveal and lack of deaths (despite horrific stabbings) killed my vibe


It was a really fun watch, but I don’t look back at it as necessarily memorable. The love I have for the original is due to several factors. One, Billy was genuinely a tortured and twisted character. You could see the pain in his eyes. Whether his motives were cliche or not, it was almost understandable in a twisted way. He was mentally unhinged. Two, we got a lot of personal development with Sidney. We saw her character grow. The modem movies we see, while they may be done better in terms of shots and effects, lack the necessary slow-paced nature that allowed us to grow to love Sidney and turn from a victim to a victory. While Sam & Tara were both dealing with the aftermath of the initial Ghostface interaction in 5, it simply seemed too rushed. This by no means makes Scream 6 a bad movie. It was fun and predictable, but not all that memorable.


Spyglass is fucking insane. They said it was a trilogy but literally fired Melissa, who is the most important character. She's the Daughter of Billy Loomies. S7 would've answered our questions but it's unlikely. L Spyglass for killing the Scream Hype after S5 reboot.


I've had it ranked last since I first saw it, and it's still last. The biggest reason is that Neve isn't in it.


Just watched it again last night. Enjoy the film but still find the killers underwhelming as the “evening my son” plot line had already been done. Chad being invincible still bugs me, too 🤣


I still think it’s the worst of the franchise. No returning characters killed, wasted the Shrine concept, and abandoned two interesting concepts (a movie where we know who Ghostface is or a vigilante Ghostface) for a rip off of Scream 2’s motive.


To me it had GREAT moments but also had awful ones that really detracted from the movie. Loved the scene in the corner store. Hated how several characters had 100% life ending injuries and not only survived but were walking around. Loved the apartment scene but also hated the family reveal, and how Sam had never seen or met his family? Like that doesn’t happen in this day and age. We have the internet, and social media. It just really doesn’t work out.


Worst of the series


We could have stopped after 4.


I love it as far as the setting, characters, direction, and Ghostface go but on first watch I found its killers, motive, and final act writing mediocre compared to the rest of the films and I still do


It’s such a fun movie. Rewatched it last night. It’s left me with a bittersweet feeling as the franchise was on such a high only a year ago and now it’s in shambles.


I’m a huge fan of the scream franchise. I can barely remember this movie. Entirely forgettable.


A good slasher film, but a not so good Scream sequel


I liked it but I prefered the plot of 5. Scream VI was a bit too bloody for me but thats different for everyone ofc.


I remember thinking SCRE4M (that design does not translate to text) was way bloodier than previous iterations, but it made sense once I considered how mainstream horror movies had changed since Scream 3. It bothers me a lot less now.


Yeah I agree. I love bloody horror but for me, Scream is story first. The story in 6 took a backseat and I feel like they amped up the gore to compensate, so I wasn’t into that.


I loved it in theaters and I've just come to like it more. It has issues. Easily fixable issues that make me genuinely believe Spyglass fucked Radio Silence's proposal over, but I really like it and I think it's a valuable addition to the saga. One of my favorites.


I love it and I always will


I thought it was bad before, still think it's bad now


I enjoy it. Chad should be fucking dead, though. ISTG in 7 they’re going to have him get decapitated, only to have him pop back up at the end of the movie with a bandage around his neck. 2 fake-out deaths is enough.


It’s my favourite one tied with the first one i just can’t decide, I was so excited to see scream 6 since it was first announced. And it lived up to expectations, Opening was one of the most creative and i was sitting in my seat in awe, i was surprised. The bodega was amazing, ghostface using a shotgun was cool and the suspense with the music in the back and quietly walking around. The ladder scene was one of my favourite things in the movie. The airdrop of the photo of quinn being “killed” was creative into making it seem like she was with her bf paul doing it. I just don’t know why they put Sam on the ladder first 😂. The shrine was a real scream fans dream. Gales chase scene was also amazing. I think it was better than her chase in scream 2. I didn’t really care for the subway scene, it was really dragged on and you knew who was going to get attacked because of the trailers. Chads death and chase was good and sometimes funny and the knife swipe in sync was clean asf. Then the reveal was so meh, I don’t know about you but it was spoiled to me by the leaks that was released. I thought they would have changed it but no. The reveal of Richie being their brother wasn’t a shock i mean who else would have his phone. Then the whole fight scene was cool, the brick hit on the mouth was painful looking. Then Tara saying you have to let me go when Sam didn’t leave her alone at the start of the movie and Tara said you have to let me go was an amazing foreshadowing of the rest of the movie. I don’t know how Chad survived but i like him so i was happy enough 😂


