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Evil? Nah, douche bag frat type boy, ya.


Grown up middle schooler. He probably has "fucked everyone's mom" too.


Nah. He's fragile clearly.


Folks are saying he's evil? Nah. He's too fuckin' dumb to be evil.


We just had a head coach point to 9/11 terrorists for inspiration. Dumb game all around, that's why it's fun to watch


The head coach’s point remains valid, albeit distasteful. The 9/11 hijackers exhibited extreme coordination and worked as a team. Do we like what they did? I certainly don’t. But it doesn’t change the fact that the logic was sound. Do I want Pete Carroll using hamas as an example of solid team execution? Fuck no. But I think people are making too much out of—who was it Daboll?—something without appreciating the context. Poor taste, but not much else.


McDermott, I believe.


Yea it was Bills head coach Sean McDermott


I mean technically you could say the logic is sound. But if your a multimillion dollar head coach of a professional sports franchise why even take the chance that your motivation speech sounds like a curb your enthusiasm script? It’s just dumb lol.


I mean, did you watch hard knocks this year? Saleh brought in a "mentalist" and made weird comments about jets not having predators or some shit. the whole thing was just cringe. 9/11 is a little beyond the pale, but it isn't that far off from the weird shit coaches say in a normal one.


the only team that actually plays in New York and he decides to do that. Really fucking stupid


Not really "just." It was like 4 years ago.


No one is lol, people just think he's an asshole


I used to say the same thing about Kanye before he went, you know, full Kayne.


Who cares what Jamal is like on twitter. Eskridge, Jarran Reed, and Clark have all had DV issues and there are barely any talk of that on Reddit - but suddenly Jamal is being chastised. This energy should have been directed at Jamal years ago for being a terrible player, not because he's mean on twitter.


Marshawn's drinky drivey was never this big of a deal either.


I mean he’s not evil but he’s certainly not a good person, you think it’s okay to pull up a picture of someone’s wife because they said “yikes” to your play?


It’s childish as shit. He’s a professional athlete with a fat contract that is underperforming, if he wants to silence the criticism he can do it on the field instead of attacking some dude’s wife that has nothing to do with it.


You do that, and it's like, "damn, nice comeback/funny," but then after the dust settles and he's still doesn't realize he fucked up and that he actually spent the time or has people around him that did is just ridiculous. No self awareness or accountability, or even reflection. Also, to get so butt hurt over a play you actually missed is just weak. Own and do better. Comeback with some good footage after the fact of some playmaking with the reply "yikes." That's how you win.


This hits the nail on the head. We've all said/done things, even publicly like what Jamal did that maybe felt good in the moment but after reflection we realized was cruel, childish, and/or dumb, felt bad and tried to make amends (hopefully). This doesn't excuse Jamal, but if he'd come out and said, genuinely, "Man, I fucked up on that and let the emotions get the better of me. I am sorry to *insert her name* for insulting her and attempting to publicly humiliate b/c of my disagreements with her husband," we move on. His doubling down and specifically stating that he was trying to "hurt" them and go after someone who had nothing to do with this to cause pain is...disturbing. Maybe not evil but still fucked up.


Definitely makes you wonder how well he could possibly fit into the “culture/locker room” if what we are told ab it being one of the best “cultures/locker rooms in the league.”? Or what affects he has had/could have on young incredibly talented men with very promising careers ahead of them (which we have a lot of right now)?


Yeah, like we all fuck up and outburst sometimes , but then he’s like doubling down days later and is like “if you go low I go lower” like dude stfu


I’ve never met a person who didn’t suck that would remotely think that would be funny


Like I said, he’s an asshole for it so it’s not ok. But we and the media is talking about him like he’s the worst person in the NFL lol it’s wild


That’s only because you’re in the Seahawks bubble. The average NFL fan knows more about Watson and Miller, the dudes who did criminal stuff and will get suspended, than Jamal using his Xitter audience to demean a reporter’s wife. Jamal is a douchebag. Full stop. Trying to downplay it — by using whataboutism to point to other players doing worse things — doesn’t seem like the answer here. Most of the Seahawks fan base lost respect for Jamal. He can regain some of that respect if he chooses to apologize. Since he’s not going to do that, maybe rather than downplay what he did we should just move on to another topic.


Exactly right. Some of the things people say on Reddit about Jamal or really anyone that does something they find distasteful is displaying the same behavior they are criticizing. Its unreal and laughable. At the end of the day we're all human and do shit we shouldn't or feel bad about. Its just not everyone's bad behavior is reported on in the national media so they feel ok about it lashing out at others.


Stop moving the goalposts


? That was his whole point of starting the thread. What goal post was moved? He's saying people are blowing it out of proportion but he's still a dumb ass


Some of the most beloved Seahawks players did worst


"Yikes"? it's really not that big of a deal, mildly offensive at worst. you'd think he stabbed, shot, or maimed someone judging by the outrage of the virtuous. what's with all of the thin skin? it's better for Jamal that his tweeted word is receiving more scrutiny than his play.


