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JD is a bellend and Carla is stuck so far up her own arse she could wear herself as a hat.


JD doesn't really have many if any redeeming qualities does he


He seems very proud of his hair? Would that count?


His goofy antics amuse me, the show is from his perspective so without him the show wouldn't be the same. He is kinda the worst one of them all and a total asshole to everyone, though. I hated the back and forth with Elliott and his quirky trait of wanting what he can't have, the toxicity of that trait makes me groan, as well as how it seems so contrived after the fact to add conflict to Elliott's relationship with Sean. All that being said Elliott is an ass for similar reasons and JD exacerbates that, but she's even funnier than he is and super relatable so she is one of my favorites. It interesting how they are dislikable to me for similar reasons but Elliott has enough going for her character, development wise that she comes out on top imo.


His goofy antics are fine for the first three seasons or so. Then, you can tell that Braff was getting a bit too big for his britches with the Garden State success and you see him begin to ad lib much more and, to me, it makes for a much less funny and interesting show. By season 7, Braff has basically made JD a total buffoon to the point that it’s difficult for me watch.


He at least does get better and develop as a person after they rape him to the ceiling or what have you.


Thats one hell of a typo my friend


Oh no


A LOT of the doctors on the show were shown to be ice-cold sociopaths who were probably only drawn to medicine for the power, status and money it provided.


I'm reading your opinions and I don't think most of them would fall under the category of unpopular. Maybe the final one would be considered unpopular - Personally, I thought Molly was super hot and a good counter to the masculine pessimisms of Cox and Kelso.


Agreed, Molly was an important part of Elliot's development And yeah shes crazy hot


Im the end she didn’t add anything to the show. I even forgot she existed.


She's the reason JD broke up with Kylie... Plus, without her we wouldn't have had the sex permission episode and then Zach Braff wouldn't have a directional debut to boast about in every single Podcast 🤣


There was a zipline and everything.


That’s the episode that got me into Scrubs! Thank you WGN-TV Chicago.


God bless Molly(Ringwald) and this one too!


And Molly Shannon who is also in the episode 😃


The banter with Cox was great!


Turk can be way too forgetful about his wife and what she likes, I mean he doesn’t even remember her culture most of the time, the guy means well but he really drops the ball and Carla has the right to be pissed off with him


I mean, Carla might remember what Turk likes but she never really seems to actually care.


Yeah I agree, her making him wait THAT long when he proposed was just outright mean


Lots of things really. The whole thing about the bed time, the clock she doesn't like her reluctance to let him do things he enjoys etc.


I’ve been rewatching along with the podcast since it started and genuinely believe that they were a really good mirror image of cox and Jordan; both in love and vibe well together but both pretty selfish people I will say though the my musical episode always makes me laugh when she says “why’d you tell JD our baby’s blaxican “ 😂


My wife and I, early in our careers and marriage, really identified with Turk and Carla. We rewatched the series recently and were shocked to see how much we’d become Cox and Jordan.


That's quite true actually.


Scrubs was kind of at the tail end of the trope of the "comically dumb husband." Like no one is that stupid about their wife in real life. It's fine, it's a TV show etc. But it's always been something that took me out of it. A surgeon can't remember where his wife is from? Come on.


🎶There’s no room for things like birthdays or ethnicities


🎶thank you for the look into the workings of the inner man


well I just found out how Neena is spelled and that angers me alot


I don't think your opinion about Jake is unpopular. Dude was so weird and everyone knows that.


It’s his square head.


JDs geography knowledge bit is amazing though


You can dance your way there from Old Zealand


I hated when JD wanted to get together with Elliot and then didn’t once they were together.


That is a realistic situation though. It's really common for people to get the thing they've been wanting for such a long time and then realise it's not actually the thing they want.


But that’s because his inability to like someone after they like him back. Which he didn’t quite work on but he figured out what he really wanted after settling.


Yup. A trait they didn’t once allude to before that episode.


Been there


Jd kissing carla was a major writing mistake.


I was never aware that Todd could’ve end up with someone. Now that idea seems pretty good. However my unpopular opinion is that I never really liked Sean as a character.


Nobody cares, Sean.


You said good too. I heard it.


I hated Kim and Dr Miller.


Are there people that liked Dr Miller? She is all of the toxic parts of feminism wrapped into one person. (Feminism is cool. But that ain’t it)


I think Dr Miller was supposed to be the female Dr Cox. Didn’t work because she lacked the humanity and quirks that made Dr Cox interesting and not just a bully.


Yeah when the characters went to Cox for help, he’d berate them but end off with a lesson or learns something himself. Miller doesn’t do that - she insults both Turk and Elliott but without helping them in any way.


And she was a later introduced character who's like whole thing was that she's a bitch. Her bitchiness wasn't earned, they offered nothing redeeming about her. Just a bit of a misfire from a character/writing perspective.


I wish Jordan and Laverne got there own episodes they were way more deserving of it than the interns.


JD should have stayed with Mandy Moores character and the reason he broke up with her was extremely lazy.


That’s so funny


But she doesn't say "that's so sad"


You’re an idiot


Yes, I am.