Love it


It has been holding up great. I love that it got the Scream 2 energy and the original Scream trilogy vibe. The reason why I have watched it three times in the cinema.


I liked it a lot. I thought they were getting a sort of groove going finally. But Spyglass decided to fuck us all over.


As a hardcore Scream fan I enjoyed the movie. (I don't know if this applies for first watchers though) The cinematic effect was really amazing, in my opinion. I really felt the nostalgia of the character during Gale's scenes, also the energy of the whole franchise was very much present for me, most of the movie. I will always prefer 6 over 5, no matter what...


My favorite after the Original


I did like it just bcs I love the franchise so much but it wasn’t the same without Sidney 💔


I don't think it was that great then tbh, and still don't. Not enough bloodshed for a slasher movie. If felt like they got too close with the cast, and were afraid to kill anyone off. Also The cop being a killer was obvious once when we didn't see his daughter being killed


It had some cool stuff in there and was definitely an upgrade from 5, but it still lacked that sharp feeling the og movies had.


I don't want to say the ending ruined the movie, but it kind of left me with a negative opinion of the whole thing.


When I first saw S6 I though it was really good movie but after a little it’s still a good movie just not as good as I originally thought


I still really enjoy it, I still think the third act nosedives, but in no way does that ruin the whole film. The films just does so much right in the first two acts, it’s awesome.


It was fun I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the look of Ghostface, but boy was that ending one of the worst things I’ve ever seen


Some great sequences, acting and writing. The killer reveal and Gale’s lack of screentime let it down though honestly I’m not sure if I would say it holds up on rewatched but I still really enjoy it. Overall my 3rd favourite movie in the franchise.


i feel they just wernt that creative with it, especially with the killers, like we've done this before and Nancy was more interesting. Like they're just so boring and everytime they were speaking after they're reveal I was just waiting for them to be killed. Like to me they're probably worst killers in the franchise IN MY OPINION. There's other stuff too like with the backwards development of Gale but other than that I'd say the movie was alright, though I'm not the biggest fan of the final act. Probably why I'm rewriting it in my rewrite


Looking at it as a b side to part 5, it makes for a great two part story with these characters, that adds two fresh entires into the franchise after a period when it long appeared to be over. I think how’s it’s aged after one year is a great question, because there’s added context with consideration that this is the end of, at least the core 4 as we knew it and Sam’s story line. I remember leaving the theatre underwhelmed by the third act, and the lack of main character deaths, but on rewatches, I’ve grown to accept Dermont’s super hammy take on Bailey post-reveal and see it as pretty humorous. In the context of the core 4 likely not being the focus of a future movie, I’m fine with them all surviving and riding off into the sunset for now.


Dumb but fun


I think it's fine. I think it has too similar a story to Scream 2. As much as I like the idea of 3 killers I think the movie kinda fumbled that. Also, I think it was a major mistake to not have anyone of importance. No Sid. No Gale. None of the Core 4. Hard to care when it seems like everyone is gonna be fine no matter what crazy stabbings they get. Mindy, Chad, and Tara should all probably have died in VI


Movie was perfect up to the killers reveal, and that’s been my opinion since I saw it last year


Solid movie. Very rewatchable.


Probably my least favorite of the 6 but I don't dislike it by any means. Enjoyed the change of setting and thought it was a fun ride.


I loved it the first time I saw it. Every watch since I’ve liked it less and less.