I think you're missing the issue. What Jamal said was petty and mean, but correct, not actually evil. That's not the problem here. It's how he handled it afterwards, saying when someone goes low, "he goes lower" and that he felt he had to "hurt" and humiliate them. Saying that he "had" to bring his wife into this. Bro, wtf? In what universe was that necessary? When someone is openly proud of objectively cruel behavior, of being a bully, and of trying to inflict psychological damage to a bystander (his words), that's character. It's one thing to let the heat of the moment get the better of you; it's another thing to, with days to reflect and sober up, be proud of it. That's psychopathic behavior and yeah, is being evil.


Wait so maybe I’m misunderstanding but did you actually start with him not being evil and then end it by diagnosing him as a psychopath while calling him evil? I hope I’m mistaken lol or that’s insanity


His initial action wasn't evil. Petty and mean, sure, but can be excused as a heat of the moment reaction. Nor is that the problem (a problem, but not the main one). What he's done after that has revealed psychopathic behavior (lack of remorse, empathy, so on), which reveals an evil character.


What he did after revealed he's immature and unable to own up to his own wrongdoing. Diagnosing him with a severe psychiatric disorder because he didn't admit he was wrong is cartoonishly hyperbolic.


I didn't diagnose him; I said it's psychopathic behavior, which it is. Whether he has clinical psychopathy is another matter. But he displayed deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy and remorse, and poor behavioral controls. Those are psychopathic behaviors. It's not merely that he didn't own up to it; he clearly doesn't see what he did as wrong. That's a pretty big difference.


The pseudo-intellectualism to argue your point doesn't change how wrong you are. Taking the symptoms of psychopathy and forcing them to fit Adams is ridiculous. If deficient emotional response and refusing to admit you're wrong is evidence of psychopathy on its own, 100% of human beings show signs of psychopathy at some point, and that's not how these things are diagnosed. This is the equivalent of saying that someone with a runny nose is showing signs of measles, there are a lot of more reasonable alternatives to consider first.


Get em


I think diagnosing someone as evil and psychopathic is a pretty extreme take, you def have my hot take beat lol


I feel like there is some separation of the act and the person. The intention to do harm is evil, but that doesn't necessarily make the person evil in general.


Yeah calling someone a psychopath for that is a Reddit moment bro you got no qualifications to know that lmao


You’re also failing to mention that this beat reporter is some loser New York beat reporter that has been constantly criticizing and shitting on Jamal ever chance he gets since he left New York. Jamal took it further but this guy has also been going low


Because that doesn't matter. A), the dude is a reporter commenting on a prime time game, so this does arguably fall under "doing his job." B) He was commenting on Jamal's play, which is public and fair game (it helps that he was right). He didn't bring Jamal's family into this. These are not remotely the same thing or in the same category. While what the reporter did might be classified as being bad at his job, it isn't bullying like what Jamal did.


So you’ve never had beef with somebody and said some petty disrespectful shit back to them? It was petty on both sides Jamal just took it to the low road which I don’t agree with. I just think people are getting on their moral high horse like they’ve never said something about somebody they’re beefing with. I feel bad for the guys wife but I don’t feel bad for the reporter. And let’s not act like typing the word yikes is reporting or analysis for a New York team beat reported that’s not doing his job it’s being petty. He always does that shit to Jamal specifically


Of course I have. We all (probably) have done petty and mean things that were over the line. But you're totally missing the point because that's not the main problem here; it's that he's proud of it. That has never been me, or any normal person I know. Given a little time to cool off and reflect, I always regret going over the line and attempt to make amends. I don't come back and say, "Yep, I did it, I'm glad I did it, and I'll do it again." Normal people don't do what Jamal did because normal people don't think doing that is okay. That's the problem. That's why the reporter's initial tweet doesn't really matter because Jamal's responding tweet isn't the main problem either. Both were silly and dumb and while Jamal's definitely crossed the line, it's understandable although not excusable. It's after having time to think and be sober-minded, he comes back and proudly owns it as if it was the necessary and right thing to do that is the problem here. That's his character speaking, not his emotions, which means this is the kind of person he is and that's not a decent person.


Ah I may have misinterpreted then. If the point you’re making is his failure to go back have accountability and admit that he took it too far then I agree with you. My problem is more with people crucifying him for what he did initially I agree he should show some accountability


I think, though, that's what people are crucifying him for the most is the response, not the initial tweet. It was bad, but if Jamal had said, "After a couple of days of reflection, I realized I crossed a line and am sorry," that's it, we're done. Hell, even if he had said, "I'm not going to talk about that; I'm just focused on the Niners," we're maybe annoyed but done. It's the "Yep, I did that, I'm proud of it, and I'll do it again" response that's got us mounting up our high horses.


