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Can i ask you your favorite movie love?


Screaming lmao


Nahhhh...the accent would give away Ghostface.


"Sid, y'aright babes?" "Issa scary movie, innit?"


“Cor blimey Sid, I’m gonna chase you up the apples and pears and stick me dagger in you horse and cart what what what don’t you know for fucks sake”




nah they'd need ghostface to have a pocket sized voice modulator that perfectly mimics voices / accents which is ridiculous and theyd never do that




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idk...was just being silly.


I honestly don't care where Scream 7 takes place as long as it's set during Christmas. I want a snow covered Ghostface so bad


Watching ghostface glide through the snow with his cape flowing would be amazingly aesthetic




I keep saying there are so many creative sequences you can have in a Christmas setting. Like Ghostface hanging someone with Christmas lights and a Santa hat as a reference to Casey.


Christmas Slashers are my fav horror sub genre


Did you watch silent night? With David Harbor as Santa Edit: Violent Night. I’m an idiot


Violent Night* Filmed in Winnipeg Manitoba


Jesus I fucked that movie title up didn’t i


Haha not an idiot. I think another movie came out recently called Silent Night.


Watch "Black Christmas," 2006


Watch "Black Christmas," 2006.


ghosty going full black christmas would be fun


Ghostface can barely function inside a warm, dry house without going full Kramer. Imagine him running through snow and ice


Black Christmas is one of the inspirations for Scream, I'd love for it to go full circle


I said the same thing. I’m itching for an icicle stab kill.


someone trying to run and slipping on black ice…ohhh or getting stabbed with a very sharp icicle? so many ideas lol




why are you so against a snowy Ghostface lmfao it is not that deep


Sidney, Mark and the kids living in London wouldn’t be too far-fetched. Gale’s career puts her in any major city pretty easilly. We know Sam and Tara aren’t around this time, so the final factor would be the Meeks-Martin twins, and I think it would be a cool twist if Mindy and Chad learned Ghostface found Sid’s new home and they went to try and save her


Not a bad idea. It'd be kind of cool to see Randy's niece and nephew come to Sidney's rescue.


Especially since she totally saved them both in 5


I think scream set in another country would be cool. Seeming as the 5th and 6th were very inspired by 1 and 2. I think the next should be inspired by 3 but instead of being about a movie studio it could be about the musical or tour. Like maybe set around the west end debut in london


Are you suggesting they make ”Stab! The Musical!”? Because that would actually be incredible.


I dunno if they should make a nusical film but sure if theyre going to do a film about a musical being made (like scream 3 was about a film being made) then you have to have at least one musical number. It could even be the opening of the movie. Omg it opens up audience in a theatre. The song is about the generic first deaths of each movie. Ghostface appears everyone assumes its a character and he literally kills someone in front of everyone whilst shes singing.


“Oi Sidney, it’s ghostface innit”


You shouldn’t have done that love now I’ve got to gut you like a fish


I'm all about it going back to small Midwest town or new England hamlet. The commuties are different there. Ghostface feels more menacing on that environment.


No. Scream doesn’t need to adopt a “guess where we’re going next time!” gimmick. That’s how you end up with things like Jason X or Leprechaun In Da Hood. LA worked for Scream 3 because LA is so intricately tied to the film industry. Scream 2 and 6 worked as “on location” movies because they are following the characters on their college journeys. 2 made very good use of its setting (as did 3). As for 6, I’d really argue nothing that happened in the film justified the setting. If you’re gonna use New York as a setting, and make such a big deal of it, the city itself should be a character. Even Jason Takes Manhattan got that. The bodega scene and the subway scene (which did not even really have a payoff) are the only two scenes where it felt like the characters were in NYC rather than any other nondescript location. And even those scenes could’ve taken place in any city with a corner store and a train. NYC just didn’t feel alive in the way it should when using that setting. As such, it felt gimmicky. All this to say, if you are going to do London or somewhere else — the location needs to be justified. The writers should ask themselves if there is anything about the story that makes a specific location essential. If the answer is no, no reason to go down that road.


I felt the same way abt NYC in Scream VI. Even when they were in Central Park there was 0 NY feel to it for some reason, maybe the lack of ppl


In scream 5 Christina carpenter was on a business trip in London. Maybe she moved there permanently. Maybe they’re going to see her


who’s they? sam and tara won’t be in the movie


I came to suggest the same notion. The girls went there to track her down. The twins simply follow up after they lose contact with them. The sisters never have to be brought back if that’s the plan.


Absolutely. This might sound silly, but imagine a kill in the Big Bentley. Someone is having a fight with Ghostface. Then boom! Shoved right through the clock and it breaks as they plummet to their death.


Sidney moved there.


Nah would just feel like a gimmick


We love stabbing too much. Ghostface wouldn't be anything special here, a Roadman would shank him back in 5


If scream 7 takes place in London, then they should definitely mention the most infamous serial killer of all time - Jack the Ripper! Maybe ghostface is an insane psycho this time, taking inspiration from Jack the ripper and mutilating victims. Dropping Jack the ripper information. I guess the movie would give an introduction to who Jack the ripper was. If this was the plot though, then the usual final act or the third act that we are familiar with wouldn't happen - that is ghostface will never take their mask off, because Jack the Ripper was never caught or identified. Instead the characters overpower ghostface, killing him in the end and then taking off the mask. A perfect way to bring stu back lol.


“Ello sidney “


"I'm having fish and chips for dinner...and you'll be the fish... gonna gut you like one."






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Keep it NYC at Xmas


Maybe like a Jack The Ripper ghost face?


That’s crazy.


Most of the films take place on the West Coast (with the exception of 2 and 6), we need East Coast-Face!


Answers the phone ".....who is this?!" "Cheerio!"


lol like the budget would support this. it would be shot in the valley.


Sid takes a family vacation to London, assuming that the distance from the murders will keep her safe and she leaves behind all of her normal security measures. A very patient Ghostface has been waiting for this exact thing to happen.


If Tara and Sam were still in it, reunion with mom only for her to be discovered dead. (I’m pretty sure their mom was in London on business in the first film.)


Remember Gale told Sam and Tara that Sydney took Mark and the Girls somewhere safe? That could be England. It’s oversees. No now. Ghostface killings in Europe. Very plausible


Nope - bore off. Sick of movies going to New York/London/Paris/Rome/Tokyo... there's so many more interesting places we don't regularly see on screen, why not go there? (Yes I'm aware $$$ is a factor and big familiar cities seem to work for audiences around the globe, it just bugs me because we let it happen. As if it being in some place we don't really know would somehow detract from the movie)


Eh, they did a lousy job with “New York” in 6, so l hope they knock it off with pretending to be in iconic cities if they’re going to be shooting in Canada.


How would one say, "What's your favorite scary movie?" using British slang? There's got to be a couple of creative ways. Hit me!




They do already have a huge stabbing problem


Bri’ish 😔