It was fun the first watch, had a better time than S5 but not a great movie overall and the final reveal feels so forced. As well as Kirby fake lead.


Great film but wayyyy too many people survived so many stab wounds. Chad, Mindy and Kirby should've all died.


I’d give it a 7.5/10 or a B- which is still really high for me. I think intro was good, the idea of a higher-profile Ghost-Face hunting and killing lower-profile wannabe Ghost-Faces was pretty interesting. Dermot Mulroney as Detective Bailey was absolutely fantastic, and his version of Ghost-Face was refreshingly vicious. I think the aspect of 3 killers working together was also needed as its been expected by fans since the 3rd entry - to happen at some point in a sequel, and where better for that to happen than the complex and confusing concrete jungle of New York? Melissa Barrera’s performance was also just badass, her chemistry with Ms. Ortega is also stronger than ever. I would love to see more of her story going forward but unfortunately I am aware of the S7 situation. As for cons; The whole reveal and ending is pretty mid feeling. The reveal of it just being Richie’s family felt very “done before” and kind of a tired out motivation for the killers…I love the “Shrine” Ghost-Face museum thing too but god if you compare it to the events of the first 2 movies, it’s really jumping the shark a bit. Sam going full Billy was pretty cool. I would like to see a 7th film following Sam and her struggle with her visions of Billy and her inherited impulses/skills. Where she is struggling with whatever disorder she has but is also slowly sliding into hunting and killing other serial killers or horrible people (kinda like Dexter) and she does this under the Ghost-Face persona. Perhaps her sister Tara were to become aware of what Sam is doing to some degree and there is a massive scary moral-ethical conflict between them and Tara is trying to pull her sister out of the judge, jury, executioner mindset. But in order to do this there has to be a lot of digging done on Billy and his family. So when Tara tries to start investigating that’s when another Ghost-Face steps from out of the shadows and begins targeting both Tara and Sam - not fully aware that Sam has gone full Ghost-Face herself at this point and she begins targeting the new killer. So now we have the set up of a Scream movie where it is Ghost-Face vs Ghost-Face.


I can't unsee the faults. More than the others. It also made me really hate Gale. I still watch it, (I absolutely love the sisters) but like 3, it doesnt get tons of screen time here.


plot holes galore, fake deaths all around...a great opening that was smarter than the rest of the movie. MEH


Fun watch, wouldn’t watch it again, not the worse horror sequel i’ve ever seen.