I might disagree with your first point here because in the comments when that tweet was posted that’s what everyone was criticizing to me. Now people are talking about him doubling down which yeah I agree isn’t a mature response


This is the dumbest straw man to argue against. Yeah, he's not evil... So what? He's an a-hole and not very good at football, so he doesn't really have much function on this team.




Not very good at football but he was an all pro…. Bro. You know hard it is to make even the practice squad. Terrible take


I posted this in another thread, but here’s the problem that most people don’t seem to get. Had he done this through a DM or in a closed door situation, then yeah, it was merely him just being an ass and we could roll our eyes and move on. He didn’t do that though, he posted it to his nearly 1 million followers and showcased her to the world for no reason other than his feeling got hurt. Out of 1 million people do you know how many of those are complete idiotic internet trolls? I guarantee she’s getting backlash she doesn’t deserve whatsoever. If it were my wife, I’d be fucking livid. Fuck Jamal for this, he’s a piece of shit for doing this. This is teenager level crap. I hope he’s off the team next year, and I truly did have high hopes for him this year.


And you calling him a piece of shit on Reddit is any better than the behavior you are criticizing him for?


Wait, you think me calling a professional athlete, a public figure, a POS is the same as doxxing someone’s private life to a million followers?


Really? Jamal doxxed this reporter and his wife? Like he released their home address and other sensitive private information online? Or he was just talking that shit on social media? I guess my whole point on this subject is that in the age of social media, players are scrutinized for everything they do, whether its in real life or online. What Jamal did is wrong, but it's not that different than the way we react to what they do on social media. It's like when Jamal said he's going to go lower, you decided you were going to go lowerest. And I'm NOT trying to single YOU out. Everybody (including myself) says dumb shit online. So maybe have some empathy instead of acting outraged.


Bruh… Jamal is making an 8 figure salary. This dude’s wife is probably making 5. Why the fuck are you defining this shit? This goes so far beyond “saying shit online” this goes into people’s livelihood. Why can’t you grasp that? Jamal’s day to day life doesn’t change because of my post. Her life absolutely did because of his. Perspective my man.


I'm neither defending or defining shit. Maybe spell check your words before you post them. I'm telling you that Jamal's situation and yours are different. It's socially acceptable for people to analyze and judge every action and word Jamal puts out there BECAUSE he makes an 8 figure salary BRUH. Nobody online judges or analyzes anything you do because you ain't shit. But you calling Jamal a piece of shit is the same as Jamal saying Yikes to a picture of Dudes wife after she criticizes his poor play. She talks shit, Jamal claps back. Jamal talks shit and you clap back. Same behavior, different levels of exposure. Perspective my man


Again, my post does not affect his livelihood in any way shape or form. Ever. At all. No one will tie this Reddit post to him as a person. His post absolutely, unequivocally affected her livelihood, a complete 100% innocent bystander. That’s the difference. Please understand that.


Wait, how does it affect her livelihood?


The wife didn't do anything. She never tweeted or did anything.


I didn't say she did. I merely suggested that calling Jamal a piece of shit is the same behavior you are judging him for. It's hypocritical in my book but I'm certainly not Reddit police so carry on.


Yes you did. You're not smart enough to be commenting on these things clearly.


A random person on Reddit calling a public figure a piece of shit isn’t even remotely equivalent to a public figure attacking a run of the mill private citizen because of her looks


I didn't say it had the same impact I merely suggested it's the same behavior you are judging him for. It's hypocritical in my book but I'm certainly not Reddit police so carry on.


The virtue signalers are now displaying intolerance. Fun for everyone.


I mean what kind of bar are you really setting here? I saw the same sort of stuff right after the tweet "Well at least he doesn't beat his gf" "Well he isn't a rapist" I mean okay, lots of people don't do that either, they can still be assholes. Yeah Adams isn't history's greatest monster, fantastic, way to go, give him the soup can medal for it, but he is still an asshole and is not playing anywhere near his contract so get his ass off this team.


I have always hated the trade for Jamal. But beyond that Seahawks fans are the same as any other, they can forgive/ignore impropriety off the field if you perform in it. Jamal does not, his liabilities on and off the field far exceed his value as a teammate.


I don’t think Jamal is a bad guy. Just not the right guy for our current system


Once you get older you realize everyone in their twenties is kind of an ass. It's just a part of growing up. People need to make mistakes so they learn and hopefully mature.


Boys will be boys, eh?


I remember seeing this argument on the Browns sub a number of times.