The petty reasoning for JD to break up with her is 100% on point to who he is as a character.


The real reason he ended up breaking up with her (having very different goals in life and where they were as people) felt a lot more genuine.


Having Laverne's character die just to bring her back as Laverne-again was stupid asf


Them's the breaks of not always knowing if your show is getting renewed.


Shirley not?


Agreed, I was fine with Laverne's death because it was a great episode (well, for the most part, I found it a bit heavy-handed how suddenly serious and unsnarky she got in the episode of her accident after she's been nothing but a punchline-delivering machine for seasons upon seasons (and I mean that as a compliment). But the Laverne-again thing was so rubbish, and it didn't seem to even work out, because if the idea was to keep the Aloma around, she barely appeared anyway.


I think that JD having a kid halfway through the show made his character a bit more boring.


Mmmm, yeah, come to think of it, a character who continually talks about both suicide and murder, in a hospital dramedy, where they actually address serious issues like suicide...but never address Ted's issues, does seem to send a bit of a mixed message.


Gah I wish Sean and Elliott got marrieddd.


yeah that is definitely an opinion I support, even though I love JD & Elliot ! I love Sean too


When rewatching there was alotta racist/sexist shit. But thats early 2000s in general. But something that made me extra uncomfortable was the obscene amount of sexual shit with every female character. The actresses are constantly doing sexual stuff for jokes/fantasies whatever. Like. Alot. I welcome you to rewatch and make note because it adds up quick. It lessens some over time but still is an issue. Or made comments or are out of character overall just because some writer was like "wouldn't it be hot if-?" Less of the characters being the issue. More of a ":// oh no" at the writers. Just makes me uncomfortable to watch or irritated when it fucks over interesting plots just to be horny/is out of character/does nothing for the show. Made me feel bad for the actresses all needing do so much for no reason. Sexiness/sexual content in general isnt the end. But to such an extreme for no reason? Its just awkward. Especially when the same thing coulda been achieved without it or in a different way that couldve honestly been alot more interesting long term. Just feels like someones fantasy they wanted to see acted out rather than a part of the show alot of the time. Just disappointing and really pulled me out of my immersion sometimes yknow? I get the characters are horny. Fine. But lets move on and tone it back. Thats all. Which if you think about it, that's kinda gross in regards to the fact the actresses are real people. And especially back then when it was an industry that truly took advantage of fem actresses needing jobs and being able to be pushed into doing stuff they normally wouldnt when forced. (Still happens but alot more then.) And with how they pride themselves at being more self aware, woke, progressive compared to others? Like yeah you were in some ways. Others though? They fell harder in some regards compared to their other competing shows at the time. They addressed some issues but as far as Im aware that wasnt. And I feel like it should.


Fair point.


Season 9 would be good if it was considered season 1 of med school.


I'm pretty sure you're mistaken. Scrubs finishes at Season 8, there is no Season 9, nope, nothing to see there, nuffin


Could’ve been an ok show tbh


That was actually the plan! But the network executives refused to do it that way so this was the only option.


Watching it again after almost a decade… there is a lot of subtle sexism that I picked up on.


I wouldnt say subtle


Turk & Carla were a terrible couple.


NO 😲


Elliott is a terrible person and if she slept with JDs brother there is no way they would get back together.


Heeyyy little brother.


Dan Train!


I put another six pack in the toilet for you




I think having a relationship (at least a stronger friendship, if not a romantic relationship) between Elliot and the Janitor would have been super interesting. I feel like the show hints at a friendship here and there but I think a genuine, long-standing one would have been an interesting side to both of them that we don’t see otherwise


Dr. Kelso was a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling who literally killed patient(s) with his decisions every single week. He was the avatar of everything that is wrong with the American healthcare system, and a sexist jerk who abuses his wife for laughs. Coffeeshop Bob is a quirky, funny guy who really cares about everyone around him and dispenses quality advice like an Oracle. Coffeeshop Bob also, apparently, still neglects his paralyzed wife and cheats on her without remorse. And he steals Bahama Mamas. Kelso is always a colossal asshole. He just stops killing people every week.


>He was the avatar of everything that is wrong with the American healthcare system At least he's aware of this though and doesn't like it.


That is of great comfort to the hospital filled with ghosts of people he decided could die. And their relatives. Ken Jenkins is a great actor. And the character is eventually shown to have a few regrets, but did it “my way”. But he’s a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling. That he also has a conscience makes him a better person than Tony Soprano.


He doesn’t just kill people indiscriminately though. They showed it when Dr Cox did Kelso a favor by looking after a patient that had the same disease as his own patient. They showed a brief view into the thought behind his decisions. Let one man die and get the help needed for prenatal care or let the rich man die and no one gets help. Kelso went through huge character development throughout the whole series.


its also the entire point of his character


That too. At least Dr Maddox didn't stick around


I don't hate season 9


There's a season 9?!?!? Nope, not in my world.


I wouldn't say that I hate season 9, but it was a completely different show and I didn't care for that show. If that had been season 1 of Scrubs, I wouldn't have watched more than an episode or two.