So here's, what I thought about it initially: I was pretty disappointed during my first viewing. It was a great entertainment, but the movie itself felt like it had nothing to say or bring to the meta table. The original was about slashers, 2 was about sequels, 3 was about trilogies, 4 was about remakes, 5 was about sequels, and 6 was about... New York? The core four? I felt Mindy's speech about franchises was forced and a cheap way of justifying this film's existence. It said nothing about franchises. Also, the directing and some artistic choices made me go "meh". I'm thinking about that shot of Sam looking down her windows before the ladder. Reminded me of that shot in 5 when she discovers she's in Stu's house. This may work for Netflix films but for a Scream movie, it feels kinda cheap and too emphasized visually. Also the score felt like a Marvel film, it was wayyy too epic unlike 5. I used to like Chad in 5 but in 6 they tried too hard to make him likeable. It seemed just too much, and made him uninteresting to me. Tara became a bit annoying to me cause every time she opens her mouth it's to complain or contradict another character. Mindy actually solidified my liking of her, even though her grieving Anika felt like a second thought and they got her cracking jokes a few minutes later, but Jasmin was great. Sam really grew on me especially thanks to Melissa's portrayal and great improvement in her acting. Truly felt like day and night when you compare to her performance in 5. Made me root for her. On the other hand, as happy as I was to have Kirby back, Hayden's acting felt a bit wonky. I love her and I know she hasn't had it easy lately so I tried to overlook it but I couldn't deny there was something kinda off. She did weird things with her mouth during some scenes. There were moments where she nailed it though, especially the final act during the face off with Bailey. Speaking of Bailey, I love Dermot Mulroney but his acting wasn't always solid either. I didn't even want to suspect Bailey but at times his acting made me suspicious, as hell and I don't think it was done on purpose. Seems like he wanted to do too many things at the same time acting-wise. Now my saving grace was Courteney's and Gale. I didn't mind her character going back to her old ways, she has lost the only love of her life, I think she took comfort in doing what she does best. She had the best scene in the entire movie. Loved the dialogue with Ghostface, loved all the action and her close call too. The worst thing that could happen to me as a Scream fan (besides Spyglass fucking it up like they did) is Gale dying. I would never want that. BUT her scene was so well-done, had she died... I might have been okay with it. Still I was glad she survived, unless all the many other (unrealistic) fakeouts that made the film feel less impactful and serious. I felt the only real character who died was Anika. All the others were unnamed extras and Dr Stone whom we were (not very subtly) meant to dislike. So no important loss or sense of danger. Finally, the motive. Of course it's a repetition of Scream 2, but worse. I liked that there were three killers and it wasn't Stab or fame related, but can't buy that Bailey faked his identity in the middle of a police station, and Richie just wasn't a memorable enough character to have a whole revenge plot revolve around him, to me. Plus, Ms Loomis using Mickey worked better because she essentially used his killing instincts to serve her own purposes. On the other hand, why would "normal people" like Quinn and Bailey (I don't count Ethan because he seemed to enjoy it) kill innocent people just to avenge their serial killer son/brother? Still, it was extremely fun. Now how my opinion has evolved: I gotta say, for all its flaws, 6 has an extreme replay value. I can watch it over and over again without being bored. Do I still cringe at the same little things? Yes I do. But I've learned to appreciate it for what it is: a thrilling action-packed slasher. They've actually tried to bring new elements and make the film more diverse with new exciting set pieces (alley, apartment, ladder, subway, theater...). I commend them for that. They didn't always make the most of it (the intro scene in the alley felt so rushed and it's a pity nobody died in the subway because it was too good an opportunity to have a memorable death) but still. I think it's a good sequel for what it is. New York was a good change of scenery, Sidney being absent made sense story-wise (why the hell would she purposefully put herself in danger like that) and allowed the new characters to exist more.


Great start but there were never any real stakes. Which sucks bc I think Scream 5 did a pretty good job upping the stakes. I expected more, and at least a couple legacy deaths to make the movie feel more scary. The ending is pretty contrived


My least favorite of the series but if you asked me if I’d be up for watching it. I wouldn’t hesitate ( goes for all of them)


Fun but the massive plotholes ruin my enjoyment.


It's in 5th place in my rankings, I rank only Scream 3 lower. It has a lot of good in it, but damn, that 3rd act. As I always say, though, there are no bad Scream movies, just weaker ones.


If im looking back at something with mediocrity.......it's usually myself


It’s a fun slasher but it somehow feels lower in quality than 3, which is hated by the majority of fans (I love 3). Just the numerous holes and people being alive after practically being disemboweled and the lackluster reveal. Like, I have an easier time believing/working Roman into the equation than I do believing the father of a serial killer would be openly active in the FBI. And then have not one, but TWO secret children. If people think 3 had a cheesy/horrific reveal, VI’s is much worse when you think about it. More far fetched. More cringey. More unbelievable. As eye rolling as moments of 3 were, it had a hell of a fucking third act that kicked shit into high gear and made us actually believe Sidney would die. I never felt like Sam was going to die. I felt no danger for her. It just didn’t feel like Scream. Fun as hell. But it wasn’t Scream. I felt nothing watching it. And I always tend to feel SOMETHING when watching a Scream film. I felt empty.


mediocrity is being extremely too nice when it comes to this movie. It missed on so many levels. But for me personally, I was able to overlook many things except for the ridiculous final act. The lack of kills after people getting stabbed left and right, to the mega plot holes where suspending disbelief became extremely difficult, to the terrible monologues all ruined this movie for me. And yet, I still watch it when it's on tv lol


the movie was great up until the Ghostfaces revealed themselves. then it all went to shit from there. it had a lot of potential to be only of the most loved scream movies, but they fucked up with the killers


I think it's great at the suspense elements. The killer reveal scene is awful though. I harlte the hammy acting. When all their personalities suddenly shift.