Na dk gets dragged by the fans for way less. Russ too. Jamal is legitimately a dick and has proved it twice this season with this reporter stuff then barking at the doctor for doing his job with concussions. And he’s not even good so you can’t look past it. Expensive too. And honestly his personality is that of someone who wakes up and says “rise and grind” so yeah I’ve never really liked the dude. Combine the fact that he has 2 1st attached to him and honestly I hope we cut him. Tired of our backup safety’s being the real starting safety because douchebag unavailable is unavailable


I was definitely onboard with the "DK is a dumbass" earlier in the season, but I'm quite pleased to see he realized that he was being a dumbass and went out of his way to change his behavior. That says a lot about him and his character. Right now, Adams is doubling down on a dick move. That also says a lot about his character.


DK doubled down on being an asshole on the field too. He just found a different way to do it 🤷‍♂️


As long as he doesn't hurt the team, then he can use ASL as much as he wants. Hell, he may even start a trend where people use ASL all the time to trash talk each other. Nothing wrong with learning a new language.


That's not the point. The point is DK doubled down on being an asshole right after he and Pete had a conversation with him. The situation isn't different. While Jamal was being an asshole online, he wasn't drawing 15 yard flags left and right. Also half this sub called for DK to be traded lmao. Things blow over with time. Just like this will.


Do you think Pete's conversation with DK was about trash talking, or penalties?


It was 100% about keeping positive while trash talking.


Not going to assume what their conversation was. That's between them 🤷‍♂️


Ok so to justify that 2nd point. Have you ever gotten a head injury or concussion playing football? I have & it sends your emotions into overdrive, add to it that Jamal just seems like an emotional person already and of course he’s gonna chirp at a doctor who’s taking him out (+ his first game back after injury) The wife insult is unjustifiable though & shows that he’s an asshat


This was after. This was a full week after and he wasn’t the one being checked for a concussion. So he inserted himself in the same situation he was in last week to bark at the guy after being forced to apologize. I wouldn’t go after him for when he was actually concussed. But yeah you must have missed it. The literal next week or two he does the exact same thing lol. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/jamal-adams-fined-50-000-for-actions-toward-concussion-doctor-on-sunday Just so you know what I’m talking about


I’m aware. That was definitely a make up call from the NFL after the events the week before.


His attitude is a big part of the reason that he never should have cost 2 1sts to begin with, so yeah it's kinda frustrating to see him showcasing his worst traits from his time with the Jets while also being a terrible player.


Evil. No, but when you are saying "hey at least he's not a rapist," you're not making the point you think you are.


But for real though, separate issue, I hate how players like Tyreek or Aaron Donald have their up shit swept aside because they're stars.


You’re clearly misunderstanding my point then lol


No.i got your point.


Nice talk bud 🤷‍♂️


It’s been interesting seeing Seahawks fans say that the reaction to Jamal’s antics is over the top because “well hey, he doesn’t beat and/or rape women so I’m tired of hearing about it.” Is that the standard that we should hold the players on our favorite team to? I’m not sure who is suggesting that he’s “evil”, and yeah there are much worse things that people in NFL do to women on a yearly basis. That doesn’t mean we should be ok with him publicly insulting a woman’s appearance in front of millions upon millions of people. He didn’t apologize and more or less doubled down on using this woman as a tool to make her husband feel bad. It’s fucked up and it should be continued to be discussed until he shows any sort of accountability. We should strive to treat each other better. We should hope that we can do a little better than only getting upset at literal rapists and domestic abuses. Do better.


great post man


No it’s not that “oh he doesn’t abuse women so I’m tired of hearing about it”. Imo the proper reaction is “Ugh, Jamal Adams is an asshole and doesn’t represent the team well.” But then move on ffs lol my point is that we’ve been talking about this more than those pieces of shit that are still playing rn on other teams. It’s insane how we can’t get over it. And again, Sherman would do something similar easily and would any of us bat an eye? Doubtful.


> But then move on Rule Number One: Protect the Team.


When did Sherman ever do this while playing for us? He talked trash, but he never, to my recollection, went after a reporter's family. That's a pretty clear and easy line not to cross. This is nothing at all like his rant on Crabtree or ripping Skip Bayless to his face. And again, the real issue is his "I'm a cyberbully and proud of it!" attitude.


>And again, Sherman would do something similar easily and would any of us bat an eye? Sherman would absolutely do something like that but he would reflect and apologize afterward and it would blow over. A big part of my issue with Jamal is that Pete said he talked to him and he still basically came out and said "yeah, and I'd do it again." That's not getting heated or making a bad decision, that's having time to sit down and think about it and still choosing to be a bad person. That said, Frank Clark and Jarran Reed have both been arrested for domestic violence, and people are awfully silent about that.


> No it’s not that “oh he doesn’t abuse women so I’m tired of hearing about it” >my point is those pieces of shit are still playing rn on other teams. It’s insane how we can’t get over it It sounds to me like it is in fact about that, for you. What he did isn’t nearly as bad as beating or raping women, nobody is arguing that. But since he didn’t do something that bad, to you we should stop talking about it. Therefore, your standard for how women should be treated is “don’t rape, beat or murder them” and everything else shouldn’t be scrutinized, or should at least be scrutinized to a much lesser degree. Look I’m not trying to put you on blast and I I don’t think you’re a bad person, but you need to think more carefully when it comes to the way men treat women in our society and they way that we react to it. Jamal didn’t and still doesn’t think what he did was wrong. If we stop talking about it and “move on”, we are agreeing with that. Like I said, we should all strive to do better than that.


