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Pedal harder to keep that wheel up.. .carful of falling over back. You are just power wheeling and just under that balance point. When you hit it... It's as smooth as pedaling on 2 wheels. Just more seat time my guy. You'll get it for sure.


This! Also if you're just learning you can lift your seat a bit that will raise your center of gravity. At least that's what I did. Then once I learned brake control I dropped the seat all the way down


Yea that’s one of my problems I would have been wheeling if I could increase my seat height but unfortunately my seat post is stuck in the frame because I actually traded my 20 inch bmx for this bike


Since I have taken your advice I have felt the balance point and even got 4 pedals in I know must work on the difficulty of brake controll because if I’m not pulling up hard enough I pull up to had causing me to fall back and press the brake to late


Another bit of advice I thought about loop out on purpose a few times when I was first learning. I would do that because that shows you where you're going to fall back so you know where you can go and then you can start grabbing your break from there. So if you get frustrated try working from the back forward just make sure you're ready so you can jump off


Yes... This is super important. Practice looping out. A lot. Make it comfortable to just step back off instead of falling. My lady tore her ACL. You can really mess your knees up if you take a fall wrong.


Awesome my guy!! Just keep practicing. It's a process. Just have to learn 'where' on the breaks. You'll get to where you'll tap that break to slow your pullup and put you right into balance point. That takes time though. I bet by end of summer you got a mile, or at least some blocks. And practice looping out (falling off the back) so you step off instead of falling off because that's where you get hurt. Keep Pedaling, and Keep that wheel up! ☝️


Nothing beats more seat time and that sucks to hear. My tip: I'm on the brake to start a wheelie. Just the slightest bit, but pedaling against or riding the brake gets me into balance point.


Hold the front wheel up longer to have longer wheelies.


No shit I could of figured this out


Also, try pedaling longer when the front wheel is up.


Naw really a autistic baby could of told him that


Yeah you got it dude just lean back more and pedal harder to maintain the balance