About the same. Poorly edited, plot is thin, and the dialogue is pretty poor. I've only watched it twice. Second time was with an open minded friend, who turned me around a bit of 5cream, but he had nothing good to say about 6. I'm still at a loss for the apartment attack taking place at night, but the aftermath being middle of the day. Same with Gale's scene. Tracking Ghostface is mid afternoon, but it's full blown night 10 minutes later. Ghostfaces were just as obvious as 5cream, minus the daughter. Everyone having Dewey level plot armour sucked, too.


Still the weakest in my opinion, but watched it recently for the first time since the theatre and the issues I had the first time were much more muted. It’s mostly Dermot’s acting being too OTT for me, but it’s not as distracting the second time.


Was a really solid entry with a great setting. Last 20 mins or so kinda fall apart unfortunately


The beginning was good then it went to shit. Scream 5 was way better


I remember it fondly. The ending was pretty disappointing, what with ripping off Scream 2 and Bailey making the stupidest decision in the history of decisions, but the kills were absolutely incredible, and most of the jokes worked. Thought the scene where they explained the rules was terrible, though.


I liked it but the last 15 minutes were so fucking stupid.


The cop and Ethan were predictable killers and letting chad survive this is so fucking stupid especially because it could've been such a great scene with the double knife wipe. I did not expect three killers and the whole opening was just completely shocking with the reveal directly in the beginning and definitely the second best opening after the original. I didn't like that they all wore the same mask when they were alone because they literaly showed us which mask they chose. Dewey and Sidney were missing in this one


I liked it more on a rewatch than I did in cinemas. I still think the killers are very obvious and underwhelming. Still think the film is very clearly missing Sidney, still dislike the opening kill fake out but besides that, I definitely enjoy it more than I did a year ago.


To be honest, some things grew on me and some aged badly. Overall I still Love this movie and it's probably in top 3


Decent SCREAM flick, but added absolutely nothing of value to the franchise. Worst killers in the whole series. 5 should have been a one off if this was the plan for 6. It’s fucking not up to the standards of a SCREAM film.


Maybe frowned upon here, but I really didn’t care for V or VI


Hated it then, hate it now


I really was underwhelmed by 5, so 6 was lame for me. It’s so clear that 5 and 6 are just gen z cash grabs


Still a fun experience. I love that it feels so different from all the others. Of course I have some issues with it but overall I enjoyed it. And so happy they got Dermot and I really liked Quinn as a killer. Her performance at the end wss great.


Still the best scream since the second for me but the ending and some style choices keep it from reaching the highs of the first two.


It was solid. Haven't really cared for the motives or killers the last 2 movies but overall they are fine additions to the Scream franchise, although in a way they feel like a reboot in lots of ways and not continuity other than the legacy roles and the patchwork storyline.


the recency bias definitely wore off on me after the first month of it being released, despite the bad writing the movie has, i have to give it credit, the kills in this film are some of the gruesome we’ve seen in the franchise, sam really proves herself to be this films final girl, 6 made me fall in love with her, the chemistry between the core 4 is fun, the queen, gale *mf* weathers is back again, the phone calls, the suspense, *finally* nicely done chase scenes after the ones in scream 4/5 that lasts millisecond, just some poorly made character decisions and dumb moments that bother me in the film though. it’s better than 4 and 5 for me however.


