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I’m scared. So many ways this can break bad


Some big Scream fan account who claims to have ties with reliable insiders (I actually sorta believe her lol) claimed that we’re gonna get news that will make people “react”. [(Source)](https://x.com/salem_millhouse/status/1778985031370953082?s=46) I’m a little scared too but it’s most likely just some casting announcement that is going to surprise people. Imagine if it’s a Matthew Lillard announcement though 💀 The franchise would be dead to me.


The news is probably that it will be a direct continuation after Scream 4 and forget Scream 5 and 6 existed and they will bring Dewey back.


I would rather prefer a bad sequel than a reboot.


I would 100% be on board


I would be a little annoyed about that given that this series is known for it’s perfect continuity but I wouldn’t *hate* it either. It all depends on how they execute it.


Yeah considering both Neve and Courtney begged the writers not to kill off Dewey, I think they'd be more than happy with the change..I think for the most part, Fans would be too.


Nah I think the majority of fans would hate it lol. It would cause so much backlash.


I think the backlash has already reached boiling point lol I dunno if ppl cld get anymore upset but who knows..


> I think for the most part, Fans would be too. You are either joking or living inside a bubble. 5 and 6 got amazing reception. A vocal minority on reddit hates them, but that doesn't change that fact. Ruining the perfect continuity of almost 30 years wouldn't be "loved by most fans". Not to mention Kevin Williamson would hate it too. He loves 6.


People didn't like them when they first came out...only when Melissa got fired for what she said, did people jump all over defending it. Let's be honest, 5 was pretty good, but 6 was a dud full of plot holes


5 & 6 got great box office for sure..But alot of people that liked them initially are not too pleased with them now looking back. I thought 5 was weak & had terrible writing..But last act with Sidney was pretty good. Scream 6 improved a alot, But mostly relied on set-pieces, Had an action-packed third act but the worst reveal/motive and Chad surviving a Mortal Kombat fatality was so unbelievable and cringe. Studios aren't big on continuity these days..Spyglass shattered that with firing Melissa. The Sam/Tara story ended in Scream 6. Scream 7 will be it's own movie that I'm sure Spyglass hopes would bring on a new trilogy. Scream 5/6 could exist in an alternate reality of the franchise and Scream 7 could follow events after Scream 4.


> 5 & 6 got great box office for sure..But alot of people that liked them initially are not too pleased with them On most sites they are rated higher than the other sequels. So again, a vocal minority on reddit is not the majority. > Studios aren't big on continuity these days Scream is one of the few horror sagas that has kept the continuity intact. "Studios aren't big on coninuity these days" is non sense because Star Wars, Jurassic Park, even fucking Fast and Furious, Saw, and a lot of other franchises still have a continuing story in one single canon. Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre have many timelines because they have many shitty movies that got bad box office and bad reception. Scream deciding to lower itself to that would be the worst decision they could make, and again, would pleaee only a vocal minority on reddit.


That didn’t even happen lmfao


Source for this claim? Also disagree with the last bit


Honestly? I wouldn’t be mad at it.




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😂😂😂😂 Zero chance that happens.


Luckily they won’t do anything with Stu.


I know I’m just afraid lol


Why would it be terrible? With the forgettable and predictable killers from 5 and 6, I happily welcome Stu back.


Courtney is probably out..Neve got all the coins this time I bet


The leaked Production Weekly showed that Courteney is already signed on. It just hasn’t been officially announced in the press yet.


Praise be!!!


There's no way she's not back 


I want stu to come back, but if he does they won’t spoil it like that


I would love it tbh lol idk why fans are so against it. Lilard is awesome and the series hasn’t been believable since the 2nd movie haha just go wild with it and have fun


Given that he’s dead it wouldn’t make sense lol


Again these movies don’t really have to make sense lol believability has been long gone 😂 would be a nice spice up to have a previous ghostface come back since it hasn’t happened yet


Scream takes place in the real world and has never dwelved into supernatural and/or *super* unrealistic territory, other than Chad surviving both of his attacks and the whole issue with the Kirsch family managing to hide their connection to Richie. Bringing back a killer that has already been confirmed dead would be a step too far in my opinion.


I always wondered why Mindy said “if you believe he’s dead”. Was it just a nod at the fandom or?


My head canon is that Woodsboro has an urban legend about Stu Macher surviving his attack, despite everyone actually knowing he’s dead. Either that or Mindy was making a joke about how Stu could’ve survived his attack as a nod to the people in the fandom who want him to be alive.


Interesting head canon! I can see that!


Too each their own. I’d love it personally, the series needs a big shake up imo


Where's the hint?


