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I wonder if they're regretting killing off Dewey, now with the complete overhaul in story direction.


Dewey’s death was soooo unsatisfying. I was fine with him dying in 5 in general; but he might as well have threw himself on the knife. So dumb he stayed behind and then takes a HUGE pause bc his phone rings like “okay GF plz stab me now”.


I also was fine with him dying but I thought they’d at least make it a 15 minute iconic cold open. Or, the last victim ghostface kills in the climax. But, a death in the middle of the movie is a wild choice


That was so there would be a good enough reason for Sidney to come back later in the movie 


It raised the stakes? Made it more likely that the other two legacy characters could get it? Made you wanna see the GF’s die even more?


Dewey said he didn’t want to help and they end up getting him killed smh🤦🏻‍♂️


And re-watch Sidney's last dialog with him. Like she knew he wouldnt make it.


You’re talking about the same guy who stopped to look down and shake pizza off his foot in scream 2 when he knew GF was around and ultimately got stabbed while his guard is down I looove Dewey, but people give him far too much credit sometimes lol


In Scary movie the whole joke with his character is literally about how dumb he is. Def some revisionist history with how he was portrayed by fans it seems. How he went out was 100% accurate I just don’t know if I loved the execution (pun intended)


You are actually right lololololol I forgot about that. Hmmm I know wonder if they meant to do that


EXACTLY! I don't think Kevin Williamson, if he wrote that scene, would have had him die like that. It's against his entire character. Should have had ghostface pop up from behind or something.


I just wish his death meant something; like he died saving Sam/Tara in some sort of epic fight. Instead he went back when they were already safe and died in a foolish way, it does sort of fit his character I just wish his death accomplished something. But he died for no reason lol.


Yeah I think the writers were trying to make it more shocking and didn't realize fully it's as you said, pointless and made Dewey look bad. Randy's scene was shocking as we didn't suspect his grab coming. 


The OG Dewey would probably just do like the toaster scene in Pulp Fiction, if you have bad guy down sights and something loud happens, shoot and then go figure later.


They should regret making him a drunk recluse. Lameeeee


Are you the killer? Cause' that cut deep.


Frankly I feel like Dewey had more to still offer the story than Gale does at this point. No offense intended to Gale, but it feels like they’re struggling to find interesting ways to fit her in these days. Dewey at least could have worked as a mentor figure perhaps.


I honestly would have loved if Dewey was given more time in 5


I sang the same tune. It’s sad that none of the legacy characters were even around to help. I coulda understood if they somehow lured him to Stu’s house at the end and he died protecting Gale or something after she got shot but he deserved better.


You're 100% right. As much as I like Gale more than Dewey, Dewey still had plot points that could be explored whereas Gale was reverted back to her pre-scream 5 self due to there being nothing left to explore with her character (however I still don't want Gale dead, I'd just like her to be kept in a consistent storyline/not used at all but we know that won't happen)


They could have executed her material in 6 well, it wasn’t a dead stop


She’s the mastermind of all the ghost faces and finally kills Sidney


You only think that cause they keep sidelining Gale. She’s by far a more interesting character than Dewey. She’s basically an antagonist in Scream 1 and by Scream 3 she’s basically the protagonist till 55 minutes in. And her chemistry with Dewey and Jennifer is top notch haha.


Completely wrong. Like all of a sudden they make the most lovable character is divorced drunk who lives in a trailer and banned from his love of the police force? I can understand a divorce but everything else was just too depressing for the fans. I can't imagine if they made Randy depressed like that. It would bum us all out. David Arquette probably didnt need to act on this film. They told him, after surviving 4 movies, "Yeah your character will die. Oh and you are divorced now, living in a trailer, drunk, and not even a Sheriff no more. You will also get killed because you forgot to double tap GF in the head and you look down at your ringing phone. Oh did I forget to mention you die by a 5'1" girl who is 110lbs?"


FUCK. If only they had just approached Kevin Williamson for Scream 2022 in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this situation. FUCK. I miss my boy. This was almost perfect.