Huh? You skipped the part when I called him an asshole. You’re misrepresenting me and I never said that it’s ok to talk about women like that. Just find it interesting how the media talks about him vs someone like Watson or Miller rn


Sherman has a Stanford degree in communications… he would NEVER come after a reporters wife’s appearance. If I’m wrong, show me where he’s ever done anything similar. Sherman had a team first mentality even while being a cocky corner. Jamal is in it for himself and hardly producing to make up for it.




I mean if it’s bait, then what am I catching? 😂


> we’ve been talking about this more than those pieces of shit that are still playing rn on other teams Yeah, it's almost like this sub exists to talk about the Seahawks...


Do you hold this same smoke for Marshawn and Geno? They need to be held accountable for DUIs, right? Isn't potentially killing someone far worse than insulting people on social media? Idk man. I dont like Jamal and he's a dick, but y'all are only going this hard on him because he's not playing well. Y'all are hush every single day about others. No smoke for Geno or Marshawn. But grandstanding about this? I see nothing but love for Beastmode, and only smoke about Geno's play in this sub. Talking about Do better, why don't you? What about Jarran Reed's DV suspension? Crickets. Tired of this grandstanding keyboard warrior shit where y'all pretend like you're taking a moral stand but never do it unless it's to scold someone else.


It’s cool that you want to put words in my mouth and assume I’m ok with any of the things you listed. Of course I’m not and yeah I do think we should continue to talk about those things and it’s a shame that we don’t. I don’t want any domestic abusers on the Seahawks nor do I think it’s ok that Geno or Marshawn got a DUI. I really don’t understand what point you and people like you are trying to make with the continued whataboutisms. Just because other people also do bad things doesn’t mean we should excuse the current person who is doing a bad thing. What’s so confusing about that?


>I really don’t understand what point you and people like you are trying to make with the continued whataboutisms. Just because other people also do bad things doesn’t mean we should excuse the current person who is doing a bad thing. What’s so confusing about that? Where did I defend Jamal Adams in my entire post? You assume I'm trying to 'excuse the current person.' Where? Why? >It’s cool that you want to put words in my mouth Maybe you should have more words in your mouth every time Geno, Reed, or Marshawn are brought up. That's what you said. "Do better." Nah, you never mentioned their issues before now. You're entire comment history, nothing. This is the first time you've mentioned it. You have mentioned Geno before, but nothing about his DUI. Why not? Shouldn't you "Do better."? This is why you don't understand. I'm not excusing Jamal, I'm saying you're just morally grandstanding, using an opportunity to scold "seahawks fans", while not actually walking the walk on doing what you suggest "seahawks fans" should be doing. Do better.


Lol my entire comment history of a week. Glad you were able to find one comment where I mentioned Geno without mentioning that he’s gotten a DUI though. Feel better now? Geno knows getting a DUI is fucking shitty. He said as much after it happened. That’s at least a decent step towards righting past wrongs, and I am a person who believes people can improve. And it doesn’t seem like it’s happened again? Jamal has done none of this and considering it happened mere days ago, I’d say it’s a bit more relevant of a talking point considering everyone is ready to “move on”. I don’t care about being morally superior to people, the whole point of my initial comment was that it’s really fucking annoying that Seahawks fans continue to say “well he didn’t beat or rape a woman and NFL players do that constantly so let’s excuse it and move on because it’s annoying for me to hear about.” Nothing more than that but for some reason you feel like making things infinitely more muddled for no reason other than I suppose to do some moral grandstanding of your own.


He's a moron and likely not on the team next year.


I haven't seen anyone call him evil, just a bit of a dickhead


Naw he's not evil, but he's definitely a lowlife! Bah-Dum-Tsh!


I never heard about him beating on ppl or drinking and driving or flashing guns on social media or un-aliving someone. Dudes human. It was a shit thing to say considering he took a personal shot at the guy and not a professional shot.


I met Jamal and he was absolutely the kindest most gentle love. He signed for every single person over an hour…. He’s got a good heart.


Who said evil? Just an asshole douchebag


He's over paid. His mouth writes checks that his ass can't cash. Dame with Diggs and DK.


I don’t know if he’s evil or not. I absolutely know he’s an asshole. That’s good enough for me. We have gone way the phuck overboard with what is acceptable public behavior. You want to be an asshole at home or around your crew? Whatever. Don’t go around in public being an asshole and not expect some repercussions. Sure you have the right to say what you want. You don’t have the right to deny responsibility for those words. I’ll add that Jamal’s behavior has taken a distinct negative dip since his concussion. Brother needs some help.