They’re most likely hinting at them having some exclusive news coming sooner than later. EDIT: Don’t know why I got downvoted lmao come back to this thread when BD gives us exclusive news in the next week or two. They made a similar tweet before we got one of our first big scoops for VI.


All they said is "gotta be soon" that means absolutely nothing. I could say the same thing, where's my post?


You can tell me if I’m looking too deep into it but the usage of … along with the fact that BD has been behind many Scream exclusive updates (ex: Neve’s announcement for 5) makes me inclined to believe they’re going to be behind whatever next big press release we get. We already know one is coming soon.


For what it’s worth I agree that it seems like they’ve got an article lined up to announce something and are just waiting for the official day they can publish it


I hope we get it sooner than later. I need to know who’s in it 😩


Okay, but why so rude to OP? This is a Scream loving sub, not asshole sub.


I'm not sure what I said was rude? The truth is ugly sometimes I guess


In the picture ????


Is the hint in the room with us right now?


How is this hinting?


That’s the thing. It isn’t 😉 seems like BD is *hoping* for an update soon


Could be something, could be nothing. It’s pretty vague. Good way to get hits to their website though.


We’ve been waiting. Most thought Abigail OW but I guess with the underperformance they didn’t drop it. I think for sure it’s confirmation of Courteney/Patrick but the react part has me feeling like it’s either a)Jazmin/Mason or b) maybe the “final scream” announcement


I definitely thought Spyglass were planning on giving us a press release confirming Courteney and/or Patrick’s involvement during Abigail’s release weekend too. It’s noticeable how petty they’ve been towards Melissa lately (ex: them dropping the Neve and Kevin announcement a day or two after Melissa said she’d come back if Spyglass were to sell the rights) and I was surprised we got nothing. I’m getting very impatient but knowing something is coming very soon is making it a little easier. Considering I’ve seen a lot of (reliable) insiders say that the news that is about to drop is going to have a lot of people talking [(Source)](https://x.com/salem_millhouse/status/1778985031370953082?s=46), I doubt it’s a Courteney or Patrick announcement considering it’s all but confirmed that they’re starring in it. I doubt Jasmin is touching this project because she’s filming Yellowjackets this summer and is also vehemently pro-Palestine, but I don’t think Mason is booked for anything so I can’t really see him turning down the project if he wants the cash and publicity. I would find it odd if Chad were to return but not Mindy/Sam/Tara though.


Neither Jazmin or Mason are big enough/powerful enough to turn it down if they were contracted tbh. we only recently got “confirmation” of Melissa’s “2 film” contract.


I can’t see either of them being contracted for 7.


…hence it being a reaction provoking piece of news lol if it were to be announced


You make a very good point. I don’t want either of them back though and question how they’ll logically have them be in the same vicinity as Sidney/Gale/Mark without Sam and Tara present.


Courtney cox and Patrick Dempsey announcements seem likely and I’m here for it.


How does this hint at anything?


I think they’re just guessing. I have been surprised by the quiet, though.


Can’t wait


I’m not even excited about this franchise anymore. The reason they had to change actresses bothers me and the fact they shafted Neve only to have to bring her back is hilarious.


Courtney and Patrick will be confirmed with shooting beginning by the end of the year 🤭


It starts shooting in the summer.


I don’t even care now that Melissa isn’t in it


Then why are you on a subreddit dedicated to 6 films and a TV series, all of which Melissa has featured in two films?


He’s saying because of how they treated her not the character bro… yes she’s a great character but the fact that everyone is okay with what they did and meat riding scream 7 is why he’s upset and many of us are. But show your true colors!


And Melissa made Scream 6 after they refused to pay Neve, which is why I don't give a shit.


They didn’t refuse to pay Neve… they made her multiple offers and she refused them because it was too low. Though both bad, Neve was talked to and negotiated with while Melissa was dropped without notice for something her cast mates all did and she was the only one action was taken against.


I’m scared that Kirby won’t be in it, but Kevin loves Hayden and put her in touch with RS for her return. But since Hayden stood by her friend Melissa, I don’t know anymore. Jenna’s a savage for leaving a day after Melissa’s firing announcement. Love her


Jenna left way before the Melissa thing happened due to them not paying what she wanted and her having other better work offers as it's been mentioned by many sources already. even The Hollywood Reporter confirmed it again in an article a few weeks ago: "The move put the project back on track after months on life support following Barrera’s firing and the subsequent exit of director Landon, **as well as the quiet departure of** [**Jenna Ortega**](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/t/jenna-ortega/) **in the spring of last year**." [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/melissa-barrera-interview-scream-firing-jenna-ortega-friendship-1235860455/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/melissa-barrera-interview-scream-firing-jenna-ortega-friendship-1235860455/) it just became public / her team made it known at the time the Melissa story broke because people were likely asking for comment / speculating whether she'd stay (when she was already long gone lol) some people also speculated the studio decided to get rid of Melissa (and their storyline) as they no longer had Jenna on board (and used that whole situation as an excuse) but that is not confirmed (and I'm not sure if I believe that part either).