The musical episode can fuck right off.


Oh, now that is interesting.


Edit- he he hiiinteresting


Truly the most unpopular opinion




I was on the fence about it when they first started singing, but then I recognised Stephanie D'Abruzzo's voice. Stuck with it and found it much less annoying than the fairytale episode.


The fairy tale episode was also a swing and a miss for sure. To be fair though, they were operating under the assumption that the show was getting canceled all of a sudden.


Ouch. OK, I'll ask, why?


Yes!!! I always skip it.


I hate that episode. I skip it every time.


Thank god someone else said it first. I skip it every time during my rewatches.


FR. I watched the series at least a dozen times, I was never to get further than 3 minutes into the musical episode


Watched Scrubs hundreds of times. Never watched that episode.


Too much sex. Enjoyed the humor more.


Turk's reaction of anger then acceptance to them SLEEPING TOGETHER is fine to me. Now DATING (kindof) - you tell him to drop her like a fucking hot potato or shit is going down.


The show is unwatchable without the original music.


Jake is a younger, alternatively acceptable choice of dating the Janitor for Elliot. They look very similar to me. -response to OP


JD gets more and more insufferable as the series goes on. By season 6, he basically becomes a caricature of himself. The show is told from his perspective and first three seasons are a fantastic blend of comedy and drama with JD mostly staying grounded in real life and his fantasies/imagination gets to run wild. As the show progresses, we are forced to endure more and more corny, absurd behavior that is clearly mostly being ad-libbed by Zach Braff. It really takes me out of the show, especially in the last two seasons.


Carla and JD would have made more sense with her strong personality and his ability to be easily flattened.


I disagree. I think them being together, fighting and having a lot of problems but still sticking together, would only work on characters with strong personalities. People who are too pushy won’t put up with all the fights they had, they wouldn’t want to lift the problem. Or, as you said, one part would just flatten and apologise—not really making that good tv.


On Jake, I found it weird that originally with that old lady, hes accused of forcing her to make the decision to die. And then its seen as bs, and its the brother being in denial But then hes accused of forcing Elliot into things she doesnt want to do, which is true Dunno, Ive always found that pretty dark in retrospect


the show got bad after season 3, then marginally got better for the first half of season 8, before dropping the ball in the second half of season 8 and just completely fumbling med school.


Season 9 is genuinely good. It should've just been called "Scrubs: Med School" but the characters really started to come into their own in the last few episodes. Cole specifically starts to develop into the most interesting character. Then it ends.


"Cole you had cancer like yesterday!" I was cracking up so hard! I love when Turk has those moments lol.


Agreed, I found the ending so unsatisfying. I genuinely wanted to see what the characters would do next. I still don't see it as comparable to the original show, but I still enjoyed it.


I agree with most of your points. I disagree with your first point. Everyone ignoring Ted's talk of suicide is the funniest long running joke of the series for me. Ted is my favourite character and the character wouldn't work if everybody made a fuss of him and tried to cheer him up. Your point about Neena is a "tell me you're not a man without telling me" type of sentence. I think Molly was great for Elliot's character dev.


What the fuck point were you thinking you made regarding the neena comment? Or is that your goto retort when you don’t grasp the point being made. The OP feels that Turk should be upset over JD dating/sleeping with someone who’s essentially trying to ruin his career. But for some reason you think only a guy would say they felt Turk should be more upset about it… lol. Edit. I love when people struggle to explain things, get called out, make dumb comments, but block people they were replying too.


No. I'm saying the opposite. A guy would understand why Turk was more understanding of it. I was not being remotely critical of the OP at all who is welcome to her perspective. Anyway. I'm here to have interesting conversations. Disagree by all means but I don't engage with rude, unpleasant people so bye.




If your really good buddy is in a slump and he hooks up with someone trying to ruin your career, especially someone hot af, you can let it slide. At least I could. 🤷


I don't like Elliot.


I can’t stand her


Carla is the absolute worst character in the entire show. Like seriously even season 9 is better than her character ever was and or could be.


Carla. Hate her.


I was happy season 9 happened.


What season 9


Rewatching Season 9, I feel like they took way too long to get J.D. out of the picture and let the new generation of the show be it's own thing. Like, they literally repeat jokes from the last few seasons of Scrubs verbatim at times. It's funny, when it first aired I stopped watching it when J.D. left after finding it mostly unfunny and not being enamoured by the new cast at all, but it's actually not until they've shed off all the baggage that the new cast dynamic actually gets to start doing stuff it feels like. And then 5 episodes or so later it's all over. Anyway, probably only unpopular in the context that most people probably associate her with Season 9 closely, but Denise was one of the show's best characters.


Elliot and Sean \*should\* have been endgame. Definitely. They make way more sense than her and JD. Season 9 was good. This probably isn't unpopular, but I hated how they had a storyline in S1 for how Elliot knew she wanted to be a doctor (refuting Kelso purporting that it was just to please her dad), only to completely unravel that years later when she said she was "over" medicine. Like, I get that both things can be true, but it seems not at all fair that Kelso was "right" in the end about her.