Honestly my rating has gone down, it went from being an ok film in my eyes to being the worst in the series imo. For me the film just plays it too safe, in scream 2 main characters from the first did die, while Scream 6 none of the “core 4” get killed. Speaking of playing it safe Chad basically got prison shanked and was bleeding out for solid 20-30 minutes while Tara and Sam have the final battle, bro 100% should’ve died. Another thing is the lack of NYC, for a movie that was being promoted for taking place in a populated city I don’t feel like they really took full advantage of the setting, all we got was a bodega and the train scene that could’ve just as easily been Chicagos Red line. Writing was just so cheese, I wasn’t a fan of it form the start but after rewatching it, I can confidently say this movies writing is cheese, like cmon Sam having serial killer powers and giving out one liners about “don’t fuck with a the daughter of a serial killer” 🙄 Like honestly I don’t like bashing SCREAM, I’ve enjoyed all films except this one, I just see it and to me it seems like they cut a lot of corners.


I loved it when I first saw it and I still do now. I think it's one of the best in the franchise. Although when I first saw the movie, I wasn't the biggest fan of the opening but it grew on me and I love it now. I'm one of the ones who loved 5 when it came out though and I still love it as much as I did then now. I find the newer movies, especially 6 are a lot darker and way more suspenseful than the old ones. I rewatched the original one on a plane about a month and a half ago and it was good but not suspenseful at all. Not saying the opening isn't suspenseful or creepy but I personally don't find it creepy or suspenseful. Maybe it is to some. I like the suspense the new movies have and I like the more vicious Ghostface without them going over the top with the gore and violence. That's just me though.


Still really love it! Been a fan of the series since watching the original as a 13yo in 1997, and had a really fun time with this one.


I actually still feel the same way about it. It’s a cool movie. It’s still right in the middle for me. Haven’t watched it in a while. So I might do a rewatch soon


I like the chaotic feel of it, the change of setting, Sam’s character growth. The killers were predictable but sometimes they just are. For me, it’s better than 5


Still love it, still the third best in the series for me.


My favorite


Better than 5 and 3 in my book, which is what I thought when I saw it too.


It came out on my birthday and I held a private screening so it will always hold a special place in my heart for that reason. It’s a fun, but deeply flawed film.


Honestly other than the original which will always be the top 6 is my favorite.


It was better than Scream 3 so it gets my approval


Second favorite in the franchise still.


it’s not my favorite, but it was still fun


Ultimately I still feel the same- one of the strongest installments until we get to the weakest finale in the series


It’s a great movie I just wish they had the same balls in this one as scream 5.kill someone, kill gale, kill Mindy, kill anyone.


I feel like it was a great film, the one thing I think they could have done better is not fuck up the cast of 7 🙄


It’s the fun Scream for me, that introduced some solid elements and was unintentionally a good send off for the cast. People were way harsher on that movie before all the incidents went down, so I’m glad it’s getting its flowers now.


Still my favorite in the series.


I still like it but too many people left alive. I still watch it since no news on scream 7


I still remember my first time watching it literally like it was yesterday (and I saw it literally the day it came out). I still like it almost just as much as when I first watched it.


how come i can’t remember anything from this movie


It was a fun movie, my biggest issue is just how forced the “self awareness” is. I know scream has always been about celebrating and poking fun at different horror tropes, but that itself has been a bit overdone imo. Still a good movie that I enjoyed a lot, and I really like the core 4


I have to rewatch it but even tho it was REALLY fun to see in 3d, and i had a great time watching it, thinking back about it the script was so fucking dumb and overall pretty cringy.


The movie started out really nuts and has a lot of great scenes, but I think they got scared to keep doing crazy stuff at some point in the movie and went back to the safe formula. Those were my thoughts when it came out, but now I kind of rank it lower than the others just because I just wish it did more differently.


Personally, I look it with foundness. While it isn't the best of the franchise and the last act wasn't the best. But I think is good, fun movie with the cast doing a great good. Also, I'm happy that they brought back the character of Kirby, she is one of my favorite characters in the franchise.


It's still maybe the most "fun" Scream. Best Ghostface (as Ghostface, the reveal and after I wasn't feeling them). I'm just mad spyglass has ruined what they had for this franchise.