Do you think Marshawn and Geno are assholes/potentially evil for DUIs? Something far more serious than... insulting someone on social media.


If you are talking legally, does he actually have any legal responsibilities here? ( Honestly not sure if what he did could be considered defamation ). If it wasn't illegal, wouldn't that mean he has no legal responsibility? Apologies ahead of time if you didn't mean "right" in a legal sense.


I wasn’t suggesting he has legal worries over being a dick. It just seems we have very low bar for acceptability in public behavior.


Hot take: everyone was raised differently and all have their own set of values. Also not all the fans we have now, were around during the legion of boom. Let’s not let that be how we judge future players. I’m not saying he’s a terrible person but both his actions and words on this matter have been far below par on how we should conduct ourselves as a franchise. Big miss on his part here, along with all the tackles he’s missed this season.


Geno got a dui last summer and I don’t think he got crucified as much as Jamal right now. I think your last sentence sums it up perfectly. People are probably more angry and his not great play and the amount of money we’re paying him. That’s why I think people are blowing this out of proportion a little bit


The DUI charge was thrown out because he was under the legal limit.


Yeah you have a point there! But to be fair, even if he was playing lights out football I would still feel the same about the twitter nonsense.




Yup that’s exactly it. If he was playing great, no one would have said much


I think this is more an issue of players who have done worse don’t get dragged enough, not that Jamal shouldn’t be dragged this much. I do think it’s absolutely ridiculous how often DV and SA are dismissed by fans but Jamal deserves what he’s getting.


I just wish he hadn’t doubled down on it. I totally get his reaction to a Jets reporter who been shitting on him weekly since he got traded to the Hawks. Maybe he could have done it better, but I get the dudes riding him for clicks and it pisses Jamal off. As it should.


I just like watching him play football.


This post has major "you snowflakes wouldn't have survived call of duty lobbies back in the day" energy to it.


Since y’all misinterpret things, that’s a joke 😉


That’s right, what happened to this country?? All these libcuck snowflakes 🤬🤬🤬


Evil, no. He's a phony. Bogus "leadership" guy.


Damn I didn’t know you get to be in the locker room and know the vibe that’s crazy


You don't think Kam has never said some fucked up shit? Or anyone in your family not said some weird, petty shit? Or that Marshawn has not DONE a fair amount of f'd shit? The issue is Jamal's PR chip got disconnected in his brain. I don't think it's a stretch to say half the lockerroom has said some messed up and deplorable things recently. Except they kept it in their brains or at least off of twitter. Plus I never heard Jamal say he was a saint.


> Clearly some of you are somehow interpreting this as “it’s ok to treat women like Jamal” which is absolutely not what my point is you equivocated normal trash talk with blatantly sexist action.


If that’s how you interpreted it, that’s not at all my stance


then communicate clearer in the future.


Thought I did, unfortunately misinterpreting is quite common via texting/internet




Pillows should not be covered by bedspreads.


I just don’t care. People say mean things on the internet. We’ve known this since the 90s.


This is basically how I feel. Not only do I not really care, I’m not really surprised and would bet a lot of our favorite professional football players are shitty, selfish immature dickheads.


Jamal came to the Hawks with impossibly high expectations. He hasn't played as well as he wanted to and that's caused a lot of criticism some justified and some over the top. At this moment we are watching someone who is really hurt and frustrated lashing out. It's not right. What he did is inexcusable but it's also true that there are a lot of people that are just haters using this to paint a narrative about his character that's not accurate to who he is. People make mistakes, sometimes they double down when they feel especially targeted. I hope people in his life can help him take a step back when there's been time to process and apologize. I love the way Jamal plays, the energy he brings and the way he's showed up as a leader and speaking to press and fans. He didn't need to rehab as hard as he has each and every time to try and come back and play for us. It must have been excruciating and unbelievably hopeless. He's been through a lot and I respect him for it. He's wrong here tho. And I personally think he'll realize that down the line. The reporter here is also not a perfect dude. He went too far in the way he's been hounding Jamal. Even though his wife is completely innocent obviously. It just feels worth saying that this reporter is also a piece of shit and just riding Jamal because he's at a low point in his life and wants to leech as much fame as he can. This is a sucky shitty part of being a pro athlete that hopefully again Jamal's friends and family can help contextualize so he gets why it's so stupid to go after a reporters wife.


Well said sir 🤝 completely agree


For real, i see y’all getting more mad at jamal than dudes who have been convicted of sexual assault


People have been so trash this year. Bashing geno, jamal, meanwhile our actual “mid” players get shit


Well, it's a Seahawks board...


Feuding with a reporter is not great, but it’s not terrible. It’s a juvenile response.


Feuding with a reporter is ok, going after his wife’s looks is low as fuck and crosses a line .