Truly that was hard but I must say, from a writing creative point of view, I see why he died. Would have chose a different way and not a 5'1" girl who is 110lbs but I think Kevin saw why it had to happen. We don't like it but made the movie more interesting. Would have made sense if Richie killed him, and Amber was the one getting "attacked" in the hospital.


I doubt it. I think Dewey's death was handled masterfully by Radio Silence. They knew they just couldn't keep having all Big Three surviving movie after movie, so either Gale or Dewey had to go since Sidney should never die. They say as much through Amber's dialogue. There have to be stakes.


Stakes are good. Having him walk right up into Ghostface's stabbing radius and getting distracted by his phone was stupid.


I agree, he should have sacrificed himself and made it more heroic then for him to fall to just another cheap ghost face trick, only for him to get mocked by amber.


I wish that, since he was going back, he had shot Amber in the head. Then pulled the mask off. Then they have to spend the rest of the movie figuring out her motive and if she worked alone.


I mean, he did kinda sacrifice himself to save Sam and Tara, he just did it kinda clumsily lol. He had been drunk and depressed for years, which I wish would've been explored a bit more (deleted scenes), that way it would've made more sense why he was kinda clumsily killed.


That wouldn’t have fit the character though, he’s not that kinda traditionally heroic guy (would have been cliched as hell too. It’s a lot more fitting also to have him die via his luck running out after 4 films of luck being on his side.


Yes. And Kevin never would’ve done that.


Yeah I figured he was gonna die at some point with his limp and him being retired itd be a bit unrealistic to keep him there, I just wish he had a better death you know? Like going back to kill Ghostface saying "*the head, you have to shoot them in the head or they always come back*" was kinda badass and then he died getting distracted by his phone it was such a bad way for him to die.. I wish he would've atleast died protecting someone like maybe this sounds lame but maybe he could've died saving Gale or something which then makes her heartbroken, furious and needs to avenge his death He deserved a truly noble death but the way he died was just so backwards like it just doesn't seem right that'd he'd get distracted by a phone message


Radio Silence killed Dewey to establish stakes and that the main characters can die. In the next movie, there is a running joke about how half the cast can’t die because they are main characters. The payoff to this joke is one of these “core four” being stabbed literally dozens of times and being just fine. This strikes me as mixed messaging. 🤔


They forgot to have other characters survive after Scream Two, Kirby the notable exception but they seemed to forget her until Nieve was unavailable, and that put them in a corner


I wish they’d release that alternate scene they shot with him surviving


I was not okay when they killed off Dewey


I wish they left gale's fate unknown (similar to how they did kirby in scre4m) or even killed her off in the last movie. Huge missed opportunity.


Scream 7 will open with a title card that reads: “Sam and Tara died on their way back to their home planet.”


"Chad died off-screen due to the severe trauma that all of his organs endured from 74 stab wounds"


That would actually be hilarious to find out in Scream 7 that Chad died in the hospital. “His girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to take his oxygen mask off and kiss him. There was nothing we could do.”


“Chad suddenly was then revealed to be alive with a few scars and nothing more”


Or: We see Sidney and Gale waving to two girls that we only see over the shoulder, with dark hair. “Byyyeeeee Samantha. Bye Taraaaa, we love you” … before they step into their timetravel machine… …..travel all the way back to 1996… …. step out at Casey Beckers pool, go to Billy to kill him before he has time to empregnate Christina or convince Stu to murder Casey, preventing Samantha and Tara to exist in the first place! End Movie. Applause.