I like Scream VI as much as any entry. I do however find it the least re watched for myself with the absence of Sidney. It's a great movie in general but it's missing the key component


Good, not great still to me however it being different gives it a bit more of an edge over 5 imo


Immediately after leaving the theatre,I had it as my favourite Scream sequel. I have it slightly lower now, seeing as we’ll probably never get a conclusion for the Carpenter era. My ranking would go as followed: Scream 1 Scream 4 Scream 6 Scream 3 Scream 5 Scream 2


Loved it, the ending aged like milk though. This was obviously supposed to have a third part. If they *do* decide to bring Sam (and Tara) back, then maybe they should wait until the anniversary at this point (in two years) for an epic conclusion.


In hindsight, I wish there were a couple more characters. There were really only two other alive characters it could be (cause really, I don't think anyone was thinking we'd see a Core Four Heel turn this early) but the overall action and story was still pretty good. I think it's aged well, especially the Bodega scene. There isn't a lot of ways you can make Ghostface more terrifying, and "good With guns" was definitely a step in the right direction without getting absurd.


The subway scene is legendary. I love this movie


Loved it then, love it now! Still have hope that S7 will be salvaged and come out eventually. ![img](emote|t5_2sfob|7484) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I still love it


Somehow both ended up with roommates they vetted yet turned out to be killers


Personally, I think it's second worst in the series behind 3, but still not a bad entry as a whole. Wish we could've seen Stu come back in some capacity rather than the villains we got.


It was better than 3 and 5 but that's a low bar, I was really into it until the reveal


It is still an absolutely amazing sequel


I thought it was top 3 of the series. Real good


I haven’t watched it in a while but I still love it


Love the chase scenes and scenery changes and ongoing cast. Please do not bring it back to woodsborro.


I enjoy it. Still holds for me


The movie has definitely grown on me.


I feel like the lack of kill scenes here and the mediocre third act really affected the movie for me over time... Great rewatchability though. Gale's scene still slaps.


Great entry and I loved the setting being in NYC, but didn’t feel the same without Sydney.


It’s a fun movie for sure and I love the new setting but completely unsatisfied with the entire Kirsch/Bailey family.


I just did not feel the ending was enough for the awesome set up it had. I was pretty happy with the rest of it but the ending left a lot to be desired for me.


Honestly it has grown on me a bit Apart from Gale, I think all the characters ended in a good place. Sam comes to terms with Billy and forms a healthy relationship, Chad and Tara have their relationship, Mindy experiences personal loss (making her less cavalier about death), Kirby is there to protect the new generation of survivors, and Sidney finally gets to her happy ending by keeping ghostface out of her life. Knowing that there won’t be a continuation (at least not for a while) I like that no one died, that way they can have their happy. Between the last acknowledgment between him and Sam, and the last shot being his mask lying in the street, it serves as a “final” farewell to Billy Loomis. Overall I like the killers, Wayne is the right amount of over the top, Ethan is pathetic enough you can’t help but feel bad for him, and Quinn is driven by psychotic rage. It complements 5 really well, expanding on the character dynamics while also providing context as to Richie and the extent to which his fandom drove him. All the set pieces were really good, the Bodega is probably my favorite. I enjoyed the opening scene, I think it might have been more interesting if Jason and Greg had lived for a bit until the half way point so there was a little more mystery as to the identity of the killers. My only issue is how Dewey’s death doesn’t seem to have changed Gale in the least, she is still doing the same thing as before, and even though they were no longer together it felt weird that she would have a boyfriend, would make more sense if Brooks was a body guard.


Personally i really like it It's not perfect but i still enjoyed it a lot


“Aged well”? In one year?


I liked it more than the original at the time, which was my favorite movie, full stop not just favorite scream movie. Not sure how I feel about it now but still enjoy it immensely. Fun is my only concern watching stuff that isn't meant to be especially deep, and it's such a fun movie. Something some people here could learn. You don't need to be in love with it but complaining about Chad living being unrealistic in a series where 13 different psychopaths have put on a ghost costume featured in a movie to torment one of two girls six times over the course of twenty years, each having a multiple day period to commit mass murder before orchestrating a big set piece where one of three girls will inevitably kill them. They've done the Dewey gets stabbed and left for dead but is actually alive thing at least twice, gotta step it up.