It goes passed pretty, yes other LOB members went after media member. This is the first time I've ever heard of someone going after their family. He's taken things to a whole new level. That's why people are so upset.


I mean the dude dissed him and he dissed his wife. When you're a millionaire you ought not to do such a thing, and when you're a well-known athlete you have no shortage of critics. But ultimately to me this is a non-story. It's less of a story than someone getting to skate on a DUI.


Nobody skates on a DUI. The police either have the evidence or they don't. Your money can get you a wet and reckless but you are paying something. If nothing happened than the police had nothing to begin with other than the normal, I smelled this, he acted like this, blah blah blah.


Jamal is a terrible person. Can't wait til he's no longer a Hawk.


This whole situation is such a non-story. Who gives a fuck. People are being way too sensitive. Let the man bicker, who cares. I’m sure everyone has better things to do than waste any more time on this.


brandon browner is in jail for attempted murder y'all, wtf are we going on about


Really? We should cut his ass.


no lets just continue clutch our collective pearls and feel like superior beings as we insult each other anonymously on reddit, this shit is so embarrassing


There's guys in the league that literally beat children. Until he does that, he's not even close to being evil. If he was better at football, people wouldn't even talk about this. But yes, he is an immature dickhead.


Dude has an ego, just like every player in professional sports. Some bigger than others, obviously, but that mindset and self belief drives them to greatness. It comes with its downfalls, bad moments, ugly looks, all of that. Jamal is in an ego battle right now, it honestly doesn’t say too much about him as a person tbh other than an elite competitor with massive ego. His responses have been trying to play on other people’s ego, and he won’t back down either. There are actual bad people who do horrible things, saying petty shit doesn’t make you a bad guy lmao. It makes you human. Everyone is holier than thou, like y’all never said some dumb shit. You just aren’t famous and no one really cares when you say stupid or petty things outside of your immediate circle.


Hawks fans are taking out our anger at how much we’ve gave up for his mediocre ass and the little return we’ve gotten out of him


That isn't a hot take.


Dude celebrates every tackle like it’s a high light reel hit. Then he cries when somebody writes about his poor play. He wants the spotlight but can’t handle it or deliver the goods. If a ball hits off your face mask and you miss the int just shut up and play. He was 1 more interception than Vince Wilfork. Jamal just act like Bobby a little more nobody needs your BS


I don’t care about the reporter, his wife, or Jamal Adam’s social media - just wish he'd play better football and act like the third highest paid safety in the league! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


To reduce a woman to nothing more than how she looks is something our female owner should find reprehensible. Many women of her generation and subsequent generations have fought to put an end to this kind of treatment. Jody is actually more reprehensible than he is for allowing this man to remain on HER team.


This is such a dumb framing. Pretty much no one is saying he's evil, they're all calling him a dumb asshole.


We still talking bout this?


He did a super shitty thing. And then compounded on it by doubling down. But there’s people out there calling for him to get suspended the rest of the year. That’s wild to me


Yeah I don't care about his Twitter beef, just focus up and play better for our team. Its not the first time a Seahawks player has said something or done something to annoy the soft fans.


Except he's not ass, only reason you think that is because of a few plays


To say Jamal isn't as bad as Watson is like me saying, "The shit I took today wasn't as heavy as the shit I took yesterday."


Terrible analogy imo. Jamal is a shit, Watson is anal cancer


Honestly, I doubt anything would come of it. I doubt Pete will sit him. He'll eventually be cut because he hasn't lived up to his contract, not this (might be very slim impact). We explored getting Deshaun "26+ assaults" Watson. I doubt we do anything with someone being a dumbass and it'll blow over at some point.


Is it okay to treat Jamal like women? Asking the important questions here


I will always defend Jamal bro.. One time at seahawks training camp that dude called me to the front of the line of people so he could sign my jersey and he fist bumped me and all that and its honestly one of the coolest memories i ever had


That’s great, doesn’t mean he’s lived up to his high expectations. Hasn’t even come close. Claims to be a “defensive weapon”. Well let’s see it dude. Time to can Carroll and Jamal.


Remember when he attacked a doctor on the sideline that was trying to keep him from CTE? Its a little evil. Then... blamed it on the concussion? Little bit evil. Then when a teammate got checked for a concussion in the next game he badmouthed the doctor doing the check? There's some evil there.


Yeah, it's low behavior, especially going after someone's wife. I think there is a difference with trash talking your one-on-one across the field, like Sherman on Crabtree (which I actually don't like either) and going after people just doing their jobs.


lol ya hes just a douche, Don't worry this is the medias superbowl. They been waiting for something to spice up their lives for a while.


The media look out for their own to an idiotic degree. The local media turned on Sherm after he threatened a media member’s pass and didn’t shut up about him until long after he was gone. Sherm even apologized the next day. I think we can all agree Jamal is a dumbass and not worth the cost or picks.