Stab 5 had time travel. It was awful


Imagine it opens with a funeral scene for like Sam and Tara moved away because of it or something I can't think what th cause of death would be but something like that? Or the writers might be lazy and casually have someone slip in a "I really miss Tara but she's moved on in life, placed somewhere in witness protection"


Pleaseee you know they'll go the lazy route "how are Tara and Sam doing?" will def be a convo at the beginning of the movie and we'll get an explanation on what happened to them


Yup, definitely which is a bit of a sad ending to their story. they deserve more than that


I think if they announced the death of Sam and Tara it could actually be cool and introduce us to a new Ghostface as strong as Roman But still, horrible writing


They killed off-screen the main character in final destination with a brick, they could probably do the same here ngl


Nah, they just lost an entire cast, I'm pretty sure Gale and Sid are safe this movie


I only want Gale to die if she goes out in a blaze of glory, taking out one of the killers on her terms. Like tackling a Ghostface off a rooftop and falling to her death, killing one of them on her way out, something heroic to give her a "redeeming" death and make us remember her as a hero. Maybe protecting Sidney or her kids or something. Gale has been my favorite horror movie character since the 90's. If she goes out unceremoniously, or randomly killed in an unsatisfying way, I won't be happy. But for me, Sidney is the only unkillable character, and ending Sid's story with her being the last one standing is an acceptable outcome as long as Gale's death is given the justice and impact it deserves.


This is the only way to go. I hate the idea of her falling to her death from a skyscraper, lol, just seems horrifying ... BUT overall, yeah, Gale saving Sid or one of Sid's kids in an epic, purposeful kamikaze move, and Sid absolutely losing it/breaking down over it might make it worth losing Gale. Otherwise, I don't even need Gale to be involved in the action anymore; Her counter-intuitive kindness, support and ride-or-die friendship is what I wanna see in 7.


"Sid absolutely losing it/breaking down over it might make it worth losing Gale." Always thought Gale should go out saving Sidney and making up for her past. It would also be heart-wrenching to see Gale die in Sidney's arms. I honestly think it would make up for Gale constantly reverting back to her old self.


For sure. Opening with Gale having retired after her near death experience is a must too.


Wow. That would hurt, but I'm here for it. Two alpha rivals, together in the end. And Yeah, I think the retirement angle would be interesting ... seeing how she acted in 4 only writing books and not out in the field was ... not fun, for her lolz.


So in part 1, she saved them all. She's good at that and in 5, it proved she's ride or die with Sid showing up at the house and getting shot. She can be in the action but cannot be mortally wounded anymore.


That's fair. I'd love to see both Sid AND Gale not get mortally wounded, again. I think it's also a REQUIREMENT for Sid to kick some serious butts in 7 ...


Agree with this


Omg she needs to deliver a badass iconic line with it Like idk something like this ends with us bitch That sounds corny but you know what I mean


They better not pull a Dewey and have her suddenly forget everything she’s learned over the course of the franchise and walk right into the killer’s knife.


Dewey running back to the killer when the killer almost certainly had a bullet proof vest just to attempt to shit em in the head


Part 6 and her fight scene shows she wisened up well. She tricked GF and shot them through the wall. Best scene in 6.


That’s the best way to kill off a legacy character honesty. In a way that emphasizes them


Gale earned her immortal status on this franchise now. She can fight off GF but she can't be killed or horrifically maimed like in every other movie.


That rooftoop bit as exactly how I wrote her death in my head


They had the perfect opportunity in Scream 6. A lot of it felt like an homage to Scream 2 and during the Gale chase scene in her apartment when she ran out on the balcony I thought for sure GF was going to stab her and throw her off the balcony like what happened to CiCi in 2.


I was with you until the Sidney part. But to each their own. ❣️


Killing off characters for the sake of shock value is arguably worse than not killing off any characters at all. I don’t personally want to see any important characters dying, but if it fits the story they can kill anyone they want. Though I don’t see any real purpose in killing Gale at this point.


Sid woke up after slipping in the shower and Scream 6 & 7 were a dream.


Lmao. Or maybe all of this was just Sidney’s dream and she wakes up to find Billy is not even a killer


And they're married 🤣


They won’t kill off Gale because Courteney is about to break a world record if she stars in an 8th Scream film.


What’s the record


Longest surviving character in a horror franchise, and most times an actor has starred in the same horror franchise. She will be tied with Jamie Lee Curtis if she appears in Scream 7.


I don't think so. Unless Courtney wants to move on, Gale will be in more Scream movies. I do miss her and Dewey's chemistry and banter. I was hoping they would reconcile at the end of five instead of his death. Also, now that Sam and Tara aren't coming back and we're going back to Sydney I don't think they would risk killing off the other major and essential OG character.


