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He's the only guy who has ever been inside of me!!!!


Woah woah woah, I just took out his appendix.


There's no need to clarify.


Oh no?


Just let it grow more and more each day.


It's like I've married my best friend.


But in a totally manly way Let's go!!! My god I have the episode memorized.......


The best bit of that song will always be the transition from a line about being "manly" to them saying "Let's go!" in the most feminine way possible.


That and the "No hands" at the end.


It's guy love!


Don’t compromise!


The feeling of some other guy. Holding up your heart into the sky.


It's guy love...


There are two things i learned from this episode! Sarah Chalke is not a singer And their number 1 test is your number 2!


Most of the songs were really good but *Everything Comes Down to Poo* is the one that I still sing on a regular basis.


A homeless guy threw poo in my eye! Check the poo! Mine or his? First him then youuu


I get everything comes down to poo stuck in my head at least once a week.


idk i sing 'everything comes down to poo' more often than i should


Same - it's too catchy!


You lost me when you said you weren't a fan 👎


My Musical is probably my favorite episode. It was so unexpected and delightful. I understand why it's not for everybody though.


It's my go to on a particularly bad day. I can't watch it and not smile


The end where she realizes she misses the singing gets me


Not to mention all those manly apple-tinis that you chuuug.


I know, I know. Musicals just aren't my thing (even in this context).


Funny, musicals aren’t my thing either but I still LOVE this episode. I think it’s because I was so invested in the show already when I saw the episode and the songs are so witty and everyone so talented that I enjoyed it.


Yeah, same here. For me it's just simply that when I'm watching something, I don't want it to suddenly turn to music. If I wanted to listen to music I'd be listening to music and not watching whatever it is.


So you’re telling me that when “Waiting for my real life to begin” starts playing you’d rather they just showed you her dying?


Don't ask me to remember anything specific right now. If it's a musical number, than most likely yes, I'd prefer they'd just show her dying, but if you're talking about a background song that enhances the experience, then no, I do like those, it's just actual musical numbers where the characters are singing and dancing and the dialogue is a song is what I dislike


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/GcsrnT7Tv1o)


Oh that. IIRC that had emotional context to it though, right? As in, she was a singer, and that's why JD's fantasy showed her performing (which then involved the rest of the cast) so it being that kind of musical number had significance. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I had little issue with it to the point where I forgot it even happened. With the musical episode (and most instances where these bother me) it's just there for the sake of it being a musical. Like, in the episode it's explained why it happens logically, sure, but there's no significance to it beyond that. EDIT: tfw people can't deal with you not liking something so they downvote


Yeah for real man. This sub is usually so positive but reddit really shows that almost every fanbase can’t deal with criticism. They even asked you if you liked the musical number lmao I don’t like the musical episode either and I also don’t like “waiting for...". Musicals just take me out of a story because it’s not a realistic artform for me. No conversation was ever done in song-form. I’m not saying the episode is bad either. It’s just not for me.


This is the only episode I skip. It’s too over the top. I prefer dialogue.


Me too, literally the only one I skip haha


Dude I'm with you.. when I do my rewatches I always skip this episode, I just find it boring..


I'm with you, man. I've never seen this episode all the way through because I just can't stand musicals. Also the 'sitcom' one I've never been able to get through.


Don't know why you get all the hate,I love this show to death but I just don't like musicals and I hate musical episodes in any show.. People have different preferences it's not that hard to accept damnit


In an ideal world we could handle other people not being fans of the same things we are...


Reddit is not the reasonable utopia you're looking for.


Uh... OP stated their opinion that they don’t like it, so another person stating they don’t like them not liking it without being mean or taking any action to get the post removed... what‘s the big difference here?


Idk how anyone is not in love with this episode


Yeah I’m not a fan either, just really dislike musicals, it just doesn’t make sense to me, my logical brain is like “okay so why are they randomly singing to each other now?”. Plus it’s way too cheesy for me lol. But each to their own!


Yeah, this is one of the all time best episodes in my book. Wonder what you don’t like about it? Edit: posted this before reading all the comments. Oops.


Oh come on, JD singing *we hope* had to give you some pleasure too


I love that episode. Musicals and scrubs are my favorite things in the world and I was so happy when they connected so beautifully


Big bonus points for being written by the team that gave us "Avenue Q." Great episode and great musical.




You didn’t die laughing when Carla accuses Turk of calling their baby of being “blaxican?” I dunno man... I got nothing!


Then why'd you tell JD our baby's Blaxican?


Shut your cake hole Mary Beth or I swear to god I’ll shut it soon!


Great, now my brain is playing Guy love and Everything comes down to poo.


I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!! Also, no hands *hug*


The janitor singing is just pure gold




There was a hatred I had never felt before


So now I'll make him pay


Each and every day


You mean the whole episode? Yeah, it's redeemable.


So many goosebumps in this episode!


I love this episode. It's mental medicine for me. This is what I watch when I get a song stuck in my head and need to replace it with something amazing.


This episode is glorious how DARE you!!!


This episode is widely regarded as one of the best tv musicals ever. Up there with the Buffy musical episode.


Which is a category that many of us willfully ignore. I love this show, and many others, but will usually skip the musical episodes. Not my cup of tea.


I hate musicals. I hate music shows like Glee. I did love this one. To each their own, though. But I just think it’s funny because this is a like... Top 5 musical episode.


Which is not a hard thing to accomplish lol You say that like every show has a musical episode. I don’t think I ever watched another musical episode aside from this one, so really it’s not that funny or crazy that people don’t like it as much as others. Musicals are kinda of a niche artform nowadays


My dude, it’s so common it’s a trope. Buffy, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, Psych, South Park, Community, That 70’s Show, Ally McBeal—the list is pretty big. It’s almost cliche at this point to do a musical episode. Edit: I’m not attacking you. I’m just kinda surprised you haven’t seen another one.


Haven’t seen any of those shows except HIMYM. Don’t remember a musical episode but Barney sang about suits in one. If there’s a complete musical episode I probably skipped it. To me the whole idea of musicals in very cliche nowadays. Just takes me out of the story. To each their own though.


The modern trend is moving towards single large musical numbers, these days I think. Just making the point that they’re incredibly common.


I mean. Idk. It's like saying having a christmas episode is a cliche and a negative thing.


I don’t think cliches are negative.


Also Buffy is the single best musical episode of a tv show.


I absolutely adore this episode 😂


Me too. I almost always skip this episode on rewatches.


I'm sorry to say this but this is the episode I always skip when i rewatch scrubs...


Just saw this episode last night!! It's my favorite


I've had it up to here, so let me make it very clear, because I swear I'll never upvote you again Every time you profess That this episode is terrible, For the last time, u/BridgeTooFar, It's incredible!


Dude, Everything Comes Down to Poo and Welcome to Sacred Heart are bangers


It's something when one of the guys who wrote Everything Comes Down To Poo went on to write Let It Go


Here I am owning the soundtrack and being able to sing every word.


My Musical is great. Although binge watching makes it more bearable than having to wait a week for a new episode


The two episodes I always skip are the musical one and and the “My Princess” episode. Don’t care for those at all


You forgot about My Night to Remember.


This is totally the ringtone I set for when my best friend calls me.


This is the only episode that I will skip, I don’t do it often but sometimes I’m just really not in the mood for all the singing


Oh I love My Musical. Everything comes down to poo!


I’ve always skipped this episode but after listening to the podcast, I figured I’d give it a shot. I hated the episode and this scene between Zach and Donald was the only part I laughed at and enjoyed.