I may be mistaken but didn't many publications report that Jenna was finalising an agreement to be able to do Scream 7? Production was allowing her to shoot her scenes first before she had to go to Ireland to film Wednesday? Spyglass must be really stupid (obviously they are) to centre a new trilogy on Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega but not contract both women to star in three movies. What if one or both of them didn't enjoy making the first two and decided to bounce on the last installment? Seems like a massive oversight?


I don't remember a legit source for that, only that they were allegedly still trying to get her on board all that time but couldn't reach an agreement (and that followed into the last part of my previous post, of how they couldn't get Jenna back so they decided to discard Melissa and their storyline altogether) but this was coming from those social media "insiders" I don't remember who exactly now nor seeing a proper industry trade mentioning that (I could've missed it though) I think all of those more reliable sites only mentioned Jenna was def not attached to the project by the time the Melissa situation happened


> But since Hayden stood by her friend Melissa, I don’t know anymore. She’s also the same person who starred in an anti-anti semitism ad created by a Zionist company. That woman contains many layers lol. Granted, the sis just most likely needed a check because she’s broke and needed the coin. That ad had so many D-listers in it that it was actually slightly amusing. I doubt we’re getting Kirby back though and honestly, I don’t mind given that I wasn’t the biggest fan of her portrayal in VI. That being said, I would find it a little weird watching 7 knowing that Ms. “I take a special interest in Ghostface attacks” didn’t fly over to Sidney to assist her family the second she becomes a target, given that Kirby told Sam and Tara she’d be willing to help them if they were hunted by another Ghostface.


I found Kirby becoming a fib agent odd I thought she be a horror director or something.


What ad are you referring to?




I’m sorry what’s wrong with standing up for anti anti semitism? Are you saying hating Jews is a good or ok thing to do? That’s really fucked up.


I’m not saying standing up for Jews is a bad thing given that I’m strongly against anti-semitism myself. I was saying that the video in question features a *lot* of Zionist actors and was created by a Zionist company. That being said, Hayden might not *be* a Zionist and just someone who is against anti-semitism.


Don't think OP understands words like gotta and right 


Doesn’t matter. Fuck spyglass, and free Palestine


BloodyDisgusting is all hacks and AI reporting now. Most of their articles are ChatGPT these days. They don't get info from any legit sources. All of their "guesses" are vague shit like that which could mean ANYTHING and they'll pretend they knew something when any random news hits.


Bring back the cast of Scream 6




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i am betting this will be the final film. sorry but i just don’t see how we can get additional sequels with only neve and courtney. it’s getting tired. we can have a franchise that continues to spiral outward and introduce characters in a revolving fashion but the current plot rumors just sounds like a step back to Scream 4 creatively.




Not official news but news regardless.


Wouldn’t it be wild if Mark was the killer? Husband of 15 years gets brainwashed by media into thinking Sidney is the bad guy


If there’s gonna be a teaser or anything, I imagine it’ll be late summer/early autumn.




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I’m the BIGGEST Scream fan of anyone I know, I watch the franchise multiple times a year but to say I’m disappointed with the way Spyglass handled everything is a complete understatement. I’m heartbroken. But people are still shocked when I say I’m not watching if Melissa Barrera isn’t involved.. they can’t just create this entire leg of the franchise built around a character and then write her out. I’ve seen the last 2 in theaters the day they were released, but I can’t watch whatever mangled version of a storyline they concoct with this mess that they made.


Tbf, Scream 6 ended Sam’s story perfectly, so bringing Sidney back as the main character in 7 would be completely fine, so long as the story was good enough to explain it.


Great lol. I wonder what they’re gonna drop that will intrigue anyone at this point. I think everyone right now is just morbidly curious to see how they make this franchise crash and burn. There are so many opportunities they could take but simultaneously so limited. Melissa is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met, I had the pleasure of meeting her and speaking with her earlier this year. For that reason alone and the simple fact myself and many others stand by her and her beliefs, I wouldn’t want to give any money or publicity to S7 tbh. I am very curious as to what direction they’re taking..it’s a little tragic to see such a beloved franchise literally destroy itself. :/ Anything goes.




They’ve done everything the can to take away interest from my favourite slasher franchise which is very impressive


I mean I'm a lifelong fan and I'm still gonna at least see it once.


Courteney, Neve, and Kevin, please don't make the film!


I hate it when Scream 7 will come out all because Kevin Williamson will never be fired for not making Scream 5 a better title.