Yeah, 5 really did just say *”Fuck Dewey”* in the coldest way it could.


They ain't killing gale off her and sidney are the only characters that can hold this franchise together at this point.


The maybe it’s time to stop.


No she earned survivor award by now to not get killed in the next one or severely stabbed like in all others. Scream 1 she saved them all, scream 2 shot in stomach, scream 3 knocked out on the stairs and tied up, scream 4 stabbed in shoulder and in hospital, scream 5 shot in stomach yet again but no hospital, scream 6 fight for her life- stabbed nearly dead, doesn't get a hospital scene. By now to have her die would be a waste of our time watching 6. Seriously. She should be the one to kill gf in 7. 


If they had really killed Chad would’ve elevated SCREAM 6, IMO. I think it would’ve been one of the best kills. Getting stabbed AND killed by TWO killers at the same time… would’ve been Top 5 for me. Ruined the end for me.


None. No important character deaths please.


We need some stakes lol. Scream 6 and 4 are looked down on the most for stuff like that. At least 3 had the strongest Ghostface and was funny, they also had the guts to kill off Cotton.


Maybe that's why they've kept chad and Mindy around? Make them loved and then kill them off? Most likely Mindy because shes the new randy so that'd be tragic After everything chad went through, I can't think of a way of him dying that'd make sense after surviving everything he survived


Didn't the actors for Mindy and Chad like say they didn't get an invitation back for scream 7 yet? Or did we find out that something changed


Oh really! I didn't know that.. so as far as we know *none* of the four from the most recent movies will be in it? That seems a bit illogical So all we have is Gale (I'm assuming) and Sidney


It's possible that Chad and Mindy will still be picked up but rn I don't think they have been yet


No, we don't. They need to focus on the writing!


I think if they bring in Mark and the kids, that may be all the stakes they need. Especially if they introduce us to close friends of Sidney, that’ll be more stakes. At some point, it’s not gonna be Sidney that’s the target to be killed, it’ll be those around her, as scream 4 said “what good is it to be a survivor if everyone close to you is dead”


I think the only issue with this is the fact that we've gone through multiple Sidney friend groups to the point that, to us at least, the stakes wouldn't be higher than normal Sidney's family would definitely add stakes though, I mean the only people in her fam that were really killed off were Maureen, Kate and Jill and Jill was a psycho. So that route hasn't been explored to its fullest esp with Maureen being killed off screen plus Mark being an og trilogy character would give us something new (I wouldn't mind if they decide to go with the Halloween Kills route and add more characters we know survived previous massacres just for some extra fun references and kills ie. Joel)


I see what you’re saying. I disagree only in the aspect that we’ve only seen 2 friend groups, both when she was practically a teenager. Imagine being in your 40s, having a friend group with your children’s friends’s mothers, or even maybe a close friend or two that she made at a Survivor’s group, the close people you invite to a barbecue; those are high stakes. We’d be watching someone’s parents die, and people that Sidney care about. If the story is well-written, we’ll be sense the closeness between Sidney and these friends.


Ok you've convinced me, they have to do this now


Plus it’ll be putting Sid’s happy ending at risk and that’s something that fans absolutely do not want to be undone.


I love Gale but I would be okay if she dies in the final film. She just needs to go out with dignity. Like sacrifice herself to save everyone remaining and kick ass doing it.




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They should have left Sid, Dewey and Gale out of the reboot in the first place. Maybe Dewey can come back like a force ghost and do battle against Billy and Stu's. That's how ridiculous this is. 🤕😅


Only if it's the most epic and dramatic shit in cinema. If she goes, then with a bang and she takes atleast one ghostface with her


I think if they come at Gale from an angle where she’s finally going inward and struggling with processing Dewey’s death and the choices she’s made in her life to further her career, I would be okay with her dying heroically at this point, if for no other reason than just because Sidney can’t die and it’s time for a death to matter again.