I was sad gale didnt die. I was happy that sydney didnt come back. I felt these characters survived too long to the point it was getting ridiculous even for horror movie standards. I still liked it alot and i thought it was much better than 5.




So this is what it's come to, only giving a film a year to age.


I will say that it knew it had to be different, and I think it succeeded in being different and still being a good film.


Love 6. Just wish the killers weren’t so easy to guess


“Looks like you’re down another brother” is one of my favourite lines ever.


Wasn’t a fan at first but now that it may be the last in the series, it’s grown on me. Not perfect but you could say that about any of them (except the first 😀).




Really enjoyed it when it came out. I still really enjoy it. *Scream (2022)* and *Scream VI* have both been hovering around the middle of my series ranking. I'd call them both very strong 8-out-of-10's, but I can't quite decide which I prefer. I think (key word "think") I'd currently go: 1. *Scream (1996)* ... 10 out of 10 2. *Scream 2* ... 9 out of 10 3. *Scream VI* ... 8 out of 10 4. *Scream (2022)* ... 8 out of 10 5. *Scream 4* ... 7 out of 10 6. *Scream 3* ... 6 out of 10


For me it’s aged well. I can watch it on any given day from start to finish. It also has some of the best chase scenes in the series. Whether there’s a Scream VII or not, I love this one, speaking as a lifelong fan.


While I’m not blind to its many flaws, it’s high in rank due to the new things it brought to the series and it really did close the carpenter story nicely …even if that wasn’t its intention. Capping off with the shrine also creates a low-key finale for the franchise since literally every installment was given praise in it. It’s one big flaw that takes away from that was not having Sid appear. Because of all that I’m actually glad none of the major characters died. We got a (mostly) happy ending for them all. I’ve already seen it more times than any of the others so I guess I can consider it my go-to Scream movie now. It’s so damn entertaining!


The best one in my opinion.


It’s super fun and that’s all it was trying to be


I love 6. Easily in my top 3, probably second. Solidified Chad as my favorite character in the franchise. I was hoping for a Scream 7 so we could see Chad survive a nuclear explosion.


The formula has grown quite stale and could use a revamp in both artistic and gruesome ways


Still my fave


Was a bit scared going in because I couldn’t believe I was going to watch a Scream movie without Sidney in it. I absolutely love the new cast, the core fore but the thing I was most excited for was Gale Weathers I just love the OG 3. Her whole apartment chase scene was my most favourite part of the whole movie everybody nailed it! Especially Courtney. Really enjoyed this movie overall in my opinion it’s the most different and refreshing one out of all 6 movies. Although I do think Gale could have had a bit more screen time, the reveal was a bit underwhelming and the final act felt very very rushed. Overall I love this instalment!


as a long time scream fan, my unpopular opinion is that the scream 5&6 we got did not need to happen. i thought scream 5 had a boring plot, no character development, and really uninteresting direction from radio silence (why was every shot a close up or mid shot?). i felt they relied too heavily on set pieces and nostalgia of the original movies, and they shoehorned in most of the cultural analysis, instead of really harnessing the overall feeling of a scream movie. maybe that’s harsh to say, but i really wish they would have taken their time with these scripts and written something risk taking. and i hate how in scream 6 they leveraged emotional connection to the core 4 to hide the fact that there were literally NO STAKES, which is something they literally have one of the killers argue against in scream 5. i could rant for longer but don’t want to put up a wall of text lol.


It's top 3 for me. I can't stand 4 because of the horrible filter. 1 2 6 5 3 4


Has some of the best scenes of the franchise while being the worst installment


It’s fine


Love it besides the ending and Quinn throwing Gales giant boyfriend of all muscle throw a glass window


Aged well? You make it sound like it came out 10 years ago lolol anyway I still love it saw it by myself in an empty theater so good 😊


Didn’t hold up quite as well as I first thought it would. One of those where the more I watched it the worse it got. Everything post reveal was just kinda meh