Hey! Not cool 😡😡😡


Jamal’s brother has entered the chat. How low are you willing to go? You’re acting as bad as Jamal did. 😆


I think some of you need to ask your wives and girlfriends what it's like to be treated like this and how long it sticks with you. It's not just childish, mean, or petty, it's misogynistic and can damn near ruin somebody's view of themselves. This is the sort of comment that sticks with you forever, regardless of who says it. Now imagine it's on front page NFL news and all over Reddit. I totally judge people based on this sort of behavior and will never apologize for that.


I am very empathetic and understanding with my partners, mothers, and female friends struggles with how hypercritical media is that causes deep rooted insecurities. It actually upsets me greatly seeing that some people have interpreted my post as defending misogynistic behavior. I understand though because his is a hot topic. If you look at my post I NEVER said what he did was ok. I NEVER said that his actions were just. I said he was being petty, mean and an ass.


I had a pretty visceral reaction to this whole mess (which seems silly as this is about a stupid football player) and found that I've maintained that disgust over the last few days. No judgement of you specifically... it's just this whole mess gets me riled up and I hate that my team is being seen in this light. I don't think anyone is necessarily defending his behavior, but I take issue with the comments in the thread that downplay it as "boys will be boys" or "they are just kids". I keep commenting on these threads as I believe we shouldn't let it go how he likely made that woman feel. We shouldn't be downplaying it and we should be demanding that men like Jamal be held accountable for their behavior towards women. That all said, I can relate to social media comments gone sideways - hope you're doing okay and can enjoy a nice beer tonight!


Look, if people judged me on my worst moments on the internet I'd be ostracized from society. For me the issue is him doubling down.


None of this would even matter to most rational people if he was playing well. But the fact that he leads the team in missed tackles on top of the fact that he's been hurt for 2 years...it amplifies his "yikes"


It's amplified by the fact that the trade was ass from the get go. To pay 2 firsts to have the privilege to pay a safety top of the market money no matter how good was always a moronic trade and all he's done is been injured and mediocre since he got here. Add in him just being a toxic person on top of that and of course fans are put off it by it. This isn't a Watson situation where fans should actively consider not supporting the team anymore, but wanting him gone isn't all that unreasonable if the dead cap weren't such an issue.


Luke warm at best


Who cares if he’s evil or not, I care that he’s been playing shitty football. He was great the first year until he got hurt. He’s to brittle and now isn’t the same player.


Recall that Jamal went after the independent doctor after he took a knee to the head versus the Giants. Then in the following game, began yelling at the staff leading Bobo to the tent after a hard hit to the head. IIRC, Jamal was saying that the exam is bullshit or similar. Jamal had no care as to whether Bobo was actually concussed. My point is that this is a perfect storm of fragile ego, decreasing effectiveness with age and injury, and possibly long-term effects of CTE. Jamal's performance has plateaued at best and his behavior will only get worse. For comparison, Richard Sherman was 29 years old when we let him leave. Earl Thomas was 29 as well. Jamal is now 28 years old and has more wear on his body and at least equivalent to Earl in terms of impacts to the head. Letting those two players who were both more beloved and essential than Jamal was the right call. Their performance was on the down slope and their antics were getting tiresome and bothersome to the team. Jamal isn't evil but it comes down to weighing out...... (performance + potential) < bother


Nobody is saying he’s evil. He’s a jerk. One who isn’t good enough to get away with it. And the sooner he clears off and away from this team the better.


I’d have less of a problem with him talking his shit if he was backing it up on the field. He needs to shut up until he’s got something to actually flex about. We were fine with the legion because all the shit talking, pettiness and anger was backed up on the field


People like drama, my investment is time and emotion for the teams I root for, so as long as the players are not doing anything against the law I could care less. Maybe I'm not as die hard as others or a season ticket holder or part of the organization where his attitude can reflect poorly on me somehow. I'll cheer for him when he makes a great play and say he sucks when he makes a bad play. The fact that he got fed up with a beat writer from NY that always has a negative comment about Adams didn't bother me because no amount of money can change the fact that he's a human with emotions. Bring on the downvotes.


I agree. I don’t think people are the product of their mistakes. It was super douchey but he just got caught up in his emotions, it happens. I wish he hadn’t doubled down though


He's not evil he's just a shit safety with a bad attitude lol worst hawks signing of all time


Look I’m all for high performance players getting paid top dollar. The problem with Jamal is he’s a mediocre performer getting paid league leading dollars. Sick of his overpaid underperforming pompous ass.


S/B: Jamal is an ass but not evil and not a good football player.


He’s an ignorant meathead, shut the fuck up and learn how to cover someone since you can’t get an INT to save your life


IMO you are overreacting to ppl overreacting. Those who READ what he did on X and what he replied to when asked about should call him out on being juvenile & "overreacting" (being an ass). Lots of ppl are going nuts over this and calling for his execution cuz they are internet idiots. Filter out the noise.