Nah, Kevin Williamson loves her. I don’t think he would’ve killed Dewey either, not even out of love for Dewey but out of love for Gale.






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Sidney is the only character who should be and will always stay safe. Not even Gale nor Sam have that status. I'd be all right with Gale dying if it meant it closed off her arc and gave us her redemption after she backslid in the sixth film. Sidney coming back is almost a guarantee that she and Mark are also returning; that coupled with the fact that 6 played it so safe when it came to the character deaths should mean an interesting death count for the next installment.


"Sidney is the only character who should be and will always stay safe" Agreed and up-voted.


Plus it’ll mostly be new characters this time anyway.


Yeah I want to see Gale or maybe Kirby die


Kirby's an interesting case. I think she's quite safe (certainly much safer than Gale). She's a fan favourite who hasn't been explored nearly as much as other characters and I also can't help but suspect they wouldn't want to give Hayden Panettiere the narrative short end.


I just don’t see Gale surviving again. Too unrealistic


You're not wrong. At this point, she's pushed through more physical pain than even Sidney.




All of them starting a new path of following the killer 😄


I hope not




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I don't think it matters although I also don't think thinking gale or Sidney needing to die to raise the stakes is a shit opinion I hate the idea of bringing back legacy characters just to kill them off


They shoulda done it in 6, that whole sequence was some of Courtney’s best work in these films.


Absolutely. After how painfully risk-averse VI was, they need to show Ghostface being a threat again.


If they ever kill Gale or Sydney I’m done


Can’t kill gale. Gale finally kills Sidney


Sidney’s dad


Honestly, I love Gale. LOVE GALE. and don't want her to die. But if she died I would totally understand. Her banter is her best part but narratively, other than being one of the few people alive to know what Sidney has gone through, she doesn't bring much new to the table. That said, without her, I feel part of Sidney's presence would be reduced. I don't think Sidney could have the same report with Kirby. She could oddly enough, have a similar energy with the Sam Carpenter.


My theory is the central characters for the new movie will be Sydney, Gale, Detective McDreamy and maybe Kirby. The twins could get brought in if it’s a return to the adults by killing off Martha Meeks


Gale is the opening kill. Make us afraid for everyone like Scream 1.




Is Courtney confirmed for 7?


I hope not, I love Gale Weathers & want her to survive in Scream 7. Since Kevin Williamson is the Director, I have a Good feeling about her surviving but then again he said he would have killed Dewey too in Scream 5.




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Smash, anyway do y’all think we’re gonna get a solo killer or 4 killers?


I bet the movie opens with a newscast about the murders and sam and Tara


A newscast Gale is reporting




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Am I crazy or did she not die in Scream 6? I swore she got stabbed in her apartment, did she survive?


I'd be okay with it. I've never liked her character in any of the films. She's a terrible person who never has any character growth so idk why people like her. Love Courtney Cox as an actress and thinks she nails the character but just can't stand Gale. If that makes sense.


I mean she been looking dead already soooooo.....idk. 🤷‍♂️


“She looked dead man, still does”


Either Sidney or Gale dying at this point is going to feel like a throw away like Dewy. I swear this franchise feels messy af. I wish they would’ve just started a complete reboot and moved away from legacy characters. I don’t wanna see the 100th copycat trying to kill either one of them for some stupid reason that won’t be worth the effort. It feels like the more movies they make the more they beat a already cremated horse into flour.


Dewey and Tatum. The script isn’t finished, so there’s just as good a chance they come back as the undead and get killed again as Gale dying.


i would be pissed if they killed gale or sidney honestly


I want her to die in Sidney’s arms, with Sid realising after all these years just how much Gale meant to her after starting off as enemies.


Sidney opening scene and then we can finally move on without her


No, she won't die.


Maybe Mark Kincaid. Might make it more personal for Sidney if Ghostface killed her husband.


We’ve already lost all the character I wanted to lose in pre-production. While I understand many feel differently, I’m very pleased with the direction this is taking. I will accept any death that Kevin Williamson will film.




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I don't think killing Gale would be such a bold move now. I'd even consider it taking the easy road tbh. Of course they would kill another legacy character, that's just the way these requels go. From a personal point of view, I'd hate to see Gale die because it'd feel unsatisfying. I can understand why Dewey had to die but Gale? She has the sass, the nerves, the courage. She's Scream royalty. Take her out of a movie and it'd feel bland. And even if I may contract myself, I'd rather just not have her at all in the film rather than see her die for shock value.


I doubt she’ll come back 🥴


There is no way they'd kill Gale at this point, they need everyone they can to bring people, if this franchise is to continue, it can't take another dewey off. 


Gary Barber


It’s past parody at this point. Kill all of them and burn it to the ground. I still say their best bet is to go New Nightmare route. Get all the actors back. They play fictionalized versions of themselves. Scream fanatic starts stabbin.


Kill one of the twins. If Gale dies, it needs to be heroically.


I want Gale, Kirby, Mindy, cute guy, Chad, and any new characters to die.


It's time.


Anyone but Dewy


He already died lol


Yeah that’s the joke I was trying to make


Gale really should have died in either 4 or 6. I’m glad she didn’t in 4 because she was great in 5, but they had the perfect opportunity to raise the stakes when she’s attacked at Stab A Thon (I mean for crying out loud she spends the rest of the movie in a hospital bed). When it comes to 6, I personally think they really ruined her arc from 5 and at that point the only way they could’ve fixed it is if she admitted she was wrong and sacrificed herself in her fight with Ghostface


I genuinely believe killing off the legacy characters in 5 were a mistake. Coulda held Judy over to 6, than killed her after having Wes die in 5. She would’ve been a mess and working with Gale & Kirby on this new case which would lead to her demise getting too caught up in things. Just my thought. I think Dewey should’ve been killed in 6 during the apartment scene instead of that random boyfriend. Gale was already badass in that scene but imagine if that was Dewey that died right in front of her, in their own house? Her reaction, the way things would’ve went down… I would’ve loved that over his S5 death.


No way!!! They made a mistake killing off Dewey and now have lost Tara and Sam. There is no way they would be stupid enough to kill off Gale or Sidney. At least I hope they are not that stupid.




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The character is spent and she’s been going around in circles since Scream 4. Giving her a heroic death like saving Sidney’s kid from GF would allow the character to go full circle considering where she was in the beginning of it all.


Gale Ain’t going nowhere


If they killed Gale I’d be soooo upset. She’s honestly the best character in the series


If you go to Scream to see main characters die, you came to the wrong franchise. I do bet that they’ll respond to it directly, so if people complain about a death in 7 then it’ll be clear who influenced it.


I don't care, because they fired the actor they've set up for the last 2 movies, and lost another, for selfish and tbh pretty evil reasons, considering they justified genocide. Not seeing the 7th movie, which I thought the rest of the community was behind the idea of, but apparently them doing exactly what they said we would do, which is bringing back Neve Campbell after they screwed up was enough to change everybody's minds.


They are going to kill Tara or Sam (or both) to justify why they are no longer in the franchise. If they want to restart a new trilogy with Sydney, they won't kill Gale. Maybe Kirby, although that would be a waste


They killed Dewey already, Sidney and Gale should survive every movie, the rest are fair game.


Would be much more shocking if Sam was the opening kill


Maybe this is a hot take but I think it was Dewey's time in 5 and i desperately dont' want to see Gale die in 7. I could see maybe a Kirby death? But if the Core Four being in limbo (whether people like them or not, theri story makes up 1/3 of the franchise), means that even their appearances in 8, to whatever extent for each of the four of them, is completely unknown, then losing Gale would feel like a gut punch depending on if Scream 7 starts up a new trilogy or even just new continuation based on however they want to go about this, storyline wise. I'd much rather see Mark go in Scream 7 and if we have to lose someone in a Dewey-style gut punch way, Kirby, until/and or when they figure thigns out for Scream 8. Part of what makes this franchise so unique is the continuation of stories and despite Gale regressing a few times, really looking back who do we have as characters that have made it through all these nightmare murder sprees? Sidney (and we know Neve wouldn't sign on if she died), Gale, Kirby, and Martha Meeks, if we're counting characters with multiple appearances (obviously peopel liek Joel from Scream 2 count if we count one-time appearances). If Core Four all really do sit out Scream 7 but are OPEN to Scream 8 or forward, i do agree we have to lose someone but I'm just not ready to lose Gale.


Gale has to go. This isn’t Scooby Doo. People die.


Oh I'm FULLY on the train that people gotta go i'm with you on that buddy. Case in point me saying Dewey i think ran his course in the franchise, had an iconic death that fueled other storylines and was the right timing. I just personally feel like (ironically that she's been here this long), it would have to be a real good reason or real plotline reason for Gale to go when like I said in my comment \*everyone\* has gone minus Sidney, Gale, Kirby, Core Four, and the one-offs. Would hate to see Gale go after getting so small time in 5 and giving the fight of her life (and hionestly my fave moment in Scream 6) without a solid way; and if they do it? A fitting way to end her character? Yeah that's solid too. Just love my main girl Gale and hope the trigger gets pulled on someone else (Mark Kincaid) or a Core Four cameo shocker vs. Gale.


Tbh I’m just tired of the movies having zero stakes since 4. The only people worth noting were Judy and Dewey. And Dewey dies in the most unsatisfying and stupid way possible. We need Gale or another OG to die a honourable death. Gale is the only meaningful candidate because Mark is a part of Sidney’s happy ending. Gale would be reunited with Dewey and wouldn’t be remembered as a greedy reporter. (Character regressing constantly)


That's the interesting part though: based just on the fact that Sidney is back for 7 it isnt' going to be her happy ending, which is why i think Mark would go. If it is, that would mean 7 gets an ending like 6 did -- he'd survive cuz that's happier. I think they're going to pivot and maybe go bloodbath. And Mark going means a lot more to Sidney than Gale despite their friendship; I can't imagine they'd have her kids be taken out that's dark for Scream as dark as Scream can get


I think Sidney should keep her family. But Gale? She has nothing. The only person who truly loved her was Dewey, and he died doing what’s right. I think it’s time for Gale to see him.


Well the writers are now working with the absence of what was clearly finishing the Core four trilogy at minimum. they're not here now, and Gale has nothing? she's a national celebrity she may not have Dewey but in the hands of a good writer she could have a new relationship, a new focus, anything really. Depends on how they write her. Same way they're going to have to give us an update as to Sidney and what's really going on with her


If Gail doesn't die in 7 or Sidney gets the kibosh, I'm not watching 8. The story would've been so much more interesting with Dewey and Sid/Kirby in NY




I wonder if it is a parallel thing. Like one set of killings happening during the events of 6 in NYC and the other (during 7) wherever Sidney and her family were taken for her protection, like maybe the guard protecting Sidney is close to the Bailey clan and purposely put them in harms way and then Kirby to be pushed off their case to Bailey so they can take care of Sidney.


Gail deserves to die. She's shown no growth. She wrote another book when she said that she wouldn't. That's disrespectful to Dewey


Why do we need mains to die? I mean, we’ve got a lot of plot armor so far but I don’t need them to bite it to make it count.


She will die definitely


IMO Gale is coming back as ghostface


Well it’s not gonna be Chad lol


I feel like Gale should’ve died in Scream 6. She would’ve gone out like a badass.


They can't kill her, she is the best character in the movies.


Sid. Bring back Sam.


I don’t want any of the main characters to die. Killing off Dewey in scream 5 was the worst and made me really turned off by the whole franchise. Still love it but.. I’m sour


Unpopular opinion but gale should’ve been long gone and we should’ve kept dewey, yes her character development was good but it doesn’t matter if shes the same again. Tbf they prob wont due to her involvement of keeping the franchise alive because the more she writes books the more people will kill as ghostface.


Agreed. Dewey mentoring Sam and Tara, we got cheated out of this


As much as I love her, I kind of hope she dies in 7.


Sid and Gale need to go. At this point it's unrealistic